1990 International Baccalaureate Thesis Chandler High School, Chandler, AZ
First Author Publications:
2016 HTPD Procedings paper in RSI T.M. Biewer, et al., First results from the Thomson scattering diagnostic on Proto-MPEX. submitted Review of Scientific Instruments (2016)
2014 HTPD Procedings paper in RSI T.M. Biewer, G. Shaw, Initial implementation of a Thomson scattering diagnostic for Proto-MPEX. Review of Scientific Instruments 85 11D812 (2014)
2012 HTPD Procedings paper in RSI Biewer TM, Belcher C, Hassall I, Hillis DL, Kaveney G, Scharpf D, Stamp MF, Stunell C, Zastrow K-D, Implementation of an in-vessel calibration light source for JET, RSI 83 10D505 (2012)
2008 EPS Procedings paper Biewer TM, Andrew Y, Crombe K, et al., Expanded capability of the edge charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic on JET, 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Crete, EAC,, P4.094, 2008
2008 HTPD Procedings paper in RSI Biewer TM, Hillis DL, Stamp MF, Zastrow K-D, A proposed in-vessel calibration light source for JET, RSI 79 10F530 (2008)
2007 EPS Procedings paper Biewer TM, Andrew Y, Bell RE, et al., Charge exchange recombination spectroscopy measurements from multiple ion species on JET, 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw, EAC,, P5.112, 2007
2006 EPS Procedings paper Biewer TM, Maingi R, Meyer H, et al., L-to-H power threshold comparisons between NBI and RF heated plasmas in NSTX, 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome, EAC, 28G, P5.112, 2006
2005 PoP on RF Heating of NSTX edge ions from APS DPP invited talk: Biewer TM, Bell RE, Diem SJ, et al., PoP 12, 056108 (2005).
2004 EPS Procedings paper Biewer TM, Bell RE, Ryan PM, Wilson JR. Observations of Anisotropic Ion Temperatures in the NSTX Edge during RF Heating. 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London, EAC, 28G, P-2.198, 2004
2003 RSI on ERD Biewer TM, Bell RE, Feder R, et al. Edge rotation and temperature diagnostic on the National Spherical Torus Experiment. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 75 (3): 650-654 MAR 2004
2003 PRL on Xe Biewer TM , Forest CB, Anderson JK, et al. Electron heat transport measured in a stochastic magnetic field PHYS REV LETT 91 (4): Art. No. 045004 JUL 25 2003
2003 RFPP Procedings paperBiewer TM, Bell RE, Darrow DS, Wilson JR. Observations of Anisotropic Ion Temperatures during RF Heating in the NSTX Edge. Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, 15th Topical Conference, Moran, WY, AIP Press, New York, p. 193, 2003
2003 RSI on MST TS Biewer TM , Den Hartog DJ, Holly DJ, et al.
Large area avalanche photodiode detector array upgrade for a ruby-laser Thomson scattering system
REV SCI INSTRUM 74 (3): 1649-1652 Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI MAR 2003
Contributing Author Publications (out of date):
Maingi, R, Chang CS, Ku SH, et al. Effect of gas fuelling location on H-mode access in NSTX. PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 46: A305-A313 Suppl. 5A MAY 2004
2004 PoP on dynamo-free MST Anderson JK, Biewer TM, Forest CB, et al. Dynamo-free plasma in the reversed field pinch. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 11 (5): L9-L12 MAY 2004
2004 PoP on current profile MST Terry SD, Brower DL, Ding WX, et al. Measurement of current profile dynamics in the Madison Symmetric Torus. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 11 (3): 1079-1086 MAR 2004
Anderson JK, Forest CB, Biewer TM, et al. Equilibrium reconstruction in the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed field pinch. NUCL FUSION 44 (1): 162-171 JAN 2004
Sarff JS, Anderson JK, Biewer TM, et al. Tokamak-like confinement at high beta and low field in the reversed field pinch. PLASMA PHYS CONTR F 45: A457-A470 Suppl. 12A DEC 2003
Sarff JS, Almagri AF, Anderson JK, et al. Tokamak-like confinement at a high beta and low toroidal field in the MST reversed field pinch. NUCL FUSION 43 (12): 1684-1692 DEC 2003
2003 PRL on hard X-rays in MSTO'Connell R, Hartog DJD, Forest CB, et al. Observation of velocity-independent electron transport in the reversed field pinch, PHYS REV LETT 91 (4): Art. No. 045002 JUL 25 2003
2003 Jpn. Jrnl. of Appl. PhysicsSakakita H, Craig D, Anderson JK, et al. Behavior of impurity ion velocities during the pulsed poloidal current drive in the Madison symmetric torus reversed-field pinch. JPN J APPL PHYS 2 42 (5B): L505-L507 MAY 15 2003
Brower DL, Ding WX, Terry SD, et al. Laser polarimetric measurement of equilibrium and fluctuating magnetic fields in a reversed field pinch (invited). REV SCI INSTRUM 74 (3): 1534-1540 Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI MAR 2003
2002 PoP on QHS in MST Marrelli L, Martin P, Spizzo G, et al. Quasi-single helicity spectra in the Madison Symmetric Torus. PHYS PLASMAS 9 (7): 2868-2871 JUL 2002
2002 PoP on PPCD in MST Chapman BE, Almagri AF, Anderson JK, et al. High confinement plasmas in the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch. PHYS PLASMAS 9 (5): 2061-2068 Part 2 MAY 2002
2002 PRL on Jll in MST Brower DL, Ding WX, Terry SD, et al. Measurement of the current-density profile and plasma dynamics in the reversed-field pinch. PHYS REV LETT 88 (18): art. no. 185005 MAY 6 2002
2002 PoP on EBW in MST Chattopadhyay PK, Anderson JK, Biewer TM , et al. Electron Bernstein wave emission from an overdense reversed field pinch plasma. PHYS PLASMAS 9 (3): 752-755 MAR 2002
2001 PRL on PPCD in MST Chapman BE, Anderson JK, Biewer TM , et al. Reduced edge instability and improved confinement in the MST reversed-field pinch. PHYS REV LETT 87 (20): art. no. 205001 NOV 12 2001
2001 PoP on density fluc. in MST Lanier NE, Craig D, Anderson JK, et al. An investigation of density fluctuations and electron transport in the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch. PHYS PLASMAS 8 (7): 3402-3410 JUL 2001
2001 RSI on density fluc. in MST Lanier NE, Craig D, Anderson JK, et al. Measurement of electron transport in the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch (invited). REV SCI INSTRUM 72 (1): 1039-1045 Part 2 JAN 2001
2000 PRL on density fluc. in MST Lanier NE, Craig D, Anderson JK, et al. Control of density fluctuations and electron transport in the reversed-field pinch. PHYS REV LETT 85 (10): 2120-2123 SEP 4 2000
2000 PoP on PPCD in MST Chapman BE, Biewer TM , Chattopadhyay PK, et al. Modifications to the edge current profile with auxiliary edge current drive and improved confinement in a reversed-field pinch. PHYS PLASMAS 7 (9): 3491-3494 SEP 2000