(Reminder) Reality Carnival headlines are available, every day, at my Twitter.
(09/17/22) Wikipedia actually has a page devoted to People Who Entered Heaven Alive
(09/16/22) Wikipedia actually has a page titled: "1/4 + 1/16 + 1/64 + 1/256 + ?"
(09/15/22) Student expresses frustration with math homework
(07/20/22) How to create Pascal's Triangle
(07/19/22) 7 is the smallest natural number that can't be represented as...
(07/18/22) Worshiping a geometric God
(06/08/22) 8 is the only positive Fibonacci number that...
(06/07/22) In this cartoon, a physician talks to a cow
(06/06/22) This is stone-age humor
(05/05/22) 9 is the maximum number of cubes that...
(05/04/22) Conversion of reality to a toy-like world
(05/03/22) 25,000 lights-year Fermi bubbles
(03/14/22) Drawn by an Artist or an Ape?
(03/13/22) 2 is the only even...
(03/12/22) Scientists look upward and see the Hand of God
(02/06/22) Any number not in the form of 4^n * (8*m+7)
(02/05/22) First-Place Science Project
(02/04/22) Four is a number with these properties
(01/06/22) Lamb seeks transcendence
(01/05/22) How to have mind-boggling fun with infinity
(01/04/22) Five is conjectured to be the ONLY...
(12/13/21) Shiver in ecstasy. Six is the only number that is...
(12/12/21) Zombie hand made of mushroom-like material rises from ground
(12/11/21) How to create an ellipse
(11/19/21) Mathematics: why many great discoveries would be impossible without it
(11/18/21) Depiction of brain via reflective microetching technique
(11/17/21) Shiver in ecstasy. This is mathematics
(10/20/21) Roger Penrose: in today's world of specialized science, could a thinker of such breadth ever emerge again?
(10/19/21) Doesn't this formula of Ramanujan make you gasp a little?
(10/18/21) Scream! Here is a formula of Indian mathematician Ramanujan. "Poch"
(09/22/21) People say nothing is impossible...
(09/21/21) This joke involves ultrasound and fractal-like geometry
(09/20/21) A new world map for schools: one that tells truth about continent and country sizes
(09/08/21) How to create a parabola
(09/07/21) Strange PHOTO. "Fiend Without a Face"
(08/15/21) Please add 100 years, and tell us what this will look like
(08/14/21) Shiver in ecstasy. This is mathematics
(08/13/21) A glimpse of another reality
(07/23/21) The skull and brain of a living raptor, leaving its body
(07/22/21) Don Featherstone (1936-2015), known for the Plastic Pink Flamingo
(07/21/21) Many ways to divide a hexagon into triangles
(06/30/21) This mysterious artwork, by Hayden Zezula, is titled "Bound"
(06/29/21) Shiver in ecstasy. Mathematics. i^3
(06/10/21) The Gardens of the Zoological Society of London
(06/09/21) This mysterious artwork, by Hayden Zezula...
(06/08/21) The first million digits of pi
(05/30/21) These hexagonal rock formations...
(05/29/21) Nice infographic. Six dromaeosaurid theropods
(05/28/21) "Words have no power..."
(05/12/21) This is called the Tschirnhausen cubic
(05/11/21) Relaxing. "Wivenhoe Park" by John Constable
(05/10/21) Shiver. Devil's Curve
(04/30/21) This fascinating curve is called an atriphtaloid
(04/29/21) When math becomes beauty
(04/28/21) Fall in love with this curve -- called the lemniscate of Gerono
(04/14/21) Is this you?
(04/13/21) Cytotoxic lymphocyte killing a cancer cell
(04/12/21) Life explained.(A gif circulating widely on the Web)
(03/30/21) Danielle's beautiful technical drawing. Hallucigenia sparsa
(03/29/21) The joy of precisely engineered wooden joints
(03/28/21) Beautiful photo of an iceberg near a ship
(03/11/21) This appears to be an interesting math visualization
(03/10/21) Look at the complexity of a piano key mechanism
(03/09/21) Life is when...
(03/05/21) Science is what you know...
(03/04/21) Lipstick patent
(03/03/21) Science and Love. Geniuses from around the planet...
(03/02/21) Medical humor
(03/01/21) Amazing chart of our past, by Ray Troll
(02/21/21) Go to this Web page, and gradually scroll down to see heaven...
(02/20/21) Autonomous eel robot
(02/19/21) Higgs Boson walks into church
(02/18/21) Don't cry.....
(02/17/21) Knot cushions to make a topologist fall in love
(02/16/21) For true Math Lovers. This expression differs from pi/8
(02/15/21) Conway's constant is the unique positive real root of...
(01/14/21) Thoughts on the Koch snowflake
(01/13/21) "Interview with far-out thinker, Clifford A. Pickover"
(01/05/21) David Foster Wallace quote
(01/04/21) This humor deals with "viral challenges" on the Web
(01/01/21) First 511 terms of Fibonacci sequence, in binary
(01/25/21) This joke combines archeology & our modern workplace
(01/24/21) Zombie flamingos
(01/23/21) Scary Santa Claus Optical Illusion
(01/22/21) Blue magnetic putty wakes up
(01/21/21) This is a math object called the "Wang-Sun Attractor"
(01/20/21) Human Fractal Sierpinski Gasket
(01/19/21) Taste infinity. Fractal Menger sponge carved into a watermelon
(01/18/21) Imagine in fonts became conscious
(01/17/21) Glimpse the past. Wikipedia's most-edited pages
(01/16/21) Hyper-dimensional hippos penetrate the fabric of reality
(01/15/21) We are in Digits of Pi and Live Forever
(01/14/21) Fall in love with (pi^2)/6
(01/13/21) Mathematics (factorial)
(01/12/21) Hard to Believe. Squares A and B are the SAME color
(01/11/21) Does a Multiverse Fermi Paradox Disprove the Multiverse?
(01/10/21) Unusual photo. Child, in mysterious darkness
(01/09/21) Unusual statue. In love, for an eternity
(01/08/21) Human emerges from another dimension
(01/07/21) I may be nerdy, but....
(01/06/21) Quadrilaterals on parade
(01/05/21) Negative-space statue (Mihai Eminescu)
(01/04/21) Religion has not civilized man ...
(01/03/21) Interesting bottle label. Katie (@AstroKatie) asks...
(01/02/21) This is a math joke. "There was a statistician who drowned...
(01/01/21) This is an example of an ancient "pie chart"
(12/31/20) This is humor related to blogs
(12/30/20) Reasons why I update my apps
(12/29/20) When you forget someone's name
(12/28/20) A love letter from a statistician
(12/27/20) An amazing challenge. Make every row add up to 38
(12/26/20) Luminaries at the Institute for Advanced Study
(12/25/20) This joke may interest Twitter users concerned with the afterlife
(12/24/20) How a Pangolin sleeps
(12/23/20) This is a joke for archeologists
(12/22/20) The shortest-known Abstract for a paper in this serious physics journal
(12/21/20) The study of history
(12/20/20) Imagine finding this on a tombstone: "1/x never dies..."
(12/19/20) Mathematics, Mystery, and Beauty. Tangent lines
(12/18/20) The shortest-known Abstract for a paper in this serious science journal
(12/17/20) Perfect numbers (6, 28, 496....) shock us with their beautiful...
(12/16/20) Kids Answer "What is the Best Country in the World?"
(12/15/20) Seeing the world -- through touch
(12/14/20) Snow was falling, so much like stars ...
(12/13/20) The deepest need of man is to overcome
(12/12/20) 140-year archive of Popular Science for free
(12/11/20) As a child, I fell in love with this book... Cornelius De Witt
(12/10/20) World's smallest snowman
(12/09/20) This is a photo of microdrive earrings
(12/08/20) We are all...
(12/07/20) "There has to be change; otherwise reality would become extinct
(12/06/20) 25 circles with decreasing diameters, by Bradford Hansen-Smith
(12/05/20) Mathematics and beauty. A cross section of okra sits...
(12/04/20) Giza Pyramids, drawing by Athanasius Kircheri
(12/03/20) Red Rectangle Nebula
(12/02/20) Number of unique bitcoin addresses used per day
(12/01/20) Shiver in ecstasy. Mathematics
(11/30/20) India is the 7th largest country ...
(11/29/20) Visualize evolution of human culture, using birth/death places of notable people
(11/28/20) This is a joke regarding symbols. (by John McPherson)
(11/27/20) I just love the number 146511208
(11/26/20) Hermit Crab in a Glass Shell
(11/25/20) Fall in love, again and again. Mathematics
(11/24/20) Art, schizophrenia, and a reality beyond
(11/23/20) Eleanor Longden talks about "The voices in my head"
(11/22/20) Why Zero Raised to the Zero Power...
(11/21/20) A rug for hexagon lovers
(11/20/20) Mapping 90 years of UFO sightings
(11/19/20) Shiver in ecstasy about the remarkable number 535252535
(11/18/20) Cu Chi Tunnels and Parallel Universes
(11/17/20) President Kennedy, 1960, boy with gun
(11/16/20) I've hidden a number of skulls in forest
(11/15/20) 9^9^9^9 has 10^369,693,100 digits
(11/14/20) Music that helps us dream. "Possession" from Sarah McLachlan
(11/13/20) Amazing math fact. (Michael Hartley)
(11/12/20) Music that helps us transcend. Renaissance - "Ashes Are Burning"
(11/11/20) How to capture a mysterious new view of space-time
(11/10/20) The mystery continues. These numbers are all prime
(11/09/20) Julia Ruscher is a math genius
(11/08/20) Imaginary cities of Amy Casey
(11/07/20) PhD student walks into bar
(11/06/20) "Mathematical Models," 1961
(11/05/20) The best way to make your dreams come true...
(11/04/20) Mysterious and beautify image by Larry Carlson
(11/03/20) Aliens among us. The beautiful fungus, Panus lecomtei
(11/02/20) Glimpse the past. For the Kodak Instamatic camera...
(11/01/20) Fractal Ghosts, by LARRY CARLSON
(10/31/20) This tweet is dedicated to all those...
(10/30/20) Music that helps us transcend. Mike Oldfield - "Tubular bells"
(10/29/20) Stroller (or Wheelchair) Accessible Stairs in Vancouver
(10/28/20) Nice music. Of Monsters and Men
(10/27/20) he dangers of dividing by zero
(10/26/20) This is humor regarding "art"
(10/25/20) A Beautiful Connection. Cable that ties New Zealand together
(10/24/20) Digits of Pi create a beautiful star catalogue
(10/23/20) First recorded use of the symbol pi as ratio...
(10/22/20) Megan, a teacher, explores another puzzle with students
(10/21/20) Imagine the awesome challenge and fun building the symbol for Pi
(10/20/20) Fractal burn pattern from a downed electrical line
(10/19/20) The Colorado Rockies celebrate #PiDay
(10/18/20) Cross section of Russian nuclear submarine
(10/17/20) Dog flea
(10/16/20) What a turtle looks like, if cut in half
(10/15/20) 40 when written "forty" is the only number...
(10/14/20) Toothpaste cross section
(10/13/20) Extensive blood supply just below the skin of a pigeon
(10/12/20) Vessels of a healthy mini-pig eye
(10/11/20) Megan, a teacher, explores this puzzle with students
(10/10/20) Mathematician discovers formula for Abe Lincoln
(10/09/20) First 8 steps toward building the Hilbert curve
(10/08/20) Circles traveling along the path of a Hilbert Space-Filling Curve
(10/07/20) Quite a few sample images from The Math Book here
(10/06/20) Using LEGO to teach math
(10/05/20) Egg of a head louse attached to human hair
(10/04/20) Entropy and life after death
(10/03/20) Math joke for pizza lovers
(10/02/20) Here is the "first proposal" for a World Wide Web (1989)
(10/01/20) This is a joke depicting the demise of the dinosaurs
(09/30/20) Shiver in ecstasy at this remarkable property of 2646798
(09/29/20) If Mondrian had had infinite time
(09/28/20) A worm solving a maze
(09/27/20) Here's why I liked 2015
(09/26/20) Usefulness of math to solve "real-life problems"
(09/25/20) 460 Million Connected Internet Devices
(09/24/20) Cross section of a number of different cables
(09/23/20) Cross section of a complex cable
(09/22/20) Megan, a teacher, explores this formula
(09/21/20) "All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams"
(09/20/20) Weevil Found on Front Porch
(09/19/20) Answer this question with "yes" or "no"
(09/18/20) The Umayyad Caliphate once had about 30% of the world's population
(09/17/20) "A fractal is a way of seeing infinity"
(09/16/20) Giant salamanders invade Kyoto
(09/15/20) There must be a funny caption for this, but I'm not sure what it is
(09/14/20) Lute of Pythagoras
(09/13/20) This is chemistry. What's the chemical reaction?
(09/12/20) Is mathematics invented or discovered? Stephen Wolfram
(09/11/20) The Empire of Japan was once huge in extent
(09/10/20) Even neural nets can dream
(09/09/20) Roger Penrose - Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered?
(09/08/20) Steven Weinberg - Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered?
(09/07/20) Megan's Problem
(09/06/20) Sophie and Friends - Holocene
(09/05/20) How to fit every digit of Pi onto one page
(09/04/20) Russian once had a beard tax
(09/03/20) Glass half empty?
(09/02/20) Spiders tune the threads of their webs
(09/01/20) France once controlled around 10% of the world's land
(08/31/20) The lute of Pythagoras
(08/30/20) Ingesting the dreamfish "Sarpa salpa"
(08/29/20) Free, adorable spider coloring book
(08/28/20) The fantastic world of fractal "Pickover Mathematical Popcorn"
(08/27/20) Tanystropheus was a semi-aquatic reptile
(08/26/20) Imagine what life was like in the hyper-dense Kowloon Walled City
(08/25/20) Cover art on some translations of my books
(08/24/20) Cartoon history of man – the end
(08/23/20) "A Second Paradise: Indian Courtly Life
(08/22/20) Alissa Crans introduces us to the beauty of math
(08/21/20) Figures that make you ask questions
(08/20/20) Russia has more surface area than Pluto
(08/19/20) How can the Universe be infinite if ...
(08/18/20) The golden rhinoceros of Mapungubwe
(08/17/20) Fractal and other math jewelery
(08/16/20) The future global demand for meat
(08/15/20) Can you identify this ancient Indian game?
(08/14/20) Number of colonies of European countries in history
(08/13/20) Perfectly timed photo
(08/12/20) Why you can’t teach an old dog new tricks."
(08/11/20) Food topology. How to Cook an Egg Inside Out
(08/10/20) Brain activity recorded as much as 10 minutes after death
(08/09/20) Chebyshev’s Paradoxical Mechanismm
(08/08/20) The Chebyshev linkage converts rotational motion...
(08/07/20) The Pan American Highway: The Longest Road In The World
(08/06/20) Are there are six different “European Unions”?
(08/05/20) Can you guess what 4 cities these represent?
(08/04/20) The utter mystery of birds
(08/03/20) The mysterious movement of birds
(08/02/20) "Braille Tokenism"
(08/01/20) YouTube Journey in Mandelbrot Set, with "Pickover Stalks"
(07/31/20) Tom Edison Jr's Electric Mule
(07/30/20) This is kind of math humor dealing with asymptotes
(07/29/20) This humor may appeal to people interested in electronics
(07/28/20) The meaning of life
(07/27/20) Ancient humanity and chance. 2500 B.C.
(07/26/20) This is the sex comb on the leg of a male fruit fly
(07/25/20) In this forest of yours lies the secret of the human mind
(07/24/20) Lichtenberg Lightning created and trapped
(07/23/20) Mind and the Wave Function Collapse
(07/22/20) A visualization of chaos: 41 triple pendulums
(07/21/20) Holy Land. Roman period, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Fantastic carved bone die
(07/20/20) In 1932, Klauber showed a triangular matrix...
(07/19/20) Rare image taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft shows Saturn's...
(07/17/20) Look at bars. Shake your head
(07/16/20) I love 2520, because it is the smallest number...
(07/15/20) Nature's Camouflage: Gecko, Madagascar
(07/14/20) Shiver. This is mathematics
(07/13/20) "Master of Numbers" is a mixed media by Gianni Sarcone
(07/12/20) Illustration: Breaking through to a parallel universe
(07/11/20) Humorous picture of technology evolution. Dad, Mom, Child
(07/10/20) Lenticular clouds over the moors at Oxenhope
(07/09/20) Mysterious math curves and numbers discovered on Swiss 10 franc bill
(07/08/20) Discovery of chromosome-like mitotic separations in ultra-deep Mandelbrot zooms
(07/07/20) Can all of mathematics be taught with an iPad. No books?
(07/06/20) Looks like a leaf, but actually its Deroplatys truncata
(07/05/20) The quasi-embryonic work of Lawrence Malstaf
(07/04/20) Though it looks like the circles are "growing," the entire image is just rotating
(07/03/20) Imagine the joy of math and NASA in the 60s
(07/02/20) There are whales alive today that were born...
(07/01/20) Wonderful India and the number Pi
(06/30/20) The Most Well-Known European Cartoon Characters
(06/29/20) Dream
(06/28/20) Free yourself
(06/27/20) Intricately carved broccoli
(06/26/20) This is the "Pinned Tweet" for ...
(06/25/20) Strange bat-like women discovered
(06/24/20) The Kanizsa Square
(06/23/20) How to jump your knight
(06/22/20) Using the knight, visit every square
(06/21/20) Vi Hart's strangest "math video"
(06/20/20) Entering the halls of the Fractal Gods
(06/19/20) This is an astronomy joke
(06/18/20) The secret heart within the cardioid:
(06/17/20) Each letter is a unique digit
(06/16/20) It would be interesting to see this kind of Infographic for other software
(06/15/20) https://twitter.com/pickover/status/837674724826173440>Though it looks like the circles are "growing:...
(06/14/20) A shocking formula to calculate any digit of Pi
(06/13/20) The 10 Hardest Logic/Number Puzzles
(06/12/20) Hard-working cocoa farmers try chocolate for first time
(06/11/20) Droplets on blue dragonfly
(06/10/20) A page of math gems
(06/09/20) "Living doll"
(06/08/20) Aliens among us. Water flea (Daphnia) playing with Volvox
(06/07/20) Interesting Ada Lovelace info-poster
(06/06/20) This form of humor is a little bit strange
(06/05/20) Math humor
(06/04/20) Pi and coffee
(06/03/20) Pi as Coca-Cola drinks
(06/02/20) Joyce's "Ulysses" to become virtual reality game
(06/01/20) Child wanders within a fractal Menger Sponge
(05/31/20) Multicolored striped iceberg
(05/30/20) Some people see a trace of red color in these strawberries
(05/29/20) Butterfly Theorem. Let M be midpoint of chord PQ of a circle
(05/28/20) Fundamental Limits to Virtual Reality
(05/27/20) The lemniscate of Bernoulli is the pedal curve
(05/26/20) A gift to coax a mathematics lover to fall in love with you
(05/25/20) Mind-bending Möbius gear made using 3-D printing methods
(05/24/20) In mathematics, you don’t understand things
(05/23/20) Paint flung from drill
(05/22/20) Areas and volumes
(05/21/20) Siberian Husky plays gently with baby
(05/20/20) White lions are real
(05/19/20) Visit to Traditional Japanese Barber
(05/18/20) A bookshelf for books on the unexplained
(05/17/20) This joke could almost be funny for biologists
(05/16/20) Professor Jordan Ellenberg talks about mathematics
(05/15/20) Apollonius of Tyana and the life of Jesus
(05/14/20) Striped Yarn Tree, Germany
(05/13/20) This is a creative representation of "Karma"
(05/12/20) Not only does 12+1=11+2, but...
(05/11/20) The future of 3D printers?
(05/10/20) The odd directional biases of ants
(05/09/20) The Amazon river, loaded into GeoGebra
(05/08/20) Einstein's desk, hours after his death
(04/30/20) Nature's great book is written in mathematics. (Cyrtopera laguncula)
(04/29/20) Once a Year at 11:11 am, the Sun Shines Perfectly on this Memorial
(04/28/20) Tight Squeeze in Glacier National Park
(04/27/20) Shiver in ecstasy. Mathematics (average)
(04/26/20) This is a form of bathroom humor
(04/25/20) Math class humor (edge, vertex)
(04/24/20) Math humor (fractions)
(04/23/20) This joke could appeal to physicists. "I don't think our insurance covers..."
(04/22/20) Astronomy humor
(04/21/20) One day, creating a password
(04/20/20) Math tree
(04/19/20) This is a joke dealing with biology and culture
(04/18/20) Existentialism. Absurdism. Recursion
(04/17/20) Saturn's rings: one of the "flattest structures" known
(04/16/20) A deltoid can move nicely in a hypocycloid
(04/15/20) 2 equal-sized circles rolling on an ellipse
(04/14/20) Cardioid and a deltoid rolling together on a cycloid
(04/13/20) How an M&M dissolves in water
(04/12/20) Doctors bow to boy, died of brain cancer, donating his organs
(04/11/20) Head of a maggot of a bluebottle fly
(04/10/20) Over-inflation of balloon filled with a few milliliters of water
(04/09/20) Knot in human hair
(04/08/20) Creating an angel
(04/07/20) Would it be enjoyably to traverse the continental US along the longest line?
(04/06/20) "The Mechanical Universe" video
(04/05/20) This equation of special relativity describes time dilation
(04/04/20) Science vs math
(04/03/20) Ancestor humor
(04/02/20) Live
(04/01/20) The Sarasvati vina
(03/31/20) If there is an infinite multiverse, then...
(03/30/20) The Ant planetary nebula
(03/29/20) Mudskippers fight for territory
(03/28/20) Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
(03/27/20) Charles Darwin postage stamp, Italy, 2009
(03/26/20) Sir C. V. Raman was an Indian physicist
(03/25/20) Evolution of humans and technology
(03/24/20) Orangutan affection
(03/23/20) Smiley Face, drawn with just one continuous line
(03/22/20) 13,509 U.S. cities with populations of more than 500 people connected optimally
(03/21/20) Something is mysterious about this image
(03/20/20) "Can changing how you think about stress make you healthier?"
(03/19/20) John Hendrick's inlaid magic square
(03/18/20) Watching this YouTube of skillful shoe shine is oddly relaxing/compelling
(03/17/20) Cornstarch flamethrower
(03/16/20) The vehicle leaves, but the icy ghost remains
(03/15/20) Gaze into our fractal dreams
(03/14/20) The '24-cell', with 24 octahedral faces
(03/13/20) Michael @veloopity wonders how this Swedish bedcover pattern was made
(03/12/20) This is a form of science humor
(03/11/20) This is a form of math humor
(03/10/20) This humor concerns the paranormal
(03/09/20) The wisdom of Stefan Banach
(03/08/20) Looks like a difficult puzzle, with intricate pieces
(03/07/20) Artwork, drawn with just one continuous line, based on Traveling Salesman Problem
(03/06/20) Imagine the feeling of mystery if you were to find this in your backyard
(03/05/20) Could alien life be woven into the fabric of the universe?
(03/04/20) This heart is computed from the average of 51 valentine cards
(03/03/20) Secret 'greenscreen fluffers'
(03/02/20) Creative depiction of physicist Lise Meitner & nuclear fission
(03/01/20) Fractal pizza for crust lovers
(02/29/20) This equation of special relativity
(02/28/20) Kasia Jackowska turns boring math equations
(02/27/20) Christiane makes fractal origami
(02/26/20) Boats appear to hover over clear water
(02/25/20) If a quadrilateral circumscribes a circle...
(02/24/20) Fractal Electric Discharge Patterns by placing a CD into a Microwave
(02/23/20) Two U.S. Air Force Thunderbird F-16 Fighting Falcons
(02/22/20) This cartoon may appeal to teachers
(02/21/20) Caption for this cake-cutting scene from 1932
(02/20/20) Girih creates quasiperiodic tilings
(02/19/20) Non-euclidean virtual reality
(02/18/20) Ball Bearings in a Hypersphere
(02/17/20) How Wi-Fi waves propagate in your home
(02/16/20) How a key works
(02/15/20) How camouflage is put on helmets
(02/14/20) Bats can swim
(02/13/20) Approximation of a square wave
(02/12/20) What kind of device would this interesting gear system control?
(02/11/20) "He had finally found the source of the Internet"
(02/10/20) Trompe l'Oeil "Book Wallpaper" for your walls
(02/09/20) Curiosity: seahorse gazes at its reflection
(02/08/20) Fractals made with special clay
(02/07/20) Fractal-like arrangement, or perhaps recursion, discovered in a 1973 comic book
(02/06/20) Before and after
(02/05/20) Magic square is "numerically balanced" and "physically balanced"
(02/04/20) When I was a kid....
(02/03/20) Workplace safety? 1926: Working on the Woolworth Building
(02/02/20) Sophie Germain (1776-1831), French mathematician
(02/01/20) Math humor
(01/31/20) Nüshu, the 19th-Century Chinese Script Only Women Could Write
(01/30/20) Triple Deer. Lithuanian Forest
(01/29/20) The Ingenues, an all-girl band, serenade cows
(01/28/20) Humor. Circuit of Life
(01/27/20) Taste math and art. Mondrian cake
(01/26/20) Egyptian Hieratic Numerals
(01/25/20) Binet's Fibonacci number formula
(01/24/20) Helium walks into a bar....
(01/23/20) Man converts unicorn shape to musical notes
(01/22/20) Optimal packing. Dog conforms to case while sleeping
(01/21/20) Mathematics reveals unseen worlds
(01/20/20) 92 percent of students prefer print books
(01/19/20) Numbers
(01/18/20) This is a form of science humor, or perhaps a cautionary warning
(01/17/20) This is a form of humor concerning recommendation systems
(01/16/20) This is a form of business humor
(01/15/20) Fibonacci sequence described earlier as Virahanka numbers in Indian math
(01/14/20) Discovery of complicated formula for batman equation
(01/13/20) This joke concerns social media and business
(01/12/20) The numbers 0–9 in Chinese huama numerals
(01/11/20) Free paper (pdf) on Fibonacci numbers in ancient and medieval India
(01/10/20) Ant ponders parallel universes
(01/09/20) Evolution of Hindu-Arabic numerals
(01/08/20) Where do astronauts hang out?
(01/07/20) Strange revolt of the sunflowers
(01/06/20) The Fibonacci sequence is encoded in the number 1/89
(01/05/20) Birthday paradox
(01/04/20) Parallel universe involving animals and musical instruments
(01/03/20) IBM 305 RAMAC
(01/02/20) IBM System 360 Model 91
(01/01/20) "Seldom Seen Movie Monsters"
(12/31/19) Science-fiction, IBM 7030
(12/30/19) C.V. Raman was an Indian physicist
(12/29/19) Chutes and Ladders game
(12/28/19) The Dutch must really appreciate bikes
(12/27/19) Mathematics, India, Baudhayana
(12/25/19) Sucked into an invisible black hole
(12/24/19) This is the compound that gives the kick to Wasabi
(12/23/19) Glacial waterfalls really do exist
(12/22/19) Green circle rolls around interior
(12/21/19) A red squirrel adopts a "Karate Kid" pose
(12/20/19) Mathematics is beautiful
(12/19/19) A page from one of my favorite illustrated books: "The Story of Mankind"
(12/18/19) What lurks beneath
(12/17/19) Old fractal joke
(12/16/19) Two hands, drawn with just one continuous line
(12/15/19) The joke concerns our need to share in this age of the Internet
(12/14/19) As you move your eyes around this image, it can sometimes exhibit strange motions
(12/13/19) Progression
(12/12/19) Artwork. Even Elephants Can Dream
(12/11/19) A dealer bought a bird for $7, sold it for $8, bought it back for $9...
(12/10/19) Researchers discover mysterious new underwater continent, "Zealandia"
(12/09/19) Imagine your disappointment, cutting into watermelon and finding...
(12/08/19) This is chemistry humor
(12/07/19) "AI Brain Scans" Reveal How Synthetic Intelligence Think
(12/06/19) Could We Be Outgrowing the Scientific Method?
(12/05/19) Schrödinger's Equation
(12/04/19) A metaphor for your life?
(12/03/19) Measure the speed of light using marshmallows
(12/02/19) Amazing formation of spiral chicken vortex
(12/01/19) Ancient Sam Loyd puzzle
(11/30/19) How close can she come to scoring total of 100?
(11/29/19) Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892) Japanese Woodblock Print. Octopus Attacking...
(11/28/19) "I'd rather be governed by the first 2000 names in...
(11/27/19) A look into the future
(11/26/19) Alien creatures probe the Mandelbrot set
(11/25/19) Fractal polisher from another world
(11/24/19) Parts from the F-35 stealth airplane...
(11/23/19) Looks like an alien, trapped in the matrix
(11/22/19) Palindromic Prime tree
(11/21/19) Three puzzles inspired by math genius Ramanujan
(11/20/19) IBM 704 mainframe
(11/19/19) Numeral systems of the world
(11/18/19) The superellipse was first discussed in 1818 by Lamé
(11/17/19) Fractal octopus
(11/16/19) The visual story of the incredible human heart
(11/15/19) Imagine floating with someone you love at a Lagrange Point
(11/14/19) This joke involves 2 snakes. "How about we go back to my place...."
(11/13/19) How to remember zero and division
(11/12/19) Properties of Radicals
(11/11/19) GDP per person
(11/10/19) Math joke. "Common error made by topologists"
(11/09/19) Noah may have a challenge with the lions
(11/08/19) Math joke. But how many people could actually understand this?
(11/07/19) Math humor (infinity with children)
(11/06/19) Family trip to enlightenment
(11/05/19) The owl in flight looks like a bullet or a fish
(11/04/19) Mysterious song. Nick Cave - Push The Sky Away
(11/03/19) Ghost of Bill Gates
(11/01/19) Playing Cards for Math Lovers
(10/31/19) A problem at the 3D-printer factory
(10/30/19) Fractal Valentine
(10/29/19) Visualizations of death counts in World War II
(10/28/19) Fact: If you removed all nerve cells from your brain and...
