Chaos and Complex Systems Seminar
Fall 2014 Seminars
All seminars are Tuesday at 12:05 pm in 4274
Chamberlin Hall except as noted. Refreshments will be served.
Short List
- Sep 2, 2014 - Russell Gardner, Freelance scholar
- Sep 9, 2014 - Deric Bownds, Zoology
- Sep 16, 2014 - Bill Bement, Zoology
- Sep 23, 2014 - Jim Mapp, Dark Energy
- Sep 30, 2014 - Jack Jiang, Surgery
- Oct 7, 2014 - Jing Kong, Statistics
- Oct 14, 2014 - Alberto Palloni, Sociology
- Oct 21, 2014 - Michelle Miller, Center for Integrated
Agricultural Systems
- Oct 28, 2014 - Bob Barmish - Electrical and Computer
- Nov 4, 2014 - Trisha Andrew, Chemistry
- Nov 11, 2014 - Art Schmaltz,
Prairie State College
- Nov 18, 2014 - Jay Zambito, Wisconsin Geological Survey
- Nov 25, 2014 - Michael Hammer, Surgery
- Dec 2, 2014 - Mary Metz, School of Education
- Dec 9, 2014 - Cary Forest, Physics
September 2, 2014
Writing a novel
Russell Gardner, Jr., Freelance scholar after psychiatry career
without present institutional affiliation
Many people write novels. For example, I find many columns of the
New York Times seem to have writers as intended readership (or
those who wish to write). My own focus started suddenly on a late
night near the end of February, 2012. In O’Hare Airport, standing on
the tarmac I suddenly decided to include myself amongst the group,
and from that moment began. I tell how this happened, and how I have
tried to attain compositional skills in fiction, including lessons
from books, conversations and trial runs, and now formal courses
sponsored by the Madison Writers Studio taught by two novelists
( At the time of this abstract, I am half
through a year-long course entitled “Novel in a Year.” It involves
writing 25-pages per month (in my case, sequential chapters) to
accumulate by year’s end in a first draft. The structure itself has
helped me. Previously I’ve felt stymied with lengthy prose of any
kind, and suspect that it will stand me in good stead for efforts in
the future.
In this presentation I plan to relate:
- How the process began for me,
- Fixed narrative features, roles of chance and imagination,
"what's next?"
- Characters, plot, and “center” or “novelist’s mysterious
- “Novel novel” vs “Old novel,”
- Social relations in writing process, and
- Fiction-writing vis-à-vis psychoanalysis.
September 9, 2014
Upstairs/downstairs in our brains - What’s running our show?
Deric Bownds, UW Department of Zoology
This talk starts with some brief brain 101 elementary anatomy and
then offers a cherry picking review of recent trends in
brain systems research that correlate what is going on in our brains
with our behaviors. We want to know what normally makes us
tick, what distortions might underlie addictive, impulsive,
aggressive, stressed, depressed, or anxious behaviors, and what
therapies might counter these distortions. I will focus
on structure-activity-behavior correlations in three brain state
distinctions that are currently being emphasized:
Upstairs/downstairs and attentional/default mode systems that are a
spontaneous part of our normal behavioral repertoire, and the
cognitive therapy or meditation systems whose training, development,
and expression can alter them.
This talk is available in written
September 16, 2014
Cyclin-dependent kinase-confined cortical chaos
Bill Bement, UW Department of Zoology
Cytokinesis--the final step in cell division--is restricted to a
discrete point in the cell division cycle referred to as "C-phase".
In C-phase, the cortex of the cell is uniquely competent to respond
to signals from the spindle by assembling the cytokinetic apparatus.
C-phase follows anaphase onset and varies in length according to
cell type. We have discovered that anaphase onset in frog and
echinoderm embryos is associated with cortical excitability,
manifest as waves of Rho activity and F-actin that traverse the
underside of the plasma membrane. The waves are suppressed by cyclin
dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) and can be driven into a chaotic form when
Cdk1 activity is experimentally suppressed. Remarkably, the
excitability entails F-actin mediated Rho inhibition. We propose
that C-phase is explained by the development of cortical
excitability which is normally restricted to a discrete portion of
the cell cycle Cdk1 and that excitability provides the cell with the
means to balance the conflicting needs of speed, precision and
flexibility during cell fission.
