Selected Comments from Sprott's Gateway Guestbook
- Thanks, it was great!
- Great page.
- Very compliments for your site.
- Very nice site: informative and aesthetically pleasing!
- I think your fractal images are
- Wow! The fractals are great. Cool web site.
- I must say you have an outstanding fractal
I was so impressed. I've seen other people's art, but yours were the
of them all. Keep up the good work. I'll probably stop by often to view
any new pictures you have.
- I enjoyed the fractals. Is it
possible to
control the colors that are used? Or isolate parts of the
I'm interested in using fractals for interior design (such as area
decorative art, tile patterns for walls and floors). Your library
has a lot of potential in this area.
- Hi, Mr. Sprott. I was just reading your book "Strange
Attractors", and I found it very interesting. I was always
by fractals in general, and I always wanted to make them with my own
Well, the programs I found on this site are the next best thing,
the source code. I'd just like to thank you
for releasing all this into the public domain. Your website is very
and useful too.
- Hi. I just found your collection of animated
fractal images, and they are quite lovely. I wonder if I might have
your permission to use your lorenz.gif
animation as part of a non-commercial personal web page I'm putting
In any event, thanks for putting your collection on the web.
- I am a French student very interested by fractals, strange
and I have downloaded your book "Strange Attractors:
patterns in Chaos". I just want to thank you, because it is very
- This is an excellent site, and has become even more so with the
of the music.
- Beautiful sites and other items. Thanks.
- Hello, Mr. Sprott. I visited here via Gamelan's. I am very much
by your collection especially Strange Attractors,
and I would like to copy it and put it on my homepage in order to show
it to the people around here.
- I'm very new on the net, but nevertheless I find your site
one of the best I've seen. I find physics, astronomy and chaos most
- Beautiful homepage, much more exciting
than most
other professors.
- I really enjoyed pictures of your annual show
am excited about making physics learning fun. I am currently
to teach high school physics in southern California.
- I like your page a lot, you've got a lot of cool
links (in fact I've been fooling around with it for over a
hour now).
- Wonderful site and extremely glad to have visited.
- Now, this is one fine site!!!!! Fantastic job Julien.
- Mr. Sprott, I may grow to dislike you as I am relatively new to
and the Internet. Your fractals have given
an immense amount of enjoyment. My wife insists that I spend far too
time looking at them. Thank you again. Computers and the Internet
and having found your fractals, I find that they have almost become an
obsession. Not really, but they are giving me an immense amount of
- I'm a student at Florida International University, and I enjoyed
your fractals
that left me staring at it for a while admiring it. Thank you for
having this site on the Web. I will definitely be visiting this
site a lot. Thank you.
- This is some neat stuff you got here.
- Your Web site is an ever popular stop of mine. I
am the
proud owner of a downloaded copy of your book.
Thank you for your efforts. Your website is magnificent.
- Very interesting. I hope to find something about fractal
- For me it is very useful!
- I really thought I'd seen some gifs until I came across these!
Thank you for allowing others and me access to all of these remarkable
pieces of art! Continue the work. I'll surely be clicking in from time
to time! There is no doubt in my mind, though I can't prove it that
students and yourself, sir, are spread around the globe on multiple
and with each bringing immense viewing pleasures!
- I love the Fractal Gallery. I try to
get to
it every day, but I am not able sometimes. Busy life does that!
- I like your page. It's a good combination of technology without
I like the patterns.
- Hi, I was just surfing by the Webcrawler, lookin' for some
fractals to
set up our head letter graphic; I just would let you know that you did
a great job, really. You did it Julien. You can be proud of your
- Thanks a million for putting together a fractal
gallery! These pictures are extremely helpful when trying to
chaos and complexity to the non-believers.
- I've enjoyed your gallery, links,
and some of your downloadable stuff. I too
fractals and chaotic attractors fascinating, so I'll probably have
comments down the line.
- I must say your book "Strange Attractors:
in Chaos" quite simply RULED!
- Professor... Just a quick comment about your Fractal
Gallery. This collection is one of my favorite chaos sites on the
- Regards for your fine page.
- I have enormously enjoyed your website.
- I have enjoyed the time I spent visiting your page, especially
various links
and your unique invitation to post future
Great job!
- Thanx for the most absorbing 30 minutes on the web. I will be
- I found the visit very interesting. I'll surely visit your homepage
- Hi! A link from an artsednet message led me to your fractal
images. I am impressed!
- Great page(s). I teach at the local CC and pointed several of my
to your "gateway". I hope they take interest in Physics
and the hard sciences. Keep up the good work.
- I was checking out some fractal galleries that I visit
occasionally when
I noticed your web site. Pretty impressive.
- Good collection of fractals.
- Thanks, I never realized fractals
could be so
deeply fascinating. But now I do, thanx to people like you (hey that
Take Care and keep up the great work!
- I want to congratulate you on a very well done Webpage.
- I happened to browse your website and was amazed
at the
spectacular fractals in your library.
- Very well done. Thank you.
- At last! Someone who can tell us where to get more info on
fractals and
chaos. Thank you so much. Hungry homeschoolers.
- Absolumnet délicieux!!!!! Thank you very much for all the
I have (and still have) when visiting your gallery....