(10/27/19) Imagine if every time you measured a cup of rice, the number of grains were a prime number
(10/26/19) The Heart Nebula
(10/25/19) "Yakovlevian Torque" is the warping of the right side of the human brain slightly forward relative to the left
(10/24/19) Supernate
(10/23/19) Sri Rama Chakra. This is a magic square from the Panchangam, Sringeri Sharada Peetham
(10/22/19) This is a geology joke
(10/21/19) When kids look up to great scientists....
(10/20/19) Popular Zombies music and the "Outer Limits" TV show, together
(10/19/19) "Hyperbolic tiling": can you escape from an extradimensional prison?
(10/18/19) If a chameleon is placed on a mirror, what happens to its colors?
(10/17/19) Gazing at the interstices of a crustacean reality
(10/16/19) Artwork. Life in a parallel universe
(10/15/19) Heart sine waves
(10/14/19) Imagine making "sine waves" from other shapes
(10/13/19) Perspective
(10/12/19) This is a political joke involving math, leadership, equality, and repression
(10/11/19) Creative bookcase design
(10/10/19) The Fibonacci Vogel spiral mystery
(10/09/19) Templates for making snowflakes from Nobel Prize winners
(10/08/19) The Moon if it were as close as the International Space Station
(10/07/19) Is mathematics invented or discovered?
(10/06/19) Delightful organic chemistry photos. Fluorescent compound organic layer
(10/05/19) Stephen Hawking pictured with his wife Jane and their children Robert & Lucy in the 70
(10/04/19) Actual figure from a US Patent, dated 1984. Bike lawn cutter
(10/03/19) Looks like a bustling city. But this Iraq "city" is actually the world’s largest graveyard. Wadi Al-Salaam
(10/02/19) The Neon Flying Squid can fly more than 30 meters (100 feet) through the air at very high speeds
(10/01/19) If a little kid asks you why is the sky blue....
(09/30/19) Author and radio host Dennis Prager spoke about his keys to happiness and goodness
(09/29/19) Castro lighting a cigar wearing 2 Rolex watches. Meets Khrushchev, watched over by a painting of Karl Marx, 1963
(09/28/19) An infinite rippling giraffe haunts your dreams
(09/27/19) My AI book is finally published and available at Amazon
(09/26/19) Art that makes you shiver
(09/25/19) Mondrian-inspired sticky notes
(09/24/19) The logician Raymond Smullyan once wrote this on the classroom blackboard
(09/23/19) Interesting music and percussion. "The Bones of You," by Elbow
(09/22/19) Quick way to compare Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. Like it?
(09/21/19) If a little kid asks you why is the sky blue....
(09/20/19) Universe trapped inside
(09/19/19) Bio-mechanical eye, art
(09/18/19) Cephalopod apple
(09/17/19) Looks like a crustacean. Actually, it's 3D printing of fluid flow structures
(09/16/19) When spelling matters
(09/15/19) Figures that make you THINK. Prime Numbers
(09/14/19) Kid puts hand on nutrient medium. Mom views the resulting bacteria & fungus
(09/13/19) Artwork. "Fractal high"
(09/12/19) Shiver in ecstasy. Pi formula
(09/11/19) This is a math joke. Share with friends if you "get" it
(09/10/19) The mystery of colorful Russian ice beaches
(09/09/19) Imagine the challenge of playing ping pong on table shaped like a real continent or island
(09/08/19) Unusual comic. God, or a higher being, in the form of a fractal presence
(09/07/19) Bird discovered that resembles Big Bird. Buff laced frizzle chicken
(09/06/19) Wet, fractal, pink, glistening, forever. [Protobacillus. Gif artist]
(09/05/19) Krypt 654-Piece Blank Puzzle Challenge
(09/04/19) Interesting photo. Old meets new in China
(09/03/19) My AI book is now available as a pre-order at Amazon. Publication is in less than a month
(09/02/19) Benoit Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot set, fractals, old computers, weird
(09/01/19) Each dot is a galaxy
(08/31/19) World's Most Accurate Pie Chart
(08/30/19) Man discovers strange fractals produced by rolling circles
(08/29/19) Oddly satisfying. Slicing a tomato with a super-sharp knife
(08/28/19) Puppies, symmetry, rotation
(08/27/19) Reality warp
(08/26/19) Aliens among us. Click for full bioluminescent map
(08/25/19) Almost looks like an ocean wave
(08/24/19) Article on the paper clip, invented in 1899
(08/23/19) Scientists show future events decide what happens in the past
(08/22/19) Wikipedia says that Lobster Sauce in American-Chinese cuisine contains no lobster
(08/21/19) Life satisfaction
(08/20/19) Metamobius Surfaces
(08/19/19) 1000000000000000000000000000000000
(08/18/19) The Map of Mathematics
(08/17/19) Map of physics
(08/16/19) Roots. Nature. Planet
(08/15/19) This joke might appeal to medical students
(08/14/19) Most-perfect magic square from the Parshvanath Jain temple in Khajuraho, India
(08/13/19) Coffee + Engineer
(08/12/19) Girl shows mom a laptop computer with USB ports. Greek, 110 BC
(08/11/19) Dramatically improved heart health in Sweden as butter consumption rises
(08/10/19) Infinite punishment on the Escher staircase
(08/09/19) "If a blind man suddenly could see, could he distinguish spheres & cubes, by sight?"
(08/08/19) The dice are bizarrely skewed, but are the odds fair?
(08/07/19) Notable figure caption of the week: "Pinwheel inflation with the aortas marked"
(08/06/19) Impressive figure caption of the week: "Level-4 ghost supertile"
(08/05/19) If we find aliens, they will be machines
(08/04/19) Does the 4-color theorem apply to a Mobius strip?
(08/03/19) Woman explores reflection symmetry in "kaleidoscopic fractal origami dome."
(08/02/19) Photo of lightning strikes from the cockpit of a plane on a flight to Buenos Aires
(08/01/19) Strange "petrified" animal in Tanzania
(07/31/19) Violence among the Gummy Bears
(07/30/19) Harry Nelson was the first person to produce a 3 × 3 magic square containing only consecutive primes
(07/29/19) Spanning 200 years,"Feminism At Work" artwork highlights 12 notable women
(07/28/19) What is this cartoon trying to tell us?
(07/27/19) Beetle art to hang on your wall
(07/26/19) 3D printed robotic spider dress
(07/25/19) The latest gossip on the James Joyce Number Sequence
(07/24/19) Order, Chaos, Mystery
(07/23/19) This is an example of a joke for those with musical training
(07/22/19) This is a joke for physicists. (John Chase)
(07/21/19) Reminds us of folds and ripples in the fabric of spacetime
(07/20/19) Unfolding space, Fibonacci numbers, and spirals
(07/19/19) Golden Ratio Fractal
(07/18/19) Infinite spiral/rectangle zoom
(07/17/19) This is mathematical art with various symmetries
(07/16/19) What observations can you make about this infinitely interesting math figure?
(07/15/19) Imagine flying in a spaceship, diving into the heart of infinity, and into the mathematical fabric of the universe
(07/14/19) In a parallel universe, a rain of kittens
(07/13/19) Unusual artwork: "Der christliche Vogel weinte Seifenblasen"
(07/12/19) Artist's strobe-animated 3D-printed sculptures rotate & bloom like nature
(07/11/19) We sail on a sea of mystery. Artwork
(07/10/19) Cake in form of a cell
(07/09/19) "To Live Your Best Life, Do Mathematics"
(07/08/19) Meaning of life
(07/07/19) This is a book, watering brains, making them grow
(07/06/19) Glimpse the past: West End of London
(07/05/19) Can we solve the Mobius Fly Maze?
(07/04/19) Homeopathic cartoon
(07/03/19) The Strange History of Using Organ-Shaped Plants to Treat Disease
(07/02/19) The difference 58 years makes
(07/01/19) Hyperrealistic Paintings of Bulging, Decorative Rugs by Antonio Santin
(06/30/19) Venus fly traps are not just carnivorous. They can "count."
(06/29/19) Mosque in Istanbul, with intriguing mathematical transformation
(06/28/19) Tara Donovan's art at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston
(06/27/19) Do Aliens Know It’s Christmas and have a Christ of their own?
(06/26/19) Everything you ever wanted to know about the field of Pointless Topology, at Wikipedia
(06/25/19) The Little Girl from the 1981 LEGO Ad is All Grown Up, and She’s Got Something to Say
(06/24/19) Men with a long ring finger have bigger testicles
(06/23/19) This is chemist Stephanie Kwolek. She invented Kevlar
(06/22/19) Mayan Numerals
(06/21/19) The Salinon was first introduced in the Book of Lemmas
(06/20/19) Inside-out horse
(06/19/19) Meet Mr. Mandelbrot and Ms. Salinon
(06/18/19) The UNIVAC 9000
(06/17/19) This cartoon is almost funny
(06/16/19) How they proved that London's double-decker buses were not a tipping hazard
(06/15/19) Gustave Eiffel had a secret apartment on a high floor of his famous Eiffel Tower
(06/14/19) Fennec foxes
(06/13/19) Math figure from Perspectiva Corporum Regularium
(06/12/19) Interesting graphic. 3D magnetorotational supernova simulation
(06/11/19) This humor concerns electronics and meditation
(06/10/19) This fortune cookie message is almost funny
(06/09/19) This fortune cookie humor may appeal to mathematicians
(06/08/19) Pinocchio Paradox discussed extensively at Wikipedia
(06/07/19) Dependence of the velocity and acceleration of a point on crank angle
(06/06/19) Drilling a square hole with a Reuleaux triangle
(06/05/19) Students: a very simple intro to integration in mathematics
(06/04/19) Strange ship full of animals
(06/03/19) Repeating number doublets in first few digits of pi
(06/02/19) The fractal book review that had a difficult time being published
(06/01/19) Self-similarity in the Mandelbrot set
(05/31/19) Unusual artwork by Cai Guo Qiang
(05/30/19) A very simple intro to sequences in mathematics
(05/29/19) This geometry problem is said to be quite difficult
(05/28/19) Drinking of Julmust
(05/27/19) Usual message found in fortune cookie
(05/26/19) Fortune cookie "message"
(05/25/19) Did you know you can patent a knot, used in surgery?
(05/24/19) Moire pattern
(05/23/19) Gazing into the tunnel of infinity
(05/22/19) Did you know you could patent a shoelace tying system?
(05/21/19) Astroid and circles
(05/20/19) This is a fractal house for a woman and her many cats
(05/19/19) We teach students about how logarithms works but not why we should care
(05/18/19) Old map reminds us of colonial legacy in Africa
(05/17/19) Blowing up stars (images)
(05/16/19) Humor and electronics
(05/15/19) A fractal hand grasps at you with its infinite fingers, haunting your dreams
(05/14/19) Plastinated blood vessels. She once had thoughts and dreams, just like you
(05/13/19) Printer problems humor
(05/12/19) Mahatma Gandhi
(05/11/19) "Nose Cone Volumes"
(05/10/19) Realist and optomist
(05/09/19) Ants use leaves to cultivate their own fungus farms
(05/08/19) People climbed on poles to watch funeral procession of Mahatma Gandhi
(05/07/19) Ancient, mysterious bronze dodecahedron
(05/06/19) Intricate generative art and mathematics
(05/05/19) In 1908, Cosmopolitan published on how H.G. Wells imagined the evolution of life on Mars
(05/04/19) Dodecagon Connections
(05/03/19) Photo that deepens the mystery
(05/02/19) Purple & white M&Ms distort perception of checkerboard
(05/01/19) If the human brain were so simple...
(04/31/19) Swaminarayan Akshardham temple, New Delhi, India
(04/30/19) Cool gears. Mechanical Principles (1930) by Ralph Steiner
(04/29/19) Joke for math students
(04/28/19) Airless tire test
(04/26/19) Wikipedia has a page titled "Alternative Facts"
(04/25/19) The ten myths of innovation
(04/24/19) If Jesus, Moses, Muhammad, & Buddha were gathered in a room....
(04/23/19) Drawing of an "Asymptote Bag," for your infinite shopping needs
(04/22/19) What do you believe to be true that...
(04/21/19) Math food
(04/20/19) Basic rule of exponents
(04/19/19) The whole purpose of education
(04/18/19) Bizarre caterpillar-like entity found in galaxies
(04/17/19) Mysterious wire-bending machine quickly creates different forms
(04/16/19) This is Christmas humor
(04/15/19) Pickover Biomorphs at Wikipedia
(04/14/19) Mobius Heaven
(04/13/19) Machine Makes 3D Food Using 3D Printed Replaceable Parts
(04/12/19) Carrot cake decoration robot
(04/11/19) This humor may appeal to physics students
(04/10/19) Romantic anniversary card?
(04/09/19) We are not alone. Technical paper here
(04/08/19) Ever wonder what Dr. Seuss, wife, and home looked like?
(04/07/19) Each paper layer of Eric Standley's work is drawn and cut individually
(04/06/19) Fragment of a History of Film poste
(04/05/19) Fragment of a huge poster on the History of Prime Time Television
(04/04/19) Photo. Charged particle streams from the sun collide with Saturn
(04/03/19) This is a windy fall drive in Vermont
(04/02/19) Trilobite cookies
(04/01/19) Neural Network Puzzle and Infinity Galaxy Puzzle
(03/31/19) Sometimes pine forests are like a poem...
(03/30/19) The job of an artist is always...
(03/29/19) Mathematical seashell
(03/28/19) They said it couldn't be done. How to Slice a Bagel into Two Linked Halves
(03/27/19) Amazing fact. Diomede, Alaska, is an American city only 2.4 miles away from Russia
(03/26/19) This is a kind of geometry joke
(03/25/19) Christmans fractal
(03/24/19) Calculus humor
(03/23/19) Smile
(03/22/19) Math humor
(03/21/19) Unusual gravestone
(03/20/19) The ultimate "selfie." Turkish F-16 diving & rolling while firing flares
(03/19/19) Computer humor
(03/18/19) What the hell is Pi doing here?
(03/17/19) Aliens among us. Claw of the crustacean Phronima
(03/16/19) How many kinds of infinity are there?
(03/15/19) Dodecahedron
(03/14/19) Cows kill more people than sharks
(03/13/19) The amazing Kalman filter
(03/12/19) Lotus ceiling
(03/11/19) Boat can sail under a train driving under a car driving under an airplane
(03/10/19) Relaxing. Debussy 'Clair de Lune'
(03/09/19) A pioneering science woman
(03/08/19) Goldbach’s Comet
(03/07/19) Bizarre fern
(03/06/19) Math patterns to delight
(03/05/19) The 15 Most Famous Transcendental Numbers
(03/04/19) For maths lovers -- a logical set of bowls
(03/03/19) Planet Lollipops
(03/02/19) Evoke the Victorian spirit with the steampunk style of this laser-cut, mechanical light switch
(03/01/19) Math functions
(02/28/19) A cute representation of Pangaea, an ancient supercontinent
(02/27/19) Keyboard waffle iron
(02/26/19) One day, at the physician's office...
(02/25/19) Thomae's function
(02/24/19) First aerial photograph of Stonehenge, 1906
(02/23/19) The Spectrum Cube
(02/22/19) Mouse trap vs. hotdog
(02/21/19) Strange ice. Slovenia's Mount Javornik
(02/20/19) Continental U.S. would look like this, if all ice melted
(02/19/19) Amaze friends. New York City is actually...
(02/18/19) Raindrops are not tear-shaped, as many people think
(02/17/19) Sometimes the physics of raindrop collisions...
(02/16/19) Nice photo. Quiet Companions: A desert sunrise in Sharjah
(02/15/19) Mathematical lifeforms in Conway's Game of Life suddenly spew out a message to humanity
(02/14/19) Strange universe. Conway's Game of Life on the surface of a trefoil knot
(02/13/19) Exotic "birds of death" discovered in Conway's Game of Life
(02/12/19) Conway's Game of Life Cellular Automaton with color-coded aging
(02/11/19) Nice photo. Viking descendants at annual Up Helly Aa festival in Lerwick, Shetland Islands
(02/10/19) Bridge over a bridge over a bridge
(02/09/19) Maybe we should build....
(02/08/19) This humor might appeal to particle physicists
(02/07/19) Marvin Minsky (1927-2016)
(02/06/19) Oscillation
(02/05/19) This humor could appeal to technologists
(02/04/19) Can a 5lb GUMMY BEAR stop a 2865 MPH BULLET?
(02/03/19) Glimpse the past. Women assembling cartridges, in Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridges Co
(02/02/19) Lovecraft meets 3-D fractal
(02/01/19) The solution to the mystery of holes in Swiss cheese
(01/31/19) The most "religious" of all fractals: the Jerusalem Cube
(01/30/19) Contrast CHINA and NORTH KOREA, lights at night
(01/29/19) This is humor dealing with software
(01/28/19) Amazing pattern traced about by Earth and Venus as they orbit Sun
(01/27/19) Woodpecker shot at a slow shutter speed
(01/26/19) Can You Solve The Horse Grazing Puzzle?
(01/25/19) This is the tightest knot ever tied
(01/24/19) Intriguing photo. Monkey dreams of other universes
(01/23/19) Mysterious photo. Frolicking fish got stuck in a moment, trapped in a frozen wave
(01/22/19) Evelyn discusses the utter strangeness of the "Topologist's Sine Curve
(01/21/19) The infinite earring illustrates the delicate interplay between topology and geometry
(01/20/19) Mosquito laser shootdown sequence
(01/19/19) Slow-motion Lizard running on top of water
(01/18/19) Bullet meets steel wall
(01/17/19) Slow motion: watermelon vs bullet
(01/16/19) Super-slow motion. Object hits egg
(01/15/19) Dr. Wernher von Braun (1912–1977) standing by engines of the Saturn V Dynamic Test Vehicle
(01/14/19) The Famous Animation Characters of Peter de Sève
(01/13/19) Photo of a scorpion with the Milky Way
(01/12/19) This is a form of math humor
(01/11/19) This is a physics joke
(01/10/19) "Some book suggestions for a 14 year old who loves math"
(01/09/19) Historical fact. Cleopatra lived closer in time to...
(01/08/19) Amazing photo. Saturn's little moon Daphnis carves gorgeous patterns and ripples in Saturn's rings
(01/07/19) Imagine the joy of showing some Renaissance architect this skyline of Dubai today, piercing the clouds
(01/06/19) Amazing insect artwork
(01/06/19) Doctor: "What I'm about to tell you will change your life...."
(01/05/19) Sometimes I wonder if there's more to life than...
(01/04/19) Intriguing photo. Well in the village of Natwargadh
(01/03/19) The intricate schooling of fish reminds us of math and geometries beyond imagination
(01/02/19) Fractal giraffe
(01/01/19) Photo. Borneo’s carnivorous pitcher plant and carpenter ant
(12/31/18) Human-powered paper centrifuge that transforms healthcare
(12/30/18) Plaque found at 23 Golden Square, Soho, London
(12/29/18) Yes, the horizontal lines are absolutely straight
(12/28/18) What is the best two-line horror story?
(12/27/18) This joke concerns the evolution of photography and culture
(12/26/18) How A Powerful Mathematical Principle Spelled Doom For Absurdly Large Centipedes
(12/25/18) There is enough water in Lake Superior...
(12/24/18) This is a kind of math joke
(12/23/18) Pentagon, hexagon, ...
(12/22/18) Professors
(12/21/18) This represents a form of math humor
(12/20/18) This humor concerns cats and the evolution of display technology
(12/19/18) In South Korea, top teachers become multimillionaires
(12/18/18) Elon Musk argues that we must put a million people on Mars if humanity is to have a future
(12/17/18) The amazing powers of alpine ibex
(12/16/18) Imagine explaining this joke to someone in 1950
(12/15/18) This joke involves technology change
(12/14/18) This joke could appeal to people involved with computing technology
(12/13/18) A programmer friend sent me this....
(12/12/18) There is an antelope hiding in this picture…
(12/11/18) Imagine the mind expansion if we had read everything in the library of child prodigy Giacomo Leopardi
(12/10/18) Palindrome for all to enjoy
(12/09/18) Reuleaux-triangle-based film advance mechanism in the Soviet Luch-2 8 mm film projector
(12/08/18) Mystery map puzzle. What do you think the green region represents?
(12/07/18) Aliens among us. A baby crocodile camouflaged among weed in a pond in Tangerang, Indonesia
(12/06/18) Thoughts on faith and "climate change denial"
(12/05/18) History of Wikipedia at Wikipedia
(12/04/18) Death Walk. 100,000 porcelain skulls cover floor of Singapore Gallery
(12/03/18) The Dragon Autopsy
(12/02/18) Here is an essay on "Should We Stop Teaching Calculus In High School?"
(12/01/18) "I’m starting a startup..."
(11/30/18) "If a man Googles himself"
(11/29/18) There is a Cat in This Picture… Tell us how much time you needed to find him
(11/28/18) "Jesus said to them, 'My wife...'": Latest updates on Coptic Papyrus Fragment
(11/27/18) A 28-cell orthogonal spaceship is considered groundbreaking discovery in Game of Life
(11/26/18) Looks like science fiction. But it's actually a 1936 "Mercury" train in Chicago
(11/25/18) Here are the 2,000-year-old remains of the Grauballe Man. What were his hopes and dreams? What are yours?
(11/24/18) Looks like computer graphics of some strange math function. But actually, it's a soap bubble about to burst
(11/23/18) Lots of Cotton Harlequin beetles
(11/22/18) Evolution. Mural on side of building...
(11/21/18) Rats drink milk donated by Hindu devotees inside the Karni Mata temple, in Deshnoke, India
(11/20/18) How many of our friends would understand this strange humor? "To be, or not to be...."
(11/19/18) Reality shatter. A circle of dots, but every dot alone is just moving in a straight line
(11/18/18) Transmigration of the souls
(11/17/18) Planet Earth, having a "runny nose." (Just kidding: it's hot lava)
(11/16/18) There are more synapses...
(11/15/18) My latest book finally published. "The Science Book." Here's the Table of Contents
(11/14/18) This humor might appeal to advanced physicists or mathematicians
(11/13/18) Intriguing photo. Construction of the U.S.S. Macon Airship. 1932
(11/12/18) Funny/odd 1925 headline: “Can a woman work and keep her health?” (toothpaste ad)
(11/11/18) Thoughts on scientific publishing. And chocolate and statistics
(11/10/18) What computers once looked like. HP System/3000
(11/09/18) When you imagine Azerbaijan, is this what you imagine? This is the old city of Baku (dates to before 1st century AD
(11/08/18) One hour of kinetic sand cutting, to relax you. More than 500,000 visits to Olivia's video
(11/07/18) Imagine what it was like in the 1960s when your computer looked like this (CDC Cyber 70)
(11/06/18) A Methodology for Studying Interpretations of the DMT-induced Alternate Reality (PDF)
(11/05/18) Alka-Seltzer added to spherical water drop in microgravity
(11/04/18) Computing, 1967 style (photo)
(11/03/18) Time flies. Almost 50 years ago, this happened
(11/02/18) You're both nuts
(11/01/18) For some reason, German Shepherds are so appealing
(10/31/18) Time travel claims and urban legends
(10/30/18) Jugular Vein
(10/29/18) Imagine pressing the wrong button.The cockpit of the Endeavour Space Shuttle
(10/28/18) FIRST picture of the Mandelbrot set, 1978
(10/27/18) Transcendental numbers, like Pi and e, are not rare. YouTube
(10/26/18) Dalmatian Orchid photo
(10/25/18) Dissected view of a pumping heart
(10/24/18) Nice photo. The spiderwebs of our lives. 1918: Painters on Brooklyn Bridge
(10/23/18) Nice concept. Together we can be...
(10/22/18) Cuttlefish Can Count to Five
(10/21/18) Nice image. Dot patterns, mathematics, dress, pumpkin
(10/20/18) Nice image. The pianist
(10/19/18) Nice image. Computing, 1967 style
(10/18/18) This is what Dubai really looks like from the air
(10/17/18) Nice photos of ancient computing machines
(10/16/18) This maze was generated with a simple random walk algorithm that backtracks in a dead end
(10/15/18) A palindromic prime number pyramid
(10/14/18) Haunting. Christ of the Abyss, the Mediterranean Sea, off San Fruttuoso, Italy
(10/13/18) Amazing mazes
(10/12/18) Aliens among us. Complex, strange cocoon
(10/11/18) Alien Server. Every time you visit, you get a new alien
(10/10/18) A block, ball, and pipe networking system -- to stimulate the mind
(10/09/18) This is Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958), an English chemist who helped us understand the structure of DNA
(10/08/18) List of growing palindromic primes
(10/07/18) User experience vs design
(10/06/18) 16th-Century European miniature boxwood carvings that fit in the palm of your hand
(10/05/18) Photo: Blackboards still in use for teaching math
(10/04/18) This is a humorous illustration of a "Low-Pass Filter"
(10/03/18) A developed country is....
(10/02/18) Cosmology. Then and now
(10/01/18) Design vs User Experience
(09/30/18) Dynamic Periodic Table with "slider" control
(09/29/18) Look closely at all the cats that reside in this parallel fractal universe
(09/28/18) A bubble caught in the act of freezing
(09/27/18) This graph appeals to Math people, Star Trek lovers, & Search Engine experts
(09/26/18) Amazing fact. The first pyramids were built while...
(09/25/18) Humorous song in which how-to guru Becky sings about her favorite tools
(09/24/18) Is math invented by humans, or is it the language of the universe? TV show
(09/23/18) Where streets are named after Martin Luther King Jr.
(09/22/18) Hexagonal chess
(09/21/18) Glimpse the past. Here's Marjorie Cameron (1922–1995), wife of rocket pioneer Jack Parsons
(09/20/18) This is Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958), an English chemist who helped us understand the structure of DNA
(09/19/18) Glimpse the past. 12-minute Mandelbrot fractal on 50-year-old IBM 1401 mainframe
(09/18/18) PHOTO. Ever wonder what a burning LOG looks like from INSIDE?
(09/17/18) Photo: A day at the office, 1973
(09/16/18) Was the paper that won John Nash the Nobel Prize just ~300 words long, with 2 references?
(09/15/18) The Beauty of Math. 3D Printed Fractals
(09/14/18) This is Lise Meitner (1878–1968), the famous Austrian physicist who worked on radioactivity and nuclear physics
(09/13/18) The Ramanujan formula
(09/12/18) John Nash on mathematics and mental challenges
(09/11/18) Ant Death Spiral. Ants revolve, until pure mathematics kills them
(09/10/18) Glimpse the past. World map, double cordiform projection
(09/09/18) When spelling matters
(09/08/18) Glimpse the past. Daytona Beach, 1957
(09/07/18) Shocking scholarly study: today, 1 out of every 200 moms in U.S. claim a "virgin" birth.
(09/06/18) The screaming of baby herons reminds us of their fierce dinosaur ancestors
(09/05/18) The mystery of a "creepy" 1970s Sesame Street clip is solved
(09/04/18) This is what a bassoon looks like
(09/03/18) Mysterious, yet made by nature. The latest gossip on snow doughnuts and their kin
(09/02/18) A 666 factoid
(09/01/18) The Gladiator Spider creates a web net. When an insect passes below, it stretches out the net & lunges downwards
(08/30/18) Technology and social-interaction humor
(08/29/18) Adam and Eve
(08/28/18) "Mushroom cloud" in coffee
(08/27/18) J.R.R. Tolkien was rejected by 1961 Nobel prize jury for 'poor prose'
(08/26/18) Interesting vintage Tolkien book covers from around the world
(08/25/18) Tolkien responds to questions of race from Nazi Germany
(08/24/18) Taking a needed break after a sensual round of equation writing
(08/23/18) Just a few decades ago, hospital workers sold cigarettes to patients in bed
(08/22/18) How to make a parabola
(08/21/18) A Hierarchy of Infinities
(08/20/18) Mathematician Kelsey Houston-Edward asks, "Is math real or simply something made up by mathematicians?
(08/19/18) Extraordinary scenes intricately hand-cut from rice paper
(08/18/18) Celebrate the beauty of the number 2
(08/17/18) The Four Romanov Sisters of Russia, 1906, before their slaughter.
(08/16/18) Sign in coffee shop
(08/15/18) When spelling matters
(08/14/18) Fill with numbers 1-8. Consecutive numbers can't be adjacent. YouTube (1 million views)
(08/13/18) Robert Moog at synthesizer, 1968.
(08/12/18) The extreme versatility of chemistry
(08/11/18) The versatility of chemistry
(08/10/18) Nice, colorful photo. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. A workshop in the old city
(08/09/18) "The Science Book: From Darwin to Dark Energy" (My new book!)
(08/08/18) This fifth grader from Belgrade began to draw at two years old...
(08/07/18) Cartoon concerning proof of God's existence
(08/06/18) This humor concerns small dogs and breeding
(08/05/18) Fire tornado, with fans
(08/04/18) A 6-million-year visual journey from ape to man
(08/03/18) MRI image of banana flowers
(08/02/18) Asimov, anti-intellectualism
(08/01/18) Did a typo in a science book title (the word "END") dramatically boost sales?
(07/30/18) See the First 3 Weeks of a Bee's Life Captured in 60 Seconds
(07/29/18) Aliens among us. Apple snail laying eggs
(07/28/18) Scale model showing how mangrove forests protect the coast from wave erosion
(07/27/18) "Removal of growth rings reveals the original sapling."
(07/26/18) This is a biology joke
(07/25/18) Life before MS Word. (James Joyce's corrections for Ulysses.)
(07/24/18) How many other positive integer triplets can you find with these properties?
(07/23/18) Why I love the Menger Sponge
(07/22/18) Starlings form alien hive minds, superorganisms, magnificent murmurations beyond imagination
(07/21/18) This joke relates to ventriloquism
(07/20/18) Gandaberunda, a two-headed mythological creature, is a sculpture often found in Hindu temples
(07/19/18) How do you tell the difference between good and evil?
