First let me welcome in all languages the international visitors that seem to be exploding in numbers, judging from the mail I've received. (So far the bulk of mail comes from the United States, Brazil, Malaysia, India, Sweden, Guatemala, Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.)
For all my Russian visitors, particuarly those from
Moscow and Bazuluk:
For my Polish visitors:
For my Greek friends, including all the children from the school systems in
Athens, Rhodes, Corfu, and Levkas, let me personally say,
Kalws wrisate sthn istorioselida tou Kliff Pickovler epanw
se diaforetika 0emata dhmiourghkothtas kai dianohtikhs.
Elpizw na meinete euxaristhmenoi apo thn episkeyh sas.
For colleagues in Israel:
For all my good friends and visitors from Germany:
Willkommen auf Cliff Pickover's Webseite
über verschiedene Themen der Kreativitat und des Geistes.
Ich hoffe Sie genießen den Aufenthalt hier.
For my Portuguese friends:
Benvindo a pagina de Cliff Pickover sobre varios topicos em
criativiade e mente. Eu espero que voce goste desta visita.
For my Sanskrit-speaking friends:
For my Thai friends:
Yindee thonrup su langkhormoon kong Cliff Pickover keowkub kwam-sangsun,
samong lae jitjai.
Pom wang wa kun kong ja sanuk sanan kub karn mar yeamyeon tee nee.
For my friends in Japan:
For my friends in Iran, particularly in Teheran and Tabriz:
Beh khAneye man khosh Amadeed.
For my friends in China:
For my Arab friends:
For my Swedish friends:
Välkommen till Cliff Pickovers sida om kreativitet och medvetande. Jag
hoppas du kommer att uppskatta besöket!
For my Spanish friends:
Hola! Bienvenido a la pagina de Cliff en la cual
encontrara muestras y
topicos de imaginacion y creatividad con la mente.
Espero que le guste la
For those of you who speak Latin:
Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni
in rebus Latinus alacribus et
fructuosis potiri potes!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum
immane mittam.
Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
For my special Romanian friends in Apahida and all of
Bine ati venit la pagina lui Clif Picovescu!
Sper sa aveti o vizta placuta!
Madam, vash colchnok vir'val na moi toophel.
Yoboseyo, yi umsik ae daehaeso pyongka lul naeryo bolgayo?
Evett mar valaki ebbol az etelbol amit nekem kinalsz vagyen vagyok
az elso?
And a few others:
Return to Cliff Pickover's home page which includes
the Wishing Project
cataloging wishes from various cultures,
computer art, educational puzzles,
fractals, virtual caverns, JAVA/VRML, alien creatures, black hole
artwork, and animations.