Gaze in awe at Belphegor's Prime:
is a palindromic prime number,
with 666 hiding among the zeros.
Please also note the ominous presence of 13 zeros.
Please don't stare at the number too long.
Look away for a few seconds, and take a deep breath.
The symbol of Belphegor's Prime resembles Pi, only upside down.
It is derived from a bird glyph first seen embedded in the Voynich Manuscript.
Der Hl. Augustinus und der Teufel
In demonology, Belphegor (or Beelphegor) is a demon. The creature is one of the seven princes of Hell and helps people make discoveries.
In John Milton's Paradise Lost, Belphegor is one of the "Principalities of the Prime."
In hell, Belphegor is the demon of inventiveness.