Great surprise with animated gifs.
- Your fractal page kicks ass! I
stumbled across
it at "". Keep up the excellent work!
- I'll be visiting your pages again. 'Keep up the good work' and
- I found your page when I did a search on Fractals. I only
discovered them... It is like watching magic in action. I have
shown everyone I can that mathematics can indeed be beautiful. I
will figure them out one day, but I thought I would leave you a comment
thanking you for all the beauty you have taken the time to
- I have to say that I LOVE this site. And I plan
to come
here as often as I can to see what's new. I
wish I knew enough about this kind of thing so I could make these
myself. But I don't know so I'll just have keep comming here. Thank you
for putting this site up, and keep up the good
- I just discovered your Web site, while looking
for material
on the web for the physics text I am writing. Your way to use surprises
and entertainment for teaching is similar to the one I am using in my
I think that surprises are the best way to get something into memory,
to start somebody thinking. On paper, this is more difficult to do than
on `stage`, but still possible, and in any case much more so than what
is done in many textbooks so far! If I ever get a job as a professor, I
will get back to your site very frequently. Thank you for making this know-how
available on the net!
- Thank you for making such useful information available. I
Physics at Van Nuys High School. I am a user of your Wonders
of Physics Series in my classroom.
- I arrived here via the Carlson's page. As
a retired
mechanical engineer (IBM,STK,HP) I think the fractal
sites are among the best on the web. Thanks a bunch, for the
- Clint, this is a very impressive website. I
have a lot of success making science attractive to websurfers. I
found it interesting.
- I am most impressed from the fabulous Web site of
Without doubt, the best I've seen. Congratulations.
- Hello, I hope you don't mind if I use a fractal of yours at my
page, I
want to link your page because it's
- A wonderful treat.!..I wake up to your Fractal
of the Day page every morning. ...Thanks again for pages full of
with endless surprises!
- Me parece una pagina maravillosa, hermosa e instructiva.
- Nice. I do love the fractal art.
Really beautiful!
- Thanks for the software, I am
drooling in
Please may I use images generated for use in Video Clips? I write MIDI
music, and I am about to put out my Debut EP "BioLogic" and think
kind of abstract art complements my sort of music. Hate to ramble like
this, but I also want to say that I admire your brain-power, maybe
I might get this good at writing music!
- I like the pages. Especially the fractal
- A truly excellent site!
- I have been scanning through your collection
of fractals. Beautiful!
- I like your homepage especially the prediction
of the future's page. Nice done on the page, which I have never
any Professor in Physics have done before, you are the first!!!
- Came to your page via W9AV in QRZ -
it's very
- You do an awesome piece of art/math... I had viewed your work
but have been searching the fractal galleries for any evidence of
geometry or ray tracing in the recent Star Wars movie Return of the
for our son's higher math class. I have been given a piece of
by the newsgroup.
- Thank you for CDA:Pro program! Very
- Hey!, I'm impressed! I am a junior high teacher in Utah who
discovered fractals on the internet. I fear I may become a
- Just arrived here and will come back to investigate
the fractals!
- This is truly brilliant! I would be interested in learning how to
for demonstrations to my students. I am a teacher with an
in technology.
- Congratulations for the fantastic fractal
All gifs are very nice!
- Wonderful work, I am including a link to your page from our new
publication, The Creative Convergence at Thank-you for the
beauty in your work.
- I think your page is great! Are the
you have in your collection
for free use??
- I enjoyed very much, your pages and fractals.
I have just been introduced to fractals and find them quite
I would like to add a link to your web page here, in the "My favorite
section of my web page. Would you be amiable to this? It would be nice
if I could have one, or perhaps two, of your fractals in line, so that
I can say something like, "If you like these fractals by Dr Sprott,
you should definitely visit his page!" I have no interests other than
others here to the delights that I have found in your excellent
- Wow. I'm an Earth Science teacher in Oklahoma giving my
a taste of Chaos theory and Fractal art. I have a link to your
Your Fractal Art Gallery and it's links is
unbelievable. I have downloaded your book Strange
Attractors, and have started a library search to get an
loan. Is there a possibility of the book going to print
Not too thrilled about having to look back and forth to see the images
associated [nor reading it on my computer.] But I appreciate your
offering the Word version
I can find a copy! Are there sources for the book for sale?
And are you pursuing the possibility of a paperback version in order to
get it published? I'll be a lifetime just looking at the
on your page. Fantastic web site. Thanks
your effort and the resource.
- Thanks for taking the time to put together a great site.
I appreciate the explanations that go along with the compositions in
the Fractal
Gallery. I'll be back to spend some time.
- Found your site looking for information and
graphics involving
"medusa" for my daughter's homework assignment. Not quite what she was
looking for, but very interesting, just the same. Fractals
are fascinating, but I will admit it's been a while. Your collection
is extensive, to say the least!
- I think what you have done here is wonderful! You can be sure
that I
visit here again. Thank you for some really neat stuff.
- Thanks for the experience and the chance to visit. Time limits my
exploration of all you offer, but I look forward to returning. I am
beginning to experience the world of fractals
and chaos. This is a very pleasant
to begin to better understand these concepts. Thanks Again!
