Chaos and Complex Systems Seminar
Spring 2012 Seminars
All seminars are Tuesday at 12:05 pm in 4274 Chamberlin except as
- Jan 24, 2012 - Steven Durlauf, Economics
- Jan 31, 2012 - Kevin Eliceiri, Biomedical Engineering and
Molecular Biology
- Feb 7, 2012 - Megan A. Moreno, Medicine and Public Health
- Feb 14, 2012 - Ashley Taylor, Mechanical Engineering
- Feb 21, 2012 - David Krakauer, Wisconsin Institute for
- Feb 28, 2012 - Art Schmaltz, Prairie State College
- Mar 6, 2012 - Michelle Riel, Artist, Designer, Theorist
- Mar 13, 2012 - Bernard Z. Friedlander, Psychology
- Mar 20, 2012 - Olga
Trubetskoy, Pharmacy and Comparative
- Mar 27, 2012 - Jim Blair, Milton and Edgewood College
- Apr 3, 2012 - NO SEMINAR (spring break)
- Apr 10, 2012 - David Baumler, Computation and Informatics in
Biology and Medicine
- Apr 17, 2012 - Amir Assadi, Mathematics
- Apr 24, 2012 - Rob Nowak, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- May 1, 2012 - Bethany Laursen, Forest and Wildlife Ecology
- May 8, 2012 - Deric Bownds, Zoology
Join us for lunch during the summer on the Union Terrace at noon
each Tuesday, starting May 15th!
January 24, 2012
Linear social interactions models
Steven Durlauf, UW Department of Economics
This talk will provide an overview of recent efforts by economists
to understand social influences on economic behavior. The talk will
emphasize the difficulties involved in uncovering evidence of social
forces from observational data. Links to the growing literature on
social networks will be made.
This talk is available as a PDF file.
January 31, 2012
3D and beyond: Multidimensional imaging of cell based processes
Kevin W. Eliceiri, UW Departments of Biomedical Engineering and
Molecular Biology
Director, Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation
Revolutionary advances in biological and biomedical imaging over the
last twenty years have brought about the development of improved
methods for non-invasively imaging dynamic biological processes. Of
particular significance have been optical (photonic) techniques that
have allowed for the visualization and manipulation of molecular and
cellular structures within living tissue with minimal perturbation.
The efforts of the multidisciplinary UW-Madison Laboratory for
Optical and Computational Instrumentation (LOCI), to develop optical
and computational approaches for biological and biomedical studies
will be presented. These efforts include signal processing
approaches for multidimensional image analysis, image informatics,
nonlinear optical and intrinsic fluorescence studies, optical
histopathology, and approaches for deep imaging of biological
February 7, 2012
Social networking sites and adolescent health
Megan A. Moreno, UW School of Medicine and Public Health
Social networking sites are popular among adolescents and college
students. References to health behaviors and conditions, such
as alcohol and depression, are frequently seen on these sites.
The meaning and influence of such displays is currently under
investigation and will be explored in this talk.
February 14, 2012
Energy harvesting for mobile electronics
Ashley Taylor, UW Department of Mechanical Engineering
Energy harvesting is a very old idea arguably going back to the
invention of the windmill, sail, and waterwheel. More recently
efforts have been focused on ways to convert environmental energy
into electrical power. Many types of energy harvesters exist
covering a very broad range of applications from large scale power
generators to portable power sources for mobile devices and
sensors. The harvesting of environmental mechanical energy is
particularly promising for portable applications by using such
high-power sources as human locomotion, but currently its use
is substantially limited by low power output of energy
converters. Existing methods of mechanical-to-electrical
energy conversion such as electromagnetic, piezoelectric, or
electrostatic are not well suited for effective direct coupling to
the majority of high-power environmental mechanical energy sources
suitable for portable applications, thus their energy output remains
in the microwatt to hundreds of milliwatt range. However with the
rapid growth of mobile devices the demand for power sources
producing watts or tens of watts has acutely increased. To bridge
this gap we have developed a radically new mechanical-to-electrical
energy conversion method which is based on reverse electrowetting –
a novel microfluidic phenomenon. Energy generation is achieved
through the interaction of arrays of moving microscopic liquid
droplets with a novel multilayer thin film. We believe that this
approach has a number of significant advantages over existing
mechanical energy harvesting technologies.
February 21, 2012
Evolution of intelligence
David Krakauer, Director, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery
In this lecture I shall survey key ideas from the history of
mathematics, physics, computation, and biology that have
extraordinarily converged on very similar explanations for adaptive
or selective behavior. This convergence presents itself in the form
of a universal structure in all models describing adaptive search in
high dimensional state spaces. I shall describe how intelligent
mechanisms, to include nervous systems, evolved to overcome a
fundamental limit to the velocity of evolutionary adaptation.
