Thanks for your note. How did you find my web page?
You were perceptive! It's great you discovered the ESP trick.
Try it on friends and watch their faces.
What do you like best/worst at my site? Do you have any
suggestions on how to make my web site better?
I don't know how many people realize it's a trick, but all the
responses are real. I performed this experiment as research for a
chapter in my recent book
Dreaming the Future.
The book goes into more detail about this "ESP test" and discusses
human beliefs in general. In the book, I also discuss an even more
interesting study called "The Antinous Prophecies." As I say in my
"My goal in conducting this little demonstration was to emphasize how easily we can be fooled and how great our will is to believe in the spiritual, the paranormal, and phenomena beyond science. I hope this simple test reinforces the need for skeptical thinking when evaluating claims of the paranormal."My guess is that most people see it's a trick after a few tries, but some don't. I don't have statistics that tell me the ratio of the two classes of people. (After all, only a small set in both classes e-mail me.)