Chaos and Time-Series Analysis (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2003) Q172.5 C45 S67 2003, ISBN 0-19-850839-5 (hard cover) 0-19-850840-9 (paperback)
Strange Attractors: Creating Patterns in Chaos (M&T Books: New York, 1993) QA614.86 S67 1993, ISBN 1-55851-298-5 (out of print, but the manuscript is available in HTML, PDF, and Microsoft Word format)
Numerical Recipes: Routines and Examples in BASIC (Cambridge University Press: New York, 1991) QA297 S68 1991, ISBN 0-521-40688-9
Introduction to Modern Electronics
(John Wiley & Sons: New
York, 1981) TK7815 S72, ISBN 0-471-05840-8 (out of print)
Energy Function of 2D and 3D Dynamical Systems (with J.-M. Ginoux, R. Meucci, and J. Llibre), Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 190, 115768-1-6 (2025)
Bifurcation Analysis for the Generalized Nose-Hoover System (with R. H. Salih and B. M. Mohammed), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 34, 2450179-1-15 (2024) Mixing Rates of Ergodic Algorithms, Computational Methods in Science and Technology 30, 5-9 (2024)
The Jerk Dynamics of Lorenz Model
(with J.-M. Ginoux, R. Meucci, and J. Libre), Proceedings of the
Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (2023)
Similar Master Stability Functions for
Different Coupling Schemes in Basic Chaotic Systems (with
Z. Dayani, F. Parastesh, S. Jafari, E. Scholl, and J. Kurths),
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 33,
2350122-1-11 (2023)
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Chaos Research, Society
for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences Newsletter 30,
May 2023-5 (2023)
Jerk Dynamics in the Minimal Universal Model of Laser (with J. M. Ginoux, R. Meucci, S. Euzzor, and E. Pugliese),International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 32, 22350249-1-9 (2022)
Intelligence Study of the System JCS-08-13-2022,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 32,
2230028-1-4 (2022)
A Simple Three-dimensional Quadratic Flow with an Attracting Torus (with M. Mehrabbeik and S. Jafari), Physics Letters A 451, 28427-1-8 (2022)
Multistability and its Control in a Laser (with R. Meucci,
J. M. Ginoux, M. Mehrabbeik, and S. Jafari), Chaos 32,
083111-1-11 (2022)
Slowing Down Indicators (with F. Nazarimehr, S. Jafari,
and M. Perc), European Physics Letters 32, 18001-1-7
Effects of Amplitude, Maximal Lyapunov Exponent, and Kaplan–Yorke Dimension of Dynamical Oscillators on Master Stability Function (with M. S. Kafraj, F. Nazarimehr, D. Ghosh, K. Rajagopal, and S. Jafari), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 32, 2250067-1-8 (2022)
A Simple Memristive Jerk System
(with C. Li, W. J. Thio, and Z. Gu), IET Circuits, Devices &
Systems 32, 388-392 (2021)
Quantifying the Robustness of a Chaotic System, Chaos 32, 0331244-1-6 (2022)
Balance for Attractor Self-reproducing (with C. Li, J.
Sun, T. Lu, and Z. Liu), Chaos 30, 063144-1-10 (2020)
A Chaotic Circuit Based on a Physical Memristor (with L. Minati, L. V. Gambuzza, W. J. Thio, and M. Frasca), Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 136, 109990-1-9 (2020)
Do We Need More
Chaos Examples? Chaos Theory and Applications 2(2),
A New Category of
Three-Dimensional Chaotic Flows with Identical Eigenvalues
(with Z. Faghani, F. Nazarimehr, and S. Jafari), International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30, 2050025-1-9 (2020)
Coexisting Infinite Equilibria and
Chaos (with C. Li, J. Sun, Z. Tao, and S. Jafari),
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 31,
2030042-1-17 (2021)
Hidden Attractors with Conditional
Symmetry (with C. Li, and T. Lei), International Journal
of Bifurcation and Chaos 30, 2130014-1-14 (2020)
Investigating Chaotic Attractor of the Simplest Chaotic System with a Line of Equilibria (with F. Nazarimehr), European Physical Journal Special Topics 229, 1289-1297 (2020)
Variants of the Nose-Hoover Oscillator,
European Physical Journal Special Topics 229, 963-971
A Chaotic Circuit for Producing Gaussian Random Numbers (with W. J. Thio ), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30, 2050116-1-8 (2020)
The Nose-Hoover,
Dettmann, and Hoover-Holian Oscillators (with W. G. Hoover
and C. G. Hoover), Computational Methods in Science and
Technology 25, 121-124 (2019)
Time-Reversible Chaotic System with Conditional Symmetry (with C. Li and Y. Liu), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30, 2050067-1-12 (2020)
Two Simplest
Quadratic Chaotic Maps Without Equilibrium (with S. Panahi
and S. Jafari), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28,
1850144-1-7 (2018)
Ergodicity of
One-dimensional Oscillators with a Signum Thermostat,
Computational Methods in Science and Technology 24,
169-176 (2018)
Predicting Tipping
Points of Dynamical Systems During a Period-doubling Route to
Chaos (with F. Nazarimehr, S. Jafari, S. M. R. H.