(07/18/18) Ganesha (Devanagari) jewels
(07/17/18) Kurt Gödel's Mathematical Proof of God's Existence
(07/16/18) This is a math joke
(07/15/18) This is an ethanol molecule in which each atom is partying
(07/14/18) Artist walks for hours in snowshoes to create sublime snow drawings
(07/13/18) The set from Hitchcock's REAR WINDOW had 31 apartments and 1000 arc lights to simulate sunlight
(07/12/18) This is a joke for astronomers
(07/11/18) Shiver in ecstasy at this fancy-looking equation
(07/10/18) These strange photos were taken in the Mothman Museum, West Virgina
(07/09/18) Apéry's constant
(07/08/18) How many triangles are in this image?
(07/07/18) Carl Sagan as an infant
(07/06/18) One fine day at the candy factory (Click the animation for more)
(07/05/18) This is a math joke, coupled with a famous movie
(07/04/18) Woman photographs cross in the sky. Imagine the effect of such sightings through the ages
(07/03/18) This is a humorous or pithy way of describing black holes
(07/02/18) Praying Mantis Catches Hummingbird
(07/01/18) White peacocks are real
(06/30/18) One person sees 4 bars, but the other sees 3
(06/29/18) Thoughts on the existence of God
(06/28/18) This joke involves low gravity and orbits
(06/27/18) I've been in love with the higher-dimensional quaternions for years. You too?
(06/26/18) The Wiki History of the Universe in a list of 200 Words
(06/25/18) Don't you get a bit of a thrill when contemplating Trefoil Knots and Quipus?
(06/24/18) Girl dives into the swimming pool to save her Hoverboard
(06/23/18) Beauty of geometry. Jacksonville Interchange Spiral. Florida
(06/22/18) How a fly responds to a gun's shockwave
(06/21/18) Birds forming patterns in the sky
(06/20/18) The "Witch of Agnesi"
(06/19/18) How It's Made: Pasta Shells
(06/18/18) 3 colored lines. Surprisingly, the length of longest one...
(06/17/18) Monge’s Theorem. 3 circles in plane
(06/16/18) Van Aubel's Theorem
(06/15/18) Beautiful Planet. Botswana, Southern Africa
(06/14/18) A Photon checks into a hotel...
(06/13/18) Can you find the "8" within 10 seconds?
(06/12/18) This is an interesting form of humor
(06/11/18) This is physicist Richard Feynman. He said, "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough"
(06/10/18) By age 55, 1/4 of skin cells carry cancer-driving mutations caused by sun exposure
(06/09/18) This is a physics joke. (by Bill Amend)
(06/08/18) I like the line on the wine bottle, "Savor the taste in each particle"
(06/07/18) Staff members and students at the Harvard College Observatory in 1925
(06/06/18) "Why the Number Line Freaks Me Out"
(06/05/18) Mathematics: The number of gifts in "The 12 Days of Christmas"
(06/04/18) This is Augustinian Friar's Astrological Clock. One hand takes 20,000 years to revolve
(06/03/18) This odd collection is called the "Nasothek Nose Collection." Copenhagen, Denmark
(06/02/18) New monkey species discovered, and promptly eaten
(06/01/18) Trans-dimensional Deer Materialize on Power Lines
(05/31/18) Gray Goo Will Envelope Us All. "Global Ecophagy by Biovorous Nanoreplicators"
(05/30/18) Authors, like Vonnegut, are famous for the "wrong book". Here's why
(05/29/18) The true story of Martin Luther King and Lt. Uhura from Star Trek
(05/28/18) Firewood processor
(05/27/18) Spectacular process of making a glass chandelier from scratch
(05/26/18) This YouTube is considered "The Most Satisfying Video In The World" (for technology people)
(05/25/18) Watch how this bulging glass lamp is made
(05/24/18) Looks like whirls in the fabric of space-time, but actually: whirlpools created by a starfish larva
(05/23/18) What do Mathematicians Eat for Breakfast?
(05/22/18) Street art. Train tracks. "The urban sounds of the city are our daily music."
(05/21/18) The "Witch of Agnesi" is a curve studied by mathematician Maria Agnesi in 1748
(05/20/18) Elephant + Octopus = Octophant (found on London street)
(05/19/18) Dolly is a small pasta machine. Note the rotating knife
(05/18/18) This humor concerns cloud-based storage
(05/17/18) Book reveals how we could one day return to Earth through 'quantum resurrection'
(05/16/18) This YouTube shows a 24-minute animation called the "2000-Year-Old Man"
(05/15/18) Don't you just love The Infinite Monkey Theorem?
(05/14/18) Pentagram magic! 5 circles centered on 6th circle. Lines joining intersection points form pentagram with points on the circles
(05/13/18) Curious math
(05/12/18) The Big Bang occurred...
(05/11/18) Robots making ice cream cones
(05/10/18) Robot Performs Soft-Tissue Surgery By Itself
(05/09/18) Tiny Programmable Swarming Self-Assembly Robots
(05/08/18) World’s First Fully Robot-Staffed Hotel Opens in Japan. A robotic dinosaur will greet you and check you in
(05/07/18) Ever hear of Valentina Tereshkova?
(05/06/18) Robot spider
(05/05/18) This is a vintage "Cigarette Card"
(05/04/18) Sarla Thakral was 1st Indian Woman to fly. She Earned Pilot License in 1936 at age 21
(05/03/18) Sometimes the illusion of motion makes us think of other universes
(05/02/18) Photo of Rabindranath Tagore, an Indian Bengali polymath, and he became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1913
(05/01/18) The Bakhshali Manuscript, written on birch bark, is notable for being "the oldest extant manuscript in Indian mathematics."
(04/30/18) Earth in orbit around a black hole. Illustrates gravitational lensing
(04/29/18) Why eggs need to be refrigerated in the U.S., but not in Europe
(04/28/18) Hilda and Trojan asteroids orbiting the Sun
(04/27/18) According to string theory, additional dimensions are curled into tiny complicated shapes. Calabi-Yau spaces
(04/26/18) Street art. Train tracks. "The urban sounds of the city are our daily music."
(04/25/18) How It's Made: Pasta Shells
(04/24/18) Ptolemy’s theorem. Beauty of simple mathematics
(04/23/18) 5 circles centered on 6th circle. Lines joining intersection points form pentagram with points on the circles
(04/22/18) "An Afterlife Considered from a mind-bending, science-fictional, post-singularity, perspective" (interview)
(04/21/18) The utter beauty and mystery of Euler's Disk
(04/20/18) Physics of Kung Fu Brought to Life Through Motion Capture Visualizations
(04/19/18) Fortune cookie
(04/18/18) How a chicken-wire fence is made
(04/17/18) Glimpse a history document. U.S. Navy dispatch reporting Pearl Harbor attack, 1941
(04/16/18) Shiver in ecstasy. These all equal Pi. Mysterious patterns.
(04/15/18) Hilbert Curve Art, Hilbertonians, and Monkey Genomes
(04/14/18) Shakespeare fractal analysis
(04/13/18) This 144-Year-Old Wisteria In Japan Looks Like A Pink Sky
(04/12/18) Climb into Cantor's Attic, where you will find infinities large and small
(04/11/18) Snails
(04/09/18) Steampunk Menorah
(04/08/18) Frozen Dreams. Some frogs tolerate freezing, and revive in healthy states
(04/07/18) Strange resemblence
(04/06/18) Farmer field math problem
(04/05/18) Hexagonal Tortoise Problem. Invented by Korean aristocrat S. Choi (1646-1715)
(04/04/18) The 7 inner triangles are isosceles. The outer big triangle is also isosceles. What is the value of each angle?
(04/03/18) Pantograph used for scaling a picture. The red shape is traced and enlarged
(04/02/18) Moon and Venus transits beyond Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro, momentarily giving Jesus angelic wings
(04/01/18) Your big-brained friend, from the sea
(03/31/18) Rare, beautiful, unusual figures from Robert Boyle's "Curious Mathematical Forms." (1670)
(03/30/18) A caterpillar questions the existence of God
(03/29/18) Many important people attended Eleanor Roosevelt’s funeral in 1962. But how many can we name in this photo?
(03/28/18) Supertasks and infinity
(03/27/18) This is "8-bit water"
(03/26/18) Mathematics and beauty. The Lantern viewed from the octagon in Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire, England
(03/25/18) Shiver in awe. This pattern continues up to x/13, and, then, shockingly fails for x/15. Borwein integral
(03/24/18) A large group of starlings in the sky decide they want to be a whale rather than birds.
(03/23/18) The word FRACTAL written as a fractal
(03/22/18) Sometimes students do funny things on math tests. "Find x."
(03/22/18) Trilobite menorah for Hanukkah
(03/21/18) Sample rejection letter for a math paper submission
(03/20/18) Saber-toothed salmons once swam in the rivers of Ice Age Oregon and California
(03/19/18) 1967 article in Cosmopolitan magazine called "The Computer Girls"
(03/18/18) Googling, from the Ancient Days
(03/17/18) Bark lice move together via an instantaneous, mysterious mode of communication
(03/16/18) Mark Zuckerberg discusses his hero, Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan
(03/15/18) Nice photo. Hewlett-Packard HP-5451A (Fourier Analyzer), 1972
(03/14/18) Nice photo. 1968 Russian Control Center
(03/13/18) Why the real King Kong became extinct
(03/12/18) This photo of a giant earthworm is real
(03/11/18) How big is Africa, really?
(03/10/18) Mysterious 84-page math journal. Free download PDF
(03/09/18) Ceiling stone carvings, Jalakandeswarar Temple, Vellore, India
(03/08/18) Intricately carved dome over one of the 4 entrances to the Ranakpur Jain Temple, India
(03/07/18) This horoscope, circulating widely on the Web, is often referred to as the "Most accurate horoscope yet..."
(03/06/18) Ceiling marble carving in Jain temple complex. Ranakpur, Rajasthan, India. Akichaka is depicted with five bodies
(03/05/18) From Computation to Consciousness: Can A.I. reveal the nature of our minds?
(03/04/18) The Coffee Break Machine was used for an IBM training film and performed on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1967
(03/03/18) 10 Hours of Infinite Fractal and Falling Shepard's Tone
(03/02/18) Interesting graph. Share of people living in extreme poverty
(03/01/18) Interesting YouTube. Mysterious Psychedelic Mushrooms emerge on an Oscilloscope screen
(02/28/18) For those of you who once watched Downton Abbey -- how many characters can you recognize in modern clothing?
(02/27/18) Thorn dice set
(02/26/18) Glimpse beauty. This is the Crystal Cave – Naica, Mexico
(02/25/18) If you jump into a hole through the Earth, it takes 42 minutes to reach other side
(02/24/18) Share with friends if you see the error in this CNN report on giant hornets
(02/23/18) Frequency distribution of digits in Pi up to the Feynman Point
(02/22/18) This is mathematics
(02/21/18) The Einstein-Pi connection
(02/20/18) Owl and dog
(02/19/18) Wouldn't it be fun to see a range of triangles on a 3x3 board?
(02/18/18) Phasor addition
(02/17/18) Karate Kid vs Chicken (in 10 seconds)
(02/16/18) Looks like jewels, but really pure math. From my very first book
(02/15/18) Hindu temples feature self-similar, fractal-like structures, where parts resemble the whole
(02/14/18) Water so clear, I had to look twice. Boat appears to float in air
(02/13/18) A Fibonacci Word Fractal
(02/12/18) Natural fractal pattern: air displacing a vacuum formed by pulling two glue-covered acrylic sheets apart
(02/11/18) Do Tortoises Like Being Touched? YouTube
(02/10/18) Thor's Hammer, a machine to crush materials at 1 million atmospheres
(02/09/18) US Christmas lights use up more electricity than El Salvador or Ethiopia do in a year.
(02/08/18) Is it possible to watch a conversation between Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke?
(02/07/18) Parallel universe cartoons
(02/06/18) Shiver in ecstasy. Continued fraction representation of the golden ratio
(02/05/18) Rotating 42 independently-driven-layer sculpture of Franz Kafka’s Head
(02/04/18) Singing cans. Or Christmas decorations on a budget
(02/03/18) Cake frosting machine
(02/02/18) Assembly instructions from Hell
(02/01/18) Super-tiny nano-sculpture
(01/31/18) What would life be like on a Flat Earth? Fascinating YouTube
(01/30/18) Did The Past Really Happen? YouTube
(01/29/18) The two shapes are identical
(01/28/18) Visions
(01/27/18) The illusion of 3D
(01/26/18) The Town Where Everyone Wears A Gas Mask
(01/25/18) Awesome universe. Asperatus Clouds over New Zealand.
(01/24/18) Strange buffalo skull mountain
(01/23/18) This is an unusual pyramid shape. Geometry and Transcendence
(01/22/18) From 1,000,000 to Graham’s Number
(01/21/18) Buckminster Fuller’s Map – A Lasercut Dymaxion Globe
(01/20/18) Sneeze infographic and Ebola
(01/19/18) Mysterious-looking bridge suddenly stops and disappears into a tunnel in the waters of Chesapeake Bay.
(01/18/18) The Largest Known Prime by Year: A Brief History
(01/17/18) 1000s of lifeforms placed on map
(01/16/18) Awesome liquid demo of Pythagorean Theorem
(01/15/18) Etruscan dodecahedrons made of soapstone found near Padua. dating from before 500 BC
(01/14/18) There are 5 ways to inscribe a cube in a dodecahedron
(01/13/18) This is an array of raw food cut into perfect cubes
(01/12/18) Air Bonsai
(01/11/18) The discovery of beautiful pyrite dodecahedrons from Elba, Italy
(01/10/18) Woman teaching geometry. Illustration in a medieval translation of Euclid's Elements, c. 1310
(01/09/18) Woman controls the marionette of herself who feeds the squirrel. But what unseen force controls the woman?
(01/08/18) This is the alligator-mouth math function
(01/07/18) Hyper-dimensional pool
(01/06/18) Discovered: evidence of ancient aliens. (Just kidding)
(01/05/18) Fun image of a "Complex Carbohydrate"
(01/04/18) The technical paper "On nonrecoverable deletion in syntax" has no content, on purpose
(01/03/18) Coffee mug with optical illusion spatial geometric design. Looks concave on one side, but it's not
(01/02/18) Actual patent figure for Patent 1926420, involving a greyhound-riding monkey
(01/01/18) A somewhat scary man dressed in a suit (left) turns out to be something else when rotated
(12/31/17) Listen in awe to the music of our computer overlords. Weep. Deep-Bach: harmonization using deep learning
(12/30/17) Gears that simulates the motion of a hummingbird in flight
(12/29/17) Icosahedron becomes tired of its perfect existence and seeks transcendence in chaos
(12/28/17) Dots in simple, circular orbits create larger wave patterns.
(12/27/17) Faraday train
(12/26/17) Mystery of math. This is a hexisteric 7-cube. (Seven-dimensional geometry.)
(12/25/17) Looks almost like math and computer graphics. Actually, a real city. New Belgrade, Serbia
(12/24/17) Ants create "sculpture" tunnels in art-form model of parallel universes
(12/23/17) Our computer overlords. A simple gear mechanism moving a frame structure. Used in robot toys
(12/22/17) Greenland's size. Mercator projection vs its actual size
(12/21/17) Two Fun photos. Segway: 1923 (Buster Keaton) and today (Dean Kamen)
(12/20/17) Image from Golf ball patent, 1902
(12/19/17) For any value of letter "a" from 1 to 9, the result is always the same.
(12/18/17) Control room of the 1918 German submarine UB-110
(12/17/17) Merging Oceans. (Alaskan Gulf)
(12/16/17) Isinglass, or dried fish swim bladders, has been used to clarify beers for decades
(12/15/17) Meet the "last generation" of Kiribati, about to be swallowed by rising sea levels
(12/14/17) Building An Orrery
(12/13/17) Wiggle-gram, by Dain Fagerholm, gives the perception of 3D without using glasses
(12/12/17) Pretty photo. Nature's Cathedral
(12/11/17) Leonardo DiCaprio & The Nature of Reality: Crash Course Philosophy
(12/10/17) Margaret Wertheim on math, physics, and mind-boggling visions of reality
(12/09/17) I uncovered an unusual Figure from a 1923 patent for "exercising the teeth"
(12/08/17) Mapping Shakespeare tragedies. Characters = nodes, connected with people in scene
(12/07/17) Ghostly face emerges from face detection algorithm
(12/06/17) Dramatic Stainless Steel Wire Fairies by Robin Wight
(12/05/17) The teacup keeps going, and going
(12/04/17) In Moscow, Quantum Physics Meets the Visual Arts
(12/03/17) Math beauty
(12/02/17) The First Known Depiction of a Witch on a Broomstick, 1451.
(12/01/17) The planets to scale
(11/30/17) What is angle A in the star-shaped figure? 75% of 8th-graders got this wrong. Can you figure it out?
(11/29/17) 2 tracks start at same height and end at same height, but is the shortest distance the fastest route?
(11/28/17) A heart made of candy hearts
(11/27/17) Pascal's Vase - demonstrating that depth, not shape, determines fluid pressure...
(11/26/17) Something is special about the mind of Indian mathematician Ramanujan (PDF)
(11/25/17) Shortest scientific paper ever published in serious journal. Zero words. 1974.
(11/24/17) Border patrol service dogs waiting in line to get dinner. Finland, circa 1940
(11/23/17) "Snowdecahedron" with its pentagonal faces
(11/22/17) Don't you just love Sea Bunnies? Their "ears" are actually rhinophores, or chemosensory scent/taste organs
(11/21/17) The Painted Weevil (Eurhinus magnificus), a stunning species with metallic emerald, gold, copper, ruby exoskeleton
(11/20/17) Gaze in awe The famous Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920) gave us some beautiful formulas for Pi
(11/19/17) Amazing garden sculptures in Montreal
(11/18/17) Crane Operator Takes Breathtaking Photos of Shanghai From 2,000 Feet High
(11/17/17) Looks like some alien world. Iceland's Black Sand Beach
(11/16/17) A predecessor to our GPS devices in cars: The TomTom! With automatic scrolling map. 1932
(11/15/17) Chicks dig Star Wars BB8 droids
(11/14/17) Wisdom of Bertand Russell
(11/13/17) "The Open Office is disruptive, stressful, cumbersome. Productivity falls."
(11/12/17) Should companies be forcing their most creative employees into open offices?
(11/11/17) This Medieval Prayer Wheel is More Than 1,000 Years Old. No One Knows How to Use It
(11/10/17) Gun made of bones
(11/09/17) Mathematician John Conway says he never worked a day in his life
(11/08/17) Higher IQ is correlated with longer life span
(11/07/17) A beautiful 1800-Faced Polyhedron
(11/06/17) Shiver in awe. i^i is real number
(11/05/17) Anatomical Balloon Dog and Rubber Ducky Models
(11/04/17) An ‘Infinite’ Galaxy Puzzle That Can Be Built in Any Direction
(11/03/17) Mechanical hand. From: Instrumenta chyrurgiae et icones anathomicae, by Ambroise Paré. [Paris: 1564]
(11/02/17) Warping of reality
(11/01/17) This is a humorous icon for "liking Schrodinger."
(10/31/17) Your x-ray showed a broken rib, but....
(10/30/17) 92 gears
(10/29/17) Don't you just love the look of bismuth?
(10/28/17) Movie: Donald Duck in "Mathmagic Land" (1959). Explore math strange realities
(10/27/17) Reuleaux Triangle Intermittent Pins Mechanism 3D Model
(10/26/17) Rack and pins reciprocating mechanism
(10/25/17) For math geniuses. Which of these 3 would you choose?
(10/24/17) The ceiling is completely flat, including the dome on the left
(10/23/17) Morphing golden ring
(10/22/17) The Teleporting Robot puzzle: The robot disappears before your eyes.
(10/21/17) This curious images shows a Jesus-like figure interacting with a dinosaur
(10/20/17) Looks like feathers attached to a neural network. Actually, a feather starfish (crinoid)
(10/19/17) If you farted consistently for 6 yrs, would enough gas be produced to create energy of atomic bomb?
(10/18/17) Interesting bone dice, ancient Rome
(10/17/17) This is a kind of fractal
(10/16/17) Such exquisite detail. Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica, Ottawa. Click to magnify
(10/15/17) Since his death in 2011, Jobs, the former Apple CEO, has won more than 140 patents
(10/14/17) The flocking of small creatures reminds me of the hive mind of a higher-dimensional being
(10/13/17) Proposal for Fractal Taipei Performing Arts Center
(10/12/17) Photos of a jaguar attacking a huge caiman in the wetlands of Brazil
(10/11/17) Artwork. Skull
(10/10/17) Imagine this is a portal to another universe, and, soon, an alien entity will emerge
(10/09/17) Mummies & curses. When science and fear collide, a supernatural story thrives
(10/08/17) Zonohedron Featuring 662 Faces: Octadecagons, Decagons, Octagons, Hexagons, and Rhombi
(10/07/17) This humor could appeal to those interested in Beatles songs and flow charts
(10/06/17) Photographer captures incredible images of spiders
(10/05/17) This is an article on the mystery of "Terminal Lucidity" when near death
(10/04/17) Strange universe. Woman transforms
(10/03/17) Science fiction writer Greg Egan explores Klein's quartic curve
(10/02/17) Shock-free high-speed intermittent gearing. Cardioid cam
(10/01/17) Combination of patterns and colors trick your brain into thinking this still psychedelic swirl is actually moving
(09/30/17) 1964: Seeing dinosaurs from the comfort of a car at the Ford Pavilion’s Magic Skyway, New York World’s Fair
(09/29/17) Your skull is at top
(09/28/17) The myth that humans have exceptionally large brains for their body size
(09/27/17) This may be frustrating for those who are obsessed with order and neatness
(09/26/17) From sponge to humans
(09/25/17) 11,373,076 : 1 gearbox. That’s no typo--you need to rotate shaft 11 million times to get the output to rotate once!
(09/24/17) A cute caveman prop used at the 1964 New York World's Fair
(09/23/17) Woman towers over the intricate 1:1200 scale model of New York City at the World's Fair, 1964
(09/22/17) Venn diagram: uppercase letter glyphs are shared by Greek, Latin & Cyrillic alphabets
(09/21/17) Cortical atrophy in Alzheimer's Disease, associated with loss of gyri and sulci
(09/20/17) Mathematics can be mystical and beautiful. Buddhabrot and Logistic Map
(09/19/17) Real dandelion seed puffs preserved as they're about to disperse
(09/18/17) Breaking News. UFO Caught on Tape
(09/17/17) This is fractal. This is mathematics. This is beauty and complexity
(09/16/17) Bizarre new spiny caterpillar turns out to be a sequence of birds
(09/15/17) Creating an ellipse
(09/14/17) Identical masses roll down. Which is fastest?
(09/13/17) Drehplattentür. Rotary platform door by Klemens Torggler
(09/12/17) This demonstrates how the end of a set of belts can be continuously rotated without becoming twisted or tangled
(09/11/17) Carotid-Kundalini Function
(09/10/17) Hypocycloids rolling. The cusps of smaller curves have continuous contact with next-larger hypocycloid
(09/09/17) On a tautochrone curve, time taken by objects sliding to lowest point is independent of its starting point
(09/08/17) How many of these interesting female mathematicians have you heard of?
(09/07/17) This is a fractal object called a Menger Sponge. It has an infinite surface area and zero volume
(09/06/17) When a superstar researcher dies in an academic filed, rapid innovation follows
(09/05/17) An unusual video in which eggs become conscious of their surroundings, and scream
(09/04/17) Aliens among us. The beak of a colossal squid
(09/03/17) Diffusion of gas with random motions. Over time, the 2 colors will be evenly distributed between top/bottom half.
(09/02/17) Wordsworth Donisthorpe filmed London's Trafalgar Square traffic in 1890; these are the surviving 10 frames.
(09/01/17) Math in action. "Missing paint on these weights shows a bell-curve distribution for what people select."
(08/31/17) Oh, the horror. As sea levels rise, octopuses invade parking garages, startling drivers. (Miami Beach.)
(08/30/17) Sometimes the beauty of nature reminds us of mathematics. Rhodochrosite crystal
(08/29/17) Global Internet usage. (24-hour use of IP addresses. Red=high)
(08/28/17) Mechanically separated chicken slurry to create chicken nugget
(08/27/17) Imagine the joy of playing Faerie’s Aire and Death Waltz, the worlds' most unplayable score
(08/26/17) An animation of Mars orbit
(08/25/17) This is humor from Mark Tatulli involving a mathematical child.
(08/24/17) The year is 1963. French woman, on bench, with hat, smoking cigarette.
(08/23/17) Mysterious universe & math. 2-D cyclical cellular automaton growing to repeating patterns from a random start
(08/22/17) Dream about higher dimensional worlds with someone you love. This is a 4-dimensional hexdecahedroid
(08/21/17) Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923
(08/20/17) Dragonflies posing for a photo
(08/19/17) Skeleton Shop, London, 1935
(08/18/17) A woman grasping a huge organ. (Royal Albert Hall, London, 1932
(08/17/17) This is a 1601 depiction of sailors battling Giant Crabs in Indian Ocean
(08/16/17) Using your eyes only, which one consists of a single piece of rope that has its ends joined
(08/15/17) A dust devil spins across the surface of Mars
(08/14/17) It is possible to use the natural contours of nature to amplify smartphone sounds
(08/13/17) Body of phone case is a sound chamber. Doubles the volume of iPhone without causing any extra battery usage
(08/12/17) Eat the past. Cuneiform cookies
(08/11/17) In geometry, a deltoid, also known as a tricuspoid or Steiner curve, is a hypocycloid of three cusps
(08/10/17) NATO countries since 1949
(08/09/17) Using your eyes only, which one consists of a single piece of rope that has its ends joined
(08/08/17) If the 1st metacarpal bone, pictured here, suddenly became twice as long in all humans, what would be the effect on civilization & society?
(08/07/17) Images on a disc which when spun gives illusion of two men boxing (Eadweard Muybridge's Phenakistoscope, 1830-1904
(08/06/17) Peaceable Queens (chess)
(08/05/17) I like that word "Eurypterids." You too?
(08/04/17) Fractal flowers
(08/03/17) Fractal jellyfish discovered in the fabric of mathematics
(08/02/17) A bot examines images of people, then adds or removes smiles to their faces
(08/01/17) Glasswinged Butterfly
(07/31/17) A sushi roll to make a mathematician fall in love with you
(07/30/17) This is a baby octopus
(07/29/17) How an Archimedes Screw works to move material. Lego module
(07/28/17) Pharaoh's Serpent (Mercury (II) Thiocyanate)
(07/27/17) Two black mambas - the world's most dangerous snake - fighting
(07/26/17) Photon removing an electron from a helium atom
(07/25/17) Desert tarantula, fading away into a mystical mathematical universe, by Bill Tavis
(07/24/17) Imagine the look on the face of Thomas Edison if he could see the electronics within a toothbrush today
(07/23/17) "Vibration pattern looked like a demonic face"
(07/22/17) How wire turns into paper clips
(07/21/17) This bacteriophage virus looks like a miniature lunar lander
(07/20/17) 2 pendulums with same period coupled by suspending them from a string. The oscillation alternates between the two
(07/19/17) Perpetual slinky treadmill
(07/18/17) You can stretch out these fake marble sculptures like a slinky
(07/17/17) Beautiful-looking musical score
(07/16/17) Ball rolls down ramp that connects two points. What is shape such that descent time is a minimum?
(07/15/17) Interlocked Coins Form Complex Geometric Sculptures
(07/14/17) A curious Moire pattern
(07/13/17) The insertion of two vertical lines gives us the impression of 3D
(07/12/17) The case of the missing fractals
(07/11/17) Reciprocate gear mechanism
(07/10/17) Why deep learning is suddenly changing your life
(07/09/17) This joke involves teaching computer science
(07/08/17) Unusual photo. A pool that became an island
(07/07/17) Two turntables (record players) demonstrate mathematics
(07/06/17) Meet Seki Takakazu (1642-1708), also known as Japan's Isaac Newton
(07/05/17) A table made of wood, which actually walks without lifting it
(07/04/17) Geometry sunflower moire pattern
(07/03/17) A rigid triangle in the plane that continuously moves in such a way that each vertex moves on a fixed line
(07/02/17) Math flowers
(07/01/17) A Klein Bottle image: beautiful, terrifying, transcendent
(06/30/17) Drill perfectly straight holes with this genius laser attachment
(06/29/17) The Most Photographed Areas of the World. Europe is remarkably popular
(06/28/17) Interesting photo of TranAsia airplane as it clipped a road and crashed into a river in Taipei
(06/27/17) Non-Newtonian Fluid on a Speaker Cone
(06/26/17) This is how Big Bird works
(06/25/17) Penguin Bomb: a flat origami penguin that assembles itself when dropped on a hard surface
(06/24/17) Whale hearts
(06/22/17) Seven Planet Somsky Gears. Math, beauty, and reality
(06/20/17) Fractal gears
(06/19/17) Strange animation: Sister Alice Smith with tesseract (hypercube), containing a walking ostrich
(06/18/17) Can You Walk on Water? (Non-Newtonian Fluid Pool)
(06/17/17) Photo. Crane vs eagle
(06/16/17) Watching a laser machine gun clean rusty metal is a perfect meditation
(06/15/17) Magnets, copper coil, and batteries will make you a tiny hyperloop
(06/14/17) Hexagonal fabric of the machine matrix
(06/13/17) Mobius Strip + Menger Sponge = Mobius Menger Sponge. 6.76 Million Quads.
