Chaos Demonstrations
Physics Academic Software
is pleased to announce an expanded version of the award-winning Chaos
Demonstrations software by J. C.
Sprott and G.
Rowlands. Version 3 contains twenty-six demonstrations of
chaos, fractals, cellular automata and related topics with 136
individual views. Fifty user-controlled parameters permit an
almost unlimited variety of examples. Version 3 retains the same
simple user interface and colorful displays as previous versions
but has many improvements and new features:
- New demonstrations of strange attractors, iterated function
systems, coupled-map lattices, mixing, and percolation.
- Thirteen different one-dimensional maps.
- Twenty-one examples of deterministic fractals.
- Ability to create automatically an unlimited number of strange
attractors and iterated function systems in 2-D and 3-D.
- Sixteen 3-D animations using included red/blue glasses
- Fast calculation of the Mandelbrot and Julia sets including
pan and zoom options.
- A new game of life demonstration which allows 2025 different
- Significantly improved calculation speed and smoother
- Enhanced "museum mode" operation, additional scripting
features for lecture use, additional quiz questions, ability to
cycle through parameters forward or backwards, and much more!
Chaos Demonstrations is a DOS program that runs under
older versions of Windows or using the freeware DOSBox program for Windows
Vista and later. Until 2011 the program was distributed by Physics Academic Software
for $70 but is no longer available from them. However, the current
version of Chaos Demonstrations without written
documentation or technical support can be ordered directly from
the author
for $35 (US) by check, money order, PayPal, or credit card and
will be delivered electronically as a ZIP file usually within 24
hours of receipt of payment.
Note: The current version of the program is 3.2.
Additional Information
To see
a list of the demonstrations included with the program, have a
look at the menu screen.
To see some
sample screen captures from the Chaos Demonstrations program,
pay a visit to Sprott's Fractal Gallery
or look in the index of chaos images.
You can see
the publisher's
description of Chaos Demonstrations.
If you have
an old version of the program, you might want to look at the revision history.
You can view
excerpts from user's and reviewer's comments
on Chaos Demonstrations.
You may be
interested also in the companion programs, Physics Demonstrations and Chaos Data Analyzer.
You can
download a limited demo version
(2.0) of Chaos Demonstrations.
J. C. Sprott