Lock and Dam No. 5

(Three-couple reel)


1st couple cast down one place, 2nd couple cross up; 2nd couple and 1st couple set.

1st couple cast down to third place, 3rd couple cross up; all set.

Bars 9-16 are the opening and closing of the lock gates.

3rd couple and 1st couple petronella in tandem to side and set.

3rd couple and 1st couple petronella in tandem to end across set and set.

2nd couple and 1st couple face down, 3rd couple face up (same orientation as end of second petronella), right shoulder reel halfway, 1st woman pass 3rd man and 1st man pass 3rd woman (parallel reels on side).

1st woman and 2nd man turn by right halfway.

1st couple and 2nd couple four hands across half way. (Order now 3rd couple, 1st couple, 2nd couple all proper.)

Allemande for three couples.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Michael Mudrey, 1998.
Madison Scottish Country Dancers