Dancing Ribbons

(Four-couple strathspey)


Reel for four on the sides, 1st couple and 3rd couple face down, 2nd couple and 4th couple face up; men begin by passing right shoulder, women by passing left shoulder.

Interleaved, interlocking figures of eight for eight

1st couple cross down into third place, cast back into first place, cross down into third place, cast back up into first place proper; 2nd couple cross down into fourth place, cast back into second place, cross down into fourth place, cast back up into second place proper; 3rd couple cast up into first place, cross down into third place, cast up into first place, cross down into third place proper; 4th couple cast up into second place, cross down into fourth place, cast up into second place, cross down into fourth place proper. Precedence in crossing: 2nd woman, 2nd man, 1st woman,1st man, and 4th woman, 4th man, 3rd woman, 3rd man.(Diagram ).

All Set

All circle left halfway (order now 4th couple, 3rd couple, 2nd couple, 1st couple).

All turn partner right hand half way into

Allemande for 4th couple, 3rd couple, 2nd couple (order now 2nd couple, 3rd couple, 4th couple, 1st couple).

Repeat, with new top couple.

Devised by  Michael Mudrey and Dyan Steenport, August, 2000, and inspired by the twisting, winding roads in the Keweenaw Peninsula, Upper Michigan.
Madison Scottish Country Dancers