- I just discovered your web site. WHAT A FIND! You
assured I will be a visitor many more times. Thank You!!!
- The best & most extensive fractal site
the Web!
- Your site will truly help me for my research
project on
fractals and chaos. I downloaded numerous pictures of complex 2D
fractals, and hope to pass them along to my classmates.
- Brilliant Fractal Gallery, the Best
That I have
Ever Seen!!
- It is very impressive all the things you are doing for the physics
and more important for the kids.
- A great source for chaos fans.
- Nice! Like the format of your site.
- Great site! I am currently searching for t-shirts with
as these. I teach math (algebra) and am certified, though
to teach computer science. These designs
will spark much interest, both mathematical and scientific, in my 8th
- Hi! I first learned about fractals via a PBS program. Then found
sites. I'm a tapestry weaver and have been looking for a design to
I want to learn how to generate fractal designs to create a design for
a tapestry. Thanks for great web site!
- I have been here before. Thanks for the fantastic insights
chaotically complex and beautiful world of fractals.
- Thanks for all the nice pictures. Particularly enjoyed the animated
gif of various foldings.
- Your fractal gallery is completely
I have never seen more interesting images. I work at Intel, and
I get a free time, I love to look at your web page, it's a break from
and a sight for sore eyes. :) THANK YOU, keep it coming!
- We were sitting around the lunch table the other day here in
Diocesan House
talking about stuff like quarks and chaos and fractals (I wish I could
tell you we did this all the time, or that any of us had the least idea
of what these words mean) when somebody said, what's a fractal? And I
the only way to explain is to look at one and I bet I could find one on
the WEB. And there you were! Thanks a lot--we've all book marked the Fractal
of the Day. It's great. Wish we could see your Wonders of Physics
Thanks a lot from your friends in the theological dimension.
- Thank you so much for this fasinating stuff.
- Your gallery really makes me see how
be learned in computer art. I am not at all scientific but hope
this fact won't deter my learning as much as possible about computer
scare us humblebeings away with all that technical knowledge...How
reaching out to the poor illeterate people who really are the ones
Earth!!!! There are more of usuns! We don't have many like you
I will bookmark your pages and hope to glean as much as possible from
You Sir!!!
- I like the work you have done on this page.
May I use some of the techniques that you have? I am particualry
iterested in the scrolling window.
- Love the gallery, i shall spend more
than a
little time there. I would like to try and use one of the .gif files
the background of a personal web site.
- I absolutely cannot get started each morning without a cup of
and the Fractal of the Day. Two
meet in a singles bar. One asks the other: "What's your
- Thanks for the wonderful images... Being an old pensioner it is
interesting to see what is going on that is a bit new in the world.
it up please. Greetings from Sunny South Africa.
- You have done some very interesting things with your webpage
design-wise, and most importantly philosophically.
- I really liked your homepage!
Especially the Fractal
Gallery fascinated me... I will be back to see more...
- I am glad to have found also your very informative homepage.
It will not be my last visit to your site.
- Yum. Thank you.
- A most enjoyable visit! I've read some of the popular books on
and fractals, but your site is special.
- I've enjoyed going through you site very much. ... Thank you for
a part of me that I'd sorely missed.
- Just have to compliment you on your website again. Best
site I've yet run across. *nod*
- Hi, just visited your fractal gallery
and I
wanted to let t you know that the images are great and I found it both
interesting and visually awesome. Thank you! :)
- This is a wonderful page.
- I enjoyed visiting your web site, and viewed your slides
on complexity. It is rather neat that you have pulled together all
sundry concepts, methods, and tools of analysis pertaining to complex
in a cohesive, self-contained lecture.
- Two years after I first discovered your site, revisiting remains
an exciting experience.
- Loved the fractal gallery lots of
stuff future project seems interesting.
- Your web site is excellent!!
- Your fractal page is just neat.
better than
any i've seen.
- Exciting site - fractals are truly art forms; your homepage
is great - i've been here awhile and will return!
- I have included your site in my book "The Busy Educator's
Guide To
The World Wide Web" to be published in January 1998.
- Nice to read you, uoy daer ot ecin!
- It's very good!
- I really enjoyed this sight. I made copies of many of the experiments
so I can take them in to my physics teacher along with a written
for extra credit. I hope he like's them, I sure do. I will
be sure to try some of them, too.
- This is an outrageous site, will be back.
- You have the best Fractal place
- Brilliant web-site, with amazing fractal graphics. I could be
here for
hours !
- Very interesting!
- Fascinating Site! I could spend hours here gazing in awe.
will definitly
place a bookmark here. Thanks.
- I think your page is splendid!
- You have an awesome page here, and the images
are a joy to look at.
- Very interesting page and one I will be visiting again
- Like the Idea about what people think of the future
hope that the paper or book comes out well I would be interested what
have to say about the future.
- A dynamic and humanely-designed site.
- Great pages! I really enjoyed all the different images
and the explanation of how they are created.
- I think this is a very interesting web site. I think you
are a very
interesting professor.
