New Pioneer Dancers

Like pleasant family activity? gentle exercise? interesting people? unusual places?

Able to walk & smile? play old time music? run electronic equipment? coordinate group endeavor?

You'll enjoy New Pioneer Dancers!  Share the Fun!  Come and dance!

New Pioneer Dancers' is a social, recreation and performing group whose mission is to present the circles, squares and reels danced by the Pioneers who settled America's Upper Midwest.

New Pioneer Dancers is a program of the Uplands Community Arts Alliance, a nonprofit service organization.

Admission is open to youth and adults.  No previous dance experience is required.  All dances are easy to do.

For details, or practice & performance schedule, call/fax: (608) 437-3388.

Uplands Community Arts Alliance, Inc.
A Not-for-Profit Community Service Organization
P.O. Box 219, Blue Mounds, WI 53517-0219
Reid Miller, Director