ZETA (Harwell, UK)

MG Rusbridge, Energy flow in the ZETA discharge, JPP 11, 35 (1969).

DC Robinson and RE King, Factors influencing the period of improved stability in Zeta, Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 1, 263 (1969) (Conference Proceedings, Novosibirsk 1968) IAEA Vienna.

A Gibson, H Coxwell, BA Powell, and GW Reid, Plasma confinement during a period of reduced fluctuations in ŒZETAš, JPP 9, 1 (1967).

RA Coombe and BA Ward, The energy spectra of neutrons from Zeta, JPP 5 273 (1963).

A Gibson and DW Mason, Energy loss processes in ZETA, Proc. Phys. Soc. 79, 326 (1962).

WM Burton, EP Butt, HC Cole, A Gibson, DW Mason, RS Pease, K Whiteman, and R Wilson, Plasma loss in ZETA, NF 1962 supplement, part 3, p.903.