- This is an AMAZING gateway. I've only been interested in fractals
for a
short time, but I am overwhelmingly inpressed by the Fractal
Gallery and freeware titles available
Being 16 not too many people take my ideas very seriously. What
and Clifford Pickover talk about is
to me. Please, keep up the good work!
- Nice Site! Came to check out some of the complex
systems and related info. Enjoyed the fractals,
your midi index and the personal aspects of the
- Love your page, especially the backwards
- I stumbeled across your pages on heat
and light. I now have you under my
- I really liked your textbook,
call it. ... Thank you for letting me use your information.
- I ran into you on Firefly and you sent me your url. I am a
high school
librarian who has always had a passion for the sciences. I'm
to give your url to one of my physics teachers!
- Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your
page. It's
fun and informative all at the same time! I'll be back to look
more, to be sure.
- Time and again, I find your pages a joy to look at and I notice
that whenever
I get a bit fed up with all the junk you inevitably come across, I like
to switch back to your pages, just to enjoy another fractal or some
feature. I hope you will keep your pages up for a long time to
- Hi, My goodness, you have a wonderful homepage. You
knowledgeable about the net - as well as many other things.
- I enjoyed your story "A Night At Sea."
- I was really impressed by your beautiful fractal
picture gallery.
- I've bookmarked your page. It's one I know I'll want to
come back
to many times. Congratulations.
- As the scarecrow said---"if i only had a brain" been playing with
with limited understanding. your work is wonderful and i thank you for
having a brain. will try to find your book and see if my brain wakes
- Your site is far above any I've come across as to fractals. Their
and beauty both mathematically and visually are only recently being
- Thank you very much for the many hours of pleasure I had watching
work you did.
- Have loved using my smily face from your page. Have sent
many to
you to get it. It is a real favorite.
- Thanks for making this site available! I found your pages on
- Very nice fractal pictures. I was
for it, I had many to see. I am not mathematic at all, I just like nice
things. By the way, I just have to congratulate your site. It's clear,
practical. Everything is alright. I have added it to the favorite
I will come back. An evening is not enough.
- I think your homepage is lovely and I've Linked it to the Red
for Non-Linear Social Dynamics.
- It was a pleasure to run across your wonderful site by chance. I
reading about your Florida excursion with Don
and also about your experimenting with chaos and beauty.For sure
I will get back to this site again soon. Thanks for taking the time to
establish this site.
- Thank you for creating your site. i am constantly amazed by the
shown by you and the people in the infinite fractal loop. problem
is that other work is delayed or forgotten while i enjoy my daily fix
- Your homepage is the most wonderful website I have ever visited
so far.
- Very nice...outstanding...creative...stimulating. I wish I was
student again.
- Enjoyed the fractal gallery.
- I really loved your page.
- Constant amazement at your creativity and that of all the
to the fractal loop. i've thanked you before and just want to say
thanks again.
- Wonderfull!! I thank you for your vision.
- Very awe inspiring.
- CONGRATULATIONS! Your page is great!
- Your work is great, and I sincerely appreciate your efforts.
- Your Fractal Gallery is the most beautiful and fascinating site
I've ever
seen! Thank you for the incredible images.
- Nice site- glad I found it - use some pictures for wallpaper on
- You have done a great job. I love to read your predictions and I
it with my firends.
- I really enjoyed your Henon map
- A very enjoyable and useful site. Many thanks from a student at
Hallam University, UK.
- Just had my virginal experience with fractals via your site and
on line. From Physiognomy standpoint they could be used to induce
The art (and that's what it is) is awe-inspiring. The fractal
is delicious. Had a three hour physiological experience when I
them. How wonderful to be you!
- Your fractals are beautiful. I am really fascinated with the
chaos, simplicity and complexity of life. Thanks for sharing your work.
- I really like your fractal page.
- Excellent fractals section.
- Hello. I'm enjoying your site, even though I have
absolutely no
what a Fractal is. I'm an artist and physics and mathematics are
definately not my strong suit, but the images here are wonderful.
I was sent the site by a friend and I am passing it along to another
who has her bachelors degree in Mathematics from The University of
Au Clair, and is hoping to get her PhD at Dartmouth, where she is
I know she'll love this site too. I've put it in my favorite
and will check back often to catch the Fractal of the Day and other
and beautiful tidbits.
- Refreshing to be on the web and find a site by a very dedicated
mind user.
Your work really intrigues me, however, I'm very busy with page designs
right now. And, I don't have the time needed to really enjoy reviewing
your work. I'll bookmark so I can look when I have a few moments.
continue the fascinating work. It's thinkers like us that know there's
more to life than just what we see, hear, smell.
- I liked your pages very much. Especially the material for course
# 505.
- We look forward to having you in Montana in March. You are
amazing. Have
a great day.
- Absolutely love your fractals...especially the strange attractors
black backgrounds... they look awesome as my desktop wallpaper!!!
- Hi! I am very impressed with your site and many really great
images and
fractals. I'm a frustrated physics lover, mostly into cosmology and
I teach advanced chemistry courses at U Mass, Lowell in Continuing Ed,
and still work full time (senior scientist for Pierce & Stevens
C&A Div. in Seabrook, NH.) ... Thanks for sharing some of the
and wonders of the Universe with us!
