Index of /phys207

Icon  Name                    Last modified      Size  Description
[PARENTDIR] Parent Directory                             -   
[TXT] SYLF99.HTM              2021-12-27 14:28   16K  Physics 207 Homepage
[TXT] SYLF98.HTM              2021-12-27 14:28   15K  Physics 207 Homepage
[TXT] STUDYGRP.HTM            2021-12-27 12:38  2.2K  Study Group Candidates
[IMG] redball.gif             1997-02-10 00:00  327   
[IMG] LABS.GIF                1999-12-17 00:00  3.6K  
[TXT] INSTRUCT.HTM            1999-09-06 00:00  2.0K  Physics 207 Course Instructors
[TXT] INDEX.HTM               2021-12-27 14:28   16K  Physics 207 Homepage
[IMG] Image21.gif             1999-12-16 00:00  1.9K  
[IMG] Image20.gif             1999-12-02 00:00  1.7K  
[IMG] Image19.gif             1999-12-02 00:00  2.3K  
[IMG] Image18.gif             1999-10-28 00:00  1.5K  
[IMG] Image17.gif             1999-09-30 00:00  2.5K  
[IMG] Image7.gif              1998-12-21 00:00  2.1K  
[IMG] Image6.gif              1998-11-21 00:00  1.5K  
[IMG] Image5.gif              1998-11-21 00:00  3.2K  
[IMG] Image4.gif              1998-11-21 00:00  1.8K  
[IMG] Image3.gif              1998-10-22 00:00  1.9K  
[IMG] Image2.gif              1998-10-22 00:00  1.4K  
[IMG] Image1.gif              1998-10-22 00:00  1.8K  
[TXT] HISTGRAM.HTM            1999-12-19 00:00  1.5K  Physics 207 Grade Histograms
[IMG] HISTGRAM.BMP            1999-12-19 00:00   31K  
[   ] finalf98.pdf            1999-09-23 00:00  378K  
[TXT] FINALF98.HTM            1998-12-21 00:00   13K  Physics 207 Final Exam
[   ] FINALF98.DOC            1998-12-21 00:00  215K  
[TXT] finalex.htm             2021-07-06 12:07   13K  Physics 207 Final Exam
[IMG] FINALEX.GIF             1998-12-22 00:00  3.7K  
[   ] FINALEX.DOC             1999-12-12 00:00  135K  
[IMG] FINAL.GIF               1999-12-19 00:00  3.8K  
[TXT] exams.htm               2021-07-06 12:07  3.2K  Exam Rooms and Procedures - Physics 207
[   ] exam3f98.pdf            1999-09-23 00:00  215K  
[TXT] EXAM3F98.HTM            1998-11-21 00:00  7.2K  Physics 207 Exam #3
[   ] EXAM3F98.DOC            1998-11-21 00:00  515K  
[   ] exam3.pdf               1999-12-09 00:00  188K  
[TXT] exam3.htm               2021-07-06 12:07  7.7K  Physics 207 Exam #3
[   ] exam3.doc               1999-12-02 00:00  189K  
[   ] exam2f98.pdf            1999-09-23 00:00  203K  
[TXT] EXAM2F98.HTM            1998-10-22 00:00  7.3K  Physics 207 Exam #2
[   ] EXAM2F98.DOC            1998-10-22 00:00  282K  
[   ] exam2.pdf               1999-10-31 00:00  211K  
[TXT] exam2.htm               2021-07-06 12:07  7.3K  Physics 207 Exam #2
[   ] exam2.doc               1999-10-28 00:00  122K  
[   ] exam1f98.pdf            1999-09-23 00:00  202K  
[TXT] EXAM1F98.HTM            1998-09-24 00:00  7.7K  Physics 207 Exam #1
[   ] EXAM1F98.DOC            1998-09-20 00:00   35K  
[   ] exam1.pdf               1999-09-30 00:00  201K  
[TXT] exam1.htm               2021-07-06 12:07  7.1K  Physics 207 Exam #1
[   ] EXAM1.DOC               1999-09-26 00:00  180K  
[IMG] DISC.GIF                1999-12-17 00:00  3.3K  
[TXT] DEMOS.TXT               1998-07-19 00:00  9.6K  
[TXT] demos.htm               2021-07-06 12:07   12K  Physics 207 Lecture Demonstrations
[TXT] CONSULT.HTM             1999-08-08 00:00  2.9K  Physics 207 Consultation Room Schedule
[IMG] 207LABS.GIF             1998-12-20 00:00  3.4K  
[IMG] 207exam3.gif            1999-12-02 00:00  3.2K  
[IMG] 207EXAM2.GIF            1999-10-28 00:00  3.4K  
[IMG] 207exam1.gif            1999-09-30 00:00  3.4K  
[IMG] 207DISC.GIF             1998-12-20 00:00  3.4K  
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