(06/12/17) Looks like a dusting of ashes on snow? Actually: An iceberg full of penguins
(06/11/17) How a Geneva Wheel works
(06/10/17) One fine day in the marshmallow factory
(06/09/17) Walking bike
(06/08/17) Infinite zooms
(06/07/17) Robotic 3D spatial printing/sculpting
(06/06/17) Farey-Ford tessellation and circle packings
(06/05/17) There are many different fascinating ways of forming an ellipse
(06/04/17) Death seeking fractal resurrection
(06/03/17) The mystery of how traffic jams form
(06/02/17) Flexible micro-actuators turning a bolt. A glimpse of our worm-like overlords of the future
(06/01/17) Weird 3-D printed math shoes generated using Conway’s Game of Life
(05/31/17) 27-Year-Old will be the first woman to visit every country in the world
(05/30/17) Ghost ship made of water and lights
(05/29/17) A collaboration graph for prolific mathematician Paul Erdos, c. 1979
(05/28/17) Our minds are made of little robots. Dan Dennet on Consciousness
(05/27/17) Photo captures the moment. Hawk startled by wasp
(05/26/17) Aliens among us. Spanish Dancer nudibranch (Hexabranchus sanguineus)
(05/25/17) How a mathematician can actually turn a doughnut inside-out
(05/24/17) Circular Piano. Keyboard without end
(05/23/17) The year is 1993. Hillary Rodham Clinton plays a Nintendo "Game Boy"
(05/22/17) This is a half-sheared sheep
(05/21/17) Largest musical instrument in the world
(05/20/17) Man turns peanut butter into diamonds
(05/19/17) Intriguing. What's inside a Slim Jim? Video documentary
(05/18/17) Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor. On a harp
(05/17/17) First Aid Kit, "America." Music that helps us transcend
(05/16/17) Attractive illustration from 1892 patent
(05/15/17) Beautiful universe. Gartrellit auf Karminit
(05/14/17) Italian artist Franco Matticchio
(05/13/17) Strange Reality. Our world is nothing like the one we experience through our senses.
(05/12/17) Looks like an antediluvian god reached toward Earth, heralding a new age. (Actually, it's an awesome "waterspout".)
(05/11/17) This is a graph that has a trace of humor and of truth
(05/10/17) On the incredible beauty and mystery of math art using Fourier series
(05/09/17) Physicists make it possible to 3D print your own baby universe
(05/08/17) The mysterious Soap Bubble Nebula
(05/07/17) This is humor dealing with placebo effects
(05/06/17) The surprising results of slicing in to a fractal Menger Sponge
(05/05/17) Art. Exploring the fractal Menger sponge as it crumbles at the edge of the apocalypse
(05/04/17) Attractive photo. Paris, seen from Eiffel Tower
(05/03/17) Equilateral triangle converts to a square with only four hinged pieces
(05/02/17) Sly spider disguises itself as ant: to eat ants, and to avoid being eaten by ants
(05/01/17) Ever wonder what grad students in math do all day?
(04/30/17) Policeman measures distance from knee to suit. More than 6 inches was forbidden
(04/29/17) "Women Watching Stars," 1936. By Chou Ota
(04/28/17) Horror movie plot generator
(04/27/17) Smart Baby. Watch the YouTube
(04/26/17) Magnetic putty come alive, swallowing a metal-like cube
(04/25/17) Looks like an ancient god reached toward Earth, heralding a new age
(04/24/17) Vision of the future from BYTE, 1981. Imagine the floppy and tiny keyboard
(04/23/17) This fractal vase reminds me of the trachea of an antediluvian God
(04/22/17) On the incredible beauty and mystery of math art using Fourier series.
(04/21/17) The Claw of Sharabha. The geometry problem driving the Internet wild
(04/20/17) Shiver. Robotic reindeer pull Santa's sleigh into our cybernetic future
(04/19/17) Chris Bjerre's "Echoes" is an artistic animation through fractal and related realms
(04/18/17) Unusual music. Over The Ocean - "I Will Be Silent"
(04/17/17) In rural North Dakota, a strange pyramid has been found
(04/16/17) Why do university admissions love to see CALCULUS on high-school transcripts?
(04/15/17) Mysterious Visualization. A lot of people were BORN in September
(04/14/17) Tesla wall lamp
(04/13/17) "My favorite Platonic solid is the regular dodecahedron, with 12 faces and 20 corners"
(04/12/17) Shiver. The sum of all numbers on a roulette wheel is...
(04/11/17) Conductive ink in a pen allows you to draw working electrical circuits.
(04/10/17) Ptolemy’s theory of epicycles (orbits within orbits within orbits…) used to construct Homer Simpson
(04/09/17) Can a moon have a moon? Can the moon of a moon have a moon?
(04/08/17) Mystery of Easter Island solved
(04/07/17) Puzzle driving the Internet wild. Which pot will fill first?
(04/06/17) A geometric approach to cooking two pizzas at once.
(04/05/17) GyroGlove, designed by 26-yr-old for Parkinson’s patients, uses gyroscopes to resist hand movement. Dampens tremors
(04/04/17) Creative "wet floor" sign
(04/03/17) Free. 16 free Alfred Hitchcock films, slipped into public dom
(04/02/17) Self-stirring coffee mug appears to create wormhole to an alternate universe
(04/01/17) Snail joke
(04/01/17) This humor combines math and infinity
(03/31/17) Forming Pi with tiny photos of pies
(03/30/17) Thoughts on wind chimes
(03/29/17) Awesome assembly of mathematicians
(03/28/17) Scream in awe. The size of an eagle claw
(03/27/17) Shiver in awe and terror. Double Demonic Prime Number
(03/26/17) Aliens among us. The Bismarck Flying Fox is the largest bat on the planet
(03/25/17) Glimpse the past. Human chess in 1924, St. Petersburg, Russia.
(03/24/17) "It can't be true ... can it?" Rachael Formula.
(03/23/17) Shiver in awe. A mysterious and beautiful equality
(03/22/17) Sets of curves that represent factorial multiplication within modulo bases (PDF)
(03/21/17) Imagine showing these "texting" lanes, on steps, to people from the year 1900. What would they think?
(03/20/17) My Twitter feed is like Reality Carnival on steroids
(03/19/17) Kevin Kelly's updated essay on "1,000 True Fans"
(03/18/17) Acme's Wine Bottle Klein Bottle
(03/17/17) Ghostly and beautiful: Planetary nebulae, in order of physical size
(03/16/17) Neatorama exhibited some images from my latest book, "Death and the Afterlife"
(03/15/17) Hinduism expansion in Asia, from its heartland in Indian Subcontinen
(03/14/17) Singularity chess
(03/13/17) Man shoots cigarettes and other objects with a gun
(03/12/17) Our expanding universe is like raisin bread, baking in the oven. Here's why
(03/11/17) Wooden brain
(03/10/17) Will lava lamps work on Jupiter?
(03/09/17) Woman wears brain
(03/08/17) The Fractal MegaMenger: made out of over a million business cards
(03/07/17) Map showing origin/diffusion of chess from India to Asia, Africa, & Europe, and the changes in the name
(03/06/17) Imagine encountering this road, as you drive toward the sunset of your life
(03/05/17) Shocking Misconceptions about the Golden Ratio. Free Paper PDF
(03/04/17) Archimedes proved: Vol(cylinder) = Vol(sphere) + Vol(cone). Hourglasses
(03/03/17) Shiver in ecstasy. A relationship between pi and e
(03/02/17) Imagine that aliens carved a fetus into a mountain
(03/01/17) Science and technology papers
(02/28/17) Weights 27 pounds. Huge candy snake is 36,000 calories & 8 feet long
(02/27/17) Man puts microphone in shell and discovers parallel universe. (Just kidding, but still interesting)
(02/26/17) How would it feel to live in a home built on top of a shopping mall? (Zhuzhao, China)
(02/25/17) Aliens among us. This is the front foot of a male Acilius diving beetle
(02/24/17) Mobius snake skeleton
(02/23/17) Listen to the Wikipedia edits happening in real time
(02/22/17) The spirit of a beautiful flying bird, found in an orchid
(02/21/17) Can you solve the Klein Bottle Rubik's Cube and not go insane? YouTube
(02/20/17) Analytical Engine, Ada Lovelace, and Babbage LEGO
(02/19/17) A giant pendulum in a BARN made this pattern
(02/18/17) Photo of mermaid skeleton turns out to be a fake
(02/17/17) Aliens among us. Monkey orchids & "Dracula simia" are real flowers
(02/16/17) Looks like math. But actually, it's the ceiling of Hazrate-Masomeh’s mosque
(02/15/17) Algebraic apple
(02/14/17) Imagine the joy of seeing someone wear this dress made of Skittles
(02/13/17) Microverse, by R. Connett
(02/12/17) Mertvaya Ruka, or Dead Hand
(02/11/17) Mystery airship sightings
(02/10/17) Eleven-year-old autistic boy draws perfect world map
(02/09/17) Humanity, walking on a seemingly endless Hilbert Curve, for as far as the eye can see
(02/08/17) Neck ties, for mathematicians
(02/07/17) Strange photos involving the human face
(02/06/17) The number of discernible positions in a 17x17x17 Cube is 6.69 x 10^1054. YouTube
(02/05/17) The Red Metalized Ghost Cube haunts our dreams
(02/04/17) Amazing guitar duet: Tommy Emmanuel & Jake Shimabukuro. YouTube
(02/03/17) Dropping a cannonball into mercury
(02/02/17) A father designs headstone for wheelchair-bound son, now "free of earthly burdens"
(02/01/17) This is physics and dominoes
(01/31/17) Fourier Transform explained in one sentence by Stuart Riffle
(01/30/17) This looks like mathematics. But, actually, it's Long Exposure Nude Photography
(01/29/17) In 1908, Cosmopolitan published on how H.G. Wells imagined the evolution of life on Mars
(01/28/17) Skeletons dance in a fractal hell, far from the realm of humanity
(01/27/17) This is an example of a joke that appeals to advanced mathematicians who like horror movies
(01/26/17) This image is sometimes titled "The Four Stages of Life."
(01/25/17) Composite images of rock band members as one hybrid human. Source (W.C. Shaving)
(01/24/17) Aliens among us. Sting ray, Thailand's Maeklong River
(01/22/17) Glimpse the past. The AVIDAC computer, c. 1950
(01/21/17) Nice photo. Bird provides giraffe a soothing dental flossing, in Tanzania
(01/20/17) In 1988 Noam Elkies of Harvard discovered an integer solution to x^4 + y^4 + z^4 = w^4
(01/19/17) Don't you just love the look of old-style music synthesizers? The Buchla 200e, 1970
(01/18/17) "Glass aliens from dimension X"
(01/17/17) Student's secret message revealed, inserted in a physics essay on scientist Niels Bohr
(01/16/17) Earliest known European piece of polyphonic music discovered
(01/15/17) The real reason your very body is powered by quantum tunneling, entanglement, and more...
(01/14/17) Man opens wormhole to new universe
(01/13/17) Neural net turns a simple trip to the grocery store into a surreal nightmare
(01/12/17) Imagine buying Oreo cookies with the cream moved to a central trench
(01/11/17) Mongolian Ibex: no fear of heights
(01/10/17) Looks like a dragon egg in your hand. Actually, these are Fire Agates
(01/09/17) The "1000 Colors Puzzles." The world's most frustration or satisfying puzzle?
(01/08/17) Aliens among us. X-ray image of a pregnant cat with 6 kittens
(01/07/17) Something looks a little unnatural about this deer
(01/06/17) Intriguing video. What happens to your body after you die?
(01/05/17) Mesmerizing Photos Capture the Flight Patterns of Birds
(01/04/17) What does a hole through a hole in a hole actually look like? (YouTube)
(01/03/17) MATH problems designed to exclude smart JEWS from MOSCOW State University (PDF)
(01/02/17) Did you know that scientists once looked in chicken’s eye and discovered weird new state of matter?
(01/01/17) Genius John Trump, Donald’s uncle, perfected high-voltage generators, cancer therapy
(12/31/16) Optical illusion won’t let you see all these black dots at once
(12/30/16) How many mutually touching cigarettes can be arranged in 3D?
(12/29/16) Intriguing dress made of 132 pounds of chocolate
(12/28/16) People who order coffee black are more likely to be psychopaths
(12/27/16) Legendary physicist Freeman Dyson talks about math, nuclear rockets, and astounding things about the universe
(12/26/16) The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the Universe
(12/25/16) This is what you get when you strap fireworks to a drone for long exposure photos
(12/24/16) Ceramic Phamora, a "near impossible" object in glazed Cceramics
(12/23/16) Spiritual. Dreamy. Bioluminescence turns sea water an electric neon blue. (Maldives)
(12/22/16) A mystery. Genius physicist Enrico Fermi poses in front of an equation with an error
(12/21/16) Fibonacci Lemonade (mathematics)
(12/20/16) Glimpse the past. Emoticons printed on March 30,1881, in the U.S. magazine, Puck
(12/19/16) Unusual title. "Consumer Evaluations via Physical Contact with Disgusting Products" (PDF)
(12/18/16) Here is an interesting graphical essay on "happiness"
(12/17/16) A Travel Guide for the Fourth Dimension
(12/16/16) Scientists thank "caffeine molecule" in their paper's Acknowledgements
(12/15/16) This is humor that involves linear regression
(12/14/16) Picking Pickover’s Brain, Part One
(12/13/16) Looks like an alien arrival, but really, it's PASCOMSAT
(12/12/16) Back when light bulbs needed instructions....
(12/11/16) Chemistry teachers: Joanne subjects Gummy Bears to a screaming potassium chlorate Hell
(12/10/16) Surfing reality. Put your fist in the center of this Gif and it will speed up
(12/09/16) A 1581 map, depicting Jerusalem as the center of the world
(12/08/16) Angel on a Segway discovered in an ancient heart-shaped book. Chansonnier cordiforme de Jean de Montchenu, 1475
(12/07/16) Lines of code, from the Space Shuttle to the modern car
(12/06/16) Why programmers work at night
(12/05/16) Art from another world
(12/04/16) 8 Rejected Technical Papers That Won the Nobel Prize
(12/03/16) Shiver with mystery. The number 666 is the sum of...
(12/02/16) Virtual reality + head-mounted display, from 1897
(12/01/16) Intriguing postage stamps from Israel, celebrating Isaac Asimov and Jules Verne
(11/30/16) Imagine an observer from the 1950s....
(11/29/16) Math steps, for kids of all ages
(11/28/16) The Harlingue monowheel in April 1914 ("aerial tractor")
(11/27/16) Beautiful geometries everywhere. Green fluorite crystal, with cubic & octahedral faces
(11/26/16) Great scientists on U.S. stamps
(11/25/16) This is an article on The Hoof of Archimedes
(11/24/16) A majority of teachers in England plan to quit in next two years
(11/23/16) Impressive 1884 lithograph. Can we identify 3 of the "principal high buildings of the old world"?
(11/22/16) Do you spot anything very unusual in this photo of a brick wall?
(11/21/16) Believe it or not, there's a cat sleeping in this picture - can you find it?
(11/20/16) Center of Mass Fractal Triangle
(11/19/16) Aliens among us. Three men. One LONG oarfish
(11/18/16) Anandibai Joshee represents a milestone in the history of medicine in India
(11/17/16) Oh, the horror. How to make a realistic Snake Cake
(11/16/16) This postcard from 1925 imagines future New York City
(11/15/16) Newer version of the song "The Sound of Silence"
(11/14/16) C-130 Deploying Its "Angel Decoy" (anti-missile defenses)
(11/13/16) This Robot that Runs Entirely off a Neural Network. Is it almost "alive"?
(11/12/16) What's your favorite conspiracy theory? This guy says real Stephen Hawking died & replaced
(11/11/16) An Artist Creates a Renaissance-Style Portrait With Just String
(11/10/16) What is the roundest country on Earth today?
(11/09/16) Apple Pi. Share with friends, if you see the humor
(11/08/16) This is a microscopic image of the human tongue
(11/07/16) Io moths spread their wings to reveal eye-spot patterns, to deter predators
(11/06/16) Life on the Infinite Farm. Read the illustrated book, for free (PDF)
(11/05/16) Functioning ‘mechanical gears’ seen in nature for the first time
(11/04/16) Fascinating Sumerian artifacts
(11/03/16) Piano doorbell
(11/02/16) Remarkable: a stunning approximation to e using digits 1 to 9, once each
(11/01/16) Bringing the moon into your home. Touch it, and dream
(10/31/16) Beautiful and intricate visualizing of the sound of birds
(10/30/16) A beautiful Google hack. Set timer for....
(10/29/16) Lotus leaves made from laser-cut maps
(10/28/16) Why the Anthropocene era of man's dominance began in 1610
(10/27/16) The 48-state Road Trip
(10/26/16) Art Garfunkel is a voracious reader. Here is every book he has read
(10/25/16) Countless hand-drawn dots, by Kyle Leonard
(10/24/16) Fibonacci's Snail. Drawn by hand entirely with the Fibonacci sequence
(10/23/16) "Airplanes" crafted by the Quimbaya people in 1000 CE
(10/22/16) Web site tests if you are able to do nothing for 2 minutes, as you look at ocean
(10/21/16) Universe caught in a bubble
(10/20/16) The only word in the Oxford English Dictionary that rhymes with orange is ...
(10/19/16) Romantic heart-shaped musical score by French composer Baude Cordier
(10/18/16) This flowchart tells you when to worry about anything
(10/17/16) How big are the planets, in fruits
(10/16/16) The fractal gears of life and the universe
(10/15/16) Inter-species interaction
(10/14/16) The pace of change is great. Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin. 1961 and today
(10/13/16) Claude Mellan's The Face of Christ (1649) was created from a single spiral line that starts at tip of Jesus's nose
(10/12/16) Aliens Among Us. This is a bat embryo
(10/11/16) 76 Viral Images From That are Totally Fake
(10/10/16) 3-D book, 1566. "Vivae pics partium corporis humani..."
(10/09/16) Man Spends $51,000 On Supercomputer That Only Plays Tetris
(10/08/16) Sometimes the beauty of physics and optics is a form of poetry, or of love
(10/07/16) Imagine if evolution shaped us for musical output
(10/06/16) The Gears of God turn until the end of space and time
(10/05/16) Steampunk Elephant
(10/04/16) Rainy Cafe. A moderate level of noise enhances creativity
(10/03/16) The man with 1,000 Klein Bottles UNDER his house
(10/02/16) Examples of when "mathematics accidentally discovered" something about the world
(10/01/16) Tal Peleg Uses Her Own Eyes as a Canvas
(09/30/16) David Skazaly’s Mesmerizing Catalog Of Psychedelic GIFs
(09/29/16) Is Infinity Real? Puzzles test the concept of infinity in the physical world
(09/28/16) World's smallest chess set in a ring
(09/27/16) Imagine looking into the sky and seeing this hive mind of creatures
(09/26/16) Shiver in ecstasy. Viete's formula for Pi
(09/25/16) Largest living pit bull
(09/24/16) Brain car
(09/23/16) Download 100s of Free Art Books From the Getty Museum
(09/22/16) I typed Fractal Monster into Google and found this image
(09/21/16) This image shows a snake climbing a brick wall
(09/20/16) Mathematics and Beauty: Floating Kleinian groups
(09/19/16) Why some drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit?
(09/18/16) Aliens among us. Human faces recognized as a cat face by a cat face-detection algorithm
(09/17/16) Wigglegram, a 3D Effect. (Dain Fagerholm)
(09/16/16) Poll results: 11% of people in U.S. think that America could be run by Lizard People
(09/15/16) Reality shatter. The two objects are traveling in exactly the same manner. Watch when it turns gray
(09/14/16) Reality distortion. The orange dot that doesn’t actually change size
(09/13/16) INFOGRAPHIC: The 69 Rules of Punctuation
(09/12/16) The day Saturn's rings tore apart
(09/11/16) The Beautiful Map of Europe Drawn by Its Rivers and Streams
(09/10/16) Nice photo. Atari's national Space Invaders championship held in 1980
(09/09/16) Lightning angry at rainbow. Challenges rainbow to a fight
(09/08/16) The amazing covers of Eerie magazine
(09/07/16) Practical tip. How to find the Large Attachments Eating Up Your Gmail Space with a Simple Search
(09/06/16) Artistic drawings of the guts in cells
(09/05/16) Virus trading cards
(09/04/16) Wonderful Gifs, showing how machines work
(09/03/16) You can probably guess why fire hydrants have pentagonal nuts
(09/02/16) Blue Spiders are Real. The Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tarantula
(09/01/16) Wikipedia has an interesting historical entry titled "Splitting of the Moon"
(08/31/16) First human spaceflight was accomplished on Vostok, built by the Soviet Union, 1961
(08/30/16) Continued thoughts on the watermelon puzzle
(08/29/16) Egypt's Nile River delta night space-view
(08/28/16) VIDEO. Sometimes, it is important to leave the virtual realm and see the world around us
(08/27/16) The illusion of transparent cloth from marble (The Veiled Virgin, by Giovanni Strazza, 1856)
(08/26/16) Existentialism Then and Now
(08/25/16) Mathematicians who died under unfortunate or unfitting circumstances
(08/24/16) Amazing detail. Meenakshi Temple, Madurai
(08/23/16) Path of knight on 3-D chessboard, visiting 512 positions once, and returning to start
(08/22/16) New York from the air: Jeffrey Milstein's bird's-eye view – in pictures
(08/21/16) Geometry and the Solomon Islands Sea Star
(08/20/16) A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945
(08/19/16) What life was like before CAD (computer-aided design tools)
(08/18/16) Mysterious giant sphere unearthed in forest divides opinion
(08/17/16) Math memory aid
(08/16/16) Gladiator Maximus Chess
(08/15/16) This is how Europe's borders have changed over 1,000 years
(08/14/16) It is actually possible for a human to run this circular loop
(08/13/16) Spider Jewels. This image reminds us that nature is written in mathematics
(08/12/16) Programming languages ranked by number of programming jobs
(08/11/16) EAI PACE TR-48 analog computer
(08/10/16) One fine day in the pasta factory
(08/09/16) Electronic motor, made with Buckyballs (magnetic spheres) + insulated copper wire
(08/08/16) 600+ covers of Philip K. Dick novels from around the world
(08/07/16) Advanced water faucet creates mathematical patterns. Water. Beauty. Geometry
(08/06/16) Martin Gardner's book "Logic machines and diagrams" (1958). Free
(08/05/16) Map: where in the world can you marry your first cousin
(08/04/16) Pioneering Women of Physics
(08/03/16) Abstract art by Mike & Madeleine Bülow
(08/02/16) Movement Illusion. Scroll your browser up and down
(08/01/16) Your MBA and PhD are impressive, but..."
(07/31/16) "The aim of the experiment is to create organic forms from mathematical algorithms"
(07/30/16) Aliens among us. Rare white humpback whale. Australian shore
(07/29/16) "Collatz Trolley Problem" may appeal to math/philosophy people
(07/28/16) Accordion playing beyond imagination
(07/27/16) The tesseract is the four-dimensional analog of the cube
(07/26/16) Musical scores only aliens could play
(07/25/16) Shiver in ecstasy. "8" is the largest...
(07/24/16) This artwork suggests how much public space we surrender to cars
(07/23/16) Beauty and complexity in nature. Cross section of flower ovary, by Ray Nelson
(07/22/16) This is a kind of visualization of Fourier analysis
(07/21/16) Shiver in ecstasy. 144 is the largest...
(07/20/16) Self-describing pie chart
(07/19/16) Mommy gear and her little playful children
(07/18/16) Giant Papercut of Philadelphia Took 150 Hours
(07/17/16) This animation shows a six-position Geneva Mechanism in operation
(07/16/16) One fine day at the pretzel factory
(07/15/16) Images from the mysterious Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini
(07/14/16) Fantastic anatomical art by Argentinian Juan Gatti
(07/13/16) Dice within dice
(07/12/16) In the 1990s, pencils with this anti-drug slogan were recalled. Here's why
(07/11/16) Math dog
(07/10/16) Imagine placing an entire world inside a ring that you wear on your finger
(07/09/16) An animated example of a Knight's tour in Chess, with the visited squares shaded
(07/08/16) The Universe of Numbers, including transcendentals, octonions, sedenions, surreal, and nimbers
(07/07/16) A formula from Indian mathematician Ramanujan. Golden Ratio, e, and Pi dance in delight
(07/06/16) We can now access all of Richard Feynman's Physics Lectures for Free
(07/05/16) "Endless Espresso"
(07/04/16) Here’s a gem from Ramanujan relating pi, a natural logarithm, and the golden ratio
(07/03/16) Mystery Ancient Skeleton Discovered in Turkey. Reads "Be Cheerful and Live Your Life"
(07/02/16) Every body in the solar system more than 200 miles wide
(07/01/16) Where your elements came from
(06/30/16) This is math humor, with some educational value. It deals with functions
(06/29/16) This is called "Paleoart." Megalodon stalking Platybelodon
(06/28/16) Verdi's opera "A Masked Ball" featured a giant book being read by a skeleton
(06/27/16) Can you find the panda, among the snowmen, within 15 seconds?
(06/26/16) Imagine what is hidden in these simple LEGO arrays
(06/25/16) This woman discovered what the universe is made of. But how many students have ever heard her name?
(06/24/16) Lewis Carroll’s typewriter
(06/23/16) Stunning Cloud Formation Appears Above Portugal, People Call It "The Hand Of God"
(06/22/16) This is a single line visiting every point once before returning. ("Euler tour.")
(06/21/16) Artists Recreate Van Gogh’s Iconic Bedroom and Put it for Rent on Airbnb
(06/20/16) Customer Service Complaint, 1750 B.C.
(06/19/16) 71 Years Before Pantone, an Artist Mixed and Described Every Color Imaginable in an 800-Page Book
(06/18/16) Pouring a Thermos of Hot Tea at -40°C Near the Arctic Circle
(06/17/16) The Skull of Saint Valentine. (Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome)
(06/16/16) Sometimes, Venice is like a dream (photo)
(06/14/16) In Peru, researchers are studying a series of ancient spiral-shaped holes called puquios
(06/15/16) Fractal love, fractal hearts
(06/13/16) This kid discovered a Smart Way to get his head unstuck between rigid bars. Scary video
(06/12/16) The mystery of Stonehenge and Easter Island is solved
(06/11/16) A vintage style map of the Mandelbrot set that hearkens back to the Age of Exploration
(06/10/16) Levitating street performers can be amazingly mystifying, until explained
(06/09/16) Can you guess which is Wasp and which is Bee?
(06/08/16) Discovery of connections between prime numbers, quantum physics, and ultimate reality
(06/07/16) A super-accurate moon you can hold in your hands
(06/06/16) This is statistics humor
(06/05/16) Carving a piece of wood into parts that are loose, but cannot be separated
(06/04/16) Glimpse history. She walks among chaos, 1940, London. Delivering letter
(06/03/16) There’s one key difference between kids who excel at math and those who don’t
(06/02/16) A Wonderful Scientific Map of the Moon from 1679: Can You Spot the Secret Moon Maiden?
(06/01/16) This is what math looks like
(05/31/16) Sometimes, 1960s Mexican SF movies are fun to contemplate. "Ship of Monsters"
(05/30/16) The Betz Mystery Sphere: Alien Artifact or Doomsday Device?
(05/29/16) Singing in the rain! It actually rains diamonds on Uranus
(05/28/16) Newton's college notebook, written in his own hand, ~1664
(05/27/16) 3-D chess board
(05/26/16) Sacred Geometry, Rocket Science, Fractals, UFOS, and Architecture by Tom Houha
(05/25/16) Interesting paper: "Numerically Balanced Dice" (PDF)
(05/24/16) Network cable with built-in firewall
(05/23/16) Maserati Boomerang, c. 1972. A steering wheel that rotates around the instruments
(05/22/16) Shiver in ecstasy. 3 intersecting golden rectangles creates vertices of icosahedron.
(05/21/16) Shiver in mystery. These two wooden train tracks are actually the same size
(05/20/16) Watch this fractal video for 60 seconds, as your mind turns to subatomic putty
(05/19/16) Sandcastle that reminds us of geometry
(05/18/16) Complex timepiece with accurate miniature solar system and planets as they orbit
(05/17/16) This is a math joke
(05/16/16) Huge wormlike entities on Mars are actually barchan dunes, horseshoe-shaped sandpiles
(05/15/16) Lego shoes?
(05/14/16) History of Earth in 24-hour clock
(05/13/16) Fractal-like Cannolis. (Cannoli Filled with Cannolis)
(05/12/16) The Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh (1889), comes alive in this animation
(05/11/16) Do unicorns represent the memories of humans interacting with Elasmotherium sibiricum?
(05/10/16) Imagine this human embryo one day contemplating the origin of universe
(05/09/16) When spelling matters...
(05/08/16) This is an unusual graph. Having All Teeth Extracted vs Income
(05/07/16) World's first recursive animated fractal error page
(05/06/16) Paradox sign
(05/05/16) Loch Ness Soup Ladle. Causing quite a stir
(05/04/16) Actual photo of rainbow grasshopper
(05/03/16) Intricate homes beyond imagination, by Takanori Aiba
(05/02/16) A postage stamp from the Maldives, depicting The Loch Ness Monster
(05/01/16) Enjoy a fried fractal egg, for an eternity. (K. Van Aelst)
(04/30/16) The beauty of hydrogen atoms, probability densities, and quantum mechanics
(04/29/16) The AKAT-1, a Polish computer from 1959
(04/28/16) Shiver in ecstasy. Place squares on the sides of any parallelogram, and their centers will always form a square
(04/27/16) Water bridges over water exist. Magdeburg Water Bridge, Germany. Opened 2003
(04/26/16) The Joy of Recursion. Crane Lifting Crane Lifting Crane Lifting Crane. Real photo
(04/25/16) PHOTO. Mathematician John Conway playing Game of Life, which he invented in 1970
(04/24/16) This is a Paraguayan stamp from 1978, seemingly depicting life on another planet
(04/23/16) This is an intricate honeycomb, made by bees, with a heart-like pattern
(04/22/16) Realistic robot talks to us
(04/21/16) A large, mysterious pentagram in remote area of Kazakhstan seen on Google Maps
(04/20/16) How the face develops in the womb
(04/19/16) Beautiful architectural alphabet engravings should be built for real
(04/18/16) The windows of our lives, an aggregate from Portugal & other European destinations
(04/17/16) Fractal flowchart
(04/16/16) Diversity of life on Earth
(04/15/16) Teamwork
(04/14/16) Fibonacci sequence dress. Mathematically fashionable
(04/13/16) Shigeru Mizuki's "Fifty-Three Stations of the Yokaido Road" (scroll down)
(04/12/16) Henry Studley (1838-1925) was a piano maker. Creator of Studley Tool Chest with 300 tools
(04/11/16) Banana-shaped pool table?