February 28, 2012
Dreaming and language evolution
Art Schmaltz, Prairie State College
Language evolution has been deemed the hardest problem in science.
Part of the problem resides in discovering the prior evolved
biological system upon which human language has scaffolded itself.
Efforts to locate which simpler features evolved into language have
met with problems. The resolution to the dilemma of language
evolution may involve a Copernican leap. Instead of a theoretical
trajectory going from a simple evolved system to a complex system,
the opposite strategy might resolve the problem. Neuroscience has
discovered the enormous amount of brain power required for language
functioning. The only brain function more complex, involving more
information processing in the human brain, occurs during REM
dreaming. Dreaming is a biologically hardwired brain function that
is in some ways more complex than waking linguistic functioning.
Dreaming is also phylogenetically older than human language.
Dreaming as the birthplace of language is throughly consistent with
Darwinian evolutionary theory.
March 6, 2012
Perturbation in the system: Creative network practice
Michelle Riel, Artist, Designer, Theorist
In art practice, use of computers, electronics, and
telecommunications began in the 1960s. What then differs in today's
creative network practice? In particular, chance operations of
seminal 20th century artists and exploration of systems theory by
mid-century artists have become the dynamical systems of today's
creatives who employ coding, physical computing, and emerging
networked technologies and methods. I relate historical precursors
to current work and discuss how network practices employ non-linear
dynamic processes.
March 13, 2012
Consciousness—A new
paradigm for understanding & research: Navigating deep oceans
with science and art
Bernard Z. Friedlander, Department of Psychology, Emeritus,
University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT
Human consciousness is the Moby Dick, the mysterious Great White
Whale, the most elusive quarry for understanding, in the vast oceans
of the worlds of knowledge on Planet Earth.
Can we explain how complex systems
of electrochemistry, in billions of brain cells, become
transformed into our infinitely varied human awareness of the
sensations of touch, smell, taste, vision and hearing?
How does brain cell
electrochemistry account for id, ego and superego; for memories,
dreams and reflections; for our chaotic, grand, grandiose visions
of ourselves, of each other, and of science, art, religion,
governance, trade, war and empire.
Awareness of human experience—from raw sensation to fantasy,
imagination and art—is the consequence of physical and social
evolution in our species, and psychological development in
individuals. Despite the distinctive centrality of
consciousness in the unfolding of human nature, its components,
qualities and functions remain an unsolved puzzle.
This presentation identifies the collective operation of seven
distinctive sets of variables that need to be taken into account if
we are to fulfill a reasonable hope of comprehending how
consciousness allows us to be human.
It is probable
that no one or cluster of these elements of consciousness can be
fully understood without the others.
March 20, 2012
Rise and fall of a billion dollar molecule
Olga Trubetskoy, UW Departments of Pharmacy and
Comparative Biosciences
I will discuss a story of a “billion dollar molecule” that has been
recently revisited on national drug discovery radar and will provide
its less known links and direct connections to the history of local
Madison biotech. The presentation will focus on overall
complexity of drug response in humans including drug metabolism and
toxicity on molecular, cellular, organismal and environmental levels
including effects of some specific human factors and current
personalized medicine approach.
March 27, 2012
The anatomy of economics
Jim Blair, Milton and Edgewood College
The Economist for January 6, 2012 has an article on the chaotic
state of macro-economic theory today. The internet has aided
in a proliferation of heterodox theories. I will
survey several of these and contrast them with the orthodox
classical and Keynesian views.
- Levels of Analysis: Macro, Micro, Nano & The Ultimatum
- The Austrian, Supply Side, and Market
Monetary Schools, plus Marxism.
- Differing views about Money and Inflation
- Income: Is it Distribution or Mobility?
- Henry Ford: Was it Demand or Supply?
- Conflicting views of Minimum Wage laws
- Rashomon, or Three Different Stories to Explain the 1970's.

April 10, 2012
Computation and Informatics in Biology and Medicine (CIBM)
David J. Baumler, UW Biotechnology Center
No other family of microorganisms has had a greater impact on human
health then the Enterobacteriaceae, and these bacteria have evolved
into a wide variety of commensal and human, plant, and avian
pathogens. These organisms have diverged from a common
ancestor ~300-500 million years ago (MYA), and little is known about
ancestral metabolism. Using a paleo systems biology approach
the metabolism of ancient microorganisms has been investigated
through construction of metabolic models using either ancient
genomic DNA (such as the Yersinia pestis genome that has been
recently sequenced from human corpses that were victims of the 2nd
pandemic of the black plague ~1300 A.D.) or through a comparison of
72 enterobacterial genomes of modern descendents.
