Physics 207

General Physics
Fall 1994

Prerequisites: Calculus (Math 221 or equivalent).  Algebra, 
     trigonometry and calculus will be used extensively.  

Materials Needed: Text: Serway, Physics for Scientists & Engineers with 
     Modern Physics, third edition (updated).  

     Lab manual: Rollefson and Richards, Laboratory Experiments in 
     General Physics, 1994 edition.  

     Lab notebook: preferably hard bound with cross-hatched ruling.  
     Bring it to your first laboratory meeting.  

     Calculator: preferably with trigonometric, exponential, and 
     logarithmic functions.  Know how to use it, and make sure 
     batteries are charged for exams.  

Lectures: 8:50 am MWF in 1300 Sterling Hall.  Prof.  J. C. Sprott 
     (3285 Chamberlin Hall, 263-4449,  
     The lectures supplement but do not substitute for the reading.  
     Read the assigned material before lecture.  The Friday lectures 
     are optional except for exams and for honors students.  Everyone 
     is encouraged to attend.  Attendance will be taken.

Discussion sections: Your discussion section will be led by your TA who 
     will be your prime contact and source of assistance.  General 
     questions about the homework are allowed before it is due, but 
     don't expect your TA to work out the solutions for you in advance.  
     Quizzes will occasionally be given in your discussion section and 
     will count toward your grade.  

Laboratory: Follow the "General Instructions" in the laboratory manual 
     (pages 1-3).  The experiments are to be written up during the 
     laboratory period in the lab notebook.  Have your lab instructor 
     initial and date the work before you leave the lab.  The lab 
     notebook is not to be taken from the lab except with permission of 
     your instructor.  The lab is in 4300 Sterling Hall.

Homework: The homework problems are assigned in the syllabus for each 
     week and should be handed in at the first discussion section the 
     following week.  Late problem sets will not be accepted.  Homework 
     will count toward your grade.  You may work with others on the 
     homework, but make sure the paper you turn in is not simply copied 
     from someone else.  The solutions will be discussed in your 
     discussion section and placed on reserve in the Physics Library 
     (4220 Chamberlin Hall).  

Hour Exams: Exams will be given during the Friday lecture as follows: 

                      September 30, Chapters 1-5
                      October 28,   Chapters 6-11
                      December 2,   Chapters 12-18

     The exams will be closed-book, but you will be allowed one 8 1/2 x
     11-inch sheet of notes.  The exams will be graded and handed back 
     in your first discussion section of the following week.  Solutions 
     will be discussed and placed on reserve in the Physics Library 
     (4220 Chamberlin Hall).  There will be no makeup exams.  

Final Exam: The final exam will be at 10:05 am on Friday, December 23 
     (room to be announced).  It will cover the entire course (Chapters 
     1-22) with equal weight.  You will be allowed two 8 1/2 x 11-inch 
     sheets of notes. 

Grading: The course grade will consist of the following components: 

                      3 hour exams          300 points
                      Final exam            200 points
                      Laboratory            100 points
                      Homework & discussion 100 points
                      TOTAL                 700 points

     Lab, homework and discussion grades will be assigned by your TA 
     and will be normalized to the distribution on the hour exams.  
     Letter grades will be assigned based on the total number of points 

Consultation Room: Room 1402 Sterling is staffed by TA's from Physics 
     207 and 201 during much of the week.  See the schedule card on the 
     door.  You may ask questions of any of the TA's or come during the 
     hours that your TA is there.  You may also make an appointment with 
     your TA at any mutually convenient time and place.  

Complaints and Concerns: If you have a non-subject matter question or 
     concern that cannot be resolved by your TA or professor, contact 
     Jean Buehlman, Instructional Program Manager (afternoons in 2520 
     Sterling Hall, 262-2629).

Alternate References: To see the same topics explained differently, try 
     the following (on reserve in Physics library - 4220 Chamberlin): 

            Halliday and Resnick, Fundamentals of Physics
            Giancoli, General Physics
            Rusbult, Tools for Problem-Solving

General Advice: Physics is not something you read and memorize, rather 
     it is something you learn how to do.  Try the following study 

     1) Read the chapter prior to lecture, so that you will know what 
     it's about.  

     2) Listen carefully to the lecture and take notes.  

     3) This is crucial: Do not go back and read and re-read the 
     chapter until you "understand it." Rather, start working problems, 
     going back through the chapter to clarify points as they come up.  