Golpayegani, and Matjaz Perc), Chaos 28, 073102-1-10
Simple Chaotic systems with Specific Analytical Solutions (with Z. Faghani, F. Nazarimehr, and S. Jafari), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 29, 1950116-1-11 (2019)
Comment on "A
hidden attractor in the classical Lorenz system" (with B.
Munmuangsaen), Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 113, 261-262 (2018)
Offset Boosting for
Breeding Conditional Symmetry (with C. Li, Y. Liu, Z. Gu,
and J. Zhang), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28,
185013-1-13 (2018)
Oscillators with Nonlinear Damping (with W. G. Hoover),
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27,
1730037-1-19 (2017)
An Infinite 3-D
Quasiperiodic Lattice of Chaotic Attractors (with C. Li),
Physics Letters A 382, 581-587 (2018)
Lattice of Hyperchaotic Strange Attractors (with C. Li, T.
Kapitaniak, and T. Lu), Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 109, 76-82 (2018)
Applied Chaos Level
Test for Validation of Signal Conditions Underlying Optimal
Performance of Voice Classification Methods (with B. Liu,
E. Polce, and J. J. Jiang), Journal of Speech, Language, and
Hearing Research 61, 1130-1139 (2018)
Infinitely Many Attractors in a Programmable Chaotic Circuit
(with C. Li, W. J. Thio, H. H. C. Iu, and Y. Xu), IEEE Access 6,
29003-29012 (2018)
Categories of Conservative Flows (with S. Jafari and S. Dehghan), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 29, 1950021-1-16 (2019)
A Symmetric Pair of Hyperchaotic Attractors (with C. Li, A. Akgul, H. H. C. Iu, and W. J. Thio), International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 46, 2434-2443 (2018)
A New Chaotic
Oscillator with Free Control (with C. Li, A. Akgul, H. H.
C. Iu, and Y. Zhao), Chaos 27, 083101-1-6 (2017)
Coexistence of a Countable Infinity of Nested Attractors in a
Periodically-forced Oscillator with Spatially-periodic Damping
(with S. Jafari, A. J. M. Khalaf, and T. Kapitaniak), European
Physical Journal - Special Topics 226, 1979-1985 (2017)
An Infinite 2-D
Lattice of Strange Attractors (with C. Li and Y. Mei),
Nonlinear Dynamics 89,
2629-2639 (2017)
Linear Synchronization and Circuit Implementation of Chaotic System with Complete Amplitude Control (with C. Li, W. Thio, R. Zhangi, and T. Lu), Chinese Physics B 26, 120501-1-10 (2017)
How to Bridge Attractors and Repellors (with C. Li), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27, 1750149-1-11 (2017)
3D Printing -- The Basins of Tristability in the Lorenz System (with A. Xiong, J. Lyu, and X. Wang), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27, 1750128-1-5 (2017)
Chaotic Systems with Conditional Symmetry (with C. Li and
H. Xing), Nonlinear Dynamics 87,
1351-1358 (2017)
Are Perpetual Points Sufficient for Locating Hidden Attractors? (with F. Nazarimehr, B. Saedi, and S. Jafari), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27, 1750037-1-7 (2017)
Simple Chaotic
Flows with a Curve of Equilibria (with K. Barati, S.
Jafari, and V. -T. Pham), International Journal of Bifurcation
and Chaos 26,
1630034-1-6 (2016)
Book Review:
Modeling Love Dynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology,
and Life Sciences 20,
568-569 (2016)
Detecting Hidden
Chaotic Regions and Complex Dynamics in the Self-Exciting
Homopolar Disc Dynamo (with Z. Wei, I. Moroz, Z. Wang, and
W. Zhang), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27, 1730008-1-19 (2017)
Can Lyapunov
Exponent Predict Critical Transitions in Biological Systems?
