The Bricks of Madison

(Two-couple jig)

1st woman and 2nd man turn halfway by the left hand.
1st woman dance up and around second woman's place and 2nd man dance down around first man's place, while 1st man and 2nd woman advance for one and retire for one.
1st woman and 2nd man turn once around by the right hand, finishing in original place.
1st man and 2nd woman turn halfway by right hand.
1st man dance up around second man's place and 2nd woman dance down around first woman's place while 1st woman and 2nd man advance for one and retire for one.
1st man and 2nd woman turn by left hand one-and-a-fraction to finish facing their partner in a diagonal line,ready for

Reel of four, finishing in a diagonal line.
1st man turn 1st woman by right hand finishing in second woman's place; while 2nd woman turn 2nd man by right hand to finish in first man's place.
All chase clockwise one place.
Four hands around to left.

Repeat, having passed a  couple

Devised by Doug Schneider in 1992 and dedicated to Michael and Norma Briggs of Madison, Wisconsin, who once received a postcard addressed to "Mr. & Mrs. Bricks."

Originally published in Wee Hoose on the Prairie by Todd McCall and Doug Schneider, 1994 ©.
Madison Scottish Country Dancers