PHYSICS 207 FALL 1994 SYLLABUS References are to Serway, Physics, 3rd edition (updated). Lab manual is Rollefson and Richards, 1994 edition. Week Reading Problems Lab 9/5 Ch 1 1:4,14,35,42,53,61 no lab 9/12 Ch 2,3 2:5,13,34,35,50,53; 3:7,14,17,43,52,69 M1 9/19 Ch 4,5 4:3,8,17,30,36,44; 5:22,29,38,50,76,87 M4 9/26 Review Exam (9/30) Chapters 1-5 M5 10/3 Ch 6,7 6:9,19,24,32,38,49; 7:10,20,25,42,61,89 M6 10/10 Ch 8,9 8:2,11,18,25,36,49; 9:8,19,27,46,53,65 M14 10/17 Ch 10,11 10:2,10,21,26,36,52; 11:4,21,29,36,39,41 M9 10/24 Review Exam (10/28) Chapters 6-11 M3 10/31 Ch 12,13 12:6,7,21,31,42,58; 13:8,16,23,32,49,59 M15 11/7 Ch 14,15 14:12,15,26,36,45,68; 15:3,13,21,28,43,74 S1 11/14 Ch 16,17 16:1,7,17,30,36,54; 17:1,12,26,38,46,57 S3 11/21 Ch 18,19 18:7,11,30,45,50,60; 19:5,8,31,45,64,75 makeup 11/28 Review Exam (12/2) Chapters 12-18 H2 12/5 Ch 20,21 20:11,31,37,45,60,81; 21:6,14,24,31,39,75 H4 12/12 Ch 22 22:7,15,20,27,28,42 makeup Final Exam (12/23) Chapters 1-22
Physics 207 Fall 1994 Special Friday Lectures Sep 2 Sprott - Introduction to the Course Sep 9 Sprott - Problem Solving and Error Analysis Sep 16 Frames of Reference (film) Sep 23 Cameron - Physics of Imagination and Creativity Sep 30 Exam (Chap 1 - 5) Oct 7 The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (Feynman video) Oct 14 Sprott - Seasons, Tides, and Phases of the Moon Oct 21 Cameron - Physics of the Body Oct 28 Exam (Chap 6 - 11) Nov 4 Sprott - Chaos and Randomness Nov 11 Barschall - Bubbles and Einstein's Footprints Nov 18 Sprott - Fractals Nov 25 Thanksgiving Dec 2 Exam (Chap 12 - 18) Dec 9 Sprott - The Wonders of Physics (Fun lecture)
Physics 207 (Sprott) Lecture Demonstrations Fall 1994 Friday, September 2 Introduction to the Course Handouts Wednesday, September 7 Measurements Classical and Modern Physics posters Meter stick and length standards Masses and balance scale Clock Metronome Friday, September 9 Problem Solving and Error Analysis Spherical flask of liquid (17.5-cm diameter) Balance scale (to weigh sphere) 4 1-kg masses Meter Stick Large Wooden Calipers Monday, September 12 Vectors Force table String and block Wednesday, September 14 1-D Motion Rubber ball Ball of cotton Guinea and feather tube Acceleration track Crisp dollar bill (reaction time) Meter stick (reaction time) Friday, September 16 Frames of Reference Frames of Reference film (30 min) Rubber ball Monday, September 19 2-D Motion Rubber ball Dropped and fired balls Ballistics car Water stream demo with protractor Monkey and hunter Ball on a string IBM computer and large monitor Wednesday, September 21 Laws of Motion Rubber ball 1-kg mass Beaker and cloth Pail of water Ball and cut string Air track Inertia ball Wood block Rope anchored in wall Hammer and nail Ball on a string Friday, September 23 Physics of Imagination and Creativity (Cameron) See Cameron for any demos Monday, September 26 Laws of Motion (continued) Rubber ball Spring scale with mass Slide of coefficients of friction Block and string Inclined plane with blocks and carts Atwood Machine Wednesday, September 28 Exam Review No demos Friday, September 30 Exam #1 No demos Monday, October 3 Circular Motion Overhead projector Ball on a string Conical pendulum Block on rotating table Object falling in viscous fluid Wednesday, October 5 Work and Energy Rubber ball Block and string Mass on a spring Air track Springs with different spring constants Friday, October 7 Feynman The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (Feynman video) - 55 minutes Monday, October 10 Potential Energy Rubber ball Wood block Mass on a spring Bowling ball pendulum Come-back can Ball rolling in troughs Loop-the-loop Weight-lifting machine (power demo) 1-kg mass Wednesday, October 12 Linear Momentum and Collisions Rubber ball Non-bouncing ball Air track Momentum balls Air table Water rocket CO2 rocket Rotating platform with basketball and CO2 Rocketcycle Friday, October 14 Seasons, Tides and Phases of the Moon A Private Universe (video) - 18-minute version Globe and bright light source Solar system model Tennis ball Monday, October 17 Rotational Motion Center-of-gravity boards Cylinder, sphere, disk, hoop samples Torque board Rolling chain Weight and axle Moving spool