Chaos and Time-Series Analysis
11/28/00 Lecture #13 in Physics 505
Comments on Homework
#11 (Nonlinear Prediction)
Results varied from almost too good to rather poor
Hard to diagnose the poor results when not enough detail given
You could try several data sets to see how general are your results
Here's sample results (averaged over 1000 realizations of the Hénon

Review (last
week) - Calculation of Fractal Dimension
Cover dimension
Find the number N of (hyper)cubes
of size d required to cover the object
D0 = -d log(N) / d log(d)
Capacity dimension
Similar to cover dimension but cubes are fixed in space
D0 = -d log(N) / d log(d)
This derivative should be taken in the limit d --> 0
Many data points are required to get a good result
The number required increases exponentially with D0
Examples of fractals
Some ways to produce fractals by computer:
Chaotic dynamical orbits (strange attractors)
Recursive programming
Iterated function systems (the chaos game)
Infinite mathematical sums (Weierstrass function, etc.)
Boundaries of basins of attraction
Escape-time plots (Mandelbrot, Julia sets, etc.)
Random walks (diffusion)
Diffusion limited aggregation
Cellular automata (game of life, etc.)
Percolation (fluid seeping through porous medium)
Self-organized criticality (avalanches in sand piles)
Similarity dimension
Example #1 (Sierpinski carpet):
D = log(8) / log(3) = 1.892789261...
Example #2 (Koch curve):
D = log(4) / log(3) = 1.261859507...
Example #3 (Triadic Cantor set):

D = log(2) / log(3) = 0.630929753
Correlation Dimension
Capacity dimension does not give accurate results for experimental
Similarity dimension is hard to apply to experimental data
The best method is the (two-point) correlation dimension (D2)
This method opened the floodgates for identifying chaos in experiments
Homework this week asked you to calculate D2 for
the Hénon map
Original (Grassberger and Procaccia) paper included with HW #12
Illustration for 1-D and 2-D data embedded
in 2-D
Procedure for calculating the correlation dimension:
Choose an appropriate embedding dimension DE
Choose a small value of r (say 0.001 x size of attractor)
Count the pairs of points C(r) with Dr
< r
Dr = [(Xi - Xj)2
+ (Xi-1 - Xj-1)2
+ ...]1/2
Note: this requires a double sum (i, j) ==> 106
calculations for 1000 data points
Actually, this double counts; can sum j from i+1 to N
In any case, don't include the point with i = j
Increase r by some factor (say 2)
Repeat count of pairs with Dr
< r
Graph log C(r) versus log r (can use any base)
Fit curve to a straight line
Slope of that line is D2
Think of C(r) as the probability that 2 random points
on the attractor are separated by < r
Correlation dimension emphasizes regions of space the orbit visits
Example: C(r)
versus r for Hénon map with N = 1000 and DE
= 2
Result: D2 = 1.223 ± 0.097
Compare: DGP = 1.21 ± 0.01 (Original
paper, N = 15,000)
See also my calculations (D2
= 1.220 ± 0.036) with N = 3 x 106
Compare: DKY = 1.2583 (from Lyapunov
Compare: D0 = 1.26 (published result
for capacity dimension)
Generally D2 < DKY<D0
(but they are often close)
Practical Considerations
Tips for speeding up the calculation (roughly in order
of increasing difficulty and decreasing value):
Avoid double counting by summing j from i+1 to N
Collect all the r values at once by binning the values of Dr
Avoid taking square roots by binning Dr2
and using log x2 = 2 log x
Avoid calculating log by using exponent of floating point variable
Collect data for all embeddings at once
Sort the data first so you can quit testing when Dr
exceeds r
Can also use other norms, but accuracy suffers
Discard a few temporally adjacent points if sample time is small for flows
Number of data points needed to get valid correlation dimension
Need a range of r values over which slope is constant
(scaling region)
Limited at large r by the size of the attractor (D2
= 0 for r > attractor size)
Limited at small r by statistics (need many points in each
Various criteria, all predict N increases exponentially with
Tsonis criterion: N ~ 10 2 + 0.4D
(D to use is probably D2)
D |
N |
1 |
250 |
2 |
630 |
3 |
1600 |
4 |
4000 |
5 |
10,000 |
6 |
25,000 |
7 |
63,000 |
8 |
158,000 |
9 |
400,000 |
10 |
1,000,000 |
Effect of round-off errors
Round-off errors discretize the state
Causes the measured dimension to approach zero at small r
This limits the useful scaling region of log C(r)
versus log r
Easy to test for this in low D since points will be identical
Effect of superimposed noise
Distinguishing chaos from noise
Chaos has dimension less than infinity
It may be unmeasurably high, however
White noise has infinite dimension
Colored (correlated) noise can appear low dimensional
Example: 1/f 2 (brown) noise
Conjecture: It's possible to get any C(r)
with appropriately colored noise
Start with an attractor of a dynamical system (or IFS)
Example: Triadic Cantor set (D = 0.631)
Visit the points on the attractor in random order
Geometry is accurately fractal, dynamics is random
Hence dimension can be low and well defined, but no chaos
This would presumably fail at sufficiently high embedding
A good demonstration of this would be a publishable student project
K-S entropy (Kolmogorov-Sinai)
Entropy is the sum of the positive Lyapunov exponents (Pesin
A periodic orbit (zero LE) has 0 entropy (no spreading)
A random orbit (infinite LE) has infinity entropy (maximal disorder)
This is related to but different from the thermodynamic entropy
It is actually a rate of change of the usual entropy
Can be estimated from C(r, DE) in
Formula: K = d log C(r)/dDE
in the limit of infinite DE
Hence, entropy can be obtained for free when calculating D2
Multivariate data
Suppose you have measured 2 (or more) simultaneous dynamical variables
(X and Y)
If they are independent, they reduce the required number of time
Construct embedding from Xi, Yi,
Trick: Make single time series by intercalation
Xi, Yi, Xi+1,
... and use existing D2 algorithm
Probably good to rescale variables to the same range
Get twice as much data this way in the same time
I'm not aware of this being discussed in literature but it
This could also be a publishable student project
Filtered data
What happens if you measure dX/dt or integral of X?