- Your fractal page is magnificent. Not to denigrate the
which I have not yet explored.
- With the big pleasure looked your site! Hello from the Siberia.
- I've seen a few of your physics shows and think they're
what impressed me the most was watching you dance EVERY SINGLE DANCE at
the Essen Haus one night with 2 partners and never wearing out! I
guess it only makes sense that a physics instructor is in great
shape! ... P.S. Very nice web site!
- Many thanks for the hours of diversion you have provided me
through your
Fractal Gallery. I access it when I arrive at the office, about
a week at the start of my 18 hour workday as an attorney, about 7 a.m.,
to catch up on the week's generated fractals, and I do a quick
and white laser print of the ones I find truly special. I keep
in a ring binder. ... Again, many thanks for creating what must be one
of the most fascinating of all websites.
- Thank you, Julien, for the beauty show I've just seen in
site. It
was a previlege seeing such marvelous art works. And... how many! I am
an old time painter, almost 70 years old, more than 2,000 paintings
- Thank you Dr. Sprott for your wonderful website. I've added
it to
my "Favorite" sites and will continue to visit it.
- I enjoy your fractal images and I have the gallery on my brower's
list and visit that part of your site frequently.
- Yad taerg a evah doog skool emit gnol a uoy nekat evah tsum siht.
- Can't get enough of these fractals...i can spend hours looking
my wallpaper...needless to say, my students love to see my almost daily
new wallpaper...they have asked me for these sites, and i am happy to
the info along...please let me know when new sites arise!!!
thanks for the joy of these-they have the power to make me happy :-)
- It is an excellent site to learn and understand the nature
through the
- I am working on creating portals on various categories for a site
Because of the nature of my work, I can't afford to go through any site
in detail but from whatever little I've seen, your site looks
terrific. You must be a really talented person. We'll be adding a link
to your site in a couple of months.
- Thank you for a well made and informational site. I am a
psychologist and
I work in a large institution.
- Love your moving fractals when trippin'.
- Pretty neat website and stuff, Prof. Sprott.
- Great page, neat items!
- Thanks so much for making Strange
available on the net. i just finished it - couldn't put it down, so to
speak. i can't say i really understand what chaos is, but i think i
smell one if i came close. ... thanks again for your open-handed giving
of knowledge to curiosity.
- A delightful site. I teach Physics to 16 - 17 year-olds at Waiau
a small high school in Tuatapere, New Zealand. The demonstrations, and
MIDI should be very entertaining, and I hope to be able to use some of
the software.
- Yours chaotic attractors are beautiful. Your website contains a
best informations
about the chaos paradigm. Also, the links are very interesting.
- You are really excellent. I like your homepage and admire your
- Great site mate. Liked the fractals and everything. You're not
short on
brains -=:o).
- Just fantastic. I will be visiting this site often in the future.
wait to show it to my Senior Maths students. Thank you so much.
- Really, you have nice fractal gallery... I copied your unpublished
demobook. I will do some of demonstrations with my grandson. He is
only eight years old but extremely curious about everything.
- We really enjoyed "Fractal of the Day" today, as we do every
The students in year 7 at our school (age 11 - 12) were really
with the ones we printed out last week and are now asking when they are
going to study Fractals!!
- Thank you for a very beautiful and informative site v: It
must be
one of the very best about : I have bookmarked it and shall return
: I have ordered a copy of your book "Strange Attractors: Creating
in Chaos" which I very much look forward to reading. ... Just brilliant
Prof. Many congratulations.
- I love this site. I found it while doing research for on e of my
classes at Rowan University. I have passed it along to my students, my
family and friends. Your home page is fun. I liked the pig latin.
for helping me to share the beauty of mathematics and physics.
- Loved your Gallery. It really knocked off my feet. I
have time to explore the rest of your page right now but I was really
I'll be here again.
- Thanks! It's great! Your site is aesthetical and useful too.
- I find this web page to be very informative and stimulating for
with an interest in chaos. I was searching for a program to
lyapunov exponents and found by accident your chaos data analyzer which
seems to be quite useful. keep up the good work.
- Congratulations for its Homepage. It's very good and much well
- Interesting collection of stuff here. I much enjoy.
- Hi Clint, This is a nice web site! I've seen your
name in
APS member listing and have wondered if we might be related.
- Your web site with daily fractal pattern is wonderful with many
far reaching
possiblities. I believe your patterns can shift and lift consciousness
better than anything else.
- Your web site is fantastic. Thanks for create such place.
- Fractal Gallery is very nice. Have to remember to come back
I've got more time. The natural
are a nice addition.
- Thank you for the time and effort it must have taken you to
create an
site and for making it possible for thickheads such as myself to look
some of your work.
- Your homepage is the most wonderful website I have ever visited
so far.
your fractal gallery, yout papers, etc... GREeeeeeeeeeeAT! I'll want to
come back to many times, and to show it to many of my colleagues and
Where to get more info on fractals and chaos? I answer: see
home page! Thank you very much for the many hours of pleasure I had
the marvelous and fasinating work you did.
- I consider you the encyclopedia of fractals...never have i
seen a
more complete catalog and explanations so clearly and beautifully put
are great!!!