Yo-yos Rotating platform Center-of-mass cone on inclined plane Wednesday, October 19 Angular Momentum Objects rolling down inclined plane Ball on string Rotating masses on pulleys Barbells on rotating platform Gyroscopes (including bicycle wheel) Spinning tops Friday, October 21 Physics of the Body (Cameron) See Cameron for demo list Monday, October 24 Catchup Lecture Demos to be determined Wednesday, October 26 Exam Review No demos Friday, October 28 Exam #2 No demos Monday, October 31 Static Equilibrium and Elasticity Overhead Projector Wooden block Rubber ball Leaning tower Deck of cards Seesaw Ladder against wall Horizontal string with weight at center Block and tackle Pulleys (mechanical advantage) Wednesday, November 2 Oscillatory motion Mass on a spring (with dashpot) Simple pendulum Comparison with circular motion Physical pendulum Torsional pendulum Coupled pendula Wilberforce pendulum Driven pendulum or mass on spring Bowling ball and softball pendulums with timer Friday, November 4 Chaos and Randomness Metronome Magnetic pendulum Chaotic double pendulum IBM Computer and large monitor Driven cart with pendulum, balls in troughs, aquarium Chaotic toy Ball on oscillating floor Firehose instability with compressed air Chaotic water bucket Dripping faucet Chaotic (inductor-diode) circuit Neon bulb flasher Monday, November 7 Universal Gravitation Cavendish model Solar system model Rubber ball Wednesday, November 9 Fluid Mechanics Hydrolic press Manometer Archimedes principle Bernoulli demo (pipe with flowing water) Magdeburg hemispheres Weight of air Airfoils Venturi tube Atomizer Curve Ball Frisbee Toilet paper roll and air jet Friday, November 11 Surface Tension (Barschall) See Barschall for demo list Monday, November 14 Wave Motion Multiple coupled pendula Rope anchored in wall Wave speed on a rope (index cards) Compressional wave demo (horizontal slinky) Torsional waves (horizontal and vertical) Wednesday, November 16 Sound Waves Classical and Modern Physics posters Sound-level meter Speed of sound Doppler demo Doppler cassette recording of train whistle Bell in vacuum Breathing He and SF6 Tuning fork Flame pipe Friday, November 18 Fractals String, stick, leaf, paper Overhead projector 35-mm slide projector IBM computer and large monitor Monday, November 21 Superposition and Standing Waves Interference of sound Driven wave on string with strobe lamp Open and closed organ pipes Beats with organ pipes and tuning forks Oscilloscope and microphone Sine and square waves, noise source (with speaker) Musical instruments Dog whistle Wednesday, November 23 Temperature and Ideal Gases Classical and Modern Physics posters Examples of thermometers Thermal expansion demos PVT surface of ideal gas Piston Monday, November 28 Catchup Lecture Demos to be determined Wednesday, November 30 Exam Review No demos Friday, December 2 Exam #3 No demos Monday, December 5 Heat and 1st Law of Thermodynamics Overhead projector Mechanical equivalence of heat Freezing by evaporation Thermal conductivity Heat convection (candle) Heat radiation (parabolic mirrors) Wednesday, December 7 Kinetic Theory Kinetic theory simulator (ball bearings) Kinetic theory demonstrator (Mercury tube) Variation of sound speed with temperature (?) Balloon Automobile engine model Friday, December 9 The Wonders of Physics (Fun Lecture) "The Wonders of Physics" poster on easel Liquid nitrogen - tygon, banana, nail, clear balloon and dish Leidenfrost effect (hotplate and eye dropper of water) Liquid nitrogen cannon Collapsing pop can in water tray Collapsing paint can Candle trough with dry ice Exploding soap bubbles (natural gas and bubble pipe) Exploding balloons (He and H2 with ignition stick) Needle through balloon (with scotch tape) Ziploc bag of water and pencil Neutral buoyancy balloon (He balloon with long heavy string) Hero's engine Model geyser Non-burning dollar bill (or handkerchief) Ethanol vapor explosion with hand-held Tesla coil Evacuated bell jar with balloon and marshmallows and/or shaving creme Liquid nitrogen cloud Tornado bottle Monday, December 12 Second Law of Thermodynamics Teaching evaluations Carnot cycle model Sterling engine Wednesday, December 14 Exam Review No demos