September 23, 2014
Wisconsin State Energy Office – Forecasting, monitoring, and
responding to energy crises
Jim Mapp, Dark Energy Associates
Since the 1970s Wisconsin has experienced several petroleum crises,
natural gas supply limitations, coal shortages, and electric power
brownouts, blackouts and supply uncertainty. There have been
crises related to propane shortages, extremes in cold weather, hot
weather, rain events, and floods. We will discuss the role of
the Wisconsin State Energy Office in forecasting, preparing for,
monitoring and responding to these various energy related crises and
the often chaotic conditions surrounding these events. This
past winter’s propane shortage provided an example of a recent
energy crisis. Propane as a liquid fuel is used for crop
drying, home heating in rural areas, and as a supplemental fuel in
areas where natural gas is not available. The coming fall and
winter heating season may provide an example of the various factors
that combine to generate chaos in the supply and demand of propane
and steps that can be taken to respond to a possible crisis.
Possible supply constraints may include; propane pipeline supply
limitations, expanded propane export market, limitations on rail car
availability, wet harvest conditions and record corn harvest leading
to increased demand for propane for crop drying. Early onset of cold
weather could increase the demand for heating fuels such as
propane. Possible responses may include coordinating efforts
with other Wisconsin agencies, other states, various federal
authorities, or various national organizations.
September 30, 2014
The chaos in vocal fold vibration and sound production
Jack Jiang, UW Department of Surgery
Vocal fold vibration is key for human speech and communication. This
vibration is driven by airflow and can be regular, irregular, or
chaotic. Our study focuses on in what conditions vocal fold
vibration will be regular or irregular. Many voice disorders, such
as lesions or paralysis, can lead to irregular voice. We can
surgically intervene to restore healthy and more regular vibration.
We also use acoustic parameters, such as perturbation analysis
(jitter and shimmer) and nonlinear dynamic analysis (correlation
dimension, second order entropy, and Lyapunov exponents), to
describe the irregularity of voice production. Clinically, these
chaotic parameters show discriminatory power for pathological voice.
Typically, we classify four types of voice: Type 1 (nearly
periodic), Type 2 (contains strong modulations or subharmonics),
Type 3 (aperiodic), and Type 4 (predominated by stochastic noise
characteristics). The challenge is that when the voice has too much
turbulence the degree of freedom approaches infinity. Such voice is
difficult to quantitatively describe.
October 7, 2014
Using distance correlation and SS-ANOVA to assess associations of
familial relationships, lifestyle factors, diseases and mortality
Jing Kong, UW Department of Statistics
We present a method for examining mortality as it is seen to run
in families, and lifestyle factors that are also seen to run in
families, in a sub-population of the Beaver Dam Eye Study that has
died by 2011. We observe that pairwise distance between death age
in related persons is on average less than pairwise distance in
death age between random pairs of unrelated persons. Our goal is
to examine the hypothesis that pairwise differences in lifestyle
factors correlate with the observed pairwise differences in death
age that run in families. Szekely and coworkers have recently
developed a method called distance correlation, that is suitable
for this task with some enhancements relevant to the particular
task at hand. We build a Smoothing Spline ANOVA (SS-ANOVA) model
for predicting death age based on four major lifestyle factors
generally known to be related to mortality and four of the major
diseases contributing to mortality, to develop a lifestyle
mortality risk vector and a disease mortality risk vector. We then
examine to what extent pairwise differences in these scores
correlate with the pairwise differences in mortality as they
occur between family members and between unrelated persons. We
find signficant distance correlations between death ages,
lifestyle factors, and family relationships. Considering only sib
pairs compared to unrelated persons, distance correlation between
siblings and mortality is, not surprisingly, stronger than that
between more distantly related family members and mortality. The
overall methodological approach here easily adapts to exploring
relationships between multiple clusters of variables with
observable (real-valued) attributes, and other factors for which
only possibly nonmetric pairwise dissimilarities are observed.