- Your website holds endless fascination for me. Thank you very
much for
this great service to the net of human knowledge and creativity.
- There is a rumor that you're able to respond so very quickly to
because you've cloned yourself. Is this true? Thank you for your prompt
response and great work.
- I have loved fractals ever since I saw the first one years ago -
even though
I don't know the math. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being
willing and able to make them for my amazement. I'm a 56-year-old
high school teacher and haven't had this much fun in a long time.
Thanks again.
- Very nice and useful site. I will back to see more... Thank you.
- This is a very interesting website. I really liked the
fractal gallery.
- Very nice site with some unusual features!
- What a cool website! I'm a math teacher currently on leave to
work in a
planetarium in New Zealand. Some of your images could easily be used to
explain the interior structure of black holes or perhaps the reality of
inter-dimensional travel.
- Just viewing your work calmed my feathers ! Thanks!
- Thank for this site very useful for chaos researcher
- I am fascinated both as a chemist and as a programmer. Many
- Very interesting web page.
- Thank you for your good homepages which gave me a great deal of
- I am a first year high school math teacher. We are ending
in Geometry with a research project on fractals. I have only
to scratch the surface. Your pictures are SO COOL.
- Thank you so much for the great fractals. I have "stolen" a
I use as backgrounds on web pages.
- As a amateur web master, I can honestly say, I was impressed by
some of
the features on your website.
- A very nice site to visit!! I enjoyed very much your recent
simple chaotic systems.
- This is my first visit. What a great web site. I enjoyed
the fractal pages and wish to see them more. I'll be back. Thanks
for all the work that went into this.
- I'm not a specialist, but I took a very great pleasure to see how
a fractal can be. Thank for your site. I'll be back when I'll have a
more time.
- I had visited your web page comprising experiments. I found them
interesting and successfully brought the excitement of science to the
school as well as college students with whom I work. Thank you for the
immensely interesting experiments.
- Keep up the good work.
- You images are beautiful. Some spectacularly so.
- Very interesting site. Thanks
- I enjoyed viewing your site. Thank you for spending the time to
us your knowledge.
- Thank you very much for the great website. Your work is very much
- This is a great site which I have bookmarked to return to again
- A great pleasure.
- Well done. Informative and very interesting! Bookmarking your
site for
later use. Thanks.
- Thanks for the software and the great pictures of fractals.
- Originally I just want to look for the possible chance for my
now I get more. I have never known there exist such beautiful private
like yours in the world. It is exciting for me to read it as if I read
a wonderful poem or listening a beautiful soul song.
- I love this website!! I am going to use some of your fractals on
Will be back often, lol lol. I love this place!
- I just wanted to thank you for hours of enjoyment. Your fractal
make my day so much more fun!! As a graphic artist new images always
me to different ways to look at things...keep up the good work!!
- Your website is very interesting, and useful too. Keep up the
- Thanks for your fractal menagerie!
- Thanks for your beautiful web pages.
- Thank you very much for the physics demonstrations, i am not a
but a student who is looking for good sources. Your site is an
source of knowledge, thanks again.
- just a couple of lines to congratulate you on your homepage. It's
- I loved your web site. I am a Chemical Physics major.
- Excellent... Very beautiful and povocating to do something using
programmes Thank U very much.
- I want to congratulate you for your work and i want to ask you a
to reproduce two fractals in a book about Synchronicty.
- What an intriguing site! I am preparing a presentation on
chaos and I am sure that I will use a few of your vivid fractals as
for the class.
- Thanks for the pix, and cool website!
- Wow! Extensive website, fun
- Thank you so much, friends have been sharing your fractals with
me for
months and I have now found you myself. They add spice to the
calendar I follow daily. Mind expansion is such fun. Thank you again.
- You have a very interesting site. Thanks for all the hard
- You are a very well educated man what elementary schools did you
- Very nice tour I ever made in physics.You are"Simply" great.
- I want to quote your fractal site as a reference in a paper that
I am
(which means I think it is a great site).
- Very impressive site, and showmanship, too! You remind me of
Ball, who's class I was fortunate to attend in his last year teaching
at Cooper Union. (Not my fault.) I can still visualize the
demos he put on in the lab-equipped lecture hall.
- Your site gave me a great pleasure during browsing. Thanks for
entertainment. BTW... you have some group of admirers here in
my wife is spending a lot of time browsing through your site.
- Marvelous! Great to get kids interested science, and dads too
- Ich bin begeister von diese Site. Absolut spitzenmssig, was es da
zu sehen gibt, die Farben, die Formen, das ganze Spektrum ist einfach
Ich habe fCr meine Mails ein paar Sachen heruntergeladen, ich hoffe,
ich dies durfte. Klasse!
- I think it is a very nice website. You've done a lot of things
and by
way you present the material i think you do like it a lot.
- Thanks so much for sharing your great fractal art. You
have one of the most interesting web pages I've ever visited.
- 'Just found your site, and was very pleased! I used to own
a copy
of your book "Strange Attractors...", but lost it during a move in '97.
I'm a musician by profession but have always 'dabbled' in
art related computer programming. I ported the code from your book to
BASIC for the ATARI ST, and came up with some GREAT visuals- thank you!