This has been examined theoretically and numerically
Differentiating is usually OK but enhances noise and lowers correlation
Integrating suppresses noise and increases correlation time - hard
to get a good plateau in C(r)
These operations can raise the dimension by 1 (adds an equation)
Other filtering methods have not been extensively studied (another
possible student project)
Missing data
What if some data points are missing or clearly in error?
Honest method:
Restart the time series
You lose DE - 1 points on each restart
Don't calculate across the gap
But you can combine the segments into one C(r)
Other options (if gap is of short duration):
Ignore the gap (probably a bad idea)
Set data to zero or to average (also a bad idea)
Interpolate or curve fit (OK if data is from a flow)
Use a nonlinear predictor to estimate the missing points (best idea)
None of these work if gap is of long duration
Nonuniformly sampled data
If sampling is deterministically nonuniform:
All is probably OK
Dimension may increase since additional equations come into play
If sampling is random:
This will give infinite dimension if randomness is white
If data is from a flow, and sample intervals are known, you can try to
a data set with uniform intervals by interpolation or curve fitting
How accurate does sample time have to be? (good student
Lack of stationarity
dx/dt = F(x, y)
dy/dt = G(x, y, t)
dz/dt = 1 (non-autonomous slowly growing term)
Increases system dimension by 1
Increases attractor dimension by < 1
If t is periodic, attractor projects onto a torus
Can try to detrend the data
This is problematic
How best to detrend? (polynomial fit, sine wave, etc.)
What is interesting dynamics and what is uninteresting trend?
Take log first differences: Yn = log(Xn)
- log(Xn-1) = log(Xn/Xn-1)
Surrogate data
Generate data with same power spectrum but no determinism
This is colored noise
Take Fourier transform, randomize phases, inverse Fourier
Compare C(r), predictability, etc.
Many surrogate data sets allow you to specify confidence level
Most attractors are not uniformly dense
Orbit visits some portions more often than others
Local fractal dimension may vary over the attractor
Capacity dimension (D0) weights all portions
Correlation dimension (D2) emphasizes dense
q = 0 and 2 are only two possible weightings
Let Cq(r) = S
[ S q(r
- Dr) / (N - 1)]q-1
/ N
Then Dq = [d log Cq(r)/d
log r] / (q - 1)
Note: for q = 2 this is just the correlation dimension
q = 0 is the capacity dimension
q = 1 is the information dimension
Other values of q don't have names (so far as I know)
q = infinity is dimension of densest part of attractor
q = -infinity is dimension of sparsest part of attractor
In general Dq < Dq-1
The K-S entropy can also be generalized
Kq = -log S piq
/ (q - 1)N
Summary of Time-Series
Verify integrity of data
Graph X(t)
Correct bad or missing data
Establish stationarity
Observe trends in X(t)
Compare first and second half of data set
Detrend the data (if necessary)
Take first differences
Fit to low-order polynomial
Fit to superposition of sine waves
Examine data plots
Xi versus Xi-1
Phase space plots (dX/dt versus X)
Return maps (max X versus previous max X, etc.)
Poincaré sections
Determine correlation time or minimum of mutual information
Look for periodicities (if correlation time decays slowly)
Use FFT to get power spectrum
Use Maximum entropy method (MEM) to get dominant frequencies
Find optimal embedding
False nearest neighbors
Saturation in correlation dimension
Determine correlation dimension
Make sure log C(r) versus log r has scaling (linear)
Make sure result is insensitive to embedding
Make sure you have sufficient data points (Tsonis)
Determine largest Lyapunov exponent and entropy (if chaotic)
Determine growth of unpredictability
Try to remove noise (if dimension is too high)
Integrate data
Use nonlinear predictor
Use principal component analysis (PCA)
Construct model equations
Make short-term predictions
Compare with surrogate data sets
Time-Series Analysis
(using CDA)
Sine wave
Two incommensurate sine waves
Logistic map
Hénon map
Lorenz attractor
White noise
Mean daily temperatures
Standard & Poor's Index of 500 common stocks