October 14, 2014
Human Longevity: Where are we going and how are we getting there?
Alberto Palloni, UW Department of Sociology
Our species has been around for 250,000 years or so. During nearly
249,800 of these, life expectancy at birth was steady at a
level hovering around 25 years. But over the last 200 years, that is
0.1 percent of our species' lifetime on the planet, life expectancy
at birth increased from about 25 years to about 80 years or,
equivalently, Homo added 2.6 months of life per year. Some countries
have cruised along with a pace of gains in survival twice as large
as this average. It turns out that, on average and contrary to
most past forecasts, life expectancy at birth has been going up
linearly for a long time.
How did this happen? Can we keep it going? Aside from occasional
setbacks (HIV, collapse of social organizations, wars, Ebola(?)) can
one harbor the hope that by the year 2050 newborn cohorts will be
expected to live 90-100 years? And if so, how healthy could the 90%
of newborns who will make it to their 90th birthday expected to be?
And what does this do to the course of human evolution?
October 21, 2014
Complex multi-systems redesign: regional food for regional markets
Michelle Miller, UW Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
As much as we enjoy our farmers markets and CSAs, most of our food
makes its way to us via freight truck. As fuel prices continue a
decades-long rise, shippers and carriers shoulder the cost. They are controlling costs
in ways that increase transportation efficiencies for them as
individual actors, not for the entire supply chain. These shifts,
such as placement of distribution centers and big box stores, have
unintended consequences for other parts of the food supply chain.
Highway congestion and related fuel waste, poor labor conditions for
truck drivers, creation of ”food deserts” in urban and rural areas,
and limited market access for midsize farmers are some of the
negative feedback that result.
Hidden costs, such as the vehicle costs necessary to drive to
supermarkets or warehouse stores, are borne by consumers rather than
shippers. At the same time, consumers are separated from the source
of their food, fueling concentration in agriculture, another
positive feedback loop. Separating food production from the
population creates a brittle food system with environmental,
economic and social consequences. This project takes a systems look
at the current wholesale food supply chain, from farmer to consumer,
and begins to model logistical innovations that reconfigure
agricultural and transportation systems to both mitigate and adapt
to climate change. We expect to see reduced GHG emissions, reduced
highway congestion, increased redundancy in food production, and a
move from food supply chains to a more web-like structure, better
use of public investment in transportation and food provisioning,
and improved labor conditions throughout. Using a complex adapative
systems approach, early work brought representatives from regional
food supply chains together to discuss various perspectives. Current
work, advised by food freight stakeholders, is modeling logistical
interventions based on actual movement data that we think may
improve the movement of food and catalyze this cascade of other
benefits across the supply chain.
October 28, 2014
On reactive model-free stock trading in a complex financial market
Bob Barmish, UW Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
In this seminar, I will describe a new paradigm for stock trading in
a complex financial market. The theory does not make use of a
predictive model for the time-varying stock price. Instead, based on
the use of a feedback control loop, the investment level is
dynamically adjusted over time via a "reactive adaptation''
mechanism. In the finance literature, such a scheme falls under the
umbrella of "technical analysis.'' After explaining what is
meant by technical analysis, I will address a long standing
conundrum in finance: Why is it that so many asset managers, hedge
funds and individual investors trade stock using technical analysis
despite the existence of a significant body of literature claiming
that such methods are of questionable worth with little or no
theoretical rationale? Whereas existing work on this question
by academics and practitioners in finance involves extensive
statistical analysis of a trading algorithm via back-testing with
historical data, our new feedback-based approach is aimed at
providing a theoretical rationale which explains both successes and
November 4, 2014
Organic chromophores for optoelectronic devices
Trisha Andrew, UW Department of Chemistry
Molecular and polymeric organic materials are promising replacements
for the inorganic semiconductors in photovoltaic cells due to their
large absorption coefficients and easy processing and deposition
procedures. Non-traditional nanostructured devices on inexpensive
and arbitrary substrates can be fabricated with high throughput
using organic materials, leading to vanishingly low module costs.
