Random Sampling of Recent Cliff Pickover Patents
- 6909602 Temperature-controlled user interface
- 6848075 Internet web browser with memory enhanced hyperlink display
- 6834372 Internet web browser with proximity sensitie hyperlink history report
- 6801912 Method, system, and product for self-directed distance learning
- 6687383 System and method for coding audio information in images
- 6654588 System to provide presentation evaluations
- 6587128 Method for displaying hidden objects by varying the transparency of overlapping objects
- 6505208 Educational monitoring method and system for improving interactive skills based on participants on the network
- 6483433 Method and apparatus for notifying of receipt
- 6476834 Dynamic creation of selectable items on surfaces
6426761 Information presentation system for a graphical user interface
6401065 Intelligent keyboard interface with use of human language processing
6392675 Variable speed cursor movement
6371616 Information processing miniature devices with embedded projectors
6339440 Method and apparatus for positioning a cursor
6337694 Method and system for variable speed scrolling within a data processing
6335737 Video display and selection on a graphical interface
6195085 Apparatus in a computer system for pliant ergonomic pointing device
6192341 Data processing system and method for customizing data processing
system output for sense-impaired users
6133916 Graphical user interface providing access to files downloaded over a
06059842 System and method for optimizing computer software and hardware
06057834 Iconic subscription schedule controller for a graphic user interface
05920313 Method and system for associating related user interface objects
5878223 System and method for predictive caching of information pages
5943678 Temporal displacement icon in a graphical user interface
5852440 Method and system for facilitating the selection of icons
5821933 Visual access to restricted functions represented on a graphical
user interface
5801699 Icon Aggregation on a Graphical User Interface
5767852 Priority selection on a graphical interface
5760774 Method and system for automatically consolidating icons into a
master icon
5754179 Selection facilitation on a graphical interface
5745715 Method and system for facilitating the selection of icons
5745714 Method and system in a data processing system for the association
and display of a plurality of objects
5740390 Method and system for facilitating the selection of icons
5682486 Video display and control of multiple graphical interfaces
5564004 Method and system for facilitating the selection of icons
5095302 Three dimensional mouse via finger ring or cavity
More Pickover patents here.
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wishes from various cultures, computer art, educational puzzles, fractals,
virtual caverns, JAVA/VRML, alien creatures, black hole artwork, and animations.