(04/10/16) Eel and woman become best friends over the years
(04/09/16) The infinite drink
(04/08/16) Intriguing artwork: evolution and improvisation
(04/07/16) Imagine the joy of programming a computer to distinguish chihuahuas vs muffins
(04/06/16) Watch a straight rod somehow pass through a curved hole without bending
(04/05/16) This cartoon has humor while expressing a kind of truth for many of us
(04/04/16) Math that makes you wonder
(04/03/16) Oh, the horror. Monstrous eel emerges from its tank, in grocery store, to dine on its neighbors
(04/02/16) A brief history of art in 2 panels
(04/01/16) Do we find this joke slightly funny?
(03/31/16) Mathematics
(03/30/16) Intriguing representations of lunar eclipse, solar eclipse,....
(03/29/16) Mind-numbing extensions of Ramanujan's insights. Math, string theory, and beyond
(03/28/16) Crystal fog forms light pillars over Alaska
(03/27/16) PHOTO: The apparent goal of humankind is to pixelate a fractal world
(03/26/16) Math & Beauty. The Buddhabrot is a special rendering of the Mandelbrot set fractal
(03/25/16) Self-similar pizza for fractal lovers. Infinite joy
(03/24/16) Fungal timelapse
(03/23/16) Selfie photo from 1920
(03/22/16) Square ocean waves discovered on French coast
(03/21/16) When panorama photography goes wrong. Oh, the horror
(03/20/16) Imagination that works. "iPhone Speakers"
(03/19/16) Physics around us. Space-time Warp Dress
(03/18/16) Man paints himself as Alzheimer's progresses
(03/17/16) Man wakes up one day to find a horrifying, huge worm-like entity in his fish tank
(03/16/16) This photograph of the NYC winter storm looks like an impressionist painting
(03/15/16) Bagworm moth larva’s twisting stack of twigs it builds to protect itself
(03/14/16) This pie chart is meant to be funny but also express a truth
(03/13/16) 1000 musicians play Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters. Nice. YouTube
(03/12/16) Schroedinger's Cats contemplate Parallel Universes
(03/11/16) The craziest math graph you'll ever see. e^(sin x + cos y) = sin[e^(x+y)]
(03/10/16) World's most mathematical tattoo?
(03/09/16) The strange relationship between 666 and Roman numerals
(03/08/16) Knowledge, experience, creativity
(03/07/16) Building owner and highway department reach compromise?
(03/06/16) This is what the south pole of Jupiter looks like
(03/05/16) Believe it or not, Wikipedia actually has a page devoted to "Lists of unsolved problems in many fields"
(03/04/16) Believe it or not, Wikipedia actually has a page devoted to this word: "Zenzizenzizenzic"
(03/03/16) Amazing photo of Aurora Borealis in shape of a huge phoenix flying over Iceland
(03/02/16) Shiver at the sizes. Ancient cephalopods
(03/01/16) Titanoboa (60 million years ago): largest, longest, heaviest snake ever discovered
(02/29/16) Living animals burst from the triangulated geometry that confines their true essence
(02/28/16) Photo: Strange Reality
(02/27/16) At around 500 rubber bands, the external pressure forces the watermelon to explode
(02/26/16) Metal Person leaves confines of static reality (sculpture)
(02/25/16) This is a joke for archeologists. (by Ed Fisher)
(02/24/16) Planet temperatures, from NASA
(02/23/16) Sometimes, Schizophyllum fungus reminds me a little of mathematics
(02/22/16) Hydrophobic sand
(02/21/16) Graceful circular bridge encourages traffic to slow down and enjoy the view. Uruguay
(02/20/16) Willingness to express an opinion on a topic...
(02/19/16) Shiver in ecstasy. This is a prime number
(02/18/16) Sheep traffic jam, Idaho. Photographed using a drone
(02/17/16) Shiver in ecstasy. Given three adjacent squares, then angles a + b = c
(02/16/16) Life explained
(02/15/16) Physics is Phun. Head separation & water refraction
(02/14/16) Science vs. Math
(02/13/16) Math surrounds us. Spiral nasal passages of a musk ox. Breathe deep
(02/12/16) Old motherboard discovered that looks like ruins in Ancient Greece
(02/11/16) Artwork, drawn with just one continuous line, based on Traveling Salesman Problem
(02/10/16) Watch a chaotic double pendulum move
(02/09/16) Imagine an ocean within a whale, in contrast to a whale within an ocean
(02/08/16) Noam Chomsky: The Singularity is Science Fiction
(02/07/16) Kurzweil Interviews Minsky: Is Singularity Near?
(02/06/16) Rotation in math land
(02/05/15) Coffee + engineer = ?
(02/04/15) Homeopathic comic
(02/03/15) Himalayan Balsam plant spreads it seeds by exploding, sending the seeds far away
(02/02/15) If you’re on a beach, this map shows you what’s across the ocean
(02/01/15) Zebras pulling coaches through London and other cities, 1898
(01/31/15) Cookie Monster + Great Wave of Kanagawa
(01/30/15) Map of ancient Pangaea. Imagine geopolitics today if the world still looked like this.
(01/29/15) Babylonians used "precalculus" to describe Jupiter motion, 15 centuries before Europe
(01/28/15) Eric Standley's paper-cut artworks achieve a complexity of space that makes us shiver
(01/27/15) Impressive geode wedding cake. For mineralogists who fall in love
(01/26/15) Age of Miss America correlates with Murders by Steam and Hot Objects
(01/25/15) Amazing pattern traced about by Earth and Venus as they orbit Sun
(01/24/15) Beirut, Lebanon Photo, 1958. Diversity, captured in one incredible scene
(01/23/15) Watch This Guy Solve a Mega-Insane Rubik’s Cube at Your Own Brain-Exploding Risk
(01/22/15) Along one possible path, North Korea and Finland are separated by only ONE country
(01/21/15) If you drive at speed of light and turned on your headlights, what would happen?
(01/20/15) Biochemist makes 3D prints of budding yeast cells
(01/19/15) The calculating machine of Anton Braun (1700s)
(01/18/15) "Removal of growth rings reveals the original sapling"
(01/17/15) This is a Do-Nothing Grinder (or Trammel of Archimedes)
(01/16/15) The evolution in our thoughts and models: Heliocentrism and Geocentrism
(01/15/15) Most Common Language Spoken in Each Neighborhood of NYC After English and Spanish
(01/14/15) Scientist Resurrects Ancient Creatures by 3D-Printing Them in Metal
(01/13/15) Different wavelengths of colors of light. I love the long hopping of Mr. Red
(01/12/15) Someone at the science museum has a sense of humor
(01/11/15) A Logarithmic Map of the Entire Known Universe in One Image
(01/10/15) This shows a kind of magnetic chain reaction or self-assembly
(01/09/15) An x-ray of the head of a hammerhead shark
(01/08/15) Our plans in life
(01/07/15) Man ponders the meaning of life
(01/06/15) Photo of the original USS enterprise model and the men who built it, Dec. 1964
(01/05/15) Jewel-studded mechanical robot caterpillar, 1820
(01/04/15) "The Open Office is disruptive, stressful, cumbersome. Productivity falls."
(01/03/15) Here is a short essay on Mathematics and Reality
(01/01/15) Shocking gear reduction. "11 million to one gearing."
(12/31/15) Shiver in ecstasy. The year 2016 is a triangular year!
(12/30/15) Shocking discovery of Star Wars meme: Yoda in a 1300s manuscript
(12/29/15) Mysterious multi-tentacular being emerges in a glass terrarium
(12/28/15) Amazing math fact
(12/27/15) This is the gravestone of Elijah Bond (1847-1921), American inventor of the Ouija Board
(12/26/15) All the roads that lead to Rome (drawing of complex map)
(12/25/15) Merry Christmas. Don't you just love 69720375229712477164533808935312303556800?
(12/24/15) See higher dimensions. "Nested Klein Bottles" by Alan Bennett
(12/23/15) Paradox at the heart of mathematics makes physics problem unanswerable
(12/22/15) "Life within Life." Worlds without End. YouTube
(12/21/15) When you need a 20-digit prime in a hurry...
(12/20/15) Imagine the joy of programming one of the world's first general-purpose computers (photo)
(12/19/15) Less than 30% of people surveyed can correctly locate the kidneys
(12/18/15) In the hall of the Fractal King
(12/17/15) The insertion of two vertical lines gives us the impression of 3D
(12/16/15) Ada Lovelace poster
(12/15/15) Long exposure shot of an airplane taking off
(12/14/15) Video documentary on Fermat's Last Theorem
(12/13/15) Photo: Crane vs Eagle
(12/12/15) This is an unusual poster for a "Found Dog"
(12/11/15) Mysterious ad where time seems to stop
(12/10/15) This is a science joke
(12/09/15) Unusual recent serious paper title: "On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit"
(12/08/15) Nice photo. Inside the Steinway Piano factory. Astoria, Queens.
(12/07/15) Researcher draws anatomically correct skeleton of Charlie Brown
(12/06/15) This is considered a kind of Venn Diagram humor
(12/05/15) This is a Venn Diagram, sort of. Maybe. Smile
(12/04/15) Conductive ink in a pen allows you to draw working electrical circuits
(12/03/15) How to explain Fourier Transforms to a kid
(12/02/15) Amazing clock made of all 9s
(12/01/15) Picture: How to test the age of an egg
(11/30/15) A mysterious and beautiful equality
(11/29/15) Dan Burns explains space-time warping demo at Los Gatos High School
(11/28/15) The dragons of reality
(11/27/15) Post-human mathematics
(11/26/15) Classic "proof" of 1=2, to show your friends
(11/25/15) For Thanksgiving, these people made a giant fractal pecan pie
(11/24/15) Pringles are examples of hyperbolic paraboloids, one model for the shape of our universe
(11/23/15) Two Rules of Success...
(11/22/15) One of the most fascinating math objects: "Figure 8 knot complement"
(11/21/15) Spiral tilings
(11/20/15) Science and technology writing
(11/19/15) The Man Who Knew Infinity: The life of Indian mathematician Ramanujan comes to the movies
(11/18/15) Choices we make
(11/17/15) Fordite, or Detroit Agate
(11/16/15) Strange Ice Rainbow forms in New Mexico, as if heralding the dawn of a new age
(11/15/15) Beard + Plant = Santa Claus Venus Fly Trap
(11/14/15) A list of women who tweet about math
(11/13/15) Mystery of reality. Scientists look into hydrogen atom, find ancient recipe for Pi
(11/12/15) Looks like mathematics. But really it's moth trails at night
(11/11/15) Do these beautiful creatures exist on Earth?
(11/10/15) The latest information on tentacular tornadoes in Oklahoma
(11/09/15) Kid's brilliant answer to exam question that asked "show your thinking."
(11/08/15) This joke is called "Boolean Hair Logic"
(11/07/15) Old math paper uncovered on Rubik's Tesseract (and higher dimensions)
(11/06/15) The advantage of short technical paper titles: they get cited more
(11/05/15) Animating the famous painting "The Scream," by Edvard Munch
(11/04/15) Our lives and inflated expectations in the digital age
(11/03/15) The most famous quotation of genius Indian mathematician Ramanujan
(11/02/15) God in a box. Portable shrines were used by traveling priests who narrated stories of Vishnu
(11/01/15) Neuroscientist keeps monkey brain “alive” while connected to a recipient’s body
(10/31/15) North Korea opens atom-shaped science and technology center
(10/30/15) Denmark Unveils a Surreal 'Infinite Bridge'
(10/29/15) Illustration: How an inebriated Einstein might have looked at and played Angry Birds
(10/28/15) This museum let a group of street artists do whatever they wanted to its walls
(10/27/15) This joke may appeal to scientists interested in animal sensory systems
(10/26/15) A Crayola Crayon will burn for 30 minutes if you light the top of it
(10/25/15) One person's attempt to become one with geometry. Living in math
(10/24/15) Strange title for a book: "The Embalmed Head of Oliver Cromwell - A Memoir"
(10/23/15) The sockets of our lives
(10/22/15) An unusual article on using the Spiricom device to speak to the dead
(10/21/15) Tonight, I'm on a popular radio show to talk about my latest book
(10/20/15) A droplet of water orbiting a knitting needle in micro gravity
(10/19/15) Famous author Isaac Asimov once appeared in a Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer ad
(10/18/15) The oceanic pole of inaccessibility, shown here, is farthest from any land
(10/17/15) "Madonna, Child, and Cell Phone"?
(10/16/15) Expandable round table
(10/15/15) Latest thoughts on failed attempts to steal Abe Lincoln’s corpse
(10/14/15) Pentagonal oranges are real
(10/13/15) Line of code, from the Space Shuttle to the modern car
(10/12/15) Cool factoid on Saturn's rings
(10/11/15) This is Niels Bohr. He helped us understand atomic structure and quantum mechanics
(10/10/15) Sunset at the Sea of Primes
(10/09/15) New review. "Bring this encyclopedia of the macabre to the Halloween party." See the photos
(10/08/15) 10 coolest mathematics results
(10/07/15) A restaurant dishwasher contributed to Einstein's thoughts on gravitational lensing
(10/06/15) My book "Death and the Afterlife" became available today at Amazon. Take a look
(10/05/15) A university janitor secretly created this extremely complex maze over 7 years.
(10/04/15) Evolutionary tree of religion
(10/03/15) Eye, drawn with colored pencils, by Jose Vergara
(10/02/15) Arabic numerals are actually Indian in origin
(10/01/15) The physics of collisions
(09/30/15) How French Artists in 1900 Envisioned Life in the Year 2000
(09/29/15) Mathematics from Indian subcontinent contributed to much of modern thinking. Listen
(09/28/15) Edward Snowden says alien communications are encrypted: humans mistake them for noise
(09/27/15) India and ancient mathematics
(09/26/15) Shiver in awe. The spiral geometry in cabbage
(09/25/15) Under an electron microscope, spider skin is cooler than you might have imagined
(09/24/15) Artist Tatsuya Tanaka’s Daily Miniature Photo Project
(09/23/15) This is a NASA antenna. Shape was found by evolution to create best radiation pattern
(09/22/15) Periodic Table of Chocolate
(09/21/15) A profound invention for all to enjoy
(09/20/15) Mathematics and Pi
(09/19/15) Time travel sign
(09/18/15) Nonsense computer-generated paper accepted by mathematics journal
(09/17/15) Peering beneath the skin of reality
(09/16/15) Look carefully: Can you find the cat in this photo?
(09/15/15) Man solves Rubik's Cube in free fall from plane
(09/14/15) A map of the most popular website in each country
(09/13/15) Teachers. How to explain radians to students visually, and they'll never forget.
(09/12/15) A universe, endlessly reincarnating itself
(09/11/15) 1/3 of marriages now result from online dating, in some parts of the world. That means that computers (algorithms) are starting to breed humans
(09/10/15) Vi Hart recreational MATH VIDEOS all in one place
(09/09/15) This gif by Frédéric Vayssouze-Faure attempts to illustrate the concept of "6 degrees of separation"
(09/08/15) How to make a mathematician instantly fall in love with you. Try it
(09/07/15) Two strangers are asked what they wish for, side by side. You could be in tears by the end
(09/06/15) Two gears tracing out a path
(09/05/15) The strange rise of Facebook--in 1902
(09/04/15) Solar-powered glowing bicycle path in Netherlands inspired by Starry Night
(09/03/15) "We're much more likely to get a job through random acquaintances then through close friends"
(09/02/15) Morph reality. Vincent van Gogh faces, 51 frames
(09/01/15) The payoff of a university education depends on what you study – NOT where you study
(08/31/15) Map shows which disease will kill you depending on where you live
(08/30/15) Blue Spiders are Real. The Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tarantula
(08/29/15) Dianna, the Physics Girl, shows us how to make a supernova from 3 stacked ball
(08/28/15) Breaking news. Strong correlation between Shanghai Composite Index and map of Virginia
(08/27/15) Sometimes, it is important to leave the virtual realm and see the world around us
(08/26/15) Mathematicians who died under unfortunate or unfitting circumstances
(08/25/15) One of these is a moon of Jupiter -- the rest are frying pans. Can you find the moon?
(08/24/15) World population by longitude and latitude
(08/23/15) Picbreeder's mystifying images evolve, haunting our dreams
(08/22/15) About 50 years ago, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space
(08/21/15) Death and the Afterlife: A Chronological Journey, from Cremation to Quantum Resurrection
(08/19/15) Half of Australia lives in the tiny blue areas
(08/18/15) This is a math joke
(08/17/15) World's Strangest Mother's Day Image
(08/16/15) Annie Easley, "human computer" & early NASA mathematician
(08/15/15) Laptop from 1981. Sleek, polished, and portable, with gorgeous display
(08/14/15) Cats stuck in a Sierpinski fractal triangle
(08/13/15) Italian sculptor carves an impressive dragon head from a watermelon
(08/12/15) Graph: Rabitness vs Duckness
(08/11/15) Image composed of 5000 selected photos taken within 48 hours
(08/10/15) Almost looks like an SF movie. Space Shuttle Over Los Angeles. Real photo
(08/09/15) Unusual. First known photo of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps
(08/08/15) A famous astrophysicist, rendered in Lego
(08/07/15) Turquoise ice formations on Lake Baikal, Russia
(08/06/15) The Cambridge List of suggested math books for passionate explorers of all ages
(08/05/15) Map of the moon, 1679, with secret Mood Maiden drawn by Cassini or engraver Claude Mellan
(08/04/15) Australia is big (maps)
(08/03/15) Earliest surviving Chinese globe. Hand-painted by Jesuits, 1623
(08/02/15) When students ask, "When will I ever use this math....?" Article by D. Corey
(08/01/15) Is there another version of you somewhere out there in a Parallel Universe?
(07/31/15) Seemingly "ridiculous" beliefs of the world's most acclaimed thinkers
(07/30/15) Drawn by hand entirely with numbers, by Sienna Morris
(07/29/15) Sometimes the beauty of physics is a form of poetry...
(07/28/15) Crying woman says goodbye to son where the Berlin Wall is about to be built: 1961
(07/27/15) Math + curse word + cat + joke. Sure to be a hit on social media
(07/26/15) For some reason, the word "Brontobyte" makes me shiver a little
(07/25/15) Draw a line between 2 planet positions every few days. Watch what happens
(07/24/15) The largest non-Christian religion in each US state
(07/23/15) "Mathematician John Horton Conway is a cross between Archimedes, Mick Jagger and Salvador Dalí"
(07/22/15) All you need is...
(07/21/15) Menger Sponge + Mobius Strip = Mobius Sponge
(07/20/15) Froot Loops (cereal) loops are all the same flavor, just differently colored
(07/19/15) Space-time distortion place-mats
(07/18/15) Startling photo that appears to show seagull attempting to rescue another gull from an eagle
(07/17/15) Look at this formula. And shiver in ecstasy
(07/16/15) Pluto is actually "larger" than Earth if you count the whole atmosphere
(07/15/15) Disney's Pluto found on Pluto
(07/14/15) Doughnut atom
(07/13/15) This is a Venn diagram (chemical elements and US states)
(07/12/15) Mitosis, explained with donuts
(07/11/15) Shiver in ecstasy. Two number sequences that agree for a long time, and differ at n = 777451915729368777451915729368
(07/10/15) "Something's just not right...."
(07/09/15) How We Understand the Universe. Celebrate the Beauty and Wisdom of Physics
(07/08/15) How mathematics and game theory solved a religious mystery
(07/07/15) Why social networks make things appear more popular than they are
(07/06/15) "I have paper books that are 100 years old and useable...."
(07/05/15) This SAT Math question got no correct submissions. Here's why
(07/04/15) Spectacular Fabergé fractals by Tom Beddard
(07/03/15) World's first serious physics paper by a physicist, using Tweets to find time travelers
(07/02/15) Gullibility Test
(07/01/15) 1 divided by 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,998,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 gives the Fibonacci Sequence in its digits
(06/30/15) Scientist sneaks in a figure of a little man fishing -- in serious technical paper. Wins wager
(06/29/15) China has consumed more cement in 3.5 years than United States did in 100 years says Bill Gates
(06/28/15) Physics Girl reveals what REALLY is inside a proton
(06/27/15) This is a joke that could appeal to mathematicians
(06/26/15) Strange and unusual lawn ornament. Zombie flamingos
(06/25/15) Steve Jobs
(06/24/15) People in poorer countries more likely than richer ones to say the day was a good one
(06/23/15) This is a joke for archeologists
(06/22/15) Shiver in ecstasy. 2015 (11111011111) is a palindromic binary year
(06/21/15) When the children open the door, their minds expand
(06/20/15) A well-preserved trilobite specimen from Morocco that lived ~400 million years ago
(06/19/15) Neural nets help us peer into new realities. The neural net is electronic DMT, tearing away the veils
(06/18/15) Why editors are important
(06/17/15) All these people.... (cartoon)
(06/16/15) Where humans live
(06/15/15) Three-headed deer
(06/14/15) Mathematical artwork made from a single line
(06/13/15) Celebrities who studied science/math
(06/12/15) Clever design of book spine, for Decline of the Roman Empire
(06/11/15) Hamster wheel standing desk
(06/10/15) Girl shows mom a laptop computer with USB ports. Greek, 110 BC. Marble
(06/09/15) Intriguing photo. Longest distance in "straight line" without crossing any major water bodies
(06/08/15) Aliens among us. Shown here: chrysalis of the metallic Mechanitis butterfly from Costa Rica
(06/07/15) Short recommendation letter for 19-year-old John Nash. "He is a genius."
(06/06/15) The baffling and beautiful wormhole between branches of math
(06/05/15) The DNA of God: Astronomers one looked up at the heavens and discovered double helix 80-light-years in length
(06/04/15) First-known marriage proposal secretly sneaked into a serious technical journal
(06/03/15) Mobius Ship
(06/02/15) Aliens among us. A tiny brittle star crawls on arm of blue sea star. Solomon Islands
(06/01/15) LED Zeppelin
(05/31/15) Quantum physics app can help you make decisions?
(05/30/15) Is math invented by humans, or is it the language of the universe? TV show.
(05/29/15) The screaming of baby herons reminds us of their fierce dinosaur ancestors
(05/28/15) Chocolate, publishing, science, insanity, statistics, math
(05/27/15) Amazing. Nobel Laureate John Nash's PhD thesis only had 2 references, 1 of which was his own paper
(05/26/15) 1-minute mysterious video. Based on an ancient story about hunger and sharing
(05/25/15) Aliens among us. Watch the birth of bees
(05/24/15) Bowed Lute. 19th C India
(05/23/15) Physicist Richard Feynman wrote his late wife a love letter and sealed it. We now know its contents
(05/22/15) 31 rolls of undeveloped film from a soldier in WWII discovered and processed
(05/21/15) 1967 article in Cosmopolitan magazine called "The Computer Girls"
(05/20/15) M1 Abrams firing a sabot round, traveling 5 times the speed of sound
(05/19/15) Strange life forms (or are they "neurons" of the mind?) evolving before your eyes
(05/18/15) Margaret Hamilton, lead Apollo flight software designer, next to her software code (and simulation results) that took us to the moon. 1969
(05/17/15) If you Google for "Devil's Toy Box", you'll find plans for constructing a strange device
(05/16/15) 20-sided die (icosahedron), faces with Greek letters. 2nd cent B.C.–4th cent A.D. From Egypt
(05/15/15) "The smallest creation of the human form in history," seen here standing on a human hair
(05/14/15) The Kingdom of Aurullia via Mandalay fractal formula, by Tom Beddard
(05/13/15) A discussion on the secret and hidden "e" in Pascal’s triangle
(05/12/15) World Religion Tree
(05/11/15) Amazon made "The Physics Devotional" available today, and lets us see lots of images inside!
(05/10/15) Things that amazed and shocked you as a kid
(05/09/15) Butterfly eggs don't look like they're from this world
(05/08/15) Police dogs waiting for dinner in China
(05/07/15) Mysterious multi-tentacular form emerges in a cactus garden terrarium
(05/06/15) PHOTO: A sign in Florida that hikers and bikers might be tempted to ignore
(05/05/15) Shiver in awe.Total Solar Eclipse Observed Over the Arctic
(05/04/15) From space, East/West Berlin look so different due to sodium-vapor vs fluorescent lamps
(05/03/15) Teach kids how to form large numbers, and what they mean
(05/02/15) Imagine the mind of Ramanujan. Here, he relates pi, a logarithm, & the golden ratio. Can you find the golden ratio?
(05/01/15) Student’s hilariously sneaky answers to a ‘true or false’ quiz doesn’t quite go as planned.
(04/30/15) This is what T. Rex having sex would have looked like
(04/29/15) Photo: When radiologists take a selfie
(04/28/15) When graphs can mislead....
(04/27/15) Wow. Ramanujan's equation. Goes forever. Equals 3. Click to magnify
(04/26/15) This is a math joke
(04/26/15) This is a math joke
(04/25/15) Photo of Marie Curie's experimental notebook. After ~100 years, it is still radioactive
(04/24/15) Excavated illegally in Germany, this is earliest-known portable astronomical instrument
(04/23/15) Don't you love this Periodic Table in pictures?
(04/22/15) Aliens among us. Goniurellia tridens is a "3-in-1" insect. Wings look like bugs. (thanks @ziyatong)
(04/21/15) Circular piano
(04/20/15) Demon seeking to destroy the fabric of geometry
(04/19/15) Photo: Moses Bridge, or Loopgraafbrug, Netherlands
(04/18/15) Shiver in ecstasy. This number is prime
(04/17/15) "It can't be true ... can it?" (a math formula)
(04/16/15) Sand Lungs
(04/15/15) What is it like to be pals with a genius (Richard Feynman)
(04/14/15) Lincoln Harrison leaves the shutter open, and finds the eye of God in the trails of stars
(04/13/15) Evolution of hard disk drives. We've come a long way...
(04/12/15) A woolly mammoth's tusk is unearthed from a Siberian riverbed
(04/11/15) The people in town that went beneath the sand, to live and love
(04/10/15) The sudden demise of Bigfoot and flying saucers
(04/09/15) "A young boy with autism came to my daughter's class and drew detailed world map from memory"
(04/08/15) The lines on this checkerboard pattern are straight
(04/08/15) How many water balloons can stop a bullet? The answer may surprise you
(04/07/15) I took a quick snapshot for you of the shortest-known paper in a serious math journal. Two sentences
(04/06/15) Mysterious discovery of Medieval "aliens." France, 15th C.
(04/05/15) Candy anatomy
(04/04/15) 1920 Soviet Mechs invading Eastern European countrysides. Series by Jakub Rozalski
(04/03/15) Traversing mathematics
(04/02/15) Sometimes, cats transcend the limits of their 3-D world and enter hyperspace
(04/01/15) "I asked for something 'out of this world,' and my barista handed me this."
(03/31/15) Map of the complex roots of ax^2 + bx + c
(03/30/15) Three voices in writing
(03/29/15) Radio hidden in a book, World War II. Note the vacuum tube
(03/28/15) X-Files version of the classic painting "Nighthawks" (by Patricia Demoraes)
(03/27/15) Mysterious and beautiful. How different fonts can affect behavior
(03/26/15) The sum of the reciprocals of the Fibonacci numbers is....
(03/25/15) The common character trait of geniuses
(03/24/15) Emmy Noether was a brilliant mathematician, yet universities wouldn't hire her
(03/23/15) Consciousness is a mathematical pattern: Max Tegmark
(03/22/15) Amazing fact. Tiny Bangladesh has more people than Russia
(03/21/15) Mysteries
(03/20/15) The Science of Near-Death Experiences
(03/19/15) Lessons from Stephen King and “Valley of the Dolls”: Reading 100 years of bestsellers
(03/18/15) Fascinating story published in 1914 began rumor that angels appeared at a WW I battle
(03/17/15) What fractals can teach us about cancer
(03/16/15) The costliest part of feeding farmed salmon is a pill that turns them pink
(03/15/15) Shiver in ecstasy. A shocking Ramanujan connection between infinite series, continued fraction, e, and pi
(03/14/15) What did the palindrome & math lover say when she was offered cake?
(03/13/15) Indian bride walks out of wedding when groom fails math test
(03/12/15) Sprawling paper nervous systems cut into repurposed books by Barbara Wildenboer
(03/11/15) Watch tiny humans draw huge Mandelbrot Set on beach. YouTube
(03/10/15) Geometry in the universe. Pyrite cubic crystals on marlstone
(03/09/15) Computers and algorithms are now breeding humans. Here's how
(03/08/15) If eggs had "Ingredients Labels" on their packages
(03/07/15) Terrifying Cybernetic Nautilus. (Actually, a German spiral turbine, 1930)
(03/06/15) Your Chinese fortune cookie
(03/05/15) Marriage and evolution shaped by our friendly computer overlords
(03/04/15) Strange PICTURE. Imagine if evolution shaped us for musical output
(03/03/15) Archeologists in Leicester discover a couple who've been holding hands for 700 years
(03/02/15) Aliens among us. These cats were marked as human by a face-detection algorithm
(03/01/15) Wood + electricity = fractal
(02/28/15) The Dress Equation (humorous visual)
(02/27/15) Mysterious. Does a tiny US creek REALLY connect the Atlantic and Pacific?
