on Sprott's Gateway
Periodic Updates
A new Fractal of the Day is produced
every day at midnight and added to Sprott's
Fractal Gallery.
Statistics on server usage are updated early
every Sunday morning.
Major Recent Changes and Additions
6/25/21 The server was moved to a new
machine in the Physics Department
5/28/13 The Website server was upgraded to
Apache 2.2.22
1/11/11 Sprott's Gateway is being mirrored
at thor.physics.wisc.edu
10/29/10 The
Fractal of the Day is now
chosen randomly from the 5000 of the past
14 years.
6/9/10 The
Website server was upgraded to Apache 2.2.15
5/24/10 - RAM
was upgraded from 1 GB to 4 GB
5/5/06 - The
Website server was upgraded to Apache 2.2.2
4/14/06 - A survey for the Wonders of Physics was
12/21/05 -
The Website server was replaced by Apache 2.0.55
12/21/05 -
The computer was changed to a 3
GHz Dell PowerEdge 1800 with quad Xeon processors
11/1/05 - The
seewho.exe CGI program was removed for security reasons
9/20/05 - The
IP address was changed to
9/20/05 - The
RAM was upgraded from 256 kB to 1 MB
7/28/05 - The
IP address was changed to
(may have happened earlier)
7/26/05 - A
directory of fractals for sale was
4/19/05 - The
uploader has been disabled for security reasons
4/15/05 - A
firewall has been installed
4/1/05 - Saunders Physics Demonstrations video has
been added
3/28/05 - The Wonders
of Physics videos have been added
1/4/04 - The
links page has been removed because of
5/15/02 -
Server software upgraded to Deerfield WebSite 2.0
5/15/02 -
Sprott's Gateway upgraded to Dell 4400 (1800 MHz P-5) running
Windows 2000
3/10/01 - A gallery of publication quality fractals
was added.
3/20/00 - A Sprott family history page was added.
3/10/00 - A
popular lecture on Radio Communications
was added.
3/7/00 - A Sprott family tree was added.
2/2/00 - A slide
program was added.
1/12/00 - A
collection of sound effects from The Wonders of Physics was added.
12/26/99 - Photographs from a 1963 summer
in Brazil were added.
10/22/99 - A
popular lecture on Seasons, Tides, and
Phases of the Moon was added.
10/4/99 - A tribute to Ragnar Oswald Rollefson was
9/7/99 - A
popular lecture on Simple Chaotic
Systems and Circuits was added.
3/29/99 - Sprott's home page can be dialectized in Jive
or Pig
11/20/98 -
The IP address of Sprott's Gateway was changed to
7/22/98 - A
home page for the Chaos and Complex
Systems Seminar was added.
7/8/98 - The
server is now running under Windows NT 4.0.
1/7/98 - Sprott's home page can now be viewed in 6
different languages.
12/21/97 - A
collection of natural fractal photos
was added.
11/30/97 - A
list of Web kudos has been added.
11/26/97 - A
directory was set up for MST
posters and documents.
11/5/97 - A
list of Sprott's Spots Awards has
been added.
11/1/97 -
Visitors can now add links to their home
pages or favorite sites.
10/3/97 - A calendar of Sprott's
special presentations and commitments was added.
7/12/97 - Sprott's home page can now be viewed backwards.
7/5/97 - A viewer test page was added.
6/18/97 - A
list of technical notes was added.
6/16/97 - A random HTML document on the server
can now be accessed.
6/9/97 - A
new server log analysis program was added.
6/2/97 - A
page was added for the Fall 1997 Plasma
Seminar (Physics 922).
4/6/97 -
Lists of client referrers and browsers are now available.
4/4/97 - A survey form was set up to collect answers to
questions about the future.
3/3/97 - A
home page was set up for Physics 505.
2/23/97 - A collection of MIDI music files was added.
2/19/97 - A
directory was set up for Cary
2/14/97 - Sprott's Gateway can now be accessed by anonymous FTP.
2/14/97 - The
server software was upgraded to WebSite
Pro version 1.1h.
1/24/97 - A
page was added for the Madison English
Country Dance Society.
12/05/96 - A
page was added for Madison Scandinavian
Dance Schedule.
12/05/96 - A
form was created to order tickets for The Wonders of Physics.
11/26/96 -
The server software was upgraded to WebSite
Pro version 1.1g.
11/18/96 - Sprott's home page now has a map
of where he lives and works.
11/2/96 - A
cgi program that writes random contra
dances was added.
11/1/96 - A
list of Contra Dances by Marilee Standifer
was added.
10/4/96 - The Future Project was established to
collect people's predictions of the future.
10/2/96 - The Wishing Project was established
to collect people's wishes.
9/9/96 - The
server log can be searched for all accesses to a
document in the week ending last Saturday.
7/26/96 - The
server software was upgraded to WebSite
Pro version 1.1f.
7/14/96 - A
new search engine is now being used to
speed word searches.
7/5/96 - MIDI fractal backround music was added to Sprott's Fractal Gallery.
7/4/96 -
Twenty-two new fractal images were added to Carlson's
Fractal Gallery.
7/2/96 -
Several VRML (Virtual Reality)
files were added to Cliff Pickover's
home page.
6/28/96 - An
HTML version of the
manuscript of the book Strange Attractors
was added.
6/17/96 - A Java applet that searches for
new strange attractors was added.
6/12/96 - Animated GIF images were added for 19 of
the simplest known chaotic flows.
6/3/96 - A
collection of animated GIF images
were added to Sprott's Fractal Gallery.
5/28/96 -
Several server administration features have
been consolidated.
5/24/96 - You
can now upload a file to the server.
5/20/96 - The
operating system was changed to Windows 95 and the server to WebSite 1.1e.
4/26/96 - The
manuscript of an unpublished book Physics
Demonstrations was put online.
4/5/96 - The
manuscript and programs from the book Strange Attractors were put online.
3/30/96 - A Java applet was added to Pickover's home page.
3/19/96 - A
JavaScript scrolling marquee was added to Sprott's
home page.
1/19/96 - A Gallery of Photographs in JPEG format was
12/15/95 - A
new Server Statistics program is now
being used.
11/29/95 -
The Server Home Page now includes a word search of all HTML documents.
11/27/95 - An
Index of screen captures from the Chaos Demonstrations program was added.
11/25/95 -
Figures were added to recent abstracts of Sprott's
11/20/95 - What's New on Sprott's Gateway (this
document) was added.
11/16/95 - An
Index of Images and Icons collected from the
net was added.
10/11/95 - Carlson's Fractal Gallery was established
to display the artwork of Paul Carlson.
10/7/95 - A RealAudio welcome message was added to Sprott's Home Page.
9/25/95 - A
home page for Ted Biewer was added.
8/23/95 - A
home page for the Plasma Physics Theory
Group was added.
7/26/95 - A
home page for the Madison Scottish Country
Dancers was added.
Back to the server home page