Sprott's Photo Gallery
Here are some photographs that recall important stages and people in
my life. Click on the images to see uncropped versions of them in
high resolution JPEG format. Other photos
of me are also available.
Here's what I looked like at about 6 months old in 1943.
This is a family photo from the mid 1940's. I'm the little
Here I am as a young magician in the early 1950's (resembles a more recent photo).
Here I am as a cub scout in the early 1950's.
Here I am as a ham radio operator
(K4BOM) in the late 1950's.
Here I am as a major in high school ROTC with my high school
girlfriend Suzanne in 1960.
This is the house where I grew up, 607 Center Drive, Memphis,
Tennessee (1949 - 1960).
This is my former thesis advisor and mentor (1964-1993), Donald W. Kerst.
Here I am (center) with John Schmidt (left) and Don Lencioni
(right) as a graduate student working on the toroidal octupole at
the University of Wisconsin in about 1967.
In this Cessna 150 I made my first solo flight on August 22, 1971
at Powell Airport near Knoxville, Tennessee.
Here I am (right) with Dick Dexter (left) and Stewart Prager
(center) at the dedication of the Tokapole II device at the
University of Wisconsin in 1976.
This is my brother Frank Jr. (left) and father Frank Sr. at church
in 1987.
This is my nephew Skipp and his bride Harriett at their wedding in
This is my father Frank and mother Jimmie (I call her James) in
This is my niece Sherri with her children Ashley (left), Sean
(center), and Matthew (right) at Christmas 1989.
Here I am finishing ahead of someone at the 5-mile Crazy Legs Run in
April 1996.
Here's a professional photo they took of me on the occasion of my
winning the UW-Madison Van Hise
Outreach Teaching Award in March 1997.
Here I am part way up the Matterhorn with my Swiss girlfriend Janine in April 2002.
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