I'll be checking out your site regularly from now on.
- Why didn't I lear about the jerk function in calculus,
or physics. It's really cool, if not entirely appreciated by my 16 year
old who thinks im attempting another lefthanded insult on his
Also, how did your server get my last name and welcome me!
- It was a pleasure accessing your site, which I learned about from
APS News. I hope to return frequently.
- I enjoyed my visit very much.I am 85 and quite new to computing
just discovered fractals. I am too fascinated to be terrified. Your
- Thanks for providing and explaining in a very interesting way the
of physics. I'm a student here in Costa Rica, and I was looking
information about the Van de Graaff generator, clicked a link and found
chapter #5, which is the one related to electricity.
- Clint...Wow!!
- excellent site with many things to peak the interest of my
Algebra II
Thank you for your work. It will help me tremendously in my
- Thanks for creating this site, it is a great inspiration, The
galleries are why I came and stayed.
- Love the fractal gallery!
- Thanks for the Fractal Gallery! It's EXCELLENT!!! I'll use a
a work at university.
- i really enjoy ur fratals. im a student at Johnson Middle School
doing a project about fractals adn i chose ur fractals. isn't taht
- I'm very appreciate for your book's pdf file and programs,
are few books and articles about strange attractor in Taiwan.
- I just glanced around in your wonderful website. I am so
And I must say, pretty intimidated. But I would love to hear your
talk on the mathematics of love and happiness. I love the fractal
- This is a great site! I was looking for your chaos data
program and found your home page, too.
- I am very iteresting in your great work.
- Your fractal images were excellent.
- so good fractal art!
- Hi, I think it's really excellent that people like yourself spend
time giving others enjoyment.
- I just visited your fractal gallery and I found it informative,
interesting and very entertaining!
- Very nice and simple pages. Very informative and interesting in
many fields. And physics is, of course, no exception. I wish there are
more such pages on the web. Get my best regards from Celje, Slovenia.
- It was delightful to visit your homepage and site. I came across
your site while searching science information to help my son who is
studying in class X in Bangalore, India.
- I really find your pictures interesting!! It was very fun to
browse through the gallery.
- I have examined on Superconducting devices for Plasma
physics,fusion experiments. I am very supprised at so eary Experiment
by "Levitated Octupole". Thank you for your description of "History of
UW plasma physics".
- I am a graduate student of USTB(University of Science and
Technology,Beijing,China ). I have recently visited your homepage when
i try to find some reference of nonlinear prediction and time-Series
analysis. Your fractal images are great and the notes of course 505#
are helpful to me. Thanks for your great job, i really appreciate it.
Best wishes from a far land!
- It is a very nice fractals generator!
- Thanks a lot!
But I very interested in fractals and how they play a role in the
- Greetings from Melbourne, Australia. loved the
- Your site certainly shows an enormous dedication to the idea of
mathematical beauty, and that you have done an enormous amount of work
to illustrate this idea. Sometimes such graphics are not just beautiful
or intriguing, but genuinely revealing of some truth, to wit, the
animated GIF showing the stretching and folding of a strange attractor
instantly gave me an understanding of what is going on that I never had
- I really like your fractal galery! You went to MIT. I'm thinking
about going there.I want to experement with quarks and study things
like singularity.
- Thanks for introducing the exciting fractal gallery to the
public. Would like to learn more about them and how to create them.
- This is a very well done page. I am a Math and Physics teacher at
a Christian High School in B.C. (Canada) Your fractal gallery is
excellent. I plan to do a fractal display board in my room, and to put
a link to this site on my classroom computer.
- Sir, we have seen your site. it's very nice as well as helpful.
- I can't help but see the beauty of nature in each one of your
fractals. I am a novice in science, however, I love the arts and have
taken to printing my own greeting cards formy personal friends, and
hope you are not opposed to my using some of your fractals on my
greeting cards to shut-ins.
- Long time since I had so much fun, and so much visual relaxation
- thanks for the brief moment of sanity in my workday!
- An interesting site, came across it when I was looking for some
Physics insight. I'm doing gr. 13 Physics, and I haven't taken any
science since gr. 10. Unfortunately, I find the teachings of the
teachers in the school poor, and am failing my current challenge. It
was fun procrastinating, on yoursite. The picture reminds me of someone
up here, funny how eyes can trick people.
- Dear Mr. Sprott, your web-site is amazing. Our family often
pull's up the Sprott Fractal of the day and we just searched for all
our BD pic's.
- I want to marry you.
- Very beautiful fractal images. Thank you for the hospitality of
your website.
- Loved your site. Wish I had time to study physics -maybe I do.
This speaks to my soul. I am an aspiring fiber artist and will find a
way to realize fractals in my work. Thank you so much for sharing your
work with all of us. I love these images. I'm a graphic designer and
would love to use 4 to 5 images in a Booklet I'm working on.
- Your "fractals" page is a wonderful portal to the world of
- I am a postgraduate, majoring in Chaos control and
synchronization, in Northeast Normal University in Changchun, Jilin
Province, China. I'd like to see your articles and programs which are
so helpful to me!