(with F. Nazarimehr, S. Jafari, and S. M. R. H. Golpayegani),
Nonlinear Dynamics 88,
1493-1500 (2017)
Chaotic Flows from the Viewpoint of Fixed Points and Perpetual
Points (with F. Nazarimehr, S. Jafari, and S. M. R. H.
Golpayegani), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27, 1750023-1-8 (2017)
Infinite Multistability in a Self-Reproducing Chaotic System (with C. Li, W. Hu, and Y. Xu), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27, 1750160-1-11 (2017)
Simple Chaotic Hyperjerk System (with F. Y. Dalkiran), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26, 1650189-1-6 (2016)
Simple Chaotic 3D
Flows with Surfaces of Equilibria (with S. Jafari, V. -T.
Pham, C. Volos, and C. Li), Nonlinear Dynamics 86, 1349-1358 (2016)
Limit Cycles and Chaos (with O. Gomes), Journal of
Evolutionary Economics 27,
729-760 (2017)
Adaptive Runge-Kutta Integration for Stiff Systems: Comparing Nose and Nose-Hoover Dynamics for the Harmonic Oscillator (with W. G. Hoover and C. G. Hoover), American Journal of Physics 84, 786-794 (2016)
between Integer-order Chaotic Systems and a Class of
Fractional-order Chaotic System based on Sliding Mode Control
(with D. Chen, R. Zhang, and X. Ma), Nonlinear Dynamics 70, 1549-1561 (2012)
Variable-boostable Chaotic Flows (with C. Li), Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 127, 10389-10398 (2016)
Simple Chaotic Flow with Circle and Square Equilibrium (with T. Gotthans and J. Petrzela), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26, 1650137-1-8 (2016)
Dynamics at Infinity, Degenerate Hopf and Zero-Hopf Bifurcation for Kingni-Jafari System with Hidden Attractors (with Z. Wei, I. Moroz, Z. Wang, and T. Kapitaniak), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26, 1650125-1-16 (2016)
Hypogenetic Chaotic
Jerk Flows (with C. Li and H. Xing), Physics Letters A 380,
1172-1177 (2016)
Hidden Hyperchaos
and Electronic Circuit Application in a 5D Self-exciting
Homopolar Disc Dynamo (with Z. Wei, I. Moroz, A. Akgul,
and W. Zhang), Chaos 27, 033101-1-10 (2017)
The Equivalence of
Dissipation from Gibbs’ Entropy Production with Phase-Volume
Loss in Ergodic Heat-Conducting Oscillators (with P. K.
Patra, W. G. Hoover, and C. G. Hoover), International Journal of
Bifurcation and Chaos 26,
1650089-1-11 (2016)
NARX Prediction of
some Rare Chaotic Flows: Recurrent Fuzzy Functions Approach
(with S. Goudarzi, S. Jafari, and M. H. Moradi), Physics Letters
A 380, 696-706 (2016)
The Speed of
Reaction-diffusion Fronts on Fractals: Testing the
Campos-Méndez-Fort Formula (with O. Suwannasen, and M. A.
Allen), ScienceAsia 42, 33-39 (2016)
Using Chaotic
Artificial Neural Networks to Model Memory in the Brain
(with Z. Aram, S. Jafari, J. Ma, S. Zendehrough, and V. T-.
Pham), Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical
Simulation 44, 449-459 (2017)
Synchronization of two Rössler Systems with Switching Coupling (with A. Buscarino, M. Frasca, M. Branciforte, and L. Fortuna), Nonlinear Dynamics 88, 673-683 (2017)
Systems: Hard Disks and Harmonic Oscillators Near and Far From
Equilibrium (with W. G. Hoover and C. G. Hoover),
Molecular Simulation 42, 1300-1316 (2016)
of Analog Multipliers for Chaos Generation (with A.
Buscarino, C. Corradino, L. Fortuna, and M. Frasca), IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs 63, 396-400 (2014)
Asymmetric Bistability in the Rössler System (with C. Li), Acta Physica Polonica B 48, 97-107 (2017)
Limitation of
Perpetual Points for Confirming Conservation in Dynamical
Systems (with S. Jafari, F. Nazarimehr, and S. M. R. H.