(02/26/15) The Physics Devotional: Celebrating the Wisdom and Beauty of Physics
(02/25/15) Make your very own fractal dot painting
(02/24/15) Photo of an odd ashtray
(02/23/15) The discovery of the sheep curve and its formula
(02/22/15) Shiver. Meeting of the Mickey Mouse Club in the 1930s (photo)
(02/21/15) Who could imagine a universe so awesome? Fall in love with Laniakea
(02/20/15) Unlike Sharknados, "Firenados" are real
(02/19/15) This is a paper analog computer from 1490. It is called a volvelle
(02/18/15) What is the most fascinating quote in this Playboy interview with Steve Jobs in 1985? (safe for work)
(02/17/15) We can now access all of Richard Feynman's Physics Lectures for free
(02/16/15) Fantastic anatomical art by Argentinian Juan Gatti
(02/15/15) Photo: A blue whale's heart is the size of a VW Beetle
(02/14/15) Ramanujan (1887-1920) presented this nested radical in The Indian Journal of Mathematics
(02/13/15) Creating cartoon drawings with pure math
(02/12/15) Astronomers discover smiling face of God using Hubble Telescope
(02/11/15) David Mumford: Does math have an eerie independent existence from humans? Essay
(02/10/15) Parts look like a mathematical object, but it's the Peacock Room in Castello di Sammezzano, Tuscany
(02/09/15) Dream with me. New York City at 7,500 feet
(02/08/15) Aliens among us. 50% of the DNA found in NYC subway system does not match ANY known organism
(02/07/15) Authentic Toy Spirograph Simulator. Try it
(02/06/15) The Singing Ringing Tree, a landmark musical sculpture in England
(02/05/15) Surreal fractal 3D printed chess set, by Johan Andersson
(02/04/15) American Scientist Article: "The Quest for Randomness"
(02/02/15) Edmund Thomas Clint, Indian prodigy, died at 6 years old, yet left behind 25,000 artworks
(02/01/15) All of us who are alive today vs Everybody who's every lived and died on earth
(01/31/15) Counting From Infinity – A film about Yitang Zhang and his amazing math discovery
(01/30/15) A waste of talent? Making space for autism in engineering
(01/29/15) Musings on bees, brains, and mathematics
(01/28/15) Imagine fractal violins within violins, down to the level of the quarks
(01/27/15) "If you could choose only one, indoor plumbing or the Internet, which would you choose?"
(01/26/15) Does astrobiology prove that God exists? New article by Lawrence Krauss
(01/25/15) How the gentlemen died out
(01/24/15) Earth, to scale, inside Saturn's rings
(01/22/15) Rare Photo: Einstein with a group of Hopi at the Grand Canyon, 1922
(01/21/15) I continually hunt for patents in the digits of Pi. Edison's light bulb patent occurs at digit position 3864672
(01/20/15) How mathematics and game theory solved a religious, Talmudic mystery
(01/19/15) Heroes of Science: action figures
(01/18/15) "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" admits he made it all up
(01/17/15) 2015 Edge Question on Machines that Think. ~200 answers
(01/16/15) Man searches for ISBN numbers in the digits of Pi to find books to read
(01/15/15) Left: all fresh & salt water in the world, gathered into ball. Right: all the atmosphere
(01/14/15) Photo: Imagine trying to type on a keyboard in which key height indicates letter frequency
(01/13/15) If you rotate the Twitter logo, it's Batman. (Josh Helfferich)
(01/12/15) Singing plates - Standing Waves on Chladni plates, by "Physics Girl"
(01/11/15) Half of all academic papers are read by no more than three people?
(01/10/15) Mathematician's anger over his unread 500-page proof
(01/09/15) The Infinity Box for people interested in math
(01/08/15) Of historical interest.
"Everything I Know": 42 Hours of Buckminster Fuller’s Visionary Lectures Free Online (1975)
(01/07/15) People from around the planet ponder the best way to solve Megan's circle problem
(01/06/15) Beautiful chart of our past, by Ray Troll
(01/05/15) For mystical listening when you have time: Sophie and Friends - Holocene
(01/04/15) Nightfall at the Edge of the Universe, art by Larry Carlson
(01/03/15) World Corruption Index 2014
(01/02/15) Top 10 Patents for 2014
(01/01/15) World's deadliest animals. People killed per year
(12/31/14) Iterative algorithmic plastic sculpture: Fimo fractals
(12/30/14) Secret green ninjas assist hair swing in shampoo commercials. Alien-like being
(12/29/14) This is an engineering joke
(12/28/14) Feast your eyes on this beautiful linguistic family tree
(12/27/14) Periodic Table with examples
(12/26/14) A fractal giraffe stares at you with its infinite eyes, haunting your dreams and creating chaos in the ecosystem
(12/25/14) The Bulge Illusion: how to trick your brain with M&Ms
(12/24/14) Hours spent reading per week by country
(12/23/14) Novel photo of L.E.D. Leppelin
(12/22/14) Life. Mortality. Eternity. A reminder
(12/21/14) If you fold a paper in half 103 times, it'll get as thick as the observable universe
(12/20/14) This list of palindromic primes was created by G. L. Honaker Jr. in 1999
(12/19/14) American Scientist Gift Guide 2014: Books on Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math
(12/18/14) Google is now worth more than the entire Russian stock market
(12/17/14) Shocking scholarly study: 1 out of every 200 mothers in the U.S. reports a "virgin" birth
(12/16/14) Two Futures can explain time's mysterious past
(12/15/14) A huge Wikipedia page on the Meaning of Life
(12/14/14) Man creates nuclear mushroom-cloud lamp. 3D printing
(12/13/14) Incredibly, the green and the blue spirals are the same color
(12/12/14) Celebrate the wisdom and beauty of mathematics
(12/11/14) Reunited: Women who helped crack Hitler’s secret codes by operating the Colossus computer
(12/10/14) Building a machine to glimpse infinity and commune with the Gods of Hyperspace
(12/09/14) 10 reasons our universe might actually be virtual reality
(12/08/14) Science vs Engineering
(12/07/14) Mitch Kapor has bet Ray Kurzweil $10,000 that no computer will pass for human before 2030
(12/06/14) Hour documentary about the nature of reality
(12/05/14) Dianna Cowern discovers travelling wormhole in pool. YouTube gets 1.5 M visits. Be amazed
(12/04/14) Described as the "scream of a thousand corpses" -- the Aztec death whistle
(12/03/14) From Vietnamese to Tagalog: the most popular non-English, non-Spanish language in the US
(12/02/14) If the Singularity is near, will it bring about global techno-Nirvana or civilizational ruin?
(12/01/14) Awesome pie chart. Makes you think, then smile
(11/30/14) These datasets all have the same mean, variance, correlation, and line fit. Lesson: Always visualize the data
(11/29/14) Rubik's Cube Fruit Salad
(11/28/14) Grothendieck died this month – the greatest mathematician of the 20th century
(11/27/14) This is a math joke
(11/26/14) Thoughts on mathematics and beauty
(11/25/14) How Designers Recreated Alan Turing’s Code-Breaking Computer for "Imitation Game"
(11/24/14) Less than 50% people surveyed can correctly locate the heart
(11/23/14) Amoebas: "puny, stupid blobs, but somehow contain 200 times more DNA than Einstein did."
(11/22/14) The flowers of ENIAC. An insanely complex computer tree
(11/21/14) Wireless signals resemble ectoplasmic spirits of yore
(11/20/14) Parakeets and 26 dimensions: string theory history
(11/19/14) Man renovating his home discovers a tunnel... to a huge parallel world
(11/18/14) Architecture, Beauty, Symmetry, Mathematics, Transcendence (click to magnify photo)
(11/17/14) For your Viral Holiday: 3D printed virus ornaments
(11/16/14) PHOTO: Magnificent cross-section of an undersea cable. $400/foot
(11/15/14) Stephen Colbert versus amazing math-genius Terence Tao
(11/14/14) Man records crickets, and discovers angels and humans, singing to God. Listen
(11/13/14) Mobius bacon
(11/12/14) Scientific American: Alien Abduction or "Accidental Awareness"?
(11/11/14) Neatorama features a fascinating set of math images from "The Math Devotional"
(11/10/14) One porcupine fights off 17 lions. YouTube
(11/09/14) Cartoon: This is statistics humor
(11/08/14) Maybe the highest IQ in the world
(11/07/14) Photo: Paying Pi for Pie
(11/06/14) I love 998999. Here's why
(11/05/14) The Great Pyramid in Egypt used to be so shiny, it glowed
(11/04/14) This graph relating to miracles has a touch of humor while attempting to be insightful
(11/03/14) One-panel cartoon. Those who study history....
(11/02/14) Shiver in awe. The surface color of A and B are identical. How insane is that?
(11/01/14) Breaking news. Man discovers bizarre adult human brain with no wrinkles
(10/31/14) Mystery equation called "Emptied Nest." Can you solve it?
(10/30/14) Is math discovered or invented? 5-minute YouTube
(10/29/14) Amplituhedron, object like a multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions, holds key to reality
(10/28/14) Add 2 white lines. Get insane 3D effect. Take a look here
(10/27/14) Study: Americans are as likely to believe in Bigfoot as in the big bang theory
(10/26/14) The real reason your very body is powered by quantum tunneling, entanglement, and more
(10/25/14) I just published "The Mathematics Devotional: Celebrating the Wisdom and Beauty of Mathematics." I placed sample book images here for you to see
(10/24/14) Photo: Strange math secret discovered regarding Pi. The truth will set you free
(10/23/14) "The Man Who Didn’t Salute Hitler"
(10/22/14) Excuse me. The kitten color printer is running out of ink and toner
(10/21/14) Martin Gardner: Heat a metal ring (washer) so it expands. Does the hole get bigger or smaller?
(10/20/14) Bismuth geodes resemble cybernetic crystal dragon eggs
(10/19/14) Comparing the number of lines of code
(10/18/14) A walrus was discovered asleep atop a Russian submarine
(10/17/14) Do humans echo the universe in their bodies, reflecting the most available elements?
(10/16/14) This is mathematics. "Mandlebox"
(10/15/14) All the digits of pi, on one page
(10/14/14) A hyper-dimensional gelatinous blob begins to sing
(10/13/14) Man wakes up. Finds bikes on wall. (Altlandsberg, Germany)
(10/12/14) Shiver in ecstasy. Expression connects Pi, e, radicals, factorials, and infinite limits.
(10/11/14) Malware looks for mouse movement as a sign that human actively uses the computer
(10/10/14) He grew up in grinding poverty. How did Leonard Susskind become one of the greatest physicists?
(10/09/14) This is humor related to passwords (pie chart)
(10/08/14) Imagine looking up in the Russian sky and seeing the double-helix DNA of God
(10/07/14) Physicist Richard Feynman wonders if reality is like a multi-layered onion. YouTube
(10/06/14) Nice PHOTO. Glimpse History: Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs with an Apple I, 1976
(10/05/14) A 1939 Map of Physics, representing physics as a river
(10/04/14) Picture of the day: one boat pulling 145 water-skiers
(10/02/14) Gaze up. If Andromeda galaxy were brighter, it would look this big
(10/01/14) View Gandhi's actual letter to Adolf Hitler, 1939
(09/30/14) This is a chemistry joke. "Your dad's been under a lot of pressure lately."
(09/29/14) The REAL cycle of scientific grants
(09/28/14) Behold: The very END of the Great Wall of China
(09/27/14) This is mathematics (YouTube)
(09/26/14) The year is 1931. One-wheel motorcycle (invented by Italian M. G. de Udine). Max. speed: 150 km/hour (93 mph)
(09/25/14) Man discovers toy city while flying helicopter. Real people. Real homes.
(09/24/14) What mathematics made people realize that "math is beautiful"
(09/23/14) Man discovers a mysterious and delightful hole in Mars
(09/22/14) In 7 seconds, see someone construct a Pringles Torus, without glue or tape
(09/21/14) Delicious fractal cookies. Here's how
(09/20/14) We may wonder why an ellipse always forms from chaos. Try it now
(09/19/14) Watch NOW: Route 66, balls and tracks. YouTube
(09/18/14) The puzzle driving the world crazy. Can the loop of string be freed from its wire?
(09/17/14) Apparent thigh bone of an ape found on Mars
(09/16/14) A map of every device in the world that's connected to the Internet
(09/15/14) Mysterious. Injecting life into old images. Watch short video
(09/13/14) Which of these triangles has the greater area?
(09/12/14) Apocalyptic battle between legions of hippos and crocs
(09/11/14) The Islamic roots of science fiction
(09/10/14) PHOTOS at Boing Boing today. "The Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics"
(09/10/14) Imagine civilization has ended. How to calculate Pi with a pump-action shotgun
(09/09/14) John Conway's name appears on a math paper, showing "that it's possible to divide by three" (pdf)
(09/08/14) Max Tegmark: "Consciousness is a state of matter called perceptronium
(09/07/14) Look how fantastic Dunsany's Chess is
(09/06/14) Saturn tattoo with Titan, Iapetus, and Enceladus in orbit
(09/05/14) Map of colossal supercluster of galaxies called Laniakea. Home of Milky Way galaxy
(09/04/14) Mystery Tibetan skull found in antique shop in Vienna
(09/03/14) Punishment in the Afterlife: a mysterious Eastern Turki manuscript
(09/02/14) In 1899, Henry Tukeman detailed his killing of a mammoth in Alaska
(09/01/14) Physics Genius had midlife crisis when discovered wasn't as smart as young guys down hallway
(08/31/14) "The Tooth Worm as Hell’s Demon," southern France, 18th Century
(08/30/14) What is random? Fibonacci numbers modulo N? Using bad random number generators to make pretty pictures & illustrate simulation concepts
(08/29/14) The Blue Dragon. One of the world's rarest and most beautiful mollusks
(08/28/14) Divorce rate in Maine correlates with per-capita consumption of margarine
(08/27/14) Fibonacci pattern of dots creating a Phyllotactic Portrait of Fibonacci
(08/26/14) The utter mystery of Cicada 3301
(08/25/14) Fortress chess is a 4-player chess variant played in Russia in the 18th C
(08/24/14) Ridiculous Beliefs of the World's Most Acclaimed Thinkers
(08/23/14) Celebrating fractals and Benoit Mandelbrot with 3D Anaglyphs. Glasses included
(08/22/14) Share this now with every nerd friend. Computer ports on parade. (click to magnify)
(08/21/14) The second-largest religion in each US state
(08/20/14) Cute. How to draw a Paisley (YouTube) by Shoo Rayner
(08/19/14) Strawberry dipped in liquid nitrogen and then shot with gun
(08/18/14) Examples of unexpected mathematical images
(08/17/14) How can just 130 lines of code create huge landscapes and realities beyond our imagination?
(08/16/14) Solar System's Solid Surfaces, Stitched Together
(08/15/14) Wow, a huge magic hexagon, discovered in 2006. Each row, in all 3 directions, has same sum. Diagram
(08/14/14) Sometimes, the antennae of gloworm beetles (Phengodidae) are like dreams
(08/13/14) X-rays suddenly reveal that Christ statue has human teeth
(08/12/14) Cosmic Flower Unfolding by Ben Ridgway. Life, Math, Mysticism. Video
(08/11/14) Lawyers and Wikipedians wonder: Who owns the copyright to a selfie photo taken by a monkey!?
(08/10/14) 10 Tricks to Appear Smart During Meetings
(08/09/14) I took a quick snapshot of a graph for you: How much the universe makes sense vs. Physics Knowledge
(08/08/14) I took a quick snapshot for you of the shortest-known Abstract for a serious scientific paper: only 2 words
(08/07/14) Optimal fractal decision tree for player O in Loser's Tic-Tac-Toe (in which players win if the opponent gets 3 in a row)
(08/06/14) Fractal Bird (Photo). Giant starling formation over the setting sun spotted in Taunton, Somerset
(08/05/14) Fungal violin makes sounds that summon angels
(08/04/14) A visual history of human culture built from the birth and death places of notable people.
(08/03/14) Sesame Street episode from 1984; a teacher asks her kindergarteners: "What is a computer?
(08/02/14) In 20 seconds, see evolution of all life on Earth
(08/01/14) Gradually scroll down to see heaven transform into hell
(07/31/14) DMT and Extraterrestrial Communication
(07/30/14) Explore Carotid-Kundalini Functions forever. Wander the fractal gaps. y = cos(n*x*acos(x))
(07/29/14) Jonathan McCabe's Psychedelic art and life-form: created by a Turing algorithm
(07/28/14) Why is it so difficult to find the face in the beans?
(07/27/14) Artwork. Hands Fixing Hands: transhumanist Escher remix
(07/26/14) Times Square, 1903, New York City
(07/25/14) If a camera were at the Resurrection of Jesus, what would it have recorded? Theologian answers
(07/24/14) Gravity Explained, in One Simple Video and a "Spacetime Stretcher"
(07/23/14) Hi-res scan of a 23-foot history chart from 1883!
(07/22/14) Man Stunned After Finding Picture of His Late Grandma on Google Street View
(07/21/14) Quick diagram: A map of the "Internet" in June, 1970. Wow, pretty simple
(07/20/14) Math and mystery. The 120-cell is a regular polychoron (4-D object) whose sides are 120 dodecahedra
(07/19/14) Quick cartoon: Evolution. The sea, mother of life
(07/18/14) Would you patronize an establishment that posted this amusing sign?
(07/17/14) Caroline Kennedy walks ahead while JFK [arguably the most powerful man in the world], carries her doll, 1963
(07/16/14) Woman sings digits of pi amidst flowers
(07/14/14) Imagine Einstein holding Einstein holding Einstein... down to the level of the quarks
(07/13/14) "The Calutron Girls," Oak Ridge, 1944
(07/12/14) Ever wonder about the little plastic thing at the end of data cables?
(07/11/14) I will be talking a little about math as I introduce the main speaker and sign books at this special NYC event in August if you’d like to drop by and say "hi"
(07/10/14) Venice by Moonlight, mysterious "photomechanical prints," 1890s
(07/09/14) 100s of fish found swimming in a public phone booth
(07/07/14) Craniopagus conjoined twins Krista and Tatiana can see through each other's eyes
(07/06/14) Fractal + Rodent = fractal rodent
(07/05/14) Apophenia
(07/04/14) Beautiful photo. The choices in our lives. By Janek Sedlar
(07/03/14) What a star looks like when it dies
(07/02/14) Pumpkin and math
(07/01/14) Bardo. Is this scene real? Is this your afterlife?
(06/30/14) Why So Many Icelanders Still Believe in Invisible Elves
(06/29/14) The strange history of the Ouija Board and how it can help with Alzheimer's
(06/28/14) How to Drill a Square Hole
(06/27/14) The beauty of the universe through the elegance of math
(06/26/14) What Each Country Leads The World In
(06/25/14) Strange forms
(06/24/14) There are 140 x 10^21 (140 followed by 21 zeroes) different configurations of the Magic Cube
(06/23/14) Imagine the pleasure of running your finger along the surface of a smooth catenoid (pdf)
(06/22/14) When Facebook Resurrected the Dead
(06/21/14) Map Mania: World War II Map Rapidly Evolves, as the World Changes Before Your Eyes
(06/20/14) Churches under water, far from the realm of Noah. God among the ruins?
(06/19/14) See the unseen. A drumstick hitting a cymbal at 1000 frames/sec. Note the flexibility
(06/18/14) Doyle Spiral + Inversion. Stony math
(06/17/14) Fascinating & Beguiling Toilet Paper Tube Tricks and Math, by Martin Gardner
(06/16/14) Impress your friends & lovers. Now you'll finally know what a "tensor" really is
(06/15/14) Hand-drawn psychedelic hyperliminal galactic art that goes on forever (or until artist dies)
(06/14/14) Superposition of one day of takeoffs from a US airport
(06/13/14) More intelligent people wake up late and stay up late?
(06/12/14) The total area of solar panels it would take to power the world, Europe, and Germany
(06/11/14) US map of the highest-paid public employees by state. Perhaps you're in the wrong profession
(06/10/14) Facebook scientists can predict when you are about to enter into a relationship
(06/09/14) Magnetic putty come alive, swallowing a metal cube
(06/08/14) EARTH Platinum – World’s Largest Atlas. Employed 100s of cartographers, geographers and photographers
(06/07/14) Genius Freeman Dyson: A "Rebel" Without a Ph.D
(06/06/14) A curve intersecting an asymptote infinitely many times and in many places
(06/05/14) Mysterious Garden of Eden: completely sealed for 53 years. Recycling air, nutrients, water
(06/04/14) Imagine transporting North America to Jupiter (size comparison). Source: astronomycentral.co.uk
(06/03/14) Mathematics in action. Man patents bicycle with odd-sided wheels
(06/02/14) Scream in ecstasy. Hydrogen peroxide mixed with potassium iodide. Animation
(06/01/14) Gabriel's horn is mind-boggling because it has finite volume, but infinite surface area
(05/31/14) Pi is everywhere. River sinuosity = (Length of its winding path) / (Length as crow flies). The average river sinuosity = 3.14 = Pi. Wow!
(05/30/14) Atomic cake, featuring “radioactive mushroom cloud." 1946
(05/29/14) Scream in ecstasy! This formula yields the correct decimal digits of pi to an amazing 42 billion digits
(05/28/14) Yes, the planet got destroyed, but...
(05/27/14) Idea for your best-selling book title: "Do geese see God?" Here is why!
(05/26/14) This math humor reminds us of the properties of asymptotes. It makes us smile and shiver in fear. (click to enlarge image)
(05/25/14) Reincarnation Candle. This candle regenerates itself.... Metaphor for life after death
(05/24/14) The official divorce complaint of Richard Feynman's second wife, hater of calculus
(05/23/14) This is a chemistry joke involving coal and diamonds
(05/22/14) A strange puzzle involving 2+2, 3+3, and 7+7
(05/21/14) Taste infinity. Mandelbrot-set pancake
(05/20/14) I let my mind wander, Googled for Fractal Messiah, and found this image (by Mark Rehorst)
(05/19/14) In honor of Eiffel Tower opening 125 yrs ago (March 1889). Look up in the Tower. Seek geometry & transcendence
(05/18/14) Paradox face
(05/17/14) How many people on Earth could actually understand the meaning of this complex enigma?
(05/16/14) Sometimes, the exotic formulas of Indian mathematician Ramanujan (1887-1920) make me shiver a little. You?
(05/15/14) Sometimes, Persian symmetries are like a poem, a dream, or a prayer. Shiver
(05/14/14) The challenges of measuring success
(05/13/14) This is an example of a chemistry joke
(05/11/14) Hexagonal tiling on a water flea reminds us that Nature's great book is written in mathematics
(05/10/14) First-known modern example of an ANTI-acknowledgement in a serious technical paper
(05/09/14) The joy of logic. These 2 books, in theory, contain the sum total of all human knowledge
(05/08/14) Four technologists holding the guts of ENIAC, a 1940s computer
(05/07/14) Italian photographer Barbara Scerbo has an incredibly expressive and baffling imagination
(05/06/14) This is a geometry joke
(05/05/14) Aliens among us. A pangolin is drinking. Note the large keratin scale armor
(05/04/14) Physics humor illustrating relationships among volt, amp, and ohm
(05/03/14) Repeat the string 1808010808 1560 times, and tack on a 1 the end
(05/02/14) Psychological Priming. Australia will always look different to you after this
(05/01/14) Uniting the universes of 2 Rubik's Cubes via a ring
(04/30/14) About 50 years ago, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space
(04/29/14) Did Zeus Exist?
(04/28/14) Gazing out through space and time, from the Great Pyramid Of Giza, Egypt
(04/27/14) What kind of insane alien mind could dream of solving a 1000x1000x1000 Rubik's Cube?
(04/26/14) Beautiful. Egypt's Nile River delta night space-view. (I've circled Cairo and Tel Aviv.)
(04/25/14) Detailed miniature skulls, reproduced with 3D scanning, 3D printing
(04/24/14) Mystery math question, found on an old blackboard
(04/23/14) Publicity still for Ishiro Honda's SPACE AMOEBA (1970), featuring colossal cuttlefish Gezora on the rampage!
(04/22/14) Great panel from an old Eerie Comic book that just jumped out at me
(04/21/14) Mathematics, symmetry, paper cutting, and the divine
(04/20/14) Cyclist plays with gravitational laws along a wall to win race
(04/19/14) Anti-dyslexic font
(04/18/14) Taste the heavens. Eat Jupiter cake
(04/17/14) Resurrection burial tomb. US patent application with images
(04/16/14) 35 Scientific Concepts That Will Help You Understand The World
(04/15/14) The function Z = -cos(x*y)*t wakes up and prays to the mathematical gods of yore
(04/14/14) Guess who is the most prolific inventor in the world (based on patents)?
(04/13/14) "Sine Wave in Action." We don't know what this is, but it is cool to contemplate
(04/12/14) Magical experiments with high speed photography and viscous liquids
(04/11/14) 1) Put kids in a white room. 2) Give them thousands of stickers. 3) Wait
(04/10/14) Colonies of Growing Bacteria Make Psychedelic Art
(04/09/14) Melodie says, "Bouncing balls in a circle gives one of the simplest systems to exhibit chaos"
(04/08/14) I coined the phrase "Juggler Sequence" and love 24906114455136. Here's why
(04/07/14) Mathematics in action: Voronoi Nebula Mural Wall Drawing
(04/06/14) I coined the word "factorion" in the 1990s. Here's why.
(04/05/14) I'm sorry to inform you that Earth is about to be been eaten by a fire demon
(04/04/14) Long exposure reminds me of ghosts and spirits. Rush hour in Mumbai
(04/03/14) This is Paul Erdos. He published more math papers than any other mathematician in history
(04/02/14) Hunting for meaning and pattern. 100 billion steps of Pi visualized (pdf)
(04/01/14) This is Erwin Schrodinger. He contributed to the wave theory of matter. His cat is famous
(03/31/14) Mathematics and Beauty: A Sampling of Spirals and 'Strange' Spirals in Science, Nature and Art
(03/29/14) 167 Theremin players perform Beethoven's Ode to Joy
(03/28/14) How many squares can you count in this window?
(03/27/14) This is the scientist-priest Georges Lemaitre, famous for the Big Bang theory of the universe
(03/26/14) Here are the Top 10 Scottish scientists in history. But is there any human on Earth who can name them all? (NLS collection)
(03/25/14) This is Werner Heisenberg. His "uncertainty principle" in physics has profound ramifications (AIP archives)
(03/24/14) Photo Essay: 100 fascinating and mysterious topics related to black
(03/24/14) This is Dmitri Mendeleev. He created the first version of the periodic table of elements
(03/23/14) A note on chaos and Halley's method (pdf)
(03/22/14) This structure actually discovered in a mathematical entity
(03/21/14) Some dogs are quite versatile
(03/20/14) Fractal Octopi Garden (click to mag.)
(03/19/14) How would you react to this magical prank that drives people nearly insane?
(03/18/14) Imagine the joy of owning this fractal knife, and the pain of being cut with it
(03/17/14) 9-Yr-Old Prodigy Explains "God Particle"
(03/16/14) State-of-the-art random-access database, 1874.
(03/15/14) What the actual "Schindler's List" looked like
(03/14/14) Wink: daily reviews of remarkable books that belong on paper
(03/13/14) A passionate on-stage dual of Theremins
(03/12/14) Model for a "Creeping Baby Doll," which was patented in 1871
(03/11/14) Dream with me. Actual view of Sunset on Mars
(03/10/14) Blue bar. Best illusion you'll see today
(03/08/14) Sometimes, we fear the spirit within us. We fear the ghost in the machine
(03/07/14) Fun to look at. The Beatles in India. The Swinging Sixties
(03/06/14) What is Reality? Floating sphere from nowhere
(03/05/14) This mysterious precognitive shadow may be of interest
(03/04/14) One artist's vision of hell (slowly scroll down)
(03/03/14) Wavy: an illustration of collective phenomena
(03/02/14) You travel back in time to share one piece of scientific knowledge from today. Where do you go?
(03/01/14) Mysterious alien corpse turns out to be a female mummified baboon
(02/29/14) How to Sleep on the Moon (using mathematics, of course)
(02/28/14) Imagine the joy of traveling along the entire Route 66 in the U.S.
(02/27/14) Crossing the entire U.S., coast to coast, by car in 29 hours
(02/26/14) Man walks every Manhattan street in two years. Colors in map
(02/25/14) Imagine your "joy" of waking up one morning, with one of these in your bed with you
(02/24/14) My Mathematical, Angelic Triangle of the Gods
(02/23/14) Wow, ammonites can be large
(02/22/14) We can only speculate on the meaning of these equations, drawn by Richard Feynman in 1985
(02/20/14) Future of Web content. Cat. Dressed like shark. Riding roomba. Chasing baby duck
(02/19/14) Your home, family, and lover of the future
(02/18/14) Check out my Twitter stream right now. I think you'll like it
(02/17/14) So far, not a single friend of mine can identify this famous geographical body. Can you?
(02/16/14) Math-genius John Conway's recipe for success: "Always be thinking of 6 things at once." (p. 574)
(02/15/14) Woman becomes one with her plant-like surroundings (John Emanuel Shannon)
(02/14/14) Unusual. Penises of minke whales on display at the Icelandic Phallological Museum (Wikimedia)
(02/13/14) A small thing makes people think an NYC statue might be a real person
(02/12/14) Imagine the joy of a candlelit dinner with someone who knew about the Frobenioid of a monoid
(02/11/14) BIG BANG BIG BOOM: time-lapse graffiti animation of history of the universe
(02/10/14) The baby cage, for hanging babies out of the window for families without a garden, 1937
(02/09/14) Interview with John Conway, pioneer in surreal numbers, Game of Life, etc. (pdf)
(02/08/14) Imagine a beauty contest in which women pose next to x-rays of their skeletons
(02/07/14) Graves of a Catholic woman and her Protestant husband, who were not allowed to be buried together. Roermond, NL, 1888
(02/06/14) This is mathematics. A swimming area, in the fractal of your dreams (by Vince/Vidom)
(02/05/14) Imagine the joy of studying parasites from the Crusaders' feces
(02/04/14) Flight of the fractal butterfly
(02/03/14) Imagine the joy of a candlelit dinner with someone who knew "Inter-universal Teichmüller theory"
(02/02/14) I typed Mermaid Parade into Google and found this image
(02/01/14) Mathematics. Within the hive mind of a higher-dimensional Lord (Image by Eric Ton)
(01/31/14) Avatars help schizophrenics Gain Control of Voices in Their Heads
(01/30/14) Some have referred to this as "DMT art" -- wheels within wheels
(01/29/14) Sometimes fractal mathematics is like a psychedelic prayer for hyper-dimensional gods (Image by Eric Ton)
(01/28/14) Imagine the joy of meeting someone who actually knew what this means: "thagomizer"
(01/27/14) Famous SF-author Philip K. Dick speaks about his penetration into other realities
(01/26/14) "The artist is a bit an odd-duck who has written books on mathematics & drug culture." (Omni magazine image)
(01/25/14) The utter mystery of "terminal lucidity"
(01/24/14) Be happy we are alive. The Last Photo of Steve Jobs before death
(01/23/14) Imagine the joy of running your fingers along the Halvorsen Attractor
(01/22/14) All of your life, captured in one photo
(01/21/14) Imagine placing all of humanity within this fractal building
(01/20/14) What Would Happen if Oxygen Disappeared from Earth for Five Seconds?