- I am glad to meet your excellent page about physics, I am a
physics teacher in china.
- I had a nice tour of your website. very impressed w/ your
observation and awareness of fractal images as part of our daily lives.
- I love your ideas!! I lead Playshops on intimacy, romance,
dating, relationships! Very clever and smart. Are you married? I am
playful and could not resist the question. Lover of life and algebra
- I am very impressed to see your site. You are very intllegnet and
gifted teacher. Thank you.
- I have learned a lot of knowlege about chaos from your web and
thank you for this. I am confused by chaos, read your monograph. I seem
to find a direction.
- Your website was VERY helpful. ...@hotmailcom
- I know next to nothing about physics; however, I enjoyed knowing
about you, your mentor, your family and your heritage. Your night
seasick sailing venture off the shores of Florida made me glad to be
here on the ground in Wisconsin.
- Simply splendid, the work of a real professional!
- I am very greatyful for visiting your web pages. I am a student
from Turkey. I benefit from your page. Thank you very much.
- I like it very much.
- Just one word I would like to say: THANKS!!!
- Yours is an amzing site.Its full of knowledge.
- Thank you for such a fantastic resource.
- I am interesting in fractals, and I am very happy to see your
- Thanks for the information and your time spent on this!! You do
good work. I wish they were into this 'stuff' when I was in school.
- Great fun on this site! I've been taking photographs and doing
drawings and paintings for years that I now see are 'fractals' and I
never knew that there was such a thing. Some of my work is loosely
based on Wu Li's comment that a small flaw on a line will influence
subsequent lines and create forms (not an exact quote). Many many
photos of 'natural fractals' as you call them. I'm really blown away to
put a name to it after all this time. Thanks! I'm going to study more
about fractals!
- I visited the fractal gallery and was very impressed. I am an
artist who uses fractals as building blocks for my art. I am unable to
explain to viewers how the fractals work.
- Wow, I'm flattered by the page. It is really cool.
- I love your Fractal Gallery! It's Great!
- Found your fractal site after doing a picture search for "life"
on google. (Random searching often gets you intresting places...). I
like the fractal pictures... thanks.
- I love visiting your site. Something new to look at every day and
so intriguing.
- This is the best page ever. That is not a flippant comment. I
love the fractal page. It is so cool. For loser 16 year olds like me,
these pages are the best. Thanks for giving the equation underneath.
- I have apprecited a lot Your work on the web because you let me
know a lot of things that i didn't know before... and they are very
good things.
- Lovely site. And quite a surprise to encounter one of my students
from an MIT calculus course (18.01, Fall, 1960.) Found your site
because one of its images was used by a colleague as part of his first
year seminar website.
- I really love your fractals.
- Mr. Sprott, you are magic. It has been, and always will be a
delight to visit your web site.I surelly will pass it on to my friends.
God bless you.
- Just finished downloading the PDF version of "Strange Attractors"
and am excited to take a look and see what I can create.
- Just found your fractal site. it's the best one i've seen.
- Thank you for your excellent website.
- Your work is very entertaining. Enjoyed looking at your gifs. You
should sell them enlarged as art work. They are very colorful and
beautiful. I could see them on a wall painted on canvas. Teens could
really use their blacklights on them. Thanks for being so creative! Do
you have a vortex or tornado? How about a squid or octopus? Thanks!
- I love your Fractals and check it every day. Your site is the
- I have long been interested in fractals and this site has some
great examples.
- You have a very interesting interactive site! Thanks!
- Your fractals are AMAZINGS!!! congratulations, you made a great
- I love fractals. If we can creat any shape by using frsctals
there must be a basic shapes or shape? Please think about it.
- Your fractals are very beautiful, I downloaded some to my
computer and will use them as Start, Wait and Shut Logos.
- Great fractals!
- Thank you for this opportunity!
- Looking at fractals I feel like in a different world, where
everything is wonderful. I'm happy I live!
- Great webpage. My students loved your Fractal Gallery!
- Hello, I like your site on fractals very much. Glad so many
people take an interest in such a topic!
- You've not only the best webpage of the UWisc physics department,
but the best of any faculty member I've seen thus far; awesome!
- I am enjoying your web pages. I will snag a few of your fractals
to use on the web site I am building. I hope I do your images justice.
I like to take fractals and composit images in and on them. I think
they spice things up a lot. Thanks for sharing them.
- Your gallery is great.
- I have enjoyed viewing and I hope you will continue to grow.
- It's really an interesting site, especially for me because i'm
working in the area of modelling of chaotic data. I look forward to
visit in future.
- Hello, your fractal gallery (natural fractals) was too exciting.
- I found your site by linking through the science site of Dutch
television station VPRO. I've enjoyed your fractals and Julia ste
collection. As a natural fractal I recommend to you the "Romanesco"
cauliflower. It is much more fractal than broccoli. Keep up the good
- I do appreciate your interest in making physics available to a
general audience. Thanks!
- A travel through your fractal galley was a very nice
- Hello, I don't understand alot but what I can see visually is
amazing to me. I discovered fractals on my computer and I am bonkers
over them. In the 3 years I have had a computer, your site is the tops.
What a neat person you are.
As of 2 March 2004
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