Cliff Pickover asks...
Are Infinite Carotid-Kundalini Functions Fractal?
by Cliff Pickover,
Reality Carnival
When I consider the small span of my life absorbed in the eternity
of all time, or the small part of space which I can touch
or see engulfed by the infinite immensity of spaces that I know not
and that know me not, I am frightened and astonished....
-- Blaise Pascal
The humble sine waves that lie at the very foundation of
trigonometry have a special beauty all their own. It takes just a
little coddling to bring the beauty out. But who would guess, for
example, that psychedelic fractal patterns lurk within the cosine
operation applied to real numbers?
Consider the union of the infinite set of curves produced by
Carotid-Kundalini functions defined by:
y = cos(n*x*acos(x))
where (-1 < x < 1, n = 1, 2, 3, ...), and "acos" designates the arccosine
function. The set of superimposed curves is very simple to plot -- most
computer hobbyists could easily program and plot them on a personal
computer -- but the curves have an extremely complicated and beautiful
structure. For example, for (x < 0 ) there appears to be an exotic
fractal structure with gaps repeated at different size scales and with
progressively increasing spacing as x becomes smaller.

You can compute the union of the first 25 curves using the following
logic (a more complete program listing is provided at the end):
for (n=1; n < =25; n=n+1) {
for (x= -1; x < = 1; x=x+.01) {
y = cos((float)n*x*acos(x));
if (x == -1) MovePenTo(x,y);
else DrawTo(x,y);
If you have the ability to display these curves, make a plot from -1 < x
< 1 and -1 < y < 1. You could spend a lifetime exploring the
infinite intricacies of the resulting superimposed patterns.
C program
/* Compute Carotid-Kundalini Curves */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
float x,y;
int n;
/* Superimpose 25 curves */
for (n=1; n < =25; n=n+1) {
for (x = -1; x < = 1; x = x+.01) {
y=cos( (float)n * x * acos(x));
/* Write out x,y points for plotting */
printf("%f %f\n",x,y);
BASIC program
10 REM Compute Carotid-Kundalini Curves
20 REM Superimpose 25 curves
30 FOR N=1 TO 25
40 FOR X = -1 TO 1 STEP 0.01
50 Y=COS(N * X * ACOS(X))
60 REM Write out x,y points for plotting
100 END
Explore the Carotid-Kundalini Universe Forever
For the most graphical beauty, and for your eye to detect the most
structure, scale the plot so that the
y-axis is much smaller than the
creating a thin strip. Try magnifying "Fractal Land" (my
personal favorite, to the left of zero),
"Oscillation Land" (to the right of zero),
and "Gaussian Mountain Range" (in the center).
What happens as
approaches infinity? What do we know about the
spacing of gaps in Fractal Land?
Even though to my knowledge these curves have not
been well characterized,
there are several things of which we can be certain.
For example, they are bounded by
y = +- 1 .
since acos(1) = 0
and cos(0) = 1,
the infinite number of C-K curves contain the point
(1,1). This means that all curves must meet at the upper right hand
of the figure. It's almost as if some geometrical god has come down
and placed a pin at
(1,1) to tie the majestic, unruly curves together.
The curves intersect the line
y = 1
whenever any of the following conditions are met:
n = 0 ,
x = 0 ,
acos(x) = 0.
This accounts for the tip of the bell-shaped curves
in Gaussian Land. The bells are
centered at the origin at
x = 0.
Zero crossings satisfy
pi/2 = n*acos(x).
More information on the Carotid-Kundalini Universe appears in
Keys to Infinity.
Cliff would like to hear from those of you who explore
these curves in greater detail or make higher resolution plots.
For additional very intense, psychedelic, mathematical art, click
Mathematical explorers are tourists in the Carotid-Kundalini Universe. Some favorite Carotid-Kundalini
web pages are listed here:
Carotid-Kundalini Fractal Explorer
Chaotic behaviour in the Carotid–Kundalini map function
Wolfram Demonstrations Project
New Julia sets for complex Carotid–Kundalini function
Carotid-Kundalini function
Relative Superior Julia Sets for Complex Carotid-Kundalini Function
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