Viewer Test Page

This page allows you to test your browser for most of the file types that appear on Sprott's Gateway. Select the TEST buttons on the right to test your viewers.


  1. Text/plain . . . . . . . . . .TEST
  2. Text/html. . . . . . . . . . .TEST
  3. Text/x-java-source . . . . . .TEST

  4. Application

  5. Application/octet-stream . . .TEST
  6. Application/mspowerpoint . . .TEST
  7. Application/msword . . . . . .TEST
  8. Application/postscript . . . .TEST
  9. Application/pdf. . . . . . . .TEST
  10. Application/wordperfect. . . .TEST
  11. Application/x-java-class . . .TEST
  12. Application/zip. . . . . . . .TEST

  13. Image

  14. Image/jpeg . . . . . . . . . .TEST
  15. Image/gif. . . . . . . . . . .TEST
  16. Image/png. . . . . . . . . . .TEST
  17. Image/x-xbitmap. . . . . . . .TEST
  18. Image/x-windows-bmp. . . . . .TEST

  19. Audio

  20. Audio/basic. . . . . . . . . .TEST
  21. Audio/wav. . . . . . . . . . .TEST
  22. Audio/midi . . . . . . . . . .TEST
  23. Audio/x-pn-realaudio . . . . .TEST

  24. Video

  25. Video/mpeg . . . . . . . . . .TEST
  26. Video/msvideo. . . . . . . . .TEST

  27. X-world

  28. X-world/x-vrml . . . . . . . .TEST

File type information:

Go to Sprott's Gateway Home Page.  

If you have questions about this page, contact:
J. C. Sprott, <>