Recent highlights in incorporating organic dyes into photovoltaics
devices of varying architectures will be discussed.
November 11, 2014
The narrative structure of the default mode network and REM dreaming
Art Schmaltz, Prairie State College
This presentation will build upon the structural architecture of the
default mode network outlined here by Deric Bownds on September 9th.
My focus will be on the functional aspects of the human brain's
default mode network.
- I will argue that the default mode network is an evolved brain
system with adaptive functions.
- The default mode network and REM dreaming-- both "hard wired"
brain systems-- are complementary and work in concert with each
- Both systems are intrinsically intersubjective and variational
praxis orientated.
- Both systems create new narratives, or novel behavioral
scripts: an ongoing eco-hermeneutics for optimal adaptation to
ever shifting environments.
This talk is available in PDF format.
November 18, 2014
Frac sand and related natural resources in Wisconsin
Jay Zambito, Wisconsin Geological Survey
Wisconsin has some of the best frac sand in the world, and since
2011 the state has seen a large increase in frac sand mines,
processing plants, and rail loading facilities. This talk will
provide information on what frac sand is, how it is used, why it is
being mined in Wisconsin, and its connection to other natural
November 25, 2014
Mechanoreceptors and laryngeal motor control-Why such a touchy
Michael J. Hammer, UW Department of Surgery/Division of
The larynx is essential for many of life's essential and elegant
actions such as breathing, airway protection, and voice. Neural
control of the larynx for these actions is aided by mechanoreceptors
within the laryngeal mucosa. These mechanoreceptors enable the
central nervous system to monitor the position and movement of the
larynx, the pressure and flow of respiratory air, and provide a
surveillance system to protect the airway from aspiration. However,
much remains unknown about neural control of the larynx and the role
of mechanoreceptors in these activities. Therefore, we have
developed new technology to define how mechanosensory mechanisms are
associated with laryngeal control, are affected by neurodegenerative
disease, and can be improved with neurorehabilitation.
December 2, 2014
'Real School' : The tension of standard structures and varied
social processes in schools
Mary Metz, School of Education
Over the last century and a half many aspects of schooling,
especially secondary schooling, have been standardized and their
form, despite some changes, has been remarkably resilient. Patterns of legitimate,
“real” school are deeply embedded in social expectations. At the same time, we know
that effective teachers create routines and atmospheres that vary
widely. Some individual students thrive better with some approaches,
others with others. Further,
(though less well documented) community context and students’ social
class and ethnicity have a big effect on what happens in classrooms. Nonetheless, over
the last 35 years, there has been increasing societal pressure to
standardize the substance and practice of K-12 education yet
further. This presentation explores the reasons for the persistent
tension between standardization of routines and the need for wide
variation and flexibility in actual instruction inside the
December 9, 2014
Chasing fast dynamos in the Plasma Lab
Cary Forest, UW Department of Physics
The Madison Plasma Dynamo eXperiment is now exploring a
hitherto unexplored part of parameter space where dynamos
operate in nature. Dynamos are systems which continuously
transform kinetic energy from plasma flow into magnetic energy.
Discovering the conditions under which dynamos self-generate
magnetic fields and then understanding how this field changes
plasma dynamics is one of the most compelling questions in all of
plasma astrophysics. In plasma astrophysics, the most important
issue to be resolved is the fast large scale dynamo problem,
namely "How does a highly conducting turbulent plasma
self-generate magnetic energy at small-scales that ultimately
self-organizes into large scale field?" MPDX has the potential to
study dynamos, including fast dynamos, and related processes
experimentally. I'll explain what this is and how we can make this
happen in my talk.