(01/19/14) Sometimes, a mixture of colors can excite the mind.
(01/18/14) Nice. Young Stephen Hawking and his first wife Jane
(01/17/14) Sometimes, a Russian diamond mine reminds us of a black hole
(01/16/14) Sometimes, the spiral tail of a cat is like a poem
(01/15/14) You are always within three feet of a spider: Fact or Fiction?
(01/14/14) Now live: My answer to John Brockman's 2014 Edge Annual Question: "What Scientific Idea Is Ready For Retirement?"
(01/13/14) Interesting visualization showing earth size (small blue balls) inside larger ball (sun size)
(01/12/14) Child discusses with mom his feelings about eating animals
(01/11/14) 2 Skeletons Engaged in Sex. From the Kama Sutra series by Jean-Marc Laroche
(01/10/14) Quasicrystal interference pattern
(01/09/14) "Immaculate Conception" in Catholicism is not about Jesus. It's about sperm/egg union in St. Anne's uterus
(01/08/14) An image from a strange parallel universe
(01/07/14) Sometimes, even fractals can light up and sing (click to mag)
(01/06/14) In a parallel universe. Ice cream and children
(01/05/14) Find the 666 hiding in the 1594 digits of 666 factorial.
(01/04/14) I typed Mermaid Parade into Google and found this image (Rachel Meyerowitz)
(01/03/14) Lightning Crashes. Simple chord structures, but powerful. (YouTube)
(01/02/14) Sometimes, Zincite reminds me of candy of the gods
(01/01/14) Nice bookcase, but you'll probably need a ladder
(12/31/13) CNN reporter to tornado victim: "You gotta thank the lord". Victim: "I'm an atheist"
(12/30/13) It is now time to park the cattle
(12/29/13) Mystical video of horses, with voice-over expressing horse thoughts
(12/28/13) In the illuminated icy esophagus of God
(12/27/13) Oh, the horror. Giant centipede vs tarantula
(12/26/13) Acoustic Kitty was a CIA project in the 1960s, attempting to use cats in spy missions
(12/23/13) Photo: Robot Monster (1953)
(12/22/13) Sometimes, tree tunnels make me shiver and dream. You too?
(12/21/13) Sometimes, even Goethite pseudomorphs remind me of mathematics
(12/20/13) Cool. 10 Fantastical Holiday Gift Ideas for Color Fans
(12/19/13) Ectoplasmic Light Paintings by Dennis Calvert
(12/18/13) Prying off the surfaces of our minds, to peer beneath the skin of reality
(12/17/13) Cubed root (math)
(12/16/13) What would it feel like to walk in the largest cemetery in the world?
(12/15/13) How would it feel to look up in the sky and see this?
(12/12/13) Sometimes, fractal mathematics can be amazing
(12/11/13) Lovely visualization of where we've been in space
(12/10/13) Ever wonder why some YouTubes, like this, "go viral," getting 7 million visits?
(12/09/13) Mathematician leaves a tip
(12/08/13) Unusual. This Clever Bug Spray Billboard is Actually a Horrifying Giant Insect Trap
(12/07/13) Sometimes, fractals excite the imagination, making us wonder about reality and transcendence
(12/06/13) Imagine the joy of finding this periodic function that may, or may not, intersect finitely many times
(12/05/13) Man steps on the edge of a ledge named infinity
(12/04/13) Most math posters only show approximations of these important numbers. Here are "exact" values
(12/03/13) Two fractal beings, moaning for their mathematical gods
(12/02/13) Sometimes, the lizard's tail reminds me of mathematics
(12/01/13) Locust swarm of biblical proportions envelopes Paul McCartney in an orgy of horror
(11/30/13) The Birds is one of my favorite movies
(11/28/13) Draw the impossible. Interactive Generative Art
(11/27/13) A Star Trek leader takes his seat in a startling way that no one has noticed until now
(11/26/13) Odd sign to convince men to wash hands after using bathroom
(11/25/13) He wanted to write down his equations before he died
(11/24/13) Carbon dating techniques. Worth a look
(11/23/13) Fruit becomes conscious, generating a spontaneous current before embarking on world domination
(11/22/13) Sometimes, Hilbert Curves can be rather fascinating
(11/21/13) Chemistry: warped Periodic Table based on relative abundance
(11/20/13) "Tomatoes and the Pythagorean theorem."
(11/19/13) The Math of Star Trek: The Original Series
(11/18/13) H.P. Lovecraft died in 1937. Why does his popularity persist?
(11/17/13) Is it humanly possible to cram all of calculus onto an 11-page "cheat sheet"?
(11/16/13) Wonderful photos of old New York City. Take a look.
(11/15/13) Students of all ages: Memorize these 10 dates as a framework for understanding deep time! (poster)
(11/14/13) Harlan Ellison, Isaac Asimov, Studs Terkel, + Gene Wolfe together in rare 1982 video
(11/13/13) Technical paper. Why and how are pearls so round?
(11/12/13) Everything you needed to know about the particles in our universe, in one free poster
(11/11/13) How would it feel to be a person with an IQ of 1000?
(11/10/13) Teachers, give this free math poster to students. Encourage them to understand 50% of the math gems
(11/09/13) Reincarnation was part of Christian doctrine, until an emperor purged it in the 6th century
(11/08/13) New mini-book, "Timothy Leary's Trip Through Time"
(11/07/13) Don't you love this Periodic Table in pictures?
(11/06/13) Amazing mathematical poster of Mathematical Gems
(11/05/13) Worlds strangest YouTube (5 million visits). "What am I?"
(11/04/13) "Miss Cellania," Neatorama: darkness, extremity, and the unknown
(11/03/13) "Someone told me lately: Everyone deserves the chance to fly! And if I fly solo, at least I'm flying free."
(11/02/13) Mystic transport. The Oldest Known Melody c.1400BC. Listen. Dream
(11/01/13) German Shepherd puppy grows up (animated gif)
(10/31/13) 3D printed guitars
(10/30/13) Sometimes, the mammal within is like a prayer
(10/29/13) Classic novels visualized according to their color content
(10/28/13) Sometimes, chalcopyrite is like a poem
(10/27/13) Ever wonder what the volume of a 4-dimensional sphere is?
(10/26/13) Mysterious stairwell causes users to enter the fourth dimension
(10/25/13) Scream in awe. On Twitter, nearly all users are less popular than both their friends and followers
(10/23/13) Impress your friends with this factoid. 3003 is the only number known to appear 8 times in Pascal's triangle
(10/22/13) Ray Kurzweil, inventor and futurist, drinks 10 cups of green tea every day
(10/21/13) Prime number magic squares created by prison inmates
(10/19/13) In the Wizard of Oz, Toto made more money than the Munchkins
(10/18/13) Tendrils of native silver reach heavenward
(10/17/13) Life-sized brain sculptures made of food
(10/16/13) The Phenakistocope was invented by Joseph Plateau in 1841
(10/15/13) Even spines can dream
(10/14/13) The beauty of Pick's Theorem
(10/13/13) Oh, the horror. Hominid: predation among the human-skeleton'ed prehistoric creatures
(10/12/13) How many of these High IQ people have we heard of?
(10/11/13) Pre-Halloween treat. Slovenian woman takes her strange little camera on a journey inches above the mystery images in The Book of Black
(10/09/13) Toothy ladies' shoes. Oh, the horror
(10/08/13) This is mathematics and mystery. This is fractal
(10/07/13) Grotesque creature housewares and jewelry
(10/06/13) This is fractal. This is mathematics and beauty
(10/05/13) Kalashnikov made of bones
(10/04/13) Mystery cat. (Click to mag)
(10/03/13) A woman holding a huge organ,1932
(10/02/13) Amazing. Instead of reading James Joyce's Ulysses, watch it for free on Youtube
(10/01/13) Black: the color without color. In science, art, history, and culture. Let the journey begin. Finally available at Amazon!
(09/30/13) Ancient Greek gods: the new believers
(09/29/13) Flamingos become sentient, and form 1 composite flamingo
(09/28/13) Revenge of the disembodied snake heads
(09/27/13) Alien timeline since 1947. Watch our perceptions evolve
(09/26/13) A rare Russian mineral spar tower
(09/25/13) Wow. An atlas that marks place names using their English meanings
(09/24/13) Strange. Vegetables in your guts
(09/23/13) Sometimes, a time-lapse video of the Milky Way is like a prayer
(09/22/13) Can there be such a thing as "negative zero"?
(09/21/13) Tylenol helps with "existential dread"
(09/20/13) Mathematical Attractors on Parade. Beautiful Aizawa chaotic attractor
(09/19/13) Sometimes, the interior of a museum is like a poem
(09/18/13) Imagine the joy of titling your next novel: "Horopter." Such an exotic word
(09/17/13) Mysterious emotionally. FBI artist dives into the depths of your soul via face drawing
(09/16/13) In the illuminated icy esophagus of God
(09/15/13) Meditating man forms portal in stomach to explore parallel worlds
(09/14/13) The USA divided into 50 states of EQUAL population
(09/13/13) Alleged aliens were actually American dancers from the Dean Martin Christmas Special of 1970
(09/12/13) This is fractal. This is mathematics and beauty
(09/11/13) This insane object is a fractal
(09/10/13) Let's get lost in some surreal photography
(09/09/13) "The King of One String." 1.8 million visits for a guy who entertains only with a one-string guitar
(09/08/13) This is fractal. This is mathematics and beauty
(09/07/13) Sometimes, playing with water glasses can create a kind of beauty
(09/06/13) Unusual book from past. "Foreigners & How to Spot Them"
(09/05/13) These two books contain the sum total of all human knowledge
(09/04/13) Pencil drawing, depicting Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guarded the gate to Hades
(09/03/13) Mystery solved. "Why can't you buy turkey eggs in stores?"
(09/02/13) The buttered cat paradox and its implications
(09/01/13) If you jumped into a pool of liquid oxygen, would your body instantly crystallize? Enjoy
(08/31/13) The Decorative Fabric Filled Potholes of Paris
(08/30/13) The True Science of Parallel Universes (video)
(08/29/13) Spider's silk spigots, under electron microscope
(08/27/13) Flea under electron microscope
(08/26/13) What percentage of adults could determine which of the yellow areas is larger, with their hands tied?
(08/25/13) The utter mystery of adding past infinity
(08/24/13) My publisher gives a quick sneak peek into my next book, The Book of Black, published in about 1 month. If it looks interesting, could you tell your friends? (pdf)
(08/23/13) Imagine insane magnetic silly putty engulfing all of us (YouTube)
(08/22/13) Do You Have The Stomach For A Geometry Puzzle?
(08/21/13) 7 seconds of a screaming sheep has warranted 8,705,140 visits at YouTube
(08/20/13) Amazing how much you can capture in a second of video
(08/19/13) Surreal rainbow over the Bay Bridge
(08/18/13) Mysterious yellow gears confound intellectuals
(08/17/13) In this illusion, the balls seem to defy gravity
(08/16/13) "The American tradition of mixing economic populism with cephalopods." With pictures
(08/15/13) What would you get if you combined one atom each from all the elements in the periodic table?
(08/14/13) Albert Einstein and the Tea Leaf Paradox
(08/13/13) James Joyce's huge/historic "Ulysses" has been efficiently reduced to just 18 cartoon frames
(08/12/13) Celebrate. There are 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in your body
(08/11/13) Get rich quick. Our bodies contain about 0.2 milligrams of gold, in the blood
(08/10/13) Plato's Cave Allegory Brought to Life with Claymation. Watch
(08/09/13) Who would imagine that a journey within the mitochondria would provide a sense of awe and transcendence?
(08/08/13) Math cake, for students of all ages
(08/07/13) What Would Happen if Oxygen Disappeared from Earth for Five Seconds?
(08/06/13) 9-year-old discusses the meaning of life and the universe (video)
(08/05/13) Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking: wedding photo
(08/04/13) The Mobula, a genus of ray in the family Myliobatidae (eagle rays), seeks salvation in the stars
(08/03/13) What do trig functions look like if you replace unit circle with a square or hexagon?
(08/02/13) Woman teaches her pet rats, to test limits of intelligence and affection
(08/01/13) Many of the child actors who played the "Little Rascals" seemed cursed and died young in mysterious ways
(07/31/13) Watermelon Tourmaline. Gemstone. Tasty.
(07/30/13) Clever visualization of Fourier series using wheels on wheels
(07/29/13) YouTube titled "Swedish Fire Torch" has nearly 8 million visits?
(07/28/13) Bill Bryson on "science writing"
(07/27/13) Brace for "war." Famous dictionaries now add second definition of 'literally': figuratively
(07/26/13) The divorce complaint of Richard Feynman's second wife, hater of calculus
(07/25/13) What We Still Don't Know: "Are We Real?" (Sir Martin Rees)
(07/24/13) The ultimate math roller coaster: the people come back dead.
(07/23/13) A moss-covered forest floor constructed from pure mathematics
(07/22/13) What Will Human Cultures Be Like in 100 Years?
(07/21/13) Mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop
(07/20/13) The famous Isaac Asimov talks about religion and reasoning
(07/19/13) Behind Every Stack Of Books, There Is A Flood Of Knowledge (Awesome painting)
(07/18/13) Tonight, as you drift off to sleep, imagine strolling with someone you love on the romantic Islands of Calleja
(07/17/13) Can cats experience visual movement illusions on paper, just like humans can?
(07/16/13) Coal miners ascend from the bowels of the earth. Hell on Earth. 1900
(07/15/13) "Batwing Slugs" -- almost like aliens from another world
(07/14/13) The famous Marvin Minsky - immortal minds are just a matter of time
(07/13/13) Strange Venn Diagram, Numerology, Past-Life Regression
(07/12/13) Shiver in ecstasy. The maximum number lacking the digit 1 with persistence 11 is 77777733332222222222222222222
(07/11/13) How Much Would Wikipedia Weigh?
(07/10/13) Even the octopi can love the humanoids
(07/09/13) Nature is beauty. Stone "aquarium." Sky-blue single crystal of aquamarine with bits of white matrix. (Pakistan)
(07/08/13) Even peacocks can fly. And dream
(07/06/13) I typed "Kalliope Amorphous" into Google and found this semi-angel rendering
(07/05/13) Sumerians, Space-time light-cones, da Vinci, Feynman Diagrams
(07/04/13) Sometimes, tendrilous silver is like a prayer
(07/03/13) Sometimes, nature reminds us of mathematics
(07/02/13) An angel with wings and gun
(07/01/13) The left arm of your antediluvian lover
(06/30/13) Be happy. The vuvuzela is a plastic horn, 2 ft long, which produces a B-flat note
(06/29/13) I typed Fractal Satan into Google and found this image
(06/28/13) Math dreams. Karma: A Tower of Blinded Men Rising into the Sky
(06/27/13) Gazing toward the sky, within the fractal skyscraper of your dreams
(06/26/13) Spiral mammal
(06/25/13) Sometimes, a cluster of starlings can remind us of a vast hive mind
(06/24/13) Cute girl, pretending to be a doctor, with a large canine
(06/23/13) Finding Satan in popcorn
(06/22/13) "Oh God, I Just Hit A Unicorn"
(06/21/13) Math Joke
(06/20/13) Interesting photo from 1923, involving a gun
(06/19/13) This is fractal. This is mathematics. This is beauty and complexity
(06/18/13) Imagine reading a book, with someone you love, on a Sofa Cloud, made with magnets
(06/17/13) Visual Treat: Mysterious and Vibrant Liquid Drop Art
(06/16/13) Tattoo with fractal branching pattern
(06/15/13) Oh, the horror. Parasitic fungus turns cicadas into flying salt shakers of death
(06/14/13) The whips of creation: Image of sperm tails tangled up in a seminiferous tubule (in man's testes)
(06/13/13) The Story of our Entire Planet and History in 2 Minutes
(06/12/13) Somewhat strange and amusing. Free gong button
(06/11/13) Illusion: Vanishing train defies space and time
(06/10/13) Unusual. Moss Graffiti: how-to guide
(06/09/13) The colorful beetles with whom we share this planet
(06/08/13) Is it possible to watch a conversation between Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke?
(06/07/13) TIMOTHY LEARY: You aren't like them. Find the others
(06/06/13) Can we identify more than 15 people in this painting? (click to mag.)
(06/05/13) "Monster Papertoy font"
(06/04/13) Fascinating. The rise of computing machines to lead humanity to new realms of "mathematical transcendence"
(06/03/13) Before looking, how many countries can you think of that border only one other country?
(06/02/13) Sometimes, even Stibnite (Antimony Sulfur) is a kind of prayer
(06/01/13) Ever wonder how much space the U.S. Great Lakes would take up if they were in Europe?
(05/31/13) Aerial "Human" Helix at Genentech
(05/30/13) Imagine waking up one morning, and finding this perched on your shoulder
(05/29/13) The Rivers of Our Mind, Do Snake and Intertwine
(05/28/13) Empathy. For some reason, this YouTube brings a tear to my eye. How about you?
(05/26/13) Skiing in a parallel universe (photo)
(05/25/13) The way computers used to be. Harvard Mark-1, built by IBM. Had 50-foot long camshaft
(05/24/13) Wow. Snowy Range "Star Trails"
(05/23/13) Amazing. Bottle garden that was first planted 53 years ago and has not been watered since 1972
(05/22/13) Fall in love, with bismuth crystals
(05/21/13) The red cage fungi remind us of geometry and the quest to understand the universe
(05/20/13) For some reason, the personalized "form letter replies" of Steve Martin make me smile. You too?
(05/19/13) Magical Fukang meteorite: olivine crystals in a honeycomb of nickel-iron
(05/18/13) Living in a fractal home
(05/17/13) Woman merges with calciform life. Seeks salvation in the stars
(05/16/13) Imagine the joy of escaping, with someone you love, to the enigmatic towns of Beatosu or Goblu
(05/15/13) "Pierre Brassau paints with powerful strokes, but also with clear determination"
(05/14/13) Nice trip. Become visually immersed in Basilica of St. Peter. Visually stunning
(05/13/13) Imagine that this is hell, and you are there. Right now
(05/12/13) Kind of cool. High-res museum tour
(05/11/13) Wow, mysterious "moonbows" -- Lunar Rainbows beyond imagination
(05/10/13) Go back in your past and recreate a moment in time
(05/09/13) Nice harmonies. I was born the day I met you
(05/08/13) Monster found in New Jersey River
(05/07/13) Couples have 20% greater chance of long, happy marriage if wives are 27% smarter than their husbands
(05/06/13) If a tiger and lion were placed together for some great battle, the tiger would defeat the lion
(05/05/13) Popcorn in the act of popping. Curious animated gif
(05/04/13) If you want to get tenure, don't write a book, don't be a good teacher, and don't inspire the public
(05/03/13) The Purpose of Harvard is Not to Educate People
(05/02/13) Impress your friends with this factoid. 3003 is the only number known to appear 8 times in Pascal's triangle
(05/01/13) What it's like to spend your day as a real mathematician
(04/30/13) Mystical. Can a soap bubble freeze before your very eyes?
(04/29/13) Bizarre and wondrous surface of a mosquito egg
(04/28/13) Bizarre alien birds nests, on telephone polls
(04/27/13) Do We Live Inside a Mathematical Equation? Read the great comments
(04/26/13) I love 1/998001. Try it. You get all 3-digit numbers from 000 to 999 in order. Except for 998
(04/25/13) Grapes can explode in a microwave oven, producing a fireball reminiscent of a thermonuclear explosion
(04/24/13) The universe's most wondrous number: Repeat the string 1808010808 1560 times. Append "1"
(04/23/13) Scary. "The Hands Resist Him" painting by Bill Stoneham was sold on eBay as cursed
(04/22/13) Unusual. Radiologist exhumes patient's body, encases it in wax and sleeps with it for 7 years
(04/21/13) Three fractal beings, and their kin, inhabiting the realm of pure geometry
(04/20/13) Cockpit wonderland. Rare photos within Space Shuttle Endeavour
(04/19/13) Attractively intricate paper wedding bouquet
(04/18/13) This is fractal. This is mathematics and beauty
(04/17/13) Dear Lord! Scientists discover disembodied living penis-like entities patrolling the planet
(04/16/13) Beauty and mystery -- from paper
(04/15/13) Insane Glittering Metallic Ink Clouds
(04/14/13) Fractal stained glass window -- to help you worship the fractal gods and leave your eartlhy body
(04/13/13) Mary Ellis's grave is in the parking lot of the Loew's Movie Theater in New Brunswick, New Jersey
(04/12/13) What the British say, and what they mean. Marvelous
(04/11/13) Psychedelic blue fractal being, with two eyes, emerges from mathematics
(04/10/13) Guess how many people alive today were actually born in the 1800s
(04/09/13) Who would believe that structures such as this exist in the realm of pure mathematics...
(04/08/13) Strangest Monopoly Game ever contemplated: once every 253,899,891,671,040 games
(04/07/13) Sometimes, the electric bass guitar can be a vehicle for complexity and transport
(04/06/13) Psychedelic Drug Research by David Jay Brown
(04/05/13) Ice-laden trees slowly reach out to the water beneath them, their liquor of life
(04/04/13) Imagine strolling with someone you love, hand-in-hand, in Mill Ends Park, the smallest park in the world
(04/03/13) Mysterious. All around our planet, people are texting in their sleep, like ghost-spirits emerging from another world
(04/02/13) "The Exorcist." Knitted version, obviously
(04/01/13) "If someone gave you the entirety of Wikipedia from 100 years in the future for 10 minutes, what would you read?"
(03/31/13) The broken walls of fractaloid Carthage, in the math-encrusted city beyond your dreams. Click to mag.
(03/30/13) Imagine the joy of weaving Jupiter out of yarn
(03/29/13) I was elected a Fellow for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry for "significant contributions to the general public's understanding of science, reason, and critical inquiry through scholarship, writing, and work in the media." (Scroll down.) Other Fellows have included Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov
(03/28/13) Recent interview at a math/science blog
(03/27/13) Squids sprout wings, fly, ascending the evolutionary "chain of being" to become one with their humanoid brethren.
(03/26/13) The fractal legs of your antediluvian arthropod gods. Click to magnify
(03/25/13) A graphical timeline of all world religions
(03/24/13) Octopus teapot?
(03/23/13) Mystery clock embedded deep in NYC sidewalk
(03/22/13) What would happen if you tried to fly a normal Earth airplane above different Solar System bodies?
(03/21/13) The creator of Pringles was buried in a Pringles can
(03/20/13) Photo: One House Bay in Greece. The water is so clear that the boat seems to be floating on air
(03/19/13) Just how big is Antarctica REALLY?
(03/18/13) This amazing moonrise is unedited and shown in real time -- it is not a time lapse
(03/17/13) Proof of divine being discovered. Countries of world fit precisely into a chicken form
(03/16/13) Bon Iver - Holocene (mystic music). 6 million views. Boy following "shepherd" bird, which guides him through life
(03/15/13) Wow. "Mathematician" = best job in the U.S.
(03/14/13) A famous former leader of the IBM Research division, talking about basic research, galaxies, and chickens
(03/13/13) Man makes warm burger materialize from the quantum foam of space-time
(03/12/13) Pure math. Your fractal home of the future. (click to mag.)
(03/11/13) Fractal wall. Pure mathematics to hold back the hyper-dimensional waters. (click to mag.)
(03/10/13) Spiral clouds in the Himalayas stretch the imagination and spirit; digital creation
(03/09/13) Just how big is the United Kingdom, really?
(03/08/13) Vasili Arkhipov prevented the launch of a nuclear torpedo, thereby saving the world. AND you never heard of him
(03/07/13) Abe Lincoln + Fractals = Amazing!
(03/06/13) Dung beetles dream of galaxies in their ephemeral quest for transcendence and salvation
(03/05/13) Dream Mathematics. Origami beyond imagination
(03/04/13) Art made from bottle bottoms. Worth a look
(03/03/13) Dad spends 7 years on incredibly detailed maze
(03/01/13) Mysterious, skewed, anamorphic sculptures, & illusions by Jonty Hurwitz
(02/28/13) 1 TB now on a USB stick. Is that a Terabyte in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
(02/27/13) Philosopher fans. You can hear the actual voice of Bertrand Russell talking about Christianity
(02/26/13) Israel has world's highest number of scientists per capita at 135 scientists for every 100,000 workers.
(02/25/13) Math people: Enjoy the incredibly insane infinite power tower, x^x^x^x^x^x^x....
(02/24/13) Mysterious Hand-Drawn 3D Gifs by Dain Fagerholm
(02/23/13) Adonna Khare and her Pencil
(02/22/13) The inventor of Vaseline ate a spoonful of it everyday
(02/21/13) Golden Fractal. (Click to magnify)
(02/20/13) 3D Mandelbulb fractal mathematics can be strange -- beautiful and terrifying to look at
(02/19/13) Scientist J.B.S. Haldane was once asked what his study of biology had taught him about God. His answer is here
(02/17/13) Deep in the belly of New York’s subway system, a beautiful, mysterious, untouched station resides, forgotten
(02/16/13) Animated gifs come to life
(02/15/13) Lego man ripping apart his flesh and spilling his Lego innards
(02/14/13) How would you like to take a stroll through Favela? (photo)
(02/13/13) The most wonderful equation ever seen. The equation to rule them all
(02/12/13) Can 4 chords be used to magically generate a majority of great music?
(02/11/13) A map of every person in US and Canada -- with each person represented by a single dot!
(02/10/13) Did you know there's an all-female tribute band, "Lez Zeppelin." Listen
(02/08/13) Mathematical monomaniacal obsession destroys families, and, still, no one can understand the math
(02/07/13) Wow! 250,000,000 particles - animated fractal Mandelbulb, by Juanjo González
(02/06/13) Human face discovered trapped in man's testicle
(02/05/13) Geometrically Attractive Water Storage Well in Chand Baori - Abhaneri, India. Take a look
(02/04/13) Dog + Caterpillar = Dogerpillar
(02/03/13) Epic Conway's game of life -- such complexity as to make you weep for mathematical machine civilizations
(02/02/13) When better punctuation is needed. Take a look
(02/01/13) Wikipedia's most common word mapped to a country's boundary. Click to magnify.
(01/31/13) Carl Sagan denied tenure at Harvard University because his role as a 'popularizer' was considered unimportant (discussion)
(01/30/13) Spaghetti tree hoax from 1957
(01/29/13) Wikipedia: Cat organ is a musical instrument that consists of a line of cats fixed in place
(01/28/13) This is mathematics
(01/27/13) Elven Sky. Fractal. Click to magnify
(01/26/13) Imagine the algorithms running in this spider's brain as it seeks to leave reality
(01/25/13) New world of book publishing. "Dan Brown would never get published now, because his 1st 3 books sold nothing."
(01/24/13) "Math from the HOOD." Calculus
(01/23/13) Imagine spending an hour on this couch, with your mathematical lover
(01/22/13) 18-year-olds choose 100 words that represent crucial factors and concepts influencing trends in science today
(01/21/13) That '50 Shades of Grey' book is not as raunchy as you may have heard. Take a look at this image: safe for work
(01/20/13) Steps 1 to 6: Our universe: guaranteed to blow your mind
(01/19/13) Chomsky: "If you're teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, either the field is dead or you are."
(01/18/13) Imagine the joy of sucking on Saturn
(01/17/13) How to spot tourists
(01/16/13) My favorite 1-minute video on the mystery of Ultrafinitism and Israeli mathematician Doron Zeilberger
(01/15/13) My answer to Edge question: "What Should We Be Worried About?" Limits of Understanding
(01/14/13) Supposedly, this simple-looking math problem will crush your brain
(01/13/13) He finally did it! (Photo. Take a look)
(01/12/13) I'm really enjoying the book "How an Average Man Lived an Adventurous Life"
(01/11/13) Mystery Bed of Moss: Perhaps an abandoned Hotel somewhere in Europe
(01/10/13) How can you tell if you're dreaming? Here's the best answer
(01/09/13) Deep in the belly of New York’s subway system, a beautiful, mysterious, untouched station resides, forgotten
(01/08/13) The world's largest Amethyst Geode – The "Empress of Uruguay"
(01/07/13) Pure mathematics. This tree. This sunset. Transcendence
(01/06/13) Fractal Math + Canine = Scent of Blood. (Click to magnify.)
(01/05/13) Experts chat about misconceptions that people have about science
(01/04/13) Philip K. Dick is gone, but Get 11 Free Stories. And HERE is the Philip K. Dick documentary.
(01/03/13) Explore Everest today, in the safety of your room. Drag mouse and use mouse dial
(01/02/13) Peter Rowlett's favorite popular mathematics books
(01/01/13) Common Physics Misconceptions
(12/30/12) Strange illusion of flying people over New York City
(12/29/12) You should follow me on twitter HERE
(12/28/12) Man Walks All Day to Create Spectacular Math Snow Patterns
(12/27/12) 8 math talks to blow your mind
(12/26/12) Ikea job interview
(12/25/12) Man discovers plant leaf that looks strangely reminiscent of the fractal Mandelbrot set
(12/24/12) Visual depiction of the true meaning of a Ph.D. degree
(12/23/12) World of Cliff Pickover: "Images that Make us Dream"
(12/22/12) This is mathematics. This is fractal. This is transcendence
(12/21/12) Maria Popova's "10 Best History Books of 2012"
(12/20/12) Why mathematicians know that 2012 is indeed the end of the world
(12/19/12) LEGO model kit makes particle physics simple for school kids
(12/18/12) Mathematics. Intersecting circles more beautiful and complex than you imagined. Observe
(12/17/12) This is nature, more beautiful than dreams
(12/16/12) I made a Word Cloud for recent Tweets for @NYTObits (NY Times Obituaries Twitter stream). Like it?