Golpayegani), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25, 1550182-1-6 (2015)
Ergodicity of a
Singly-thermostated Harmonic Oscillator (with W. G. Hoover
and C. G. Hoover), Communications in Nonlinear Science and
Numerical Simulation 32, 234-240 (2016)
"Simple Chaotic Flows with a Line Equilibrium [Chaos, Solitons
and Fractals 57 (2013) 79-84] (with S. Jafari), Chaos,
Solitons & Fractals 77, 341-342 (2015)
A Simple Chaotic Flow with a Plane of Equilibria (with S. Jafari and M. Molaie), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26, 1650098-1-6 (2016)
Quantifying Basins of Attraction (with A. Xiong), Chaos 25,
083101-1-7 (2015)
Time-reversible Chaos for Gibbs' Canonical Oscillator
(with W. G. Hoover and P. K. Patra), Physics Letters A 379,
2935-2940 (2015)
Using Rate of Divergence as an Objective Measure to Differentiate between Voice Signal Types Based on the Amount of Disorder in the Signal (with W. M. Calawerts, L. Lin, and J. J. Jiang), Journal of Voice 31, 16-23 (2017)
New Examples of Hidden Attractors (with S. Jafari and F.
Nazarimehr), The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224,
1469-1475 (2015)
Constructing Chaotic Systems with Total Amplitude Control (with C. Li, Z. Yuan, and H. Li), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25, 1530025-1-14 (2015)
Elementary Quadratic Chaotic Flows with a Single Non-hyperbolic Equilibrium (with Z. Wei and H. Chen), Physics Letters A 379, 2184-2187 (2015)
Symmetric Chaotic Systems (with C. Li, W. Hu, and X.
Wang), The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224,
1493-1506 (2015)
with Various Equilibrium Types, The European Physical
Journal Special Topics 224, 1409-1419 (2015)
Deterministic Time-reversible Thermostats: Chaos, Ergodicity, and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics (with P. K. Patra, W. G. Hoover, and C. G. Hoover), Molecular Physics 113, 2863-2872 (2015)
Flows with a Strange Attractor, International Journal of
Bifurcation and Chaos 25, 1550078-1-7 (2015)
Linearization of
the Lorenz System (with C. Li and W. Thio), Physics
Letters A 379, 888-893 (2015)
Chaotic Regimes in the Lorenz and Chen Systems,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25,
1550033-1-7 (2015)
A Chaotic System with a Single Unstable Node (with S. Jafari, V-T. Pham, and Z. S. Hosseini), Physics Letters A 379, 2030-2036 (2015)
from Twenty Years of Chaos and Complexity, Society for
Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences Newsletter 22,
October 2014-6-9 (2014)
A Unique Signum Switch for Chaos and Hyperchaos (with C. Li, W. Thio, and H. Zhu), PHYSCON 2015, Istanbul, Turkey (2015)
New Piecewise Linear Hyperchaotic Circuit (with C. Li, W.
Thio, and H. Zhu), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems--II: Express Briefs 61,
977-981 (2014)
Adaptive Complex Modified Hybrid Function Projective Synchronization of Different Dimensional Complex Chaos with Uncertain Complex Parameters (with J. Liu and S. Liu), Nonlinear Dynamics 83, 1109-1121 (2016)
Networks: Powerful Tools for Modeling Chaotic Behavior in the
Nervous System (with M. Molaie, R. Falahian, S.
Gharibzadeh, and S. Jafari), Frontiers in Computational
Neuroscience 8, 241-243 (2014)
Dynamical System with a Strange Attractor and Invariant Tori,
Physics Letters A 378, 1361-1363 (2014)
When Two Dual Chaotic Systems Shake Hands (with X. Wong and G. Chen), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24, 1450086-1-3 (2014)
Conduction, and the Lack Thereof, in Time-reversible Dynamical
Systems: Generalized Nosé-Hoover Oscillators with a
Temperature Gradient (with W. G. Hoover and C. G. Hoover),
Physical Review E 89, 042914-1-6 (2014)
Multistability in the Lorenz System: A Broken Butterfly (with C. Li), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24, 1450131-1-7 (2014)
a Hyperchaotic System with a Line Equilibrium (with C. Li
and W. Thio), Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 118,
494-500 (2014)
in Amplitude Control Hides in Multistability (with C. Li
and H. Xing), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26, 1650233-1-11 (2016)
A Chaotic Viewpoint
on Noise Reduction from Respiratory Sounds (with M.
Molaie, S. Jafari, M. H. Moradi, and S. M. R. H. Golpayegani),
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 10, 245-249
Cost Function Based on Gaussian Mixture Model for Parameter Estimation of a Chaotic Circuit with a Hidden Attractor (with S. -K. Lao, Y. Shekofteh, and S. Jafari), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24, 1450010-1-11 (2014)
"How to Obtain Extreme Multistability in Coupled Dynamical
Systems (with C. Li), Physical Review E 89,
066901-1-2 (2014)
with a Single Nonquadratic Term (with C. Li), Physics
Letters A 378, 178-183 (2014)
A Simple Chaotic
Flow with a Continuously Adjustable Attractor Dimension
(with B. Munmuangsaen, W. J. Thio, A. Buscarino, and L. Fortuna,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25, 1530036-1-12 (2015)
Simple Chaotic
Flows with a Line Equilibrium (with S. Jafari), Chaos,
Solitons and Fractals 57,
79-84 (2013)
Multistability in a
Butterfly Flow (with C. Li), International Journal of
Bifurcation and Chaos 23,
1350199-1-10 (2013)
Simplest Chaotic Flows with Involutional Symmetries, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24, 1450009-1-9 (2014)
Coexisting Hidden
Attractors in a 4-D Simplified Lorenz System (with C. Li),
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 24, 1450034-1-12 (2014)
Finding Coexisting Attractors using Amplitude Control (with C. Li), Nonlinear Dynamics 78, 2059-2064 (2014)
Broken Symmetry in
Modified Lorenz Model (with I. Djellit and B. Kilani),
International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential
Equations 5, 136-146 (2015)
Simple Chaotic Flows with one Stable Equilibrium (with M. Molaie, S. Jafari, and S. M. R. H. Golpayegani), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23, 1350188-1-7 (2013)
Control of a Novel Chaotic Attractor (with C. Li and I.
Pehlivan), Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering &
Computer Sciences 24,
1-11 (2016)
A Gaussian Mixture
Model Based Cost Function for Parameter Estimation of Chaotic
Biological Systems (with Y. Shekofteh, S. Jafari, S. M. R.
H. Golpayegani, and F. Almasganj), Communications in Nonlinear
Science and Numerical Simulation 20, 469-481 (2015)
Amplitude Control Approach for
Chaotic Signals (with C. Li), Nonlinear Dynamics 73, 1335-1341 (2013)
Coexistence of Point, Periodic and
Strange Attractors (with X. Wang and G. Chen),
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23, 1350093-1-5 (2013)
A Chaotic Model of Sustaining Attention Problem in Attention Deficit Disorder (with G. Baghdadi, S. Jafari, F. Towhidkhah, and M. R. H. Golpayegani), Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 20, 174-185 (2015)
A Novel Four-wing Strange Attractor Born in Bistability (with C. Li, I. Pehlivan and A. Akgul), IEICE Electronics Express 12, 1-12 (2015)
Chaotic Flows with no Equilibria (with S. Jafari and S. M.
R. H. Golpayegani), Physics Letters A 377, 699-702
Simplest 3D Continuous-time
Quadratic Systems as Candidates for Generating Multiscroll
Chaotic Attractors (with E. Zeraoulia), International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23, 13550120-1-6 (2013)
Some Criteria for Chaos and no Chaos in
the Quadratic Map of the Plane (with E. Zeraoulia), Facta
Universitatis 22, 105-117
The Discrete Hyperchaotic Double Scroll
(with E. Zeraoulia), International Journal of Bifurcation and
Chaos 19, 1023-1027
On the Robustness of Chaos in Dynamical Systems: Theories and Applications (with E. Zeraoulia), Frontiers of Physics in China 3, 195-204 (2008)
The Effect of Modulating a Parameter in the Logistic Map (with E. Zeraoulia), Chaos 18, 023119-1-7 (2008)Competition with Evolution in Ecology and Finance, Physics Letters A. 325, 329-333 (2004)
Dynamical Models of Happiness, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 9, 23-36 (2005)
Precision Measurements of a Simple Chaotic Circuit (with K. Kiers and D. Schmidt), American Journal of Physics 72, 503-509 (2004)
Can a Monkey with a Computer Create Art?, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 8, 103-114 (2004)
Dynamical Models of Love, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 8, 303-313 (2004)
A Method for Approximating Missing Data in Spatial Patterns, Computers & Graphics 28, 113-117 (2004)
Chaos in Fractional-order Autonomous
Nonlinear Systems (with W. M. Ahmad), Chaos, Solitons &
Fractals 16, 339-351 (2003)
Chaos in a Nonlinear Analog Computer
(with K. Kiers, T. Klein, J. Kolb, and S. Price), International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 14,
2867-2873 (2004)
Comment on "A New Class of Exact Solutions of the Vlasov Equation" (with G. Rowlands), Physics of Plasmas 9, 4093-4094 (2002)
Self-organized Criticality and Complexity in Historical Landscape Patterns (with J. Bolliger and D. J. Mladenoff), OIKOS 100, 541-553 (2003)
Predator-Prey Dynamics for Rabbits, Trees and Romance, Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IV, part II, 231-238 (2008)
The Spirit Is Willing: Nonlinearity, Bifurcations, and Mental Control (with K. Warren and R. C. Hawkins), Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 6, 55-70 (2002)
Self-organized Criticality in Forest-landscape Evolution (with J. Bolliger and D. J. Mladenoff), Physics Letters A 297, 267-271 (2002)
Simplest Driven Conservative Chaotic Oscillator (with H. P. W. Gottlieb), Physics Letters A 291, 385-388 (2001)
On the Synchronization of a Class of Electronic Circuits that Exhibit Chaos (with E. Bai and K. Lonngren), Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 13, 1515-1521 (2002)
The Role of Depth and 1/f Dynamics in Perceiving Reversible Figures (with D. J. Aks), Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 7, 161-180 (2003)
Improved Correlation Dimension Calculation (with G. Rowlands), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 1865-1880 (2001)
of Predictability for the Solar-wind-driven
Magnetosphere-ionosphere System (with W. Horton and R. S.
Weigel), Physics of Plasmas 8, 2946-2952 (2001)
a Computer Produce and Critique Art?, Leonardo 34,
369 (2001)
Algebraically Simple Chaotic Flows (with S. J. Linz), International Journal of Chaos Theory and Applications 5, 3-22 (2000)
Complex Behavior of Simple Systems, Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IIIB, 3-11 (2006)
1/f Dynamic in Visual Search (with D. J. Aks and G.
J. Zelinsky), Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 6,
1-25 (2002)
Automatic Generation of Fractal Art, YLEM Newsletter 20, 10-12 (2000)
Simple Chaotic Systems and Circuits, American Journal of Physics 68, 758-763 (2000)
A New Class of Chaotic Circuit, Physics Letters A 266, 19-23 (2000)
Elementary Chaotic Flow (with S. J. Linz), Physics Letters A 259, 240-245 (1999)
Controlling Chaos in a High Dimensional System with Periodic Parametric Perturbations (with K. A. Mirus), Physics Letters A 254, 275-278 (1999)
Controlling Chaos in Low- and High-dimensional Systems with Periodic Parametric Perturbations (with K. A. Mirus), Physical Review E 59, 5313-5324 (1999)
Routes to Chaos in Neural Networks with Random Weights (with D. J. Albers and W. D. Dechert), International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 8, 1463-1478 (1998)
Artificial Neural Net Attractors, Computers & Graphics 22, 143-149 (1998)
in Mathematics and Physics (with C. A. Pickover), ACM
Interaction 4, 78-79
Some Simple Chaotic Jerk Functions, American Journal of Physics 65, 537-543 (1997)
Simplest Dissipative Chaotic Flow, Physics Letters A 228, 271-274 (1997)
Dynamical Behavior of Artificial Neural Networks with Random Weights (with D. J. Albers and W. D. Dechert), in "Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks", Volume 6, C. H. Dagli, M. Akay, C. L. P. Chen, B. R. Fernandez, and J. Ghosh, ed., ASME Press: New York (1996), pp. 17-22
On the Probability of Chaos in Large Dynamical Systems: A Monte Carlo Study (with W. D. Dechert and D. J. Albers), Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 23, 1197-1206 (1999)
Strange Attractor Symmetric Icons, Computers & Graphics 20, 325-332 (1996)
Transport Reduction by Current Profile control in the Reversed Field Pinch (with J. S. Sarff, A. F. Almagri, M. Cekic, C.-S. Chaing, D. Craig, D. J. Den Hartog, G. Fiksel, S. A. Hokin, R. W. Harvey, H. Ji, C. Litwin, S. C. Prager, D. Sinitsyn, C. R. Sovinec, and E. Uchimoto), Physics of Plasmas 2, 2440-2446 (1995)
Quantifying Aesthetic Preference for Chaotic Patterns (with Deborah J. Aks), Empirical Studies of the Arts 14, 1-16 (1996)
Quantification of Determinism in Music using Iterated Function Systems (with Brian Meloon), Empirical Studies of the Arts 15, 3-13 (1997)
Automatic Generation of General Quadratic Map Basins (with Clifford A. Pickover), Computers & Graphics 19, 309-313 (1995)
Some Simple Chaotic Flows, Physical Review E 50, R647-R650 (1994)
The Computer Artist and Art Critic, in "Fractal Horizons: The Future Use of Fractals", Clifford A. Pickover, ed., St. Martin's Press: New York (1996), pp. 77-115
Automatic Generation of Iterated Function Systems, Computers & Graphics 18, 417-425 (1994)
Chaos in Reversed-field-pinch Plasma Simulation and Experiment (with Christopher Watts and D. E. Newman), Physical Review E 49, 2291-2301 (1994)
Predicting the Dimension of Strange Attractors, Physics Letters A 192, 355-360 (1994)
Turbulent Transport in the Madison Symmetric Torus Reversed-field Pinch (with T. D. Rempel, A. F. Almagri, S. Assadi, D. J. Den Hartog, S. A. Hokin, S. C. Prager, J. S. Sarff, W. Shen, K. L. Sidikman, C. W. Spragins, M. R. Stoneking, and E. J. Zita), Physics of Fluids B 4, 2136-2141 (1992)
of Strange Attractors, Computers & Graphics 17,
325-332 (1993)
Simple Programs Create 3-D Images, Computers in Physics 6, 132-138 (1992)
How Common is Chaos?, Physics Letters A 173, 21-24 (1993)
Global Confinement an Discrete Dynamo Activity in the MST Reversed-field Pinch (with S. Hokin, A. Almagri, S. Assadi, J. Beckstead, G. Chartas, N. Crocker, M. Cudzinovic, D. Den Hartog, R. Dexter, D. Holly, S. Prager, T. Rempel, J. Sarff, E. Scime, W. Shen, C. Spragins, G. Starr, M. Stoneking, C. Watts and R. Nebel), Physics of Fluids B 3, 2241-2246 (1991)
Dynamical Equations from Chaotic Data (with G. Rowlands),
Physica D 58, 251-259 (1992)
to the People!, The Physics Teacher 29, 212-213 (1991)
Modified Polynomial Function Model for Reversed-field Pinches (with W. Shen), Physics of Fluids B 3, 1225-1231 (1991)
The Madison Symmetric Torus (with R. N. Dexter, D. W. Kerst, T. W. Lovell, and S. C. Prager), Fusion Technology 19, 131-139 (1991)
First Results from the Madison
Symmetric Torus Reversed Field Pinch (with S. C. Prager, A.
F. Almagri, S. Assadi, J. A. Beckstead, R. N. Dexter, D. J. Den
Hartog, G. Chartas, S. A. Hokin, T. W. Lovell, T. D. Rempel, J. S.
Sarff, W. Shen, and C. W. Spragins), Physics of Fluids B 2,
1367-1371 (1990)
Studies of a Poloidal Divertor Reversed Field Pinch (with J. S. Sarff, A. Almagri, S. Assadi, D. J. Den Hartog, R. N. Dexter, and S. C. Prager) Nuclear Fusion 29, 104-108 (1989)
Electrical Circuit Modeling of Reversed Field Pinches, Physics of Fluids 31, 2266-2275 (1988)
Studies of Large, Non-circular Reversed Field Pinch Discharges (with A. Almagri, S. Assadi, R. N. Dexter, S. C. Prager, and J. S. Sarff), Nuclear Fusion 27, 1795-1803 (1987)
Trapping of Gun-injected Plasma by a Tokamak (with A. W. Leonard and R. N. Dexter), Physics of Fluids 30, 2877-2884 (1987)
Diffusion of Magnetic Fields into Conductors of Nonuniform Resistivity, Journal of Applied Physics 61, 817-821 (1987)
Equilibrium Studies of a Poloidal Divertor Pinch with a Reversed Toroidal Field (with J. S. Sarff and L. Turner), Physics of Fluids 30, 2155-2162 (1987)
Electrical Circuit Modeling of Conductors with Skin Effect (with D. W. Kerst), Journal of Applied Physics 60, 475-481 (1986)
Trapping of a Gun-Injected Plasma by a Tokamak (with A. W. Leonard and R. N. Dexter), Physical Review Letters 57, 333-336 (1986)
Multipole and Tokamak Research at the University of Wisconsin (with S. C. Prager), Nuclear Fusion 25, 1179-1182 (1985)
Experimental Observation of the Shear Alfven Resonance in a Tokamak (with F. D. Witherspoon and S. C. Prager), Physical Review Letters 53, 1559-1562 (1984)
Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating in the Wisconsin Levitated Octupole (with C. M. Fortgang and E. J. Strait), Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 26, 589-602 (1984)
Plasma Heating with Strong Poloidal Ohmic Currents (with D. J. Holly and S. C. Prager), Physics of Fluids 26, 3435-3439 (1983)
Large Capacitor Banks (with T. W. Lovell), Review of
Scientific Instruments 54,
896-897 (1983)
Electron Cyclotron Heating (with D. J. Holly, S. C. Prager,
and D. A. Shepard), Nuclear Fusion 21, 1483-1487 (1981)
High Power Heating in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies in the Wisconsin Tokapole II (with A. P. Biddle), Plasma Physics 23, 679-691 (1981)
Experimental Observation of Plasma Paramagnetism in a Tokamak (with D. J. Holly, S. C. Prager, and M. W. Phillips), Physics of Fluids 23, 417-418 (1980)
Initial Results for the Tokapole-II Poloidal Divertor Device (with A. P. Biddle, R. N. Dexter, R. J. Groebner, D. J. Holly, B. Lipschultz, M. W. Phillips, and S. C. Prager), Nuclear Fusion 9, 1509-1518 (1979)
Experimental Study of Axisymmetric Instability of Inverse-dee and Square Tokamak Equilibria (with B. Lipschultz, S. C. Prager, T. H. Osborne, and M. Phillips), Physical Review Letters 43, 36-39 (1979)
Experimental Demonstration of E x B Plasma Divertor (with E. J. Strait and D. W. Kerst), Physics of Fluids 21, 2342-2345 (1978)
Experimental Test of the Feasibility of Heating Tokamaks by Gun Injection (with E. J. Strait), Nuclear Fusion 18, 1595-1598 (1978)
Cyclotron Resonance Heating in the Wisconsin Supported Toroidal
Octupole (with J. D. Barter), Plasma Physics 19,
945-957 (1977)
Digital Density Determining Device (with T. W. Lovell and D.
J. Holly), U.S. Patent No. 3952246 (1976)
Numerical Model of Plasma Confinement (with E. J. Strait), IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PS-4, 6-10 (1976)
Ion Cyclotron-Resonance Heating in a Toroidal Octupole (with J. D. Barter), Physical Review Letters 34, 1607-1609 (1975)
Electron-Cyclotron Heating Rates (with J. D. Barter and K.
L. Wong), Physics of Fluids 17, 810-812 (1974)
Determining Device (with D. J. Holly and T. W. Lovell),
Review of Scientific Instruments 45,
947-949 (1973)
High-Beta Plasma Behaviour in a Canted Mirror (with R. A. Dandl, H. O. Eason and A. C. England), Nuclear Fusion 13, 693-701 (1973)
Effect of Magnetic Field Errors on Confinement in Bumpy Tori, Physics of Fluids 16, 1157-1159 (1973)
Numerical Calculations of Off-resonance Heating, Physics of Fluids 15, 2247-2253 (1972)
Off-Resonance Heating of Mirror Confined Plasmas (with K. A. Connor and J. L. Shohet), Plasma Physics 14, 269-274 (1972)
Computer Calculations of Electron Cyclotron Heating in a Nonuniform Magnetic Field (with P. H. Edmonds), Physics of Fluids 14, 2703-2707 (1971)
Electron Cyclotron Heating in Toroidal Octupoles, Physics of Fluids 14, 1795-1802 (1971)
Behavior of a Cold Ion Plasma in a Toroidal Octupole, Physics of Fluids 13, 1626-1633 (1970)
Double Vortex Flows in Plasmas Axially Traversing Multipole Magnetic Fields (with G. O. Barney), Physics of Fluids 12, 707-712 (1969)
Admittance Probe Method of Measuring Time Resolved Plasma Electron Temperatures, Review of Scientific Instruments 39, 1569-1570 (1968)
Influence of a Toroidal Field on Plasma Confined in a Toroidal Octupole (with D. E. Lencioni, J. W. Poukey, J. A. Schmidt, and C. W. Erickson), Physics of Fluids 11, 1115-1125 (1968)
Wide Band Electrostatic Probes for Use in Tenuous Plasmas, Review of Scientific Instruments 37, 897-900 (1966)
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