Physics 201
General Physics - Fall 1996


Calculus (Math 221 or equivalent)

Materials Needed:


The lectures are to supplement, not substitute for, reading and studying the text. They will be shared by Profs. Wesley Smith (4275 Chamberlin, 262-4690, and Clint Sprott (3285 Chamberlin, 263-4449,


Follow the "General Instructions" in the laboratory manual (pages 1-3). The experiments are to be written up during the laboratory period in the lab notebook. The lab notebook is not to be taken from the laboratory. YOU MUST COMPLETE AT LEAST 10 OF THE 11 LABORATORY ASSIGNMENTS IN ORDER TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THE COURSE. You must get written permission from only your lab TA to take a make-up lab. Make-up time is given for the labs covered in each exam period during the week of the exam only.


The homework problems are assigned in the syllabus for each week and should be handed in at the first meeting of your discussion section after the week of the assignment. Homework will count toward your grade. Feel free to discuss the homework with others. The solutions will be explained in your discussion section and will be available in the Physics Library.

Discussion Section:

There will be a weekly 10-minute quiz consisting of a problem similar to one of the homework problems you have solved.

Office Hours:

Teaching Assistants will have office hours in the consultation room (2312 Sterling Hall). You may go to the office hours of any TA. Profs. Smith and Sprott will have office hours from 11 am to noon, Tuesday and Thursday or by appointment.

Electronic Aids:

All of the instructors are available by e-mail, and there is an e-mail list for the entire class that will occasionally be used for important announcements. The course has a home page on the World Wide Web at where you will find up-to-date course information and links to useful resources. There is also a newsgroup uw-madison.classes.physics201 which you may use to discuss homework and other course-related matters with one another.

Honors Credit:

The course may be taken for honors credit. Honors students are required to attend regularly an additional lecture on Fridays at 8:50 am. Attendance will be taken.


DO NOT REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE IF YOU ARE NOT SURE THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ATTEND ALL EXAMS. (i.e. do not take a course that meets or has exams on Sept. 25, Oct. 21, Nov. 18 at 5:55 - 6:55 PM, or a final at 10:05 AM on Dec. 21). Makeup exams will not be given. The average of the other exam scores will be substituted for the missing exam, provided you have a written excuse from a physician, dean, or academic advisor only. There will be three one-hour exams on the dates shown. Rooms will be announced. You may bring one 5" x 8" card (crib sheet) to each exam.


The course grade will be made up of 75% exams (15% for each hour of examination) and 25% discussion, homework and labs.


Week    Date (1996)    Chapter     Lab     Homework
1       T   Sep. 3     Chap 1      M-1*    2,14,26,32,42
        R        5     Chap 2   (see note) 4,15,24,29,46
2       T       10     Chap 3      M-2*    9,16,31,48,50
        R       12     Chap 4   (see note) 10,34,36,43,56
3       T       17     Chap 5      M-4*    11,25,26,30,32
        R       19     Chap 5   (see note) 38,39,43,52,54,62
4       T       24     Chap 6      Makeup  8,10,15,20
        W       25     EXAM 5:55 pm (Ch 1 - 5)
        R       26     Chap 6              34,36,38,52
5       T   Oct. 1     Chap 7      M-10    8,16,20,25,43,48
        R        3     Chap 7,8            54,57,70,(8)-1,10
6       T        8     Chap 8      M-5     12,22,25,36,49
        R       10     Chap 9              12,18,28,40,83
7       T       15     Chap 10     M-6     5,12,18,24
        R       17     Chap 10             28,29,34,41
8       M       21     EXAM 5:55 pm (Ch 6 - 10)
        T       22     Chap 11     Makeup  1,4,7,20,28
        R       24     Chap 11             33,34,36,48,54
9       T       29     Chap 12     M-9     6,10,18,22,34,35,38
        R       31     Chap 12,13          28,32,(13)-3,10,16
10      T   Nov. 5     Chap 13     M-7     18,22,29,39,46
        R        7     Chap 14             10,15,20,30,42
11      T       12     Chap 14,15  M-15    44,54,(15)-12,13,23
        R       14     Chap 15             30,35,40,44,47
12      M       18     EXAM 5:55 pm (Ch 11 - 15)
        T       19     Chap 19     Makeup  2,18,32,40
        R       21     Chap 19     H-2**   47,50,63,66
13      T       26     Chap 20  (see note) 3,12,19,32,37
14      T   Dec. 3     Chap 20,21  H-4     46,74,(21)-6,7,12
        R        5     Chap 21             20,29,38,48
15      T       10     Chap 22     Makeup  3,14,18,20,27,43
        R       12     Review
        S       21     FINAL EXAM 10:05 am (Ch 1 - 22)

* The Labs will be given on a Tuesday through Monday schedule through Sept. 23. Tuesday through Friday labs will be given in the week shown. Beginning Sept. 30, all labs will be given in the week shown except for weeks 12,13 as noted below. Therefore, Monday labs will be given on these dates: M-1: 9/9, M-2: 9/16, M-4: 9/23, M-10: 9/30, M-5: 10/7, etc.

** For weeks 12 and 13, Monday Labs will have H-2 on 11/25, Thursday Labs will have H-2 on 11/21. TA's will poll their labs before Nov. 1 and announce whether Tuesday and Wednesday Labs will be held on 11/19,20 or 11/26,27. Each lab may decide individually.

Additional Information

* Course Instructors
* Wesley Smith's Home Page
* Clint Sprott's Home Page
* Consultation Room Schedule
* Physics 201 News Group
* Friday Honors Lectures
* Exam Rooms and Procedures
* Final Exam Rooms and Procedures
* Sample Exams
* Exam #1 (also in MS-Word format)
* Exam #2 (also in MS-Word format)
* Exam #3 (also in MS-Word format)
* Final Exam (also in MS-Word format)
* Physics 201 Grade Histograms
* Physics 201 Course Grades
* Comments on Grading
* Hints on How to Study Physics
* Extended Access to Student Information
* Physics 202 Home Page (Spring 97)