(12/15/12) Tsundoku - useful Japanese word for the practice of buying books and then not reading them
(12/14/12) Ear earrings?
(12/13/12) Updated Edition of "SPIDER LEGS" ebook, by Piers Anthony and Cliff Pickover. Monsters lurk in the deep!
(12/12/12) Sugar and sulfuric acid combine for ultimate insanity
(12/11/12) Lego repair job
(12/10/12) Did the U.S. once have super-secret plans to nuke the moon?
(12/09/12) Nice! Ranked Number 1 Today. "The Physics Book: From the Big Bang to Quantum Resurrection." See "Sneak Peek" to look inside
(12/08/12) Experience other realities: Cinematic Upside-Down Street Reflections
(12/07/12) New Scientist: holiday gift books recommendations. Fourth from top looks nice
(12/06/12) Amazing. Photographs captured with the shutter left open for TEN years
(12/05/12) What the heck does a math grad student do all day?
(12/04/12) Christmas in Fractal-Land. (Gorgeous graphic. Click to mag.)
(12/03/12) The most accurate pie chart I've ever seen
(12/02/12) This is how far human radio broadcasts have reached into the galaxy (click to magnify)
(12/01/12) Electron Microscope Zooms In: Finds Life on Life on Life
(11/30/12) Anatomy + Pastries = Anatomy Pastries (evilcakehead.com)
(11/29/12) I love this song "1957" by Milo Greene. Do you like it?
(11/28/12) Dr. Oliver Sacks: What I Learned from Hallucinogens
(11/27/12) Klein Bottle Opener, for higher-dimensional drinking needs
(11/26/12) I love 1/998001. Try it. You get all 3-digit numbers from 000 to 999 in order. Except for 998
(11/25/12) Mondrian Apple: taste mathematics (by Louis Davidson)
(11/24/12) 25 mind-blowing places that look insanely fake, but are actually real
(11/23/12) The Zombies rock group and the "Outer Limits" TV show, together. Nice
(11/22/12) Wonderful math paper title. "Love Affairs and Differential Equations"
(11/21/12) Best gravestone ever
(11/20/12) 20 most influential scientists recently alive. How many do we know?
(11/19/12) Fractal bee, entering higher dimensions
(11/18/12) Beautiful myterious time capsule: Parisian apartment untouched for over 70 years discovered
(11/17/12) Shiver in awe. Strange math birthday paradox
(11/16/12) New unusual interview today: "Cliff Pickover Brings Medical Science to Life with The Medical Book." Nice images
(11/15/12) My browser default is set to "wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Randompage". Every time I open my browser, I have a random glimpse at reality
(11/14/12) Star Trek Ambient Engine Noise (24-hours worth). I play this sound forever in my office. Let's see if anyone says something when they visit me
(11/13/12) Great interview: Oliver Sacks on Star Trek, Bach, schmaltz herring, and more
(11/12/12) Woman goes deliciously insane, constructing frightening fractals from colorful candies
(11/11/12) Mysterious clockwork monk from the 1560s haunts our dreams
(11/10/12) Semi-robotic hands poised in a bizarre futuristic Escher motif. Who are the makers of tomorrow?
(11/09/12) Boy with Asperger's interviews mom: "Did I turn out to be the son you wanted when I was born?"
(11/08/12) Wind map. Intriguing
(11/07/12) Human body has changed more in past 100 years than in previous 50,000. Adults are 50% heavier and 4 inches taller
(11/06/12) Bizarre Fibonacci cabinet enthralls geometric people of all ages
(11/05/12) 3 guitars, to get you in the mood
(11/04/12) The cover of Benoit Mandelbrot's new memoir depicts fractal Mandelbrot sets emerging from his hair
(11/03/12) Dreamscape. Eye organ of fruit fly larvae, by Michael John Bridge
(11/02/12) See, hear, and speak no evil. Spooky photos of real bat embryos, by Dorit Hockman
(11/01/12) Mysterious old images: Stories of a Hollow Earth
(10/31/12) Imagine the gasps of emotion of Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin if they could have glimpsed this eye-catching American scene
(10/30/12) Cool fractal art installation: beyond infinity
(10/28/12) How many of these oddly named mathematical objects from "The Math Book" have you heard of?
(10/27/12) Real photo of a Seagull Flying Straight Towards the Camera of photographer Brutus Östling
(10/25/12) News flash. German court rules on a claim that the Large Hadron Collider will destroy the Earth
(10/24/12) Math, love, togetherness
(10/23/12) The Hands Resist Him, also known as The eBay Haunted Painting, featured at Wikipedia. Shiver in fear
(10/22/12) "Strange Enough" Interview. "Clifford Pickover is probably the coolest scientist and science writer on the planet"
(10/21/12) Thoughts on the planet named Kolob
(10/20/12) The Official "Tangled Cable" Appreciation Page (updated)
(10/19/12) Imagine taking 330 pounds of lipstick and cramming it into one huge cube
(10/18/12) A fractal technicolor moss at 10x magnification
(10/17/12) Fractal slugs creep along a sphere, searching for meaning in a universe far from our own
(10/16/12) Six terrifying experiments parents did on their own kids
(10/15/12) Strange and amazing math-lifeforms result from a floating-point version of Game of Life
(10/14/12) This is mathematics. Shiver in awe
(10/13/12) Woman, penetrating dimensions of time and space (graphic)
(10/12/12) How many triangles are in this blue image? 92.6% of Americans get this question wrong
(10/11/12) Breaking news: ALL credit card pin codes in the world leaked
(10/10/12) Dine with the gods, using fractal forks, spoons, and knives
(10/09/12) Play as God, and write your name in a galactic font beyond imagination
(10/08/12) It would be interesting to explore this landscape (photo)
(10/07/12) Ghostly, tormented figures unable to pull themselves apart from their decaying bodies
(10/06/12) Is it true that the number of possible different games of chess is larger than the number of atoms in the universe?
(10/05/12) There are 169,518,829,100,544,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play the first ten moves in a game of chess
(10/04/12) Synchronization of metronomes: metaphor for mysterious tie that binds us all in the dance of life
(10/03/12) Very cool. Look at what the FA-18 Super Hornet does at high speed, near these humans on a beach
(10/02/12) "Smart" people (IQ > 125) are more likely to consume psychoactive drugs than low-IQ people. Here's why
(10/01/12) 10 scientific and technological visionaries who experimented with drugs
(09/30/12) How they really made Stonehenge. (picture)
(09/29/12) Everything you thought you knew about "aesthetics" and the "golden ratio" is wrong. Here's why (PDF)
(09/28/12) The Singularity Summit: the World's Leading Conference on Emerging Technologies. Use discount code "REALITY" for $100 off registration
(09/27/12) Here is very famous number called Champernowne's number: 0.1234567891011121314... Do you see how it is created?
(09/26/12) Maria Popova, born in Bulgaria, reveals some fascinating and provacative images: From Witch Doctors to Cloning
(09/25/12) The 101 Most Useful Websites of 2012
(09/24/12) Learn about psychedelic fractal mathematics, and dream
(09/23/12) Beneath the mysterious waters of the Sea of Japan, strange symbolic artworks have been spontaneously appearing
(09/22/12) The Candy-Land Number: 39.1610869536765400409....
(09/21/12) An alien landscape, created by powerful beings who have lost their minds while dreaming of the Riemann Hypothesis
(09/20/12) Great Neatorama review: Witch Doctors, Biological Weapons, Microbiome Zoo, Maggot Therapy, Cancer Chemotherapy from Chemical Warfare, Self-surgery!
(09/19/12) Technological mandalas made from soldered computer and radio components
(09/18/12) Fractal cybernetic penis of a being living in a world happier than our own
(09/17/12) World's most-wonderful number problem, in principle solvable by a student before high school. It will drive you insane
(09/16/12) Bizarre video of seemingly disembodied vocal cords singing and praying to an unseen God
(09/15/12) Continue to look into the eyes of this 3D cat, until your soul and mind turn into subatomic transcendent mush
(09/14/12) Did you know that mammoths were alive until 1650 BC -- after the pyramids of Egypt....
(09/13/12) 6 Small Math Errors That Caused Huge Disasters
(09/12/12) Believe it or not, this is an image of salt and pepper (via topdesignmag.com)
(09/11/12) The marvel of nature & humanity: water drop collision, under a soap bubble, in a glass of water. High-speed photography: Worlds within worlds
(09/10/12) A photographic gallery of fractals found with Google Earth
(09/09/12) If you've not heard about Benford's Law before, you're in for a real treat with this post
(09/08/12) Interesting concept. Write a letter to your future self
(09/07/12) Wondrous visualization of mysterious patterns in prime numbers
(09/06/12) Can we wind back the hands of time, using colored liquids, and find the beings who created the fabric of reality?
(09/05/12) The history of physics is the history of modern civilization. The Universe in a Nutshell
(09/04/12) Beautiful video by Jason Silva on the power of Awe
(09/03/12) Gorgeous circuit board table
(09/02/12) Review of my latest book by a supercentenarian-ologist L. Stephen Coles, M.D., Ph.D.
(09/01/12) I don't know what this photo shows, but it is curious looking
(08/31/12) Fractal mathematics gives rise to surface of immense complexity (by 0Encrypted0)
(08/30/12) Biology cell cake. Mmmm, delicious mitochondria.
(08/29/12) Wouldn't it be fun to go on a date with someone wearing an intestine necklace?
(08/28/12) "Not a single one of the cells that compose you knows who you are, or cares." ~Dan Dennett
(08/27/12) What really happen when you type Askew into Google search?
(08/26/12) Green T4 Bacteriophage Earrings -- for your viral lovers
(08/25/12) Fractals are extremely intricate, with lots of details to explore (by HalTenny)
(08/24/12) Tasty thought. If the moon were made of spareribs, it would have 7.34x10^26 calories. Here's how I found out
(08/23/12) Can space-time paths of 6-photon scattering form great art?
(08/22/12) Renfield's Syndrome: A Mysterious Case of Real-Life Vampirism
(08/21/12) A class of 4th graders was asked to write haikus. One child wrote this. Like it?
(08/20/12) Hooters waitress thinks her prize will be a Toyota, but is shocked to see it is a "toy Yoda." Lawsuit follows
(08/19/12) 3D-printed prosthetic arm for little girl. Brings a tear to the eyes. Technology and transcendence
(08/18/12) A fractal that looks archeological but is generated from pure math (by SuicideBySafetyPin)
(08/17/12) A fractal flower for your higher-dimensional lover
(08/16/12) Man tattoos Leviticus 18:22 that forbids homosexuality on his arm. But Leviticus 19:28 forbids tattoos. (thanks Matt Parker)
(08/15/12) Sunrise as no human has ever seen it -- on Mars
(08/14/12) "LSD absolutely helped mathematicians, artists, & scientists solve their complex, seemingly intractable problems"
(08/13/12) Teja Krasek, a Slovenian artist, created a video review of "The Medical Book," highlighting her favorite images:
trepanation, heart transplants, neurotransmitters, cause of the bubonic plague, prosopagnosia, glass eyes, viruses...
(08/13/12) Extinct Cephalopod falls in love within mathematics and geometry
(08/12/12) Wow. Urine Escher
(08/11/12) Celebrate! Finally available, in living color. Near-death experiences, leech therapy, Carl Jung, face transplants, bio-weapons, test-tube babies, positrons! If you order this, please let me know what you think and which image is your favorite!
(08/10/12) More than 1,000 Earths could fit inside Jupiter. Cool visualization for kids of all ages
(08/09/12) Cool math teacher, and cool math
(08/08/12) How to draw a surprisingly lifelike horse, in 5 easy steps
(08/07/12) Keep watching until end. Looks almost like science fiction: mind-boggling movie made from the ISS (space station)
(08/06/12) Breathtaking view of the Milky Way from the surface of Mars
(08/05/12) The Curta Calculator was created by a prisoner in a German concentration camp. Take a look
(08/04/12) Vast fungal networks form hive mind for tree-to-tree communication: a behemoth botanical brain
(08/03/12) Aliens factor prime numbers in DMT-induced reality (PDF science paper)
(08/02/12) The tiger walks slowly, to the burning bush of an apocalypse
(08/01/12) "Behind every man now alive stand thirty ghosts, for that is the ratio by which the dead outnumber the living"
(07/31/12) Oh Lord, But how do you eat it?
(07/30/12) Alien Lights: Illuminated Landscapes by Benoit Paille
(07/29/12) Translucent ants photographed eating colored liquids
(07/28/12) North Korea children playing the guitar
(07/27/12) What would happen if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90% the speed of light?
(07/26/12) This TV weather report is sure to appeal to those with apocalyptic interests
(07/25/12) Fascinating. The Charlie Rose Brain Series
(07/24/12) Somewhere Over the Brainbow
(07/23/12) Humans will never find a factorion number larger than 40,585 (pdf)
(07/22/12) A phantom period of 300 yrs has been inserted between 600AD-900AD?
(07/21/12) 69,696 is the largest undulating square humans will ever find (pdf)
(07/20/12) Scream in ecstasy. 727272727272727272727272727 272727272727272727272727272 727272727272727272727272727 272727272727272727 (one long number, with no spaces) is prime
(07/19/12) Anton's Brain Syndrome: when blind people deny they are blind, despite evidence
(07/18/12) Random people on the Brooklyn streets try to guess what the Higgs Boson is
(07/17/12) Exoplanets: all known planets arranged in a delicious circular candy
(07/16/12) Insane but true: It's actually possible to compress your JPEG files by 500% with no quality loss
(07/14/12) A boy leaves his bike near a tree in 1954, and finds it this way today
(07/13/12) Woman in miniskirt: Appealing to all H.P. Lovecraft fans
(07/12/12) H.P. Lovecraft answers your relationship questions
(07/11/12) "A thetan weighs about 1.5 ounces [45 grams]," says doctor who weighed people after their deaths
(07/10/12) Poll asked voters which US presidential candidate better at repelling space alien attack
(07/09/12) 5 people playing a single guitar, together
(07/08/12) More than a third of divorce filings last year contained the word "Facebook"
(07/07/12) Bizarre Israeli and American Vortex Beams transmit 2.5 terabits per second. The Vortex Age has begun
(07/06/12) Give a spiral Klein bottle to someone you love, in this dimension or the next
(07/05/12) Why make passwords hard to remember, when this approach is so simple & secure?
(07/03/12) Wow! If you put all earth's water in one place, it'd look like this
(07/02/12) "So damn attractive." The Physics Book: From the Big Bang to Quantum Resurrection
(07/01/12) Why "Nigerian" email scammers actually say they're from Nigeria
(06/30/12) Net sales revenue from eBooks surpass hardcover books, pointing to a historical moment in publishing
(06/29/12) For some reason, this semi-erotic cover featuring a naked Tarzan really makes me laugh
(06/28/12) DMT fractal entity, gazing into the depths of your soul
(06/27/12) Imagine going pleasurably insane, playing on this fractal chess board
(06/26/12) Escher, Einstein, Atomic
(06/25/12) Theremin's device, called THE THING, was used by the Soviet Union to spy on the United States
(06/24/12) Listening intently for subterranean kittens
(06/23/12) Transit of Venus, modern-art wine glass arrangement
(06/22/12) Mystical portrait: Amazing beauty and diversity of New York City
(06/21/12) Sherwin Nuland on the development of electroshock therapy as a cure for severe depression -- including his own
(06/20/12) Necrofantasia: a piano song requiring a mutant 50-fingered pianist.
Also see Hardest piano song ever
(06/19/12) Surreal photo makes Mexico City's densely populated hills look like an urban ocean
(06/18/12) Sam Harris - Death and the Present Moment
(06/17/12) Living in a strange universe filled with uprisings of sausages and hotdogs
(06/16/12) Don't you you just LOVE this fractal gear wallpaper?
(06/15/12) The fractal gears of the sentient universe turn endlessly. (Also see this one.)
(06/14/12) Birds fly from my eyes, into the ocean of reality
(06/13/12) Autism-God Study. Why autistic people don't believe in God
(06/12/12) Head of Benoit Mandelbrot, fractal pioneer, represented as a fractal
(06/11/12) Revealing the lost codex of Archimedes
(06/10/12) What is it like to have an understanding of very advanced mathematics?
(06/09/12) Are you interested in "The Medical Book: From Witch Doctors to Robot Surgeons"? If you have a popular blog, maybe I can get you a review copy
(06/08/12) The 11 Best Science Books of 2011, by Maria Popova
(06/07/12) Shiver in awe. 1034482758620689655172413793 is the smallest 3-parastic number humans will ever find
(06/06/12) Einstein explains E=mc^2, in rare original audio
(06/05/12) Nibble on fractal pancakes for an eternity
(06/04/12) Poisoned, paratrooper mice descend upon humanity
(06/02/12) Wikipedia's list of misconceptions about illegal drugs
(06/01/12) THE MEDICAL BOOK: From Witch Doctors to Robot Surgeons! Pre-order today to lock-in a great price for a 528-page hardcover color book. Topics: near-death experiences, leech therapy, self-experimentation, test-tube babies, face transplants, biological weapons, circumcision, and more….
(05/31/12) The delta of the Lena River in northern Siberia (left) and a cast of a human lung (right)
(05/30/12) Strange title of the week: "Zookeeper reportedly licks baby monkey's anus for over an hour"
(05/29/12) Unbelievable physics of domino fallings. Can you really knock over the Empire State building with 1-inch domino?
(05/27/12) Head blood vessels, floating forlornly in a sea of eternity
(05/26/12) 100 billion times more viscous than water
(05/25/12) Hartverdrahtet: an audio-visual trip into a procedural fractalverse, compressed into a minuscule software fragment
(05/24/12) Meth king spends drug empire's money on 18,753 comic books
(05/23/12) A kind of strange competition between spherical magnetic people
(05/22/12) A simulation of Conway’s Game of Life inside a bigger version of the Game of Life
(05/21/12) Fear the Claw of Archimedes
(05/20/12) Why humans go insane thinking about 998,001
(05/19/12) Unusual compendium. Last 10 Seconds of Every Episode of 1st Season of "Star Trek: Next Gen"
(05/18/12) Mysterious Himalayan Honey Hunters, risking their lives to harvest Earth's largest honeybees
(05/17/12) Where do Muslims exist on Earth today? (cartogram)
(05/16/12) For some reason, I just love photos of complex, Moog synthesizers. Do you?
(05/15/12) Clifford Stoll: 18 minutes with an agile mind
(05/14/12) A list of members of the cursed "27 Club"
(05/13/12) Which books were on the NYT bestseller list the day you were born?
(05/12/12) Updated. Disappearing Pencil puzzle drives the world crazy. Try it on your friends
(05/11/12) A number so large it will cause your head to collapse into a black hole
(05/10/12) Round peg fits better into square hole than square peg into round hole, up to the 9th dimension
(05/09/12) Does this path have an infinite length? [animated gif]
(05/08/12) Mobius Cake, Mobius Bacon, Mobius Ship
(05/07/12) Wonderful math theorems that sound like kids should know about them
(05/06/12) When Einstein Met Rabindranath Tagore -- truth and beauty and science and spirituality
(05/05/12) Study determines that this is the most relaxing song, ever
(05/04/12) Teja Krasek is a Slovenian artist interested in mathematics, art, music, surrealism, and more. Here is her colorful YouTube channel
(05/03/12) Wow, ancient Sumerian proverbs (pdf)
(05/02/12) Intriguing. US Patent. Flame-throwing musical trumpet
(05/01/12) The Vikings didn’t wear horned helmets, Napof wasn’t short, and other historical myths debunked
(04/30/12) "With matter, as with people, we see only the skin of things; we can't see into the 'engine room.'"
(04/29/12) Most Highlighted Passages of All Time on Amazon Kindle!
(04/28/12) Let's get together, and enjoy the Pizza Theorem
(04/27/12) A conversation with physicists/authors Brian Greene & Lawrence Krauss. (Like the Jewish doctor joke.)
(04/26/12) Bizarre "cyborg clams" power motor, setting stage for mythopoeic molluscan marvels beyond imagination
(04/25/12) Insane brain Rubik's Cube shocks and delights
(04/24/12) A strange book on fish nearly killed Isaac Newton's career
(04/23/12) Provocative. Dietary saturated fat not associated with increased risk of heart disease?
(04/21/12) In-depth discussion of the most famous guitar cord in rock history
(04/20/12) Just-published issue of "IBM Journal of Research & Development" on Watson/Jeopardy and futuristic artificial intelligence (AI)
(04/19/12) Martin Gardner, The Beauty and Mystery of Mathematics, free iPad app
(04/18/12) Glimpse of the Future. Shanghai 1990 vs 2010. Nice photo comparison?
(04/17/12) Intriguing. 51% of people diagnosed with cancer die of cancer. 49% die of something else
(04/16/12) Inflate thin balloon. Change your size. Repeat. Insane fractal
(04/15/12) "Forgive me Father, For I Have Sinned." Artwork by Cliff Pickover
(04/14/12) Wow. Rubik's Cube set of drawers
(04/13/12) New at Pinterest. "World of Cliff Pickover." Science, science fiction, technology, strange reality, futurism, innovation, mathematics. Follow me, or visit each day for transcendence.
(04/12/12) Anatomical heart teapot makes us scream
(04/11/12) Nassim Taleb's 10 tips for changing your life. Agree with any?
(04/10/12) "Fractals and The Cat in the Hat"
(04/09/12) Take 3 pinches of DMT, stir in pencil lead of Escher, add mathematics and a fractal portion of science-fiction vibe, and mix well
(04/08/12) After the death of Nobel-Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman, these words were found on his blackboard
(04/07/12) Bizarre beyond belief. Salvador Dali illustrates "Alice in Wonderland"
(04/05/12) Man walks all day to create spectacular fractal snow patterns
(04/04/12) Wow. Proof that the Earth is smoother than a billiard ball
(04/03/12) Are we living in a mathematical object? And what might that have to do with religion?
(04/02/12) Strange headline of the week: "Ants' Dying Queen Mated With As Crab Spider Eats Her Head-First (VIDEO)
(04/01/12) Impossible Ledge
(03/31/12) The Feynman point is a sequence of six 9s that begins at the 762nd decimal place of pi
(03/29/12) World’s Largest Sushi Roll
(03/28/12) 3-D method for depicting monsters on your 2-D browser
(03/27/12) Worshiping in the fractal cathedral, and finally sensing the presence of God (graphics). (Click to magnify)
(03/26/12) Richard Feynman: The Last Journey Of A Genius
(03/25/12) Imagine taking DMT, looking into a mirror, and seeing this as your reflection
(03/24/12) Life-like glass heart, with ventricles for flower stems. (Click to magnify)
(03/23/12) This is what happens when you give thousands of stickers to thousands of kids
(03/22/12) Rainbows, physics, God
(03/21/12) A 1-minute film on fractal cosmic strings bends our minds and souls
(03/20/12) If Satan plays miniature golf, this is his favorite hole
(03/19/12) I had this "Human Body" book as a kid, which kick-started my interest in science
(03/18/12) Wow. Math Book and Physics Book ranked #1 and #2 today at Scientific American (look before they run out of copies)
(03/17/12) All of human achievement -- all our hopes, dreams, and fears -- in one graph
(03/16/12) I like this mysterious photo of a Moonrise by Beth Hoeckel
(03/15/12) Unusual temporary neuronal condition causes reporter to suddenly speak in tongues
(03/14/12) Why It Took So Long to Invent the Wheel
(03/13/12) Man attempts to illustrate strange history of fashion and war
(03/12/12) Fractal mathematics that looks like caramel drizzle
(03/10/12) Why the mathematicians know that 2012 is indeed the end of the world
(03/09/12) Intriguing and Wild Visualizations of Prime Numbers
(03/08/12) What really happens at the center of a mathematical singularity. Mysterious
(03/07/12) Imagine exploring this futuristic city tonight, with someone you love
(03/06/12) Girl, alien, flower, psychedelic, tendril eyes, pretty
(03/05/12) The crying of alien fish
(03/04/12) Why math is better than drugs and can be a spiritual experience
(03/03/12) Anatomical Cross-Sections Made with Quilled Paper by Lisa Nilsson
(03/02/12) Insane Fractal Spirograph (Fractal Roulette)
(03/01/12) Amazing discovery involving photos, Klein bottles, randomness, math, and beyond
(02/29/12) Gaze in awe at Belphegor's Prime: 1000000000000066600000000000001 is a palindromic prime number, with 666 hiding among the zeros.
(02/28/12) Micrograph of the surface of a kidney stone showing tetragonal crystals of Weddellite. Ouch! Ouch!
(02/27/12) Solve the peacock puzzle in less than 9 minutes, and you're a genius
(02/26/12) 35 Inspiring Color Palettes from Master Painters for to use and become a genius yourself
(02/25/12) Please learn about fractals and mathematics. They will set you free
(02/24/12) Deepest Mandelbrot Zoom ever: 2.1x10^275 (or 2^915). What will humanity find in their deepest explorations?
(02/23/12) Intriguing "pictures of math" blog
(02/22/12) Fascinating and educational. The physics of dropping a Slinky
(02/21/12) Strange, strange world, for us to inhabit...
(02/20/12) Brain made out of hands
(02/19/12) Super-super-genius Ed Witten sits in an armchair and explains string theory to you and me. Time magazine calls Witten "the greatest theoretical physicist in the world."
(02/18/12) The Lego Hadron Collider
(02/17/12) Bizarre fractal fractions that crush the cerebellum into submission
(02/16/12) 10 reasons why you might want to drink coffee
(02/15/12) Creeping mysterious manure foam causes pig farms to explode. Pig Big Bang
(02/14/12) 7 billion people walk on dot on the left. 12 of them have walked on the dot on the right
(02/13/12) Man proposes to the love of his life in Binary Code. It worked
(02/12/12) Mystical time-lapse video of the Milky Way traversing the sky above South Dakota. Dream with me
(02/10/12) 1,344-page graphic-novel condensation of all great Western literature!
(02/09/12) For the math curious: a coffee cup that is NOT topologically the same as a donut
(02/08/12) Women In Science: Why So Few? (video)
(02/07/12) "Math is sexy! The 5IVE Best Popular Books on the Subject That Prove It
(02/06/12) Pretty Mandelbrot Set. (Click to mag.)
(02/05/12) Mavericks of the Mind: Thought Provoking Interviews on Consciousness by David Jay Brown
(02/04/12) Toto's Africa by Perpetuum Jazzile. Worth listening to
(02/03/12) If you are exposed to the color red when you take IQ test, your IQ is lower
(02/02/12) The Greatest Books of All Time, as Voted by 125 Famous Authors
(02/01/12) Circumcising men is one of the most effective "vaccines" against AIDS, reducing chances of infection by 60% or more
(01/31/12) Fractals, science fiction, alien brains
(01/30/12) The Top 10 Women Who Impacted Technology in 2011
(01/29/12) Pig's dissection anatomy origami
(01/28/12) US Patent. Giant Gummy Bear
(01/27/12) "Physical books are tokens of our identity, a kind of continuity over a lifetime, a bearer of memory."
(01/26/12) Enjoy this relaxing gif of a Holstein enjoying a nice brushing:
(01/25/12) Insane puzzles for kids of all ages!
(01/24/12) Impress your friends at your next party with this awesome and bizarre phrase: "Weakly hyper-Woodin cardinals." Enjoy
(01/23/12) The Mathematical Papers of the deadly "Unabomber"
(01/22/12) 16 of the smartest children in history
(01/21/12) Woman, geometry, hands, pattern
(01/20/12) New monkey species discovered, and promptly eaten
(01/19/12) Why is the Sky Dark at Night?
(01/18/12) Huge subcontrabass saxophone: "the mother of all saxophones"
(01/17/12) Your insane fractal apartment building of the far future. Imagine living in this city. Click to magnify
(01/16/12) Lovecraft meets 3-D fractals
(01/15/12) How would you like to climb the highest mountain in the entire Solar System?
(01/14/12) Stephen Hawking will now take your questions (YouTube)
(01/13/12) Photo. Before you drift to sleep tonight, meditate on the beauty of the universe
(01/12/12) Cows, intelligent tongues, and the quest for transcendence
(01/11/12) Mystery cat, high above the trees, transcends space and time
(01/10/12) Very nice harmonies as the unusual song progresses: "Mumford and Sons - Little Lion Man"
(01/09/12) For you mathematical nerds. A mysterious and wonderful proof that pi=4. At which step does it go wrong?
(01/08/12) Controversial retired bishop John Spong discusses the deepest mysteries of Christianity (YouTube)
(01/07/12) Two artificial intelligences, with facial expressions, are unexpectedly placed face to face. Conversation ensues.
Here is Another Example of what happens when you let two artificial intelligences have a conversation
(01/06/12) Beautiful math: Why Your Friends Have More Friends Than You Do (And why your girlfriend is a whore)
(01/05/12) Alan Moore, reality, sock-puppet snake god, Terence McKenna, science
(01/04/12) I thought that, perhaps, you could find this page of my book covers in different languages to be exciting. How many languages do we recognize?
(01/03/12) Robert Heinlein’s predictions for the Year 2000 (from 1952)
(01/02/12) Imagine relaxing for a few minutes here, slowly breathing, and happy, as if swimming in a sea of mystery
(01/01/12) 3-dimensional fractals and the search for the 'true' 3D Mandelbrot
Want more stories? See: Archive 1 (2003),
Archive 2 (2002), Archive 3 (2011-2003)