I will present an analysis of the ability of these ancient metabolic
models to utilize 300 substrates and how some of these metabolic
strategies are used in numerous human niche locations where
modern-day enterobacteria cause disease. Overall this work
will demonstrate that models of ancient bacteria can be used to
accurately predict metabolism and to derive new targets to control
human disease.
April 17, 2012
Towards quantifying biological complexity: Lessons from circadian
Amir Assadi, UW Department of Mathematics
Computational complexity has been the subject of intensive research
with rewarding theoretical and practical accomplishments. Shannon’s mathematical
formalism to quantify and study digitized information has provided a
powerful framework for applications to science and engineering. In
biology, the analog nature of the system observables and
“signal-encoding” pose a formidable challenge to draw biologically
insightful parallels between the digital information theory and the
analog theory of biological information, even if such a theory could
potentially be developed.
We provide an outline of a systematic program that aims to better
understand the phenomena generally recognized as the culprit to “biological complexity”,
namely, variation of
phenotypic traits within a single genotype. A quantitative
theory of phenotypic variation leads to the theory of biological
complexity at DNA level; which is as a central question in
theoretical biology, and sheds new light on the evolution of
diversity of life.
We use the physics approach to extract the hints from a data set of
gene expression time-series (courtesy of the Chory Lab, Salk
Institute), regarded as observations from a complex dynamical system
in the ground state and subject to various perturbations. We provide
a sketch of the steps to compute variations at the very first
molecular stage past the DNA. In parallel to Kolmogrov’s theory of
computational complexity, we propose a multi-scale multi-resolution
theory to elucidate ideal measures of the most efficient description
of computations initiated at the genome level, leading to the
phenotypic observables. We discuss an application to “quantifying
phenotypic plasticity” and formulate new hypotheses regarding the
DNA-level sources and molecular mechanisms of plasticity. These
results are obtained via massively parallel and distributed
computation, which offer exciting new research problems of their
April 24, 2012
Adaptive information
Rob Nowak, UW Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
This talk will discuss the notions of adaptive and non-adaptive
information in the context of statistical learning and
inference. Suppose that we have a collection of models (e.g.,
signals, systems, representations, etc.) denoted by X and a
collection of measurement actions (e.g., samples, probes, queries,
experiments, etc.) denoted by Y. A particular model x in X best
describes the problem at hand and is measured as follows. Each
measurement action, y in Y, generates an observation y(x) that is a
function of the unknown model. This function may be
deterministic or stochastic. The goal is to identify x from a
set of measurements y_1(x),...,y_n(x), where y_i in Y,
i=1,...,n. If the measurement actions y_1,...,y_n are chosen
deterministically or randomly without knowledge of x, then the
measurement process is non-adaptive. However, If y_i is selected in
a way that depends on the previous measurements
y_1(x),...,y_{i-1}(x), then the process is adaptive. Adaptive
information is clearly more flexible, since the process can always
disregard previously collected data. The advantage of adaptive
information is that it can sequentially focus measurements or
sensing actions to distinguish the elements of X that are most
consistent with previously collected data, and this can lead to
significantly more reliable decisions. The idea of adaptive
information gathering is commonplace (e.g., humans and animals excel
at this), but outside of simple parametric settings little is known
about the fundamental limits and capabilities of such systems.
Some preliminary results addressing this situation will be
May 1, 2012
Moving beyond sliced bread and dragonfly vision: How can
researchers and extension professionals understand complex,
social-ecological systems across disciplinary lines?
Bethany Laursen, UW Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Researchers and extension professionals in all program areas solve
puzzles and problems in the real world--where people and the
environment interact. Learning about such complex,
social-ecological systems is itself a complex project: a plethora
of interdisciplinary social-ecological paradigms offer potential
insights. How can puzzle-solvers and knowledge-translators
synthesize the best from all of these paradigms? How can we
integrate paradigms as distinct as slices of bread and as dizzying
as dragonfly vision to create whole, coherent, and useful
understandings of the places where we live and work? If you have
succeeded in this or still struggle, please come and share your
hard-earned wisdom as Bethany Laursen shares her findings from a
semester-long study in transdisciplinary paradigms of
social-ecological analysis.
Intended audience: extension professionals in all program
areas; all those interested in complexity, interdisciplinarity,
philosophy of science, epistemology and/or social-ecological
systems, especially researchers and students.
Fresh, homemade bread will be
served for refreshment, sliced in a myriad of ways.
May 8, 2012
Are you holding your breath? - Structures of arousal and calm
Deric Bownds, UW Department of Zoology
This talk discusses some of the structures of calm and arousal -
whether we are chilled out or losing it. The material is
cooked down to four sections, that (1), note some structures
regulating calm and arousal (2), list some brain and body
correlates (3) consider the definition of the self that stresses or
calms. (4) discuss bottom-up and top-down regulators under
some voluntary control that can alter the balance between calm and
talk is available on the Web.