Bifurcation Analysis for the Generalized Nos´e–Hoover System

Rizgar H. Salih
Department of Mathematics, University of Raparin, Rania 46012, Iraq

Julien C. Sprott
Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA

Bashdar M. Mohammed
Department of Mathematics, University of Raparin, Rania 46012, Iraq

Received June 10, 2024; Accepted August 10, 2024; Published October 2, 2024

This study investigates the generalized Nos´e–Hoover system. The original version of the system is a chaotic system designed to represent the interaction between a harmonic oscillator and a heat bath maintained at a constant temperature. Despite its simplicity in just three dimensions, it exhibits complex and unusual dynamics. This investigation focuses on studying local bifurcations, including Saddle-Node and Hopf bifurcations, of the generalized Nos´e–Hoover system. In terms of cyclicity, the Lyapunov quantities technique is used to demonstrate that three periodic orbits can bifurcate from the Hopf point. This mathematical research contributes to understanding the equilibrium points, their stability and the dynamics of the nonlinear model when some of the parameters are varied.

Ref: R. H. Salih, J. C. Sprott, and B. M. Mohammed, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 34, 2